/* * l2_in_out_feat_arc.c : layer 2 input/output acl processing * * Copyright (c) 2013,2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <vlib/vlib.h> #include <vnet/ethernet/ethernet.h> #include <vnet/ip/ip_packet.h> #include <vnet/l2/l2_input.h> #include <vnet/l2/l2_output.h> #include <vnet/l2/l2_in_out_feat_arc.h> #include <vppinfra/error.h> #include <vppinfra/hash.h> #include <vppinfra/cache.h> typedef struct { /* Next nodes for each feature */ u32 feat_next_node_index[IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_N_TABLE_GROUPS][32]; u8 ip4_feat_arc_index[IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_N_TABLE_GROUPS]; u8 ip6_feat_arc_index[IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_N_TABLE_GROUPS]; u8 nonip_feat_arc_index[IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_N_TABLE_GROUPS]; u32 next_slot[IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_N_TABLE_GROUPS]; } l2_in_out_feat_arc_main_t __attribute__ ((aligned (CLIB_CACHE_LINE_BYTES))); typedef struct { u32 sw_if_index; u32 next_index; u32 feature_bitmap; u16 ethertype; u8 arc_head; } l2_in_out_feat_arc_trace_t; /* packet trace format function */ static u8 * format_l2_in_out_feat_arc_trace (u8 * s, u32 is_output, va_list * args) { CLIB_UNUSED (vlib_main_t * vm) = va_arg (*args, vlib_main_t *); CLIB_UNUSED (vlib_node_t * node) = va_arg (*args, vlib_node_t *); l2_in_out_feat_arc_trace_t *t = va_arg (*args, l2_in_out_feat_arc_trace_t *); s = format (s, "%s: head %d feature_bitmap %x ethertype %x sw_if_index %d, next_index %d", is_output ? "OUT-FEAT-ARC" : "IN-FEAT-ARC", t->arc_head, t->feature_bitmap, t->ethertype, t->sw_if_index, t->next_index); return s; } static u8 * format_l2_in_feat_arc_trace (u8 * s, va_list * args) { return format_l2_in_out_feat_arc_trace (s, IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_INPUT_TABLE_GROUP, args); } static u8 * format_l2_out_feat_arc_trace (u8 * s, va_list * args) { return format_l2_in_out_feat_arc_trace (s, IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_OUTPUT_TABLE_GROUP, args); } #define foreach_l2_in_feat_arc_error \ _(DEFAULT, "in default") \ #define foreach_l2_out_feat_arc_error \ _(DEFAULT, "out default") \ typedef enum { #define _(sym,str) L2_IN_FEAT_ARC_ERROR_##sym, foreach_l2_in_feat_arc_error #undef _ L2_IN_FEAT_ARC_N_ERROR, } l2_in_feat_arc_error_t; static char *l2_in_feat_arc_error_strings[] = { #define _(sym,string) string, foreach_l2_in_feat_arc_error #undef _ }; typedef enum { #define _(sym,str) L2_OUT_FEAT_ARC_ERROR_##sym, foreach_l2_out_feat_arc_error #undef _ L2_OUT_FEAT_ARC_N_ERROR, } l2_out_feat_arc_error_t; static char *l2_out_feat_arc_error_strings[] = { #define _(sym,string) string, foreach_l2_out_feat_arc_error #undef _ }; extern l2_in_out_feat_arc_main_t l2_in_out_feat_arc_main; #ifndef CLIB_MARCH_VARIANT l2_in_out_feat_arc_main_t l2_in_out_feat_arc_main; #endif /* CLIB_MARCH_VARIANT */ #define get_u16(addr) ( *((u16 *)(addr)) ) #define L2_FEAT_ARC_VEC_SIZE 2 static_always_inline void buffer_prefetch_xN (int vector_sz, vlib_buffer_t ** b) { int ii; for (ii = 0; ii < vector_sz; ii++) clib_prefetch_store (b[ii]); } static_always_inline void get_sw_if_index_xN (int vector_sz, int is_output, vlib_buffer_t ** b, u32 * out_sw_if_index) { int ii; for (ii = 0; ii < vector_sz; ii++) if (is_output) out_sw_if_index[ii] = vnet_buffer (b[ii])->sw_if_index[VLIB_TX]; else out_sw_if_index[ii] = vnet_buffer (b[ii])->sw_if_index[VLIB_RX]; } static_always_inline void get_ethertype_xN (int vector_sz, int is_output, vlib_buffer_t ** b, u16 * out_ethertype) { int ii; for (ii = 0; ii < vector_sz; ii++) { ethernet_header_t *h0 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b[ii]); u8 *l3h0 = (u8 *) h0 + vnet_buffer (b[ii])->l2.l2_len; out_ethertype[ii] = clib_net_to_host_u16 (get_u16 (l3h0 - 2)); } } static_always_inline void set_next_in_arc_head_xN (int vector_sz, int is_output, u32 * next_nodes, vlib_buffer_t ** b, u32 * sw_if_index, u16 * ethertype, u8 ip4_arc, u8 ip6_arc, u8 nonip_arc, u16 * out_next) { int ii; for (ii = 0; ii < vector_sz; ii++) { u32 next_index = 0; u8 feature_arc; switch (ethertype[ii]) { case ETHERNET_TYPE_IP4: feature_arc = ip4_arc; break; case ETHERNET_TYPE_IP6: feature_arc = ip6_arc; break; default: feature_arc = nonip_arc; } if (PREDICT_TRUE (vnet_have_features (feature_arc, sw_if_index[ii]))) vnet_feature_arc_start (feature_arc, sw_if_index[ii], &next_index, b[ii]); else next_index = vnet_l2_feature_next (b[ii], next_nodes, is_output ? L2OUTPUT_FEAT_OUTPUT_FEAT_ARC : L2INPUT_FEAT_INPUT_FEAT_ARC); out_next[ii] = next_index; } } static_always_inline void set_next_in_arc_tail_xN (int vector_sz, int is_output, u32 * next_nodes, vlib_buffer_t ** b, u16 * out_next) { int ii; for (ii = 0; ii < vector_sz; ii++) { out_next[ii] = vnet_l2_feature_next (b[ii], next_nodes, is_output ? L2OUTPUT_FEAT_OUTPUT_FEAT_ARC : L2INPUT_FEAT_INPUT_FEAT_ARC); } } static_always_inline void maybe_trace_xN (int vector_sz, int arc_head, vlib_main_t * vm, vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_buffer_t ** b, u32 * sw_if_index, u16 * ethertype, u16 * next) { int ii; for (ii = 0; ii < vector_sz; ii++) if (PREDICT_FALSE (b[ii]->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_IS_TRACED)) { l2_in_out_feat_arc_trace_t *t = vlib_add_trace (vm, node, b[ii], sizeof (*t)); t->arc_head = arc_head; t->sw_if_index = arc_head ? sw_if_index[ii] : ~0; t->feature_bitmap = vnet_buffer (b[ii])->l2.feature_bitmap; t->ethertype = arc_head ? ethertype[ii] : 0; t->next_index = next[ii]; } } always_inline uword l2_in_out_feat_arc_node_fn (vlib_main_t * vm, vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame, int is_output, vlib_node_registration_t * fa_node, int arc_head, int do_trace) { u32 n_left, *from; u16 nexts[VLIB_FRAME_SIZE], *next; u16 ethertypes[VLIB_FRAME_SIZE], *ethertype; vlib_buffer_t *bufs[VLIB_FRAME_SIZE], **b; u32 sw_if_indices[VLIB_FRAME_SIZE], *sw_if_index; l2_in_out_feat_arc_main_t *fam = &l2_in_out_feat_arc_main; u8 ip4_arc_index = fam->ip4_feat_arc_index[is_output]; u8 ip6_arc_index = fam->ip6_feat_arc_index[is_output]; u8 nonip_arc_index = fam->nonip_feat_arc_index[is_output]; u32 *next_node_indices = fam->feat_next_node_index[is_output]; from = vlib_frame_vector_args (frame); vlib_get_buffers (vm, from, bufs, frame->n_vectors); /* set the initial values for the current buffer the next pointers */ b = bufs; next = nexts; ethertype = ethertypes; sw_if_index = sw_if_indices; n_left = frame->n_vectors; CLIB_PREFETCH (next_node_indices, sizeof (fam->feat_next_node_index[is_output]), LOAD); while (n_left > 3 * L2_FEAT_ARC_VEC_SIZE) { const int vec_sz = L2_FEAT_ARC_VEC_SIZE; /* prefetch next N buffers */ buffer_prefetch_xN (vec_sz, b + 2 * vec_sz); if (arc_head) { get_sw_if_index_xN (vec_sz, is_output, b, sw_if_index); get_ethertype_xN (vec_sz, is_output, b, ethertype); set_next_in_arc_head_xN (vec_sz, is_output, next_node_indices, b, sw_if_index, ethertype, ip4_arc_index, ip6_arc_index, nonip_arc_index, next); } else { set_next_in_arc_tail_xN (vec_sz, is_output, next_node_indices, b, next); } if (do_trace) maybe_trace_xN (vec_sz, arc_head, vm, node, b, sw_if_index, ethertype, next); next += vec_sz; b += vec_sz; sw_if_index += vec_sz; ethertype += vec_sz; n_left -= vec_sz; } while (n_left > 0) { const int vec_sz = 1; if (arc_head) { get_sw_if_index_xN (vec_sz, is_output, b, sw_if_index); get_ethertype_xN (vec_sz, is_output, b, ethertype); set_next_in_arc_head_xN (vec_sz, is_output, next_node_indices, b, sw_if_index, ethertype, ip4_arc_index, ip6_arc_index, nonip_arc_index, next); } else { set_next_in_arc_tail_xN (vec_sz, is_output, next_node_indices, b, next); } if (do_trace) maybe_trace_xN (vec_sz, arc_head, vm, node, b, sw_if_index, ethertype, next); next += vec_sz; b += vec_sz; sw_if_index += vec_sz; ethertype += vec_sz; n_left -= vec_sz; } vlib_buffer_enqueue_to_next (vm, node, from, nexts, frame->n_vectors); return frame->n_vectors; } VLIB_NODE_FN (l2_in_feat_arc_node) (vlib_main_t * vm, vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame) { if (PREDICT_FALSE (node->flags & VLIB_NODE_FLAG_TRACE)) return l2_in_out_feat_arc_node_fn (vm, node, frame, IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_INPUT_TABLE_GROUP, &l2_in_feat_arc_node, 1, 1); else return l2_in_out_feat_arc_node_fn (vm, node, frame, IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_INPUT_TABLE_GROUP, &l2_in_feat_arc_node, 1, 0); } VLIB_NODE_FN (l2_out_feat_arc_node) (vlib_main_t * vm, vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame) { if (PREDICT_FALSE (node->flags & VLIB_NODE_FLAG_TRACE)) return l2_in_out_feat_arc_node_fn (vm, node, frame, IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_OUTPUT_TABLE_GROUP, &l2_out_feat_arc_node, 1, 1); else return l2_in_out_feat_arc_node_fn (vm, node, frame, IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_OUTPUT_TABLE_GROUP, &l2_out_feat_arc_node, 1, 0); } VLIB_NODE_FN (l2_in_feat_arc_end_node) (vlib_main_t * vm, vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame) { if (PREDICT_FALSE (node->flags & VLIB_NODE_FLAG_TRACE)) return l2_in_out_feat_arc_node_fn (vm, node, frame, IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_INPUT_TABLE_GROUP, &l2_in_feat_arc_end_node, 0, 1); else return l2_in_out_feat_arc_node_fn (vm, node, frame, IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_INPUT_TABLE_GROUP, &l2_in_feat_arc_end_node, 0, 0); } VLIB_NODE_FN (l2_out_feat_arc_end_node) (vlib_main_t * vm, vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame) { if (PREDICT_FALSE (node->flags & VLIB_NODE_FLAG_TRACE)) return l2_in_out_feat_arc_node_fn (vm, node, frame, IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_OUTPUT_TABLE_GROUP, &l2_out_feat_arc_end_node, 0, 1); else return l2_in_out_feat_arc_node_fn (vm, node, frame, IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_OUTPUT_TABLE_GROUP, &l2_out_feat_arc_end_node, 0, 0); } #ifndef CLIB_MARCH_VARIANT void vnet_l2_in_out_feat_arc_enable_disable (u32 sw_if_index, int is_output, int enable_disable) { if (is_output) l2output_intf_bitmap_enable (sw_if_index, L2OUTPUT_FEAT_OUTPUT_FEAT_ARC, (u32) enable_disable); else l2input_intf_bitmap_enable (sw_if_index, L2INPUT_FEAT_INPUT_FEAT_ARC, (u32) enable_disable); } #endif /* CLIB_MARCH_VARIANT */ VNET_FEATURE_ARC_INIT (l2_in_ip4_arc, static) = { .arc_name = "l2-input-ip4", .start_nodes = VNET_FEATURES ("l2-input-feat-arc"), .arc_index_ptr = &l2_in_out_feat_arc_main.ip4_feat_arc_index[IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_INPUT_TABLE_GROUP], }; VNET_FEATURE_ARC_INIT (l2_out_ip4_arc, static) = { .arc_name = "l2-output-ip4", .start_nodes = VNET_FEATURES ("l2-output-feat-arc"), .arc_index_ptr = &l2_in_out_feat_arc_main.ip4_feat_arc_index[IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_OUTPUT_TABLE_GROUP], }; VNET_FEATURE_ARC_INIT (l2_out_ip6_arc, static) = { .arc_name = "l2-input-ip6", .start_nodes = VNET_FEATURES ("l2-input-feat-arc"), .arc_index_ptr = &l2_in_out_feat_arc_main.ip6_feat_arc_index[IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_INPUT_TABLE_GROUP], }; VNET_FEATURE_ARC_INIT (l2_in_ip6_arc, static) = { .arc_name = "l2-output-ip6", .start_nodes = VNET_FEATURES ("l2-output-feat-arc"), .arc_index_ptr = &l2_in_out_feat_arc_main.ip6_feat_arc_index[IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_OUTPUT_TABLE_GROUP], }; VNET_FEATURE_ARC_INIT (l2_out_nonip_arc, static) = { .arc_name = "l2-input-nonip", .start_nodes = VNET_FEATURES ("l2-input-feat-arc"), .arc_index_ptr = &l2_in_out_feat_arc_main.nonip_feat_arc_index[IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_INPUT_TABLE_GROUP], }; VNET_FEATURE_ARC_INIT (l2_in_nonip_arc, static) = { .arc_name = "l2-output-nonip", .start_nodes = VNET_FEATURES ("l2-output-feat-arc"), .arc_index_ptr = &l2_in_out_feat_arc_main.nonip_feat_arc_index[IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_OUTPUT_TABLE_GROUP], }; VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (l2_in_feat_arc_node) = { .name = "l2-input-feat-arc", .vector_size = sizeof (u32), .format_trace = format_l2_in_feat_arc_trace, .type = VLIB_NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL, .n_errors = ARRAY_LEN(l2_in_feat_arc_error_strings), .error_strings = l2_in_feat_arc_error_strings, }; VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (l2_out_feat_arc_node) = { .name = "l2-output-feat-arc", .vector_size = sizeof (u32), .format_trace = format_l2_out_feat_arc_trace, .type = VLIB_NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL, .n_errors = ARRAY_LEN(l2_out_feat_arc_error_strings), .error_strings = l2_out_feat_arc_error_strings, }; VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (l2_in_feat_arc_end_node) = { .name = "l2-input-feat-arc-end", .vector_size = sizeof (u32), .format_trace = format_l2_in_feat_arc_trace, .sibling_of = "l2-input-feat-arc", }; VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (l2_out_feat_arc_end_node) = { .name = "l2-output-feat-arc-end", .vector_size = sizeof (u32), .format_trace = format_l2_out_feat_arc_trace, .sibling_of = "l2-output-feat-arc", }; VNET_FEATURE_INIT (l2_in_ip4_arc_end, static) = { .arc_name = "l2-input-ip4", .node_name = "l2-input-feat-arc-end", .runs_before = 0, /* not before any other features */ }; VNET_FEATURE_INIT (l2_out_ip4_arc_end, static) = { .arc_name = "l2-output-ip4", .node_name = "l2-output-feat-arc-end", .runs_before = 0, /* not before any other features */ }; VNET_FEATURE_INIT (l2_in_ip6_arc_end, static) = { .arc_name = "l2-input-ip6", .node_name = "l2-input-feat-arc-end", .runs_before = 0, /* not before any other features */ }; VNET_FEATURE_INIT (l2_out_ip6_arc_end, static) = { .arc_name = "l2-output-ip6", .node_name = "l2-output-feat-arc-end", .runs_before = 0, /* not before any other features */ }; VNET_FEATURE_INIT (l2_in_nonip_arc_end, static) = { .arc_name = "l2-input-nonip", .node_name = "l2-input-feat-arc-end", .runs_before = 0, /* not before any other features */ }; VNET_FEATURE_INIT (l2_out_nonip_arc_end, static) = { .arc_name = "l2-output-nonip", .node_name = "l2-output-feat-arc-end", .runs_before = 0, /* not before any other features */ }; #ifndef CLIB_MARCH_VARIANT clib_error_t * l2_in_out_feat_arc_init (vlib_main_t * vm) { l2_in_out_feat_arc_main_t *mp = &l2_in_out_feat_arc_main; /* Initialize the feature next-node indexes */ feat_bitmap_init_next_nodes (vm, l2_in_feat_arc_end_node.index, L2INPUT_N_FEAT, l2input_get_feat_names (), mp->feat_next_node_index [IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_INPUT_TABLE_GROUP]); feat_bitmap_init_next_nodes (vm, l2_out_feat_arc_end_node.index, L2OUTPUT_N_FEAT, l2output_get_feat_names (), mp->feat_next_node_index [IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_OUTPUT_TABLE_GROUP]); return 0; } static int l2_has_features (u32 sw_if_index, int is_output) { int has_features = 0; l2_in_out_feat_arc_main_t *mp = &l2_in_out_feat_arc_main; has_features += vnet_have_features (mp->ip4_feat_arc_index[is_output], sw_if_index); has_features += vnet_have_features (mp->ip6_feat_arc_index[is_output], sw_if_index); has_features += vnet_have_features (mp->nonip_feat_arc_index[is_output], sw_if_index); return has_features > 0; } static int l2_is_output_arc (u8 arc_index) { l2_in_out_feat_arc_main_t *mp = &l2_in_out_feat_arc_main; int idx = IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_OUTPUT_TABLE_GROUP; return (mp->ip4_feat_arc_index[idx] == arc_index || mp->ip6_feat_arc_index[idx] == arc_index || mp->nonip_feat_arc_index[idx] == arc_index); } static int l2_is_input_arc (u8 arc_index) { l2_in_out_feat_arc_main_t *mp = &l2_in_out_feat_arc_main; int idx = IN_OUT_FEAT_ARC_INPUT_TABLE_GROUP; return (mp->ip4_feat_arc_index[idx] == arc_index || mp->ip6_feat_arc_index[idx] == arc_index || mp->nonip_feat_arc_index[idx] == arc_index); } int vnet_l2_feature_enable_disable (const char *arc_name, const char *node_name, u32 sw_if_index, int enable_disable, void *feature_config, u32 n_feature_config_bytes) { u8 arc_index = vnet_get_feature_arc_index (arc_name); if (arc_index == (u8) ~ 0) return VNET_API_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE; /* check the state before we tried to enable/disable */ int had_features = vnet_have_features (arc_index, sw_if_index); int ret = vnet_feature_enable_disable (arc_name, node_name, sw_if_index, enable_disable, feature_config, n_feature_config_bytes); if (ret) return ret; int has_features = vnet_have_features (arc_index, sw_if_index); if (had_features != has_features) { if (l2_is_output_arc (arc_index)) { vnet_l2_in_out_feat_arc_enable_disable (sw_if_index, 1, l2_has_features (sw_if_index, 1)); } if (l2_is_input_arc (arc_index)) { vnet_l2_in_out_feat_arc_enable_disable (sw_if_index, 0, l2_has_features (sw_if_index, 0)); } } return 0; } VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION (l2_in_out_feat_arc_init); #endif /* CLIB_MARCH_VARIANT */ /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */