/* *------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (c) 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include <vat/vat.h> #include <vlibapi/api.h> #include <vlibmemory/api.h> #include <vppinfra/error.h> #include <vpp/api/types.h> #include <vnet/ip/ip_types_api.h> #define __plugin_msg_base interface_test_main.msg_id_base #include <vlibapi/vat_helper_macros.h> /* Declare message IDs */ #include <vnet/format_fns.h> #include <vnet/interface.api_enum.h> #include <vnet/interface.api_types.h> #include <vlibmemory/vlib.api_types.h> #include <vlibmemory/memclnt.api_enum.h> #define vl_endianfun /* define message structures */ #include <vnet/interface.api.h> #undef vl_endianfun typedef struct { /* API message ID base */ u16 msg_id_base; vat_main_t *vat_main; } interface_test_main_t; static interface_test_main_t interface_test_main; static int api_sw_interface_set_flags (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_sw_interface_set_flags_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index; u8 sw_if_index_set = 0; u8 admin_up = 0; int ret; /* Parse args required to build the message */ while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "admin-up")) admin_up = 1; else if (unformat (i, "admin-down")) admin_up = 0; else if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else break; } if (sw_if_index_set == 0) { errmsg ("missing interface name or sw_if_index"); return -99; } /* Construct the API message */ M (SW_INTERFACE_SET_FLAGS, mp); mp->sw_if_index = ntohl (sw_if_index); mp->flags = ntohl ((admin_up) ? IF_STATUS_API_FLAG_ADMIN_UP : 0); /* send it... */ S (mp); /* Wait for a reply, return the good/bad news... */ W (ret); return ret; } static int api_hw_interface_set_mtu (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_hw_interface_set_mtu_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index = ~0; u32 mtu = 0; int ret; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "mtu %d", &mtu)) ; if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) ; else if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) ; else break; } if (sw_if_index == ~0) { errmsg ("missing interface name or sw_if_index"); return -99; } if (mtu == 0) { errmsg ("no mtu specified"); return -99; } /* Construct the API message */ M (HW_INTERFACE_SET_MTU, mp); mp->sw_if_index = ntohl (sw_if_index); mp->mtu = ntohs ((u16) mtu); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_sw_interface_tag_add_del (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_sw_interface_tag_add_del_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index = ~0; u8 *tag = 0; u8 enable = 1; int ret; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "tag %s", &tag)) ; if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) ; else if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) ; else if (unformat (i, "del")) enable = 0; else break; } if (sw_if_index == ~0) { errmsg ("missing interface name or sw_if_index"); return -99; } if (enable && (tag == 0)) { errmsg ("no tag specified"); return -99; } /* Construct the API message */ M (SW_INTERFACE_TAG_ADD_DEL, mp); mp->sw_if_index = ntohl (sw_if_index); mp->is_add = enable; if (enable) strncpy ((char *) mp->tag, (char *) tag, ARRAY_LEN (mp->tag) - 1); vec_free (tag); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_sw_interface_add_del_mac_address (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_mac_address_t mac = { 0 }; vl_api_sw_interface_add_del_mac_address_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index = ~0; u8 is_add = 1; u8 mac_set = 0; int ret; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) ; else if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) ; else if (unformat (i, "%U", unformat_vl_api_mac_address, &mac)) mac_set++; else if (unformat (i, "del")) is_add = 0; else break; } if (sw_if_index == ~0) { errmsg ("missing interface name or sw_if_index"); return -99; } if (!mac_set) { errmsg ("missing MAC address"); return -99; } /* Construct the API message */ M (SW_INTERFACE_ADD_DEL_MAC_ADDRESS, mp); mp->sw_if_index = ntohl (sw_if_index); mp->is_add = is_add; clib_memcpy (&mp->addr, &mac, sizeof (mac)); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static void vl_api_sw_interface_details_t_handler (vl_api_sw_interface_details_t *mp) { vat_main_t *vam = &vat_main; u8 *s = format (0, "%s%c", mp->interface_name, 0); hash_set_mem (vam->sw_if_index_by_interface_name, s, ntohl (mp->sw_if_index)); /* In sub interface case, fill the sub interface table entry */ if (mp->sw_if_index != mp->sup_sw_if_index) { sw_interface_subif_t *sub = NULL; vec_add2 (vam->sw_if_subif_table, sub, 1); vec_validate (sub->interface_name, strlen ((char *) s) + 1); strncpy ((char *) sub->interface_name, (char *) s, vec_len (sub->interface_name)); sub->sw_if_index = ntohl (mp->sw_if_index); sub->sub_id = ntohl (mp->sub_id); sub->raw_flags = ntohl (mp->sub_if_flags & SUB_IF_API_FLAG_MASK_VNET); sub->sub_number_of_tags = mp->sub_number_of_tags; sub->sub_outer_vlan_id = ntohs (mp->sub_outer_vlan_id); sub->sub_inner_vlan_id = ntohs (mp->sub_inner_vlan_id); /* vlan tag rewrite */ sub->vtr_op = ntohl (mp->vtr_op); sub->vtr_push_dot1q = ntohl (mp->vtr_push_dot1q); sub->vtr_tag1 = ntohl (mp->vtr_tag1); sub->vtr_tag2 = ntohl (mp->vtr_tag2); } } static int api_sw_interface_get_mac_address (vat_main_t *vat) { return -1; } static void vl_api_sw_interface_get_mac_address_reply_t_handler ( vl_api_sw_interface_get_mac_address_reply_t *mp) { } static int api_sw_interface_add_del_address (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_sw_interface_add_del_address_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index; u8 sw_if_index_set = 0; u8 is_add = 1, del_all = 0; u32 address_length = 0; u8 v4_address_set = 0; u8 v6_address_set = 0; ip4_address_t v4address; ip6_address_t v6address; int ret; /* Parse args required to build the message */ while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "del-all")) del_all = 1; else if (unformat (i, "del")) is_add = 0; else if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "%U/%d", unformat_ip4_address, &v4address, &address_length)) v4_address_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "%U/%d", unformat_ip6_address, &v6address, &address_length)) v6_address_set = 1; else break; } if (sw_if_index_set == 0) { errmsg ("missing interface name or sw_if_index"); return -99; } if (v4_address_set && v6_address_set) { errmsg ("both v4 and v6 addresses set"); return -99; } if (!v4_address_set && !v6_address_set && !del_all) { errmsg ("no addresses set"); return -99; } /* Construct the API message */ M (SW_INTERFACE_ADD_DEL_ADDRESS, mp); mp->sw_if_index = ntohl (sw_if_index); mp->is_add = is_add; mp->del_all = del_all; if (v6_address_set) { mp->prefix.address.af = ADDRESS_IP6; clib_memcpy (mp->prefix.address.un.ip6, &v6address, sizeof (v6address)); } else { mp->prefix.address.af = ADDRESS_IP4; clib_memcpy (mp->prefix.address.un.ip4, &v4address, sizeof (v4address)); } mp->prefix.len = address_length; /* send it... */ S (mp); /* Wait for a reply, return good/bad news */ W (ret); return ret; } static int api_sw_interface_get_table (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_sw_interface_get_table_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index; u8 sw_if_index_set = 0; u8 is_ipv6 = 0; int ret; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "ipv6")) is_ipv6 = 1; else break; } if (sw_if_index_set == 0) { errmsg ("missing interface name or sw_if_index"); return -99; } M (SW_INTERFACE_GET_TABLE, mp); mp->sw_if_index = htonl (sw_if_index); mp->is_ipv6 = is_ipv6; S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_sw_interface_set_rx_mode (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_sw_interface_set_rx_mode_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index; u8 sw_if_index_set = 0; int ret; u8 queue_id_valid = 0; u32 queue_id; vnet_hw_if_rx_mode mode = VNET_HW_IF_RX_MODE_UNKNOWN; /* Parse args required to build the message */ while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "queue %d", &queue_id)) queue_id_valid = 1; else if (unformat (i, "polling")) mode = VNET_HW_IF_RX_MODE_POLLING; else if (unformat (i, "interrupt")) mode = VNET_HW_IF_RX_MODE_INTERRUPT; else if (unformat (i, "adaptive")) mode = VNET_HW_IF_RX_MODE_ADAPTIVE; else if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else break; } if (sw_if_index_set == 0) { errmsg ("missing interface name or sw_if_index"); return -99; } if (mode == VNET_HW_IF_RX_MODE_UNKNOWN) { errmsg ("missing rx-mode"); return -99; } /* Construct the API message */ M (SW_INTERFACE_SET_RX_MODE, mp); mp->sw_if_index = ntohl (sw_if_index); mp->mode = (vl_api_rx_mode_t) mode; mp->queue_id_valid = queue_id_valid; mp->queue_id = queue_id_valid ? ntohl (queue_id) : ~0; /* send it... */ S (mp); /* Wait for a reply, return the good/bad news... */ W (ret); return ret; } static int api_sw_interface_set_unnumbered (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_sw_interface_set_unnumbered_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index; u32 unnum_sw_index = ~0; u8 is_add = 1; u8 sw_if_index_set = 0; int ret; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "unnum_if_index %d", &unnum_sw_index)) ; else if (unformat (i, "del")) is_add = 0; else { clib_warning ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } if (sw_if_index_set == 0) { errmsg ("missing interface name or sw_if_index"); return -99; } M (SW_INTERFACE_SET_UNNUMBERED, mp); mp->sw_if_index = ntohl (sw_if_index); mp->unnumbered_sw_if_index = ntohl (unnum_sw_index); mp->is_add = is_add; S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static void vl_api_sw_interface_get_table_reply_t_handler ( vl_api_sw_interface_get_table_reply_t *mp) { vat_main_t *vam = interface_test_main.vat_main; fformat (vam->ofp, "%d", ntohl (mp->vrf_id)); vam->retval = ntohl (mp->retval); vam->result_ready = 1; } static int api_sw_interface_address_replace_begin (vat_main_t *vam) { return -1; } static int api_sw_interface_set_mac_address (vat_main_t *vam) { return -1; } static int api_sw_interface_set_rx_placement (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_sw_interface_set_rx_placement_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index; u8 sw_if_index_set = 0; int ret; u8 is_main = 0; u32 queue_id, thread_index; /* Parse args required to build the message */ while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "queue %d", &queue_id)) ; else if (unformat (i, "main")) is_main = 1; else if (unformat (i, "worker %d", &thread_index)) ; else if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else break; } if (sw_if_index_set == 0) { errmsg ("missing interface name or sw_if_index"); return -99; } if (is_main) thread_index = 0; /* Construct the API message */ M (SW_INTERFACE_SET_RX_PLACEMENT, mp); mp->sw_if_index = ntohl (sw_if_index); mp->worker_id = ntohl (thread_index); mp->queue_id = ntohl (queue_id); mp->is_main = is_main; /* send it... */ S (mp); /* Wait for a reply, return the good/bad news... */ W (ret); return ret; } static int api_sw_interface_set_tx_placement (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_sw_interface_set_tx_placement_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index; u8 sw_if_index_set = 0; int ret; uword *bitmap = 0; u32 queue_id, n_bits = 0; u32 v; /* Parse args required to build the message */ while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "queue %d", &queue_id)) ; else if (unformat (i, "threads %U", unformat_bitmap_list, &bitmap)) ; else if (unformat (i, "mask %U", unformat_bitmap_mask, &bitmap)) ; else if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else break; } if (sw_if_index_set == 0) { errmsg ("missing interface name or sw_if_index"); return -99; } n_bits = clib_bitmap_count_set_bits (bitmap); /* Construct the API message */ M2 (SW_INTERFACE_SET_TX_PLACEMENT, mp, sizeof (u32) * n_bits); mp->sw_if_index = htonl (sw_if_index); mp->queue_id = htonl (queue_id); mp->array_size = htonl (n_bits); v = clib_bitmap_first_set (bitmap); for (u32 j = 0; j < n_bits; j++) { mp->threads[j] = htonl (v); v = clib_bitmap_next_set (bitmap, v + 1); } /* send it... */ S (mp); /* Wait for a reply, return the good/bad news... */ W (ret); clib_bitmap_free (bitmap); return ret; } static int api_interface_name_renumber (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *line_input = vam->input; vl_api_interface_name_renumber_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index = ~0; u32 new_show_dev_instance = ~0; int ret; while (unformat_check_input (line_input) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (line_input, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) ; else if (unformat (line_input, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) ; else if (unformat (line_input, "new_show_dev_instance %d", &new_show_dev_instance)) ; else break; } if (sw_if_index == ~0) { errmsg ("missing interface name or sw_if_index"); return -99; } if (new_show_dev_instance == ~0) { errmsg ("missing new_show_dev_instance"); return -99; } M (INTERFACE_NAME_RENUMBER, mp); mp->sw_if_index = ntohl (sw_if_index); mp->new_show_dev_instance = ntohl (new_show_dev_instance); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_delete_subif (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_delete_subif_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index = ~0; int ret; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) ; if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) ; else break; } if (sw_if_index == ~0) { errmsg ("missing sw_if_index"); return -99; } /* Construct the API message */ M (DELETE_SUBIF, mp); mp->sw_if_index = ntohl (sw_if_index); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_delete_loopback (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_delete_loopback_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index = ~0; int ret; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) ; else break; } if (sw_if_index == ~0) { errmsg ("missing sw_if_index"); return -99; } /* Construct the API message */ M (DELETE_LOOPBACK, mp); mp->sw_if_index = ntohl (sw_if_index); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_create_loopback_instance (vat_main_t *vat) { return -1; } static int api_create_loopback (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_create_loopback_t *mp; vl_api_create_loopback_instance_t *mp_lbi; u8 mac_address[6]; u8 mac_set = 0; u8 is_specified = 0; u32 user_instance = 0; int ret; clib_memset (mac_address, 0, sizeof (mac_address)); while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "mac %U", unformat_ethernet_address, mac_address)) mac_set = 1; if (unformat (i, "instance %d", &user_instance)) is_specified = 1; else break; } if (is_specified) { M (CREATE_LOOPBACK_INSTANCE, mp_lbi); mp_lbi->is_specified = is_specified; if (is_specified) mp_lbi->user_instance = htonl (user_instance); if (mac_set) clib_memcpy (mp_lbi->mac_address, mac_address, sizeof (mac_address)); S (mp_lbi); } else { /* Construct the API message */ M (CREATE_LOOPBACK, mp); if (mac_set) clib_memcpy (mp->mac_address, mac_address, sizeof (mac_address)); S (mp); } W (ret); return ret; } static void vl_api_create_subif_reply_t_handler (vl_api_create_subif_reply_t *mp) { vat_main_t *vam = interface_test_main.vat_main; vam->result_ready = 1; } #define foreach_create_subif_bit \ _ (no_tags) \ _ (one_tag) \ _ (two_tags) \ _ (dot1ad) \ _ (exact_match) \ _ (default_sub) \ _ (outer_vlan_id_any) \ _ (inner_vlan_id_any) #define foreach_create_subif_flag \ _ (0, "no_tags") \ _ (1, "one_tag") \ _ (2, "two_tags") \ _ (3, "dot1ad") \ _ (4, "exact_match") \ _ (5, "default_sub") \ _ (6, "outer_vlan_id_any") \ _ (7, "inner_vlan_id_any") static int api_create_subif (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_create_subif_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index; u8 sw_if_index_set = 0; u32 sub_id; u8 sub_id_set = 0; u32 __attribute__ ((unused)) no_tags = 0; u32 __attribute__ ((unused)) one_tag = 0; u32 __attribute__ ((unused)) two_tags = 0; u32 __attribute__ ((unused)) dot1ad = 0; u32 __attribute__ ((unused)) exact_match = 0; u32 __attribute__ ((unused)) default_sub = 0; u32 __attribute__ ((unused)) outer_vlan_id_any = 0; u32 __attribute__ ((unused)) inner_vlan_id_any = 0; u32 tmp; u16 outer_vlan_id = 0; u16 inner_vlan_id = 0; int ret; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "sub_id %d", &sub_id)) sub_id_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "outer_vlan_id %d", &tmp)) outer_vlan_id = tmp; else if (unformat (i, "inner_vlan_id %d", &tmp)) inner_vlan_id = tmp; #define _(a) else if (unformat (i, #a)) a = 1; foreach_create_subif_bit #undef _ else { clib_warning ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } if (sw_if_index_set == 0) { errmsg ("missing interface name or sw_if_index"); return -99; } if (sub_id_set == 0) { errmsg ("missing sub_id"); return -99; } M (CREATE_SUBIF, mp); mp->sw_if_index = ntohl (sw_if_index); mp->sub_id = ntohl (sub_id); #define _(a, b) mp->sub_if_flags |= (1 << a); foreach_create_subif_flag; #undef _ mp->outer_vlan_id = ntohs (outer_vlan_id); mp->inner_vlan_id = ntohs (inner_vlan_id); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static void vl_api_sw_interface_rx_placement_details_t_handler ( vl_api_sw_interface_rx_placement_details_t *mp) { vat_main_t *vam = interface_test_main.vat_main; u32 worker_id = ntohl (mp->worker_id); print (vam->ofp, "\n%-11d %-11s %-6d %-5d %-9s", ntohl (mp->sw_if_index), (worker_id == 0) ? "main" : "worker", worker_id, ntohl (mp->queue_id), (mp->mode == 1) ? "polling" : ((mp->mode == 2) ? "interrupt" : "adaptive")); } static __clib_unused void vl_api_sw_interface_tx_placement_details_t_handler ( vl_api_sw_interface_tx_placement_details_t *mp) { vat_main_t *vam = interface_test_main.vat_main; u32 size = ntohl (mp->array_size); uword *bitmap = 0; for (u32 i = 0; i < size; i++) { u32 thread_index = ntohl (mp->threads[i]); bitmap = clib_bitmap_set (bitmap, thread_index, 1); } print (vam->ofp, "\n%-11d %-6d %-7s %U", ntohl (mp->sw_if_index), ntohl (mp->queue_id), (mp->shared == 1) ? "yes" : "no", format_bitmap_list, bitmap); } static void vl_api_create_vlan_subif_reply_t_handler (vl_api_create_vlan_subif_reply_t *mp) { vat_main_t *vam = interface_test_main.vat_main; vam->result_ready = 1; } static void vl_api_create_loopback_reply_t_handler (vl_api_create_loopback_reply_t *mp) { vat_main_t *vam = interface_test_main.vat_main; vam->result_ready = 1; } static void vl_api_create_loopback_instance_reply_t_handler ( vl_api_create_loopback_instance_reply_t *mp) { vat_main_t *vam = interface_test_main.vat_main; vam->result_ready = 1; } static int api_create_vlan_subif (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_create_vlan_subif_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index; u8 sw_if_index_set = 0; u32 vlan_id; u8 vlan_id_set = 0; int ret; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "vlan %d", &vlan_id)) vlan_id_set = 1; else { clib_warning ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } if (sw_if_index_set == 0) { errmsg ("missing interface name or sw_if_index"); return -99; } if (vlan_id_set == 0) { errmsg ("missing vlan_id"); return -99; } M (CREATE_VLAN_SUBIF, mp); mp->sw_if_index = ntohl (sw_if_index); mp->vlan_id = ntohl (vlan_id); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_collect_detailed_interface_stats (vat_main_t *vam) { return -1; } static int api_sw_interface_rx_placement_dump (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_sw_interface_rx_placement_dump_t *mp; vl_api_control_ping_t *mp_ping; int ret; u32 sw_if_index; u8 sw_if_index_set = 0; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set++; else if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set++; else break; } fformat (vam->ofp, "\n%-11s %-11s %-6s %-5s %-4s", "sw_if_index", "main/worker", "thread", "queue", "mode"); /* Dump Interface rx placement */ M (SW_INTERFACE_RX_PLACEMENT_DUMP, mp); if (sw_if_index_set) mp->sw_if_index = htonl (sw_if_index); else mp->sw_if_index = ~0; S (mp); /* Use a control ping for synchronization */ PING (&interface_test_main, mp_ping); S (mp_ping); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_sw_interface_tx_placement_get (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_sw_interface_tx_placement_get_t *mp; vl_api_control_ping_t *mp_ping; int ret; u32 sw_if_index; u8 sw_if_index_set = 0; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set++; else if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set++; else break; } fformat (vam->ofp, "\n%-11s %-6s %-7s %-11s", "sw_if_index", "queue", "shared", "threads"); /* Dump Interface tx placement */ M (SW_INTERFACE_TX_PLACEMENT_GET, mp); if (sw_if_index_set) mp->sw_if_index = htonl (sw_if_index); else mp->sw_if_index = ~0; S (mp); /* Use a control ping for synchronization */ PING (&interface_test_main, mp_ping); S (mp_ping); W (ret); return ret; } static void vl_api_sw_interface_tx_placement_get_reply_t_handler () { } static int api_sw_interface_clear_stats (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_sw_interface_clear_stats_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index; u8 sw_if_index_set = 0; int ret; /* Parse args required to build the message */ while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else break; } /* Construct the API message */ M (SW_INTERFACE_CLEAR_STATS, mp); if (sw_if_index_set == 1) mp->sw_if_index = ntohl (sw_if_index); else mp->sw_if_index = ~0; /* send it... */ S (mp); /* Wait for a reply, return the good/bad news... */ W (ret); return ret; } static int api_sw_interface_set_table (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_sw_interface_set_table_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index, vrf_id = 0; u8 sw_if_index_set = 0; u8 is_ipv6 = 0; int ret; /* Parse args required to build the message */ while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%U", api_unformat_sw_if_index, vam, &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else if (unformat (i, "vrf %d", &vrf_id)) ; else if (unformat (i, "ipv6")) is_ipv6 = 1; else break; } if (sw_if_index_set == 0) { errmsg ("missing interface name or sw_if_index"); return -99; } /* Construct the API message */ M (SW_INTERFACE_SET_TABLE, mp); mp->sw_if_index = ntohl (sw_if_index); mp->is_ipv6 = is_ipv6; mp->vrf_id = ntohl (vrf_id); /* send it... */ S (mp); /* Wait for a reply... */ W (ret); return ret; } static int api_sw_interface_address_replace_end (vat_main_t *vam) { return -1; } static int api_sw_interface_set_ip_directed_broadcast (vat_main_t *vam) { return -1; } static int api_sw_interface_set_mtu (vat_main_t *vam) { return -1; } static int api_sw_interface_set_promisc (vat_main_t *vam) { return -1; } static int api_want_interface_events (vat_main_t *vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_want_interface_events_t *mp; int enable = -1; int ret; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "enable")) enable = 1; else if (unformat (i, "disable")) enable = 0; else break; } if (enable == -1) { errmsg ("missing enable|disable"); return -99; } M (WANT_INTERFACE_EVENTS, mp); mp->enable_disable = enable; vam->interface_event_display = enable; S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } typedef struct { u8 *name; u32 value; } name_sort_t; int api_sw_interface_dump (vat_main_t *vam) { vl_api_sw_interface_dump_t *mp; vl_api_control_ping_t *mp_ping; hash_pair_t *p; name_sort_t *nses = 0, *ns; sw_interface_subif_t *sub = NULL; int ret; /* Toss the old name table */ hash_foreach_pair (p, vam->sw_if_index_by_interface_name, ({ vec_add2 (nses, ns, 1); ns->name = (u8 *) (p->key); ns->value = (u32) p->value[0]; })); hash_free (vam->sw_if_index_by_interface_name); vec_foreach (ns, nses) vec_free (ns->name); vec_free (nses); vec_foreach (sub, vam->sw_if_subif_table) { vec_free (sub->interface_name); } vec_free (vam->sw_if_subif_table); /* recreate the interface name hash table */ vam->sw_if_index_by_interface_name = hash_create_string (0, sizeof (uword)); /* * Ask for all interface names. Otherwise, the epic catalog of * name filters becomes ridiculously long, and vat ends up needing * to be taught about new interface types. */ M (SW_INTERFACE_DUMP, mp); S (mp); /* Use a control ping for synchronization */ PING (&interface_test_main, mp_ping); S (mp_ping); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_sw_interface_set_interface_name (vat_main_t *vam) { return -1; } static int api_pcap_set_filter_function (vat_main_t *vam) { vl_api_pcap_set_filter_function_t *mp; int ret; M (PCAP_SET_FILTER_FUNCTION, mp); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_pcap_trace_on (vat_main_t *vam) { return -1; } static int api_pcap_trace_off (vat_main_t *vam) { return -1; } #include <vnet/interface.api_test.c> /* * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */