 * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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/** \brief IPsec: Add/delete Security Policy Database
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param is_add - add SPD if non-zero, else delete
    @param spd_id - SPD instance id (control plane allocated)

define ipsec_spd_add_del
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;
  u8 is_add;
  u32 spd_id;

/** \brief Reply for IPsec: Add/delete Security Policy Database entry
    @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param retval - return code

define ipsec_spd_add_del_reply
  u32 context;
  i32 retval;

/** \brief IPsec: Add/delete SPD from interface

    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param is_add - add security mode if non-zero, else delete
    @param sw_if_index - index of the interface
    @param spd_id - SPD instance id to use for lookups

define ipsec_interface_add_del_spd
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;

  u8 is_add;
  u32 sw_if_index;
  u32 spd_id;

/** \brief Reply for IPsec: Add/delete SPD from interface
    @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param retval - return code

define ipsec_interface_add_del_spd_reply
  u32 context;
  i32 retval;

/** \brief IPsec: Add/delete Security Policy Database entry

    See RFC 4301, on how to match packet to selectors

    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param is_add - add SPD if non-zero, else delete
    @param spd_id - SPD instance id (control plane allocated)
    @param priority - priority of SPD entry (non-unique value).  Used to order SPD matching - higher priorities match before lower
    @param is_outbound - entry applies to outbound traffic if non-zero, otherwise applies to inbound traffic
    @param is_ipv6 - remote/local address are IPv6 if non-zero, else IPv4
    @param remote_address_start - start of remote address range to match
    @param remote_address_stop - end of remote address range to match
    @param local_address_start - start of local address range to match
    @param local_address_stop - end of local address range to match
    @param protocol - protocol type to match [0 means any]
    @param remote_port_start - start of remote port range to match ...
    @param remote_port_stop - end of remote port range to match [0 to 65535 means ANY, 65535 to 0 means OPAQUE]
    @param local_port_start - start of local port range to match ...
    @param local_port_stop - end of remote port range to match [0 to 65535 means ANY, 65535 to 0 means OPAQUE]
    @param policy - 0 = bypass (no IPsec processing), 1 = discard (discard packet with ICMP processing), 2 = resolve (send request to control plane for SA resolving, and discard without ICMP processing), 3 = protect (apply IPsec policy using following parameters)
    @param sa_id - SAD instance id (control plane allocated)


define ipsec_spd_add_del_entry
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;
  u8 is_add;

  u32 spd_id;
  i32 priority;
  u8 is_outbound;

  // Selector
  u8 is_ipv6;
  u8 is_ip_any;
  u8 remote_address_start[16];
  u8 remote_address_stop[16];
  u8 local_address_start[16];
  u8 local_address_stop[16];

  u8 protocol;

  u16 remote_port_start;
  u16 remote_port_stop;
  u16 local_port_start;
  u16 local_port_stop;

  // Policy
  u8 policy;
  u32 sa_id;

/** \brief Reply for IPsec: Add/delete Security Policy Database entry
    @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param retval - return code

define ipsec_spd_add_del_entry_reply
  u32 context;
  i32 retval;

/** \brief IPsec: Add/delete Security Association Database entry
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param is_add - add SAD entry if non-zero, else delete

    @param sad_id - sad id

    @param spi - security parameter index

    @param protocol - 0 = AH, 1 = ESP

    @param crypto_algorithm - 0 = Null, 1 = AES-CBC-128, 2 = AES-CBC-192, 3 = AES-CBC-256, 4 = 3DES-CBC
    @param crypto_key_length - length of crypto_key in bytes
    @param crypto_key - crypto keying material

    @param integrity_algorithm - 0 = None, 1 = MD5-96, 2 = SHA1-96, 3 = SHA-256, 4 = SHA-384, 5=SHA-512
    @param integrity_key_length - length of integrity_key in bytes
    @param integrity_key - integrity keying material

    @param use_extended_sequence_number - use ESN when non-zero

    @param is_tunnel - IPsec tunnel mode if non-zero, else transport mode
    @param is_tunnel_ipv6 - IPsec tunnel mode is IPv6 if non-zero, else IPv4 tunnel only valid if is_tunnel is non-zero
    @param tunnel_src_address - IPsec tunnel source address IPv6 if is_tunnel_ipv6 is non-zero, else IPv4. Only valid if is_tunnel is non-zero
    @param tunnel_dst_address - IPsec tunnel destination address IPv6 if is_tunnel_ipv6 is non-zero, else IPv4. Only valid if is_tunnel is non-zero

    To be added:
     IPsec tunnel address copy mode (to support GDOI)

define ipsec_sad_add_del_entry
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;
  u8 is_add;

  u32 sad_id;

  u32 spi;

  u8 protocol;

  u8 crypto_algorithm;
  u8 crypto_key_length;
  u8 crypto_key[128];

  u8 integrity_algorithm;
  u8 integrity_key_length;
  u8 integrity_key[128];

  u8 use_extended_sequence_number;

  u8 is_tunnel;
  u8 is_tunnel_ipv6;
  u8 tunnel_src_address[16];
  u8 tunnel_dst_address[16];

/** \brief Reply for IPsec: Add/delete Security Association Database entry
    @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param retval - return code

define ipsec_sad_add_del_entry_reply
  u32 context;
  i32 retval;

/** \brief IPsec: Update Security Association keys
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request

    @param sa_id - sa id

    @param crypto_key_length - length of crypto_key in bytes
    @param crypto_key - crypto keying material

    @param integrity_key_length - length of integrity_key in bytes
    @param integrity_key - integrity keying material

define ipsec_sa_set_key
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;

  u32 sa_id;

  u8 crypto_key_length;
  u8 crypto_key[128];

  u8 integrity_key_length;
  u8 integrity_key[128];

/** \brief Reply for IPsec: Update Security Association keys
    @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param retval - return code

define ipsec_sa_set_key_reply
  u32 context;
  i32 retval;

/** \brief IKEv2: Add/delete profile
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request

    @param name - IKEv2 profile name
    @param is_add - Add IKEv2 profile if non-zero, else delete
define ikev2_profile_add_del
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;

  u8 name[64];
  u8 is_add;

/** \brief Reply for IKEv2: Add/delete profile
    @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param retval - return code
define ikev2_profile_add_del_reply
  u32 context;
  i32 retval;

/** \brief IKEv2: Set IKEv2 profile authentication method
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request

    @param name - IKEv2 profile name
    @param auth_method - IKEv2 authentication method (shared-key-mic/rsa-sig)
    @param is_hex - Authentication data in hex format if non-zero, else string
    @param data_len - Authentication data length
    @param data - Authentication data (for rsa-sig cert file path)
define ikev2_profile_set_auth
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;

  u8 name[64];
  u8 auth_method;
  u8 is_hex;
  u32 data_len;
  u8 data[0];

/** \brief Reply for IKEv2: Set IKEv2 profile authentication method
    @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param retval - return code
define ikev2_profile_set_auth_reply
  u32 context;
  i32 retval;

/** \brief IKEv2: Set IKEv2 profile local/remote identification
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request

    @param name - IKEv2 profile name
    @param is_local - Identification is local if non-zero, else remote
    @param id_type - Identification type
    @param data_len - Identification data length
    @param data - Identification data
define ikev2_profile_set_id
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;

  u8 name[64];
  u8 is_local;
  u8 id_type;
  u32 data_len;
  u8 data[0];

/** \brief Reply for IKEv2:
    @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param retval - return code
define ikev2_profile_set_id_reply
  u32 context;
  i32 retval;

/** \brief IKEv2: Set IKEv2 profile traffic selector parameters
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request

    @param name - IKEv2 profile name
    @param is_local - Traffic selector is local if non-zero, else remote
    @param proto - Traffic selector IP protocol (if zero not relevant)
    @param start_port - The smallest port number allowed by traffic selector
    @param end_port - The largest port number allowed by traffic selector
    @param start_addr - The smallest address included in traffic selector
    @param end_addr - The largest address included in traffic selector
define ikev2_profile_set_ts
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;

  u8 name[64];
  u8 is_local;
  u8 proto;
  u16 start_port;
  u16 end_port;
  u32 start_addr;
  u32 end_addr;

/** \brief Reply for IKEv2: Set IKEv2 profile traffic selector parameters
    @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param retval - return code
define ikev2_profile_set_ts_reply
  u32 context;
  i32 retval;

/** \brief IKEv2: Set IKEv2 local RSA private key
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request

    @param key_file - Key file absolute path
define ikev2_set_local_key
  u32 client_index;
  u32 context;

  u8 key_file[256];

/** \brief Reply for IKEv2: Set IKEv2 local key
    @param context - returned sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param retval - return code
define ikev2_set_local_key_reply
  u32 context;
  i32 retval;

/** \brief Dump ipsec policy database data
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param spd_id - SPD instance id
    @param sa_id - SA id, optional, set to ~0 to see all policies in SPD
define ipsec_spd_dump {
    u32 client_index;
    u32 context;
    u32 spd_id;
    u32 sa_id;

/** \brief IPsec policy database response
    @param context - sender context which was passed in the request
    @param spd_id - SPD instance id
    @param priority - numeric value to control policy evaluation order
    @param is_outbound - [1|0] to indicate if direction is [out|in]bound
    @param is_ipv6 - [1|0] to indicate if address family is ipv[6|4]
    @param local_start_addr - first address in local traffic selector range
    @param local_stop_addr - last address in local traffic selector range
    @param local_start_port - first port in local traffic selector range
    @param local_stop_port - last port in local traffic selector range
    @param remote_start_addr - first address in remote traffic selector range
    @param remote_stop_addr - last address in remote traffic selector range
    @param remote_start_port - first port in remote traffic selector range
    @param remote_stop_port - last port in remote traffic selector range
    @param protocol - traffic selector protocol
    @param policy - policy action
    @param sa_id - SA id
    @param bytes - byte count of packets matching this policy
    @param packets - count of packets matching this policy

define ipsec_spd_details {
    u32 context;
    u32 spd_id;
    i32 priority;
    u8 is_outbound;
    u8 is_ipv6;
    u8 local_start_addr[16];
    u8 local_stop_addr[16];
    u16 local_start_port;
    u16 local_stop_port;
    u8 remote_start_addr[16];
    u8 remote_stop_addr[16];
    u16 remote_start_port;
    u16 remote_stop_port;
    u8 protocol;
    u8 policy;
    u32 sa_id;
    u64 bytes;
    u64 packets;

 * Local Variables:
 * eval: (c-set-style "gnu")
 * End: