/* * ipip.c: ipip * * Copyright (c) 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or aipiped to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <stddef.h> #include <vnet/adj/adj_midchain.h> #include <vnet/ipip/ipip.h> #include <vnet/vnet.h> #include <vnet/adj/adj_nbr.h> #include <vnet/fib/ip4_fib.h> #include <vnet/fib/ip6_fib.h> #include <vnet/ip/format.h> #include <vnet/ipip/ipip.h> ipip_main_t ipip_main; /* Packet trace structure */ typedef struct { u32 tunnel_id; u32 length; ip46_address_t src; ip46_address_t dst; } ipip_tx_trace_t; u8 * format_ipip_tx_trace (u8 * s, va_list * args) { CLIB_UNUSED (vlib_main_t * vm) = va_arg (*args, vlib_main_t *); CLIB_UNUSED (vlib_node_t * node) = va_arg (*args, vlib_node_t *); ipip_tx_trace_t *t = va_arg (*args, ipip_tx_trace_t *); s = format (s, "IPIP: tunnel %d len %d src %U dst %U", t->tunnel_id, t->length, format_ip46_address, &t->src, IP46_TYPE_ANY, format_ip46_address, &t->dst, IP46_TYPE_ANY); return s; } static u8 * ipip_build_rewrite (vnet_main_t * vnm, u32 sw_if_index, vnet_link_t link_type, const void *dst_address) { ip4_header_t *ip4; ip6_header_t *ip6; u8 *rewrite = NULL; ipip_tunnel_t *t = ipip_tunnel_db_find_by_sw_if_index (sw_if_index); if (!t) /* not one of ours */ return (0); switch (t->transport) { case IPIP_TRANSPORT_IP4: vec_validate (rewrite, sizeof (*ip4) - 1); ip4 = (ip4_header_t *) rewrite; ip4->ip_version_and_header_length = 0x45; ip4->ttl = 64; /* fixup ip4 header length, protocol and checksum after-the-fact */ ip4->src_address.as_u32 = t->tunnel_src.ip4.as_u32; ip4->dst_address.as_u32 = t->tunnel_dst.ip4.as_u32; ip4->checksum = ip4_header_checksum (ip4); if (t->tc_tos != 0xFF) ip4->tos = t->tc_tos; break; case IPIP_TRANSPORT_IP6: vec_validate (rewrite, sizeof (*ip6) - 1); ip6 = (ip6_header_t *) rewrite; ip6->ip_version_traffic_class_and_flow_label = clib_host_to_net_u32 (6 << 28); if (t->tc_tos != 0xFF) ip6_set_traffic_class_network_order (ip6, t->tc_tos); ip6->hop_limit = 64; /* fixup ip6 header length and protocol after-the-fact */ ip6->src_address.as_u64[0] = t->tunnel_src.ip6.as_u64[0]; ip6->src_address.as_u64[1] = t->tunnel_src.ip6.as_u64[1]; ip6->dst_address.as_u64[0] = t->tunnel_dst.ip6.as_u64[0]; ip6->dst_address.as_u64[1] = t->tunnel_dst.ip6.as_u64[1]; break; default: /* pass through */ ; } return (rewrite); } static void ipip4_fixup (vlib_main_t * vm, ip_adjacency_t * adj, vlib_buffer_t * b, const void *data) { ip4_header_t *ip4; const ipip_tunnel_t *t = data; ip4 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b); ip4->length = clib_host_to_net_u16 (vlib_buffer_length_in_chain (vm, b)); switch (adj->ia_link) { case VNET_LINK_IP6: ip4->protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_IPV6; if (t->tc_tos == 0xFF) ip4->tos = ip6_traffic_class_network_order ((const ip6_header_t *) (ip4 + 1)); break; case VNET_LINK_IP4: ip4->protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_IP_IN_IP; if (t->tc_tos == 0xFF) ip4->tos = ((ip4_header_t *) (ip4 + 1))->tos; break; default: break; } ip4->checksum = ip4_header_checksum (ip4); } static void ipip6_fixup (vlib_main_t * vm, ip_adjacency_t * adj, vlib_buffer_t * b, const void *data) { ip6_header_t *ip6; const ipip_tunnel_t *t = data; ip6 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b); ip6->payload_length = clib_host_to_net_u16 (vlib_buffer_length_in_chain (vm, b) - sizeof (*ip6)); switch (adj->ia_link) { case VNET_LINK_IP6: ip6->protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_IPV6; if (t->tc_tos == 0xFF) ip6_set_traffic_class_network_order (ip6, ip6_traffic_class_network_order ((const ip6_header_t *) (ip6 + 1))); break; case VNET_LINK_IP4: ip6->protocol = IP_PROTOCOL_IP_IN_IP; if (t->tc_tos == 0xFF) ip6_set_traffic_class_network_order (ip6, ((ip4_header_t *) (ip6 + 1))->tos); break; default: break; } } static void ipip_tunnel_stack (adj_index_t ai) { ip_adjacency_t *adj; ipip_tunnel_t *t; u32 sw_if_index; adj = adj_get (ai); sw_if_index = adj->rewrite_header.sw_if_index; t = ipip_tunnel_db_find_by_sw_if_index (sw_if_index); if (!t) return; if ((vnet_hw_interface_get_flags (vnet_get_main (), t->hw_if_index) & VNET_HW_INTERFACE_FLAG_LINK_UP) == 0) { adj_nbr_midchain_unstack (ai); return; } dpo_id_t tmp = DPO_INVALID; fib_forward_chain_type_t fib_fwd = t->transport == IPIP_TRANSPORT_IP6 ? FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_UNICAST_IP6 : FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_UNICAST_IP4; fib_entry_contribute_forwarding (t->p2p.fib_entry_index, fib_fwd, &tmp); if (DPO_LOAD_BALANCE == tmp.dpoi_type) { /* * post IPIP rewrite we will load-balance. However, the IPIP encap * is always the same for this adjacency/tunnel and hence the IP/IPIP * src,dst hash is always the same result too. So we do that hash now and * stack on the choice. * If the choice is an incomplete adj then we will need a poke when * it becomes complete. This happens since the adj update walk propagates * as far a recursive paths. */ const dpo_id_t *choice; load_balance_t *lb; int hash; lb = load_balance_get (tmp.dpoi_index); if (fib_fwd == FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_UNICAST_IP4) hash = ip4_compute_flow_hash ((ip4_header_t *) adj_get_rewrite (ai), lb->lb_hash_config); else hash = ip6_compute_flow_hash ((ip6_header_t *) adj_get_rewrite (ai), lb->lb_hash_config); choice = load_balance_get_bucket_i (lb, hash & lb->lb_n_buckets_minus_1); dpo_copy (&tmp, choice); } adj_nbr_midchain_stack (ai, &tmp); dpo_reset (&tmp); } static adj_walk_rc_t ipip_adj_walk_cb (adj_index_t ai, void *ctx) { ipip_tunnel_stack (ai); return (ADJ_WALK_RC_CONTINUE); } static void ipip_tunnel_restack (ipip_tunnel_t * gt) { fib_protocol_t proto; /* * walk all the adjacencies on th IPIP interface and restack them */ FOR_EACH_FIB_IP_PROTOCOL (proto) { adj_nbr_walk (gt->sw_if_index, proto, ipip_adj_walk_cb, NULL); } } void ipip_update_adj (vnet_main_t * vnm, u32 sw_if_index, adj_index_t ai) { ipip_tunnel_t *t; adj_midchain_fixup_t f; t = ipip_tunnel_db_find_by_sw_if_index (sw_if_index); if (!t) return; f = t->transport == IPIP_TRANSPORT_IP6 ? ipip6_fixup : ipip4_fixup; adj_nbr_midchain_update_rewrite (ai, f, t, (VNET_LINK_ETHERNET == adj_get_link_type (ai) ? ADJ_FLAG_MIDCHAIN_NO_COUNT : ADJ_FLAG_NONE), ipip_build_rewrite (vnm, sw_if_index, adj_get_link_type (ai), NULL)); ipip_tunnel_stack (ai); } static u8 * format_ipip_tunnel_name (u8 * s, va_list * args) { u32 dev_instance = va_arg (*args, u32); ipip_main_t *gm = &ipip_main; ipip_tunnel_t *t; if (dev_instance >= vec_len (gm->tunnels)) return format (s, "<improperly-referenced>"); t = pool_elt_at_index (gm->tunnels, dev_instance); return format (s, "ipip%d", t->user_instance); } static u8 * format_ipip_device (u8 * s, va_list * args) { u32 dev_instance = va_arg (*args, u32); CLIB_UNUSED (int verbose) = va_arg (*args, int); s = format (s, "IPIP tunnel: id %d\n", dev_instance); return s; } static clib_error_t * ipip_interface_admin_up_down (vnet_main_t * vnm, u32 hw_if_index, u32 flags) { vnet_hw_interface_t *hi; ipip_tunnel_t *t; hi = vnet_get_hw_interface (vnm, hw_if_index); t = ipip_tunnel_db_find_by_sw_if_index (hi->sw_if_index); if (!t) return 0; if (flags & VNET_SW_INTERFACE_FLAG_ADMIN_UP) vnet_hw_interface_set_flags (vnm, hw_if_index, VNET_HW_INTERFACE_FLAG_LINK_UP); else vnet_hw_interface_set_flags (vnm, hw_if_index, 0 /* down */ ); ipip_tunnel_restack (t); return /* no error */ 0; } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ VNET_DEVICE_CLASS(ipip_device_class) = { .name = "IPIP tunnel device", .format_device_name = format_ipip_tunnel_name, .format_device = format_ipip_device, .format_tx_trace = format_ipip_tx_trace, .admin_up_down_function = ipip_interface_admin_up_down, #ifdef SOON .clear counter = 0; #endif }; VNET_HW_INTERFACE_CLASS(ipip_hw_interface_class) = { .name = "IPIP", //.format_header = format_ipip_header_with_length, //.unformat_header = unformat_ipip_header, .build_rewrite = ipip_build_rewrite, .update_adjacency = ipip_update_adj, .flags = VNET_HW_INTERFACE_CLASS_FLAG_P2P, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ ipip_tunnel_t * ipip_tunnel_db_find (ipip_tunnel_key_t * key) { ipip_main_t *gm = &ipip_main; uword *p; p = hash_get_mem (gm->tunnel_by_key, key); if (!p) return (NULL); return (pool_elt_at_index (gm->tunnels, p[0])); } ipip_tunnel_t * ipip_tunnel_db_find_by_sw_if_index (u32 sw_if_index) { ipip_main_t *gm = &ipip_main; if (vec_len (gm->tunnel_index_by_sw_if_index) < sw_if_index) return NULL; u32 ti = gm->tunnel_index_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index]; if (ti == ~0) return NULL; return pool_elt_at_index (gm->tunnels, ti); } void ipip_tunnel_db_add (ipip_tunnel_t * t, ipip_tunnel_key_t * key) { ipip_main_t *gm = &ipip_main; t->key = clib_mem_alloc (sizeof (*t->key)); clib_memcpy (t->key, key, sizeof (*key)); hash_set_mem (gm->tunnel_by_key, t->key, t->dev_instance); } void ipip_tunnel_db_remove (ipip_tunnel_t * t) { ipip_main_t *gm = &ipip_main; hash_unset_mem (gm->tunnel_by_key, t->key); clib_mem_free (t->key); t->key = NULL; } static ipip_tunnel_t * ipip_tunnel_from_fib_node (fib_node_t * node) { ipip_main_t *gm = &ipip_main; ASSERT (gm->fib_node_type == node->fn_type); return ((ipip_tunnel_t *) (((char *) node) - offsetof (ipip_tunnel_t, p2p.node))); } static fib_node_back_walk_rc_t ipip_tunnel_back_walk (fib_node_t * node, fib_node_back_walk_ctx_t * ctx) { ipip_tunnel_restack (ipip_tunnel_from_fib_node (node)); return (FIB_NODE_BACK_WALK_CONTINUE); } static fib_node_t * ipip_tunnel_fib_node_get (fib_node_index_t index) { ipip_tunnel_t *gt; ipip_main_t *gm; gm = &ipip_main; gt = pool_elt_at_index (gm->tunnels, index); return (>->p2p.node); } static void ipip_tunnel_last_lock_gone (fib_node_t * node) { /* * The MPLS IPIP tunnel is a root of the graph. As such * it never has children and thus is never locked. */ ASSERT (0); } /* * Virtual function table registered by IPIP tunnels * for participation in the FIB object graph. */ const static fib_node_vft_t ipip_vft = { .fnv_get = ipip_tunnel_fib_node_get, .fnv_last_lock = ipip_tunnel_last_lock_gone, .fnv_back_walk = ipip_tunnel_back_walk, }; static void ipip_fib_add (ipip_tunnel_t * t) { ipip_main_t *gm = &ipip_main; fib_prefix_t dst = {.fp_len = t->transport == IPIP_TRANSPORT_IP6 ? 128 : 32, .fp_proto = t->transport == IPIP_TRANSPORT_IP6 ? FIB_PROTOCOL_IP6 : FIB_PROTOCOL_IP4, .fp_addr = t->tunnel_dst }; t->p2p.fib_entry_index = fib_table_entry_special_add (t->fib_index, &dst, FIB_SOURCE_RR, FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_NONE); t->p2p.sibling_index = fib_entry_child_add (t->p2p.fib_entry_index, gm->fib_node_type, t->dev_instance); } static void ipip_fib_delete (ipip_tunnel_t * t) { fib_entry_child_remove (t->p2p.fib_entry_index, t->p2p.sibling_index); fib_table_entry_delete_index (t->p2p.fib_entry_index, FIB_SOURCE_RR); fib_node_deinit (&t->p2p.node); } int ipip_add_tunnel (ipip_transport_t transport, u32 instance, ip46_address_t * src, ip46_address_t * dst, u32 fib_index, u8 tc_tos, u32 * sw_if_indexp) { ipip_main_t *gm = &ipip_main; vnet_main_t *vnm = gm->vnet_main; ip4_main_t *im4 = &ip4_main; ip6_main_t *im6 = &ip6_main; ipip_tunnel_t *t; vnet_hw_interface_t *hi; u32 hw_if_index, sw_if_index; ipip_tunnel_key_t key = {.transport = transport, .fib_index = fib_index, .src = *src, .dst = *dst }; t = ipip_tunnel_db_find (&key); if (t) return VNET_API_ERROR_IF_ALREADY_EXISTS; pool_get_aligned (gm->tunnels, t, CLIB_CACHE_LINE_BYTES); memset (t, 0, sizeof (*t)); /* Reconcile the real dev_instance and a possible requested instance */ u32 t_idx = t - gm->tunnels; /* tunnel index (or instance) */ u32 u_idx = instance; /* user specified instance */ if (u_idx == ~0) u_idx = t_idx; if (hash_get (gm->instance_used, u_idx)) { pool_put (gm->tunnels, t); return VNET_API_ERROR_INSTANCE_IN_USE; } hash_set (gm->instance_used, u_idx, 1); t->dev_instance = t_idx; /* actual */ t->user_instance = u_idx; /* name */ fib_node_init (&t->p2p.node, gm->fib_node_type); hw_if_index = vnet_register_interface (vnm, ipip_device_class.index, t_idx, ipip_hw_interface_class.index, t_idx); hi = vnet_get_hw_interface (vnm, hw_if_index); sw_if_index = hi->sw_if_index; t->hw_if_index = hw_if_index; t->fib_index = fib_index; t->sw_if_index = sw_if_index; t->tc_tos = tc_tos; t->transport = transport; vec_validate_init_empty (gm->tunnel_index_by_sw_if_index, sw_if_index, ~0); gm->tunnel_index_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] = t_idx; if (t->transport == IPIP_TRANSPORT_IP4) { vec_validate (im4->fib_index_by_sw_if_index, sw_if_index); hi->min_packet_bytes = 64 + sizeof (ip4_header_t); } else { vec_validate (im6->fib_index_by_sw_if_index, sw_if_index); hi->min_packet_bytes = 64 + sizeof (ip6_header_t); } hi->per_packet_overhead_bytes = /* preamble */ 8 + /* inter frame gap */ 12; /* Standard default ipip MTU. */ hi->max_l3_packet_bytes[VLIB_RX] = hi->max_l3_packet_bytes[VLIB_TX] = 9000; t->tunnel_src = *src; t->tunnel_dst = *dst; ipip_tunnel_db_add (t, &key); /* * Source the FIB entry for the tunnel's destination and become a * child thereof. The tunnel will then get poked when the forwarding * for the entry updates, and the tunnel can re-stack accordingly */ ipip_fib_add (t); if (sw_if_indexp) *sw_if_indexp = sw_if_index; if (t->transport == IPIP_TRANSPORT_IP6 && !gm->ip6_protocol_registered) { ip6_register_protocol (IP_PROTOCOL_IP_IN_IP, ipip6_input_node.index); ip6_register_protocol (IP_PROTOCOL_IPV6, ipip6_input_node.index); gm->ip6_protocol_registered = true; } else if (t->transport == IPIP_TRANSPORT_IP4 && !gm->ip4_protocol_registered) { ip4_register_protocol (IP_PROTOCOL_IP_IN_IP, ipip4_input_node.index); ip4_register_protocol (IP_PROTOCOL_IPV6, ipip4_input_node.index); gm->ip4_protocol_registered = true; } return 0; } int ipip_del_tunnel (u32 sw_if_index) { ipip_main_t *gm = &ipip_main; vnet_main_t *vnm = gm->vnet_main; ipip_tunnel_t *t; t = ipip_tunnel_db_find_by_sw_if_index (sw_if_index); if (t == NULL) return VNET_API_ERROR_NO_SUCH_ENTRY; vnet_sw_interface_set_flags (vnm, sw_if_index, 0 /* down */ ); gm->tunnel_index_by_sw_if_index[sw_if_index] = ~0; vnet_delete_hw_interface (vnm, t->hw_if_index); ipip_fib_delete (t); hash_unset (gm->instance_used, t->user_instance); ipip_tunnel_db_remove (t); pool_put (gm->tunnels, t); return 0; } static clib_error_t * ipip_init (vlib_main_t * vm) { ipip_main_t *gm = &ipip_main; memset (gm, 0, sizeof (gm[0])); gm->vlib_main = vm; gm->vnet_main = vnet_get_main (); gm->tunnel_by_key = hash_create_mem (0, sizeof (ipip_tunnel_key_t), sizeof (uword)); gm->fib_node_type = fib_node_register_new_type (&ipip_vft); return 0; } VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION (ipip_init); /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */