/* * mpls_tunnel.c: MPLS tunnel interfaces (i.e. for RSVP-TE) * * Copyright (c) 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <vnet/vnet.h> #include <vnet/pg/pg.h> #include <vnet/mpls/mpls_tunnel.h> #include <vnet/mpls/mpls_types.h> #include <vnet/ip/ip.h> #include <vnet/fib/fib_path_list.h> #include <vnet/adj/adj_midchain.h> #include <vnet/adj/adj_mcast.h> #include <vnet/dpo/replicate_dpo.h> #include <vnet/fib/mpls_fib.h> /** * @brief pool of tunnel instances */ static mpls_tunnel_t *mpls_tunnel_pool; /** * @brief DB of SW index to tunnel index */ static u32 *mpls_tunnel_db; /** * @brief MPLS tunnel flags strings */ static const char *mpls_tunnel_attribute_names[] = MPLS_TUNNEL_ATTRIBUTES; /** * @brief Get a tunnel object from a SW interface index */ static mpls_tunnel_t* mpls_tunnel_get_from_sw_if_index (u32 sw_if_index) { if ((vec_len(mpls_tunnel_db) <= sw_if_index) || (~0 == mpls_tunnel_db[sw_if_index])) return (NULL); return (pool_elt_at_index(mpls_tunnel_pool, mpls_tunnel_db[sw_if_index])); } /** * @brief Build a rewrite string for the MPLS tunnel. */ static u8* mpls_tunnel_build_rewrite_i (void) { /* * passing the adj code a NULL rewrite means 'i don't have one cos * t'other end is unresolved'. That's not the case here. For the mpls * tunnel there are just no bytes of encap to apply in the adj. We'll impose * the label stack once we choose a path. So return a zero length rewrite. */ u8 *rewrite = NULL; vec_validate(rewrite, 0); vec_reset_length(rewrite); return (rewrite); } /** * @brief Build a rewrite string for the MPLS tunnel. */ static u8* mpls_tunnel_build_rewrite (vnet_main_t * vnm, u32 sw_if_index, vnet_link_t link_type, const void *dst_address) { return (mpls_tunnel_build_rewrite_i()); } typedef struct mpls_tunnel_collect_forwarding_ctx_t_ { load_balance_path_t * next_hops; const mpls_tunnel_t *mt; fib_forward_chain_type_t fct; } mpls_tunnel_collect_forwarding_ctx_t; static fib_path_list_walk_rc_t mpls_tunnel_collect_forwarding (fib_node_index_t pl_index, fib_node_index_t path_index, void *arg) { mpls_tunnel_collect_forwarding_ctx_t *ctx; fib_path_ext_t *path_ext; ctx = arg; /* * if the path is not resolved, don't include it. */ if (!fib_path_is_resolved(path_index)) { return (FIB_PATH_LIST_WALK_CONTINUE); } /* * get the matching path-extension for the path being visited. */ path_ext = fib_path_ext_list_find_by_path_index(&ctx->mt->mt_path_exts, path_index); /* * we don't want IP TTL decrements for packets hitting the MPLS labels * we stack on, since the IP TTL decrement is done by the adj */ path_ext->fpe_mpls_flags |= FIB_PATH_EXT_MPLS_FLAG_NO_IP_TTL_DECR; /* * found a matching extension. stack it to obtain the forwarding * info for this path. */ ctx->next_hops = fib_path_ext_stack(path_ext, ctx->fct, ctx->fct, ctx->next_hops); return (FIB_PATH_LIST_WALK_CONTINUE); } static void mpls_tunnel_mk_lb (mpls_tunnel_t *mt, vnet_link_t linkt, fib_forward_chain_type_t fct, dpo_id_t *dpo_lb) { dpo_proto_t lb_proto; /* * If the entry has path extensions then we construct a load-balance * by stacking the extensions on the forwarding chains of the paths. * Otherwise we use the load-balance of the path-list */ mpls_tunnel_collect_forwarding_ctx_t ctx = { .mt = mt, .next_hops = NULL, .fct = fct, }; /* * As an optimisation we allocate the vector of next-hops to be sized * equal to the maximum nuber of paths we will need, which is also the * most likely number we will need, since in most cases the paths are 'up'. */ vec_validate(ctx.next_hops, fib_path_list_get_n_paths(mt->mt_path_list)); vec_reset_length(ctx.next_hops); lb_proto = fib_forw_chain_type_to_dpo_proto(fct); if (FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID != mt->mt_path_list) { fib_path_list_walk(mt->mt_path_list, mpls_tunnel_collect_forwarding, &ctx); } if (!dpo_id_is_valid(dpo_lb)) { /* * first time create */ if (mt->mt_flags & MPLS_TUNNEL_FLAG_MCAST) { dpo_set(dpo_lb, DPO_REPLICATE, lb_proto, replicate_create(0, lb_proto)); } else { flow_hash_config_t fhc; switch (linkt) { case VNET_LINK_MPLS: fhc = MPLS_FLOW_HASH_DEFAULT; break; case VNET_LINK_IP4: case VNET_LINK_IP6: fhc = IP_FLOW_HASH_DEFAULT; break; default: fhc = 0; break; } dpo_set(dpo_lb, DPO_LOAD_BALANCE, lb_proto, load_balance_create(0, lb_proto, fhc)); } } if (mt->mt_flags & MPLS_TUNNEL_FLAG_MCAST) { /* * MPLS multicast */ replicate_multipath_update(dpo_lb, ctx.next_hops); } else { load_balance_multipath_update(dpo_lb, ctx.next_hops, LOAD_BALANCE_FLAG_NONE); vec_free(ctx.next_hops); } } /** * mpls_tunnel_stack * * 'stack' (resolve the recursion for) the tunnel's midchain adjacency */ static void mpls_tunnel_stack (adj_index_t ai) { ip_adjacency_t *adj; mpls_tunnel_t *mt; u32 sw_if_index; adj = adj_get(ai); sw_if_index = adj->rewrite_header.sw_if_index; mt = mpls_tunnel_get_from_sw_if_index(sw_if_index); if (NULL == mt || FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID == mt->mt_path_list) return; if (FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID == mt->mt_path_list) { adj_nbr_midchain_unstack(ai); return; } /* * while we're stacking the adj, remove the tunnel from the child list * of the path list. this breaks a circular dependency of walk updates * where the create of adjacencies in the children can lead to walks * that get back here. */ fib_path_list_lock(mt->mt_path_list); fib_path_list_child_remove(mt->mt_path_list, mt->mt_sibling_index); /* * Construct the DPO (load-balance or replicate) that we can stack * the tunnel's midchain on */ if (vnet_hw_interface_get_flags(vnet_get_main(), mt->mt_hw_if_index) & VNET_HW_INTERFACE_FLAG_LINK_UP) { dpo_id_t dpo = DPO_INVALID; mpls_tunnel_mk_lb(mt, adj->ia_link, fib_forw_chain_type_from_link_type( adj_get_link_type(ai)), &dpo); adj_nbr_midchain_stack(ai, &dpo); dpo_reset(&dpo); } else { adj_nbr_midchain_unstack(ai); } mt->mt_sibling_index = fib_path_list_child_add(mt->mt_path_list, FIB_NODE_TYPE_MPLS_TUNNEL, mt - mpls_tunnel_pool); fib_path_list_unlock(mt->mt_path_list); } /** * @brief Call back when restacking all adjacencies on a MPLS interface */ static adj_walk_rc_t mpls_adj_walk_cb (adj_index_t ai, void *ctx) { mpls_tunnel_stack(ai); return (ADJ_WALK_RC_CONTINUE); } static void mpls_tunnel_restack (mpls_tunnel_t *mt) { fib_protocol_t proto; /* * walk all the adjacencies on the MPLS interface and restack them */ if (mt->mt_flags & MPLS_TUNNEL_FLAG_L2) { /* * Stack a load-balance that drops, whilst we have no paths */ vnet_hw_interface_t * hi; dpo_id_t dpo = DPO_INVALID; mpls_tunnel_mk_lb(mt, VNET_LINK_MPLS, FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_ETHERNET, &dpo); hi = vnet_get_hw_interface(vnet_get_main(), mt->mt_hw_if_index); dpo_stack_from_node(hi->tx_node_index, &mt->mt_l2_lb, &dpo); dpo_reset(&dpo); } else { FOR_EACH_FIB_PROTOCOL(proto) { adj_nbr_walk(mt->mt_sw_if_index, proto, mpls_adj_walk_cb, NULL); } } } static clib_error_t * mpls_tunnel_admin_up_down (vnet_main_t * vnm, u32 hw_if_index, u32 flags) { vnet_hw_interface_t * hi; mpls_tunnel_t *mt; hi = vnet_get_hw_interface (vnm, hw_if_index); mt = mpls_tunnel_get_from_sw_if_index(hi->sw_if_index); if (NULL == mt) return (NULL); if (flags & VNET_SW_INTERFACE_FLAG_ADMIN_UP) vnet_hw_interface_set_flags (vnm, hw_if_index, VNET_HW_INTERFACE_FLAG_LINK_UP); else vnet_hw_interface_set_flags (vnm, hw_if_index, 0 /* down */); mpls_tunnel_restack(mt); return (NULL); } /** * @brief Fixup the adj rewrite post encap. This is a no-op since the * rewrite is a stack of labels. */ static void mpls_tunnel_fixup (vlib_main_t *vm, const ip_adjacency_t *adj, vlib_buffer_t *b0, const void*data) { /* * A no-op w.r.t. the header. but reset the 'have we pushed any * MPLS labels onto the packet' flag. That way when we enter the * tunnel we'll get a TTL set to 255 */ vnet_buffer(b0)->mpls.first = 0; } static void mpls_tunnel_update_adj (vnet_main_t * vnm, u32 sw_if_index, adj_index_t ai) { ip_adjacency_t *adj; ASSERT(ADJ_INDEX_INVALID != ai); adj = adj_get(ai); switch (adj->lookup_next_index) { case IP_LOOKUP_NEXT_ARP: case IP_LOOKUP_NEXT_GLEAN: case IP_LOOKUP_NEXT_BCAST: adj_nbr_midchain_update_rewrite(ai, mpls_tunnel_fixup, NULL, ADJ_FLAG_NONE, mpls_tunnel_build_rewrite_i()); break; case IP_LOOKUP_NEXT_MCAST: /* * Construct a partial rewrite from the known ethernet mcast dest MAC * There's no MAC fixup, so the last 2 parameters are 0 */ adj_mcast_midchain_update_rewrite(ai, mpls_tunnel_fixup, NULL, ADJ_FLAG_NONE, mpls_tunnel_build_rewrite_i(), 0, 0); break; case IP_LOOKUP_NEXT_DROP: case IP_LOOKUP_NEXT_PUNT: case IP_LOOKUP_NEXT_LOCAL: case IP_LOOKUP_NEXT_REWRITE: case IP_LOOKUP_NEXT_MIDCHAIN: case IP_LOOKUP_NEXT_MCAST_MIDCHAIN: case IP_LOOKUP_NEXT_ICMP_ERROR: case IP_LOOKUP_N_NEXT: ASSERT (0); break; } mpls_tunnel_stack(ai); } static u8 * format_mpls_tunnel_name (u8 * s, va_list * args) { u32 dev_instance = va_arg (*args, u32); return format (s, "mpls-tunnel%d", dev_instance); } static u8 * format_mpls_tunnel_device (u8 * s, va_list * args) { u32 dev_instance = va_arg (*args, u32); CLIB_UNUSED (int verbose) = va_arg (*args, int); return (format (s, "MPLS-tunnel: id %d\n", dev_instance)); } /** * @brief Packet trace structure */ typedef struct mpls_tunnel_trace_t_ { /** * Tunnel-id / index in tunnel vector */ u32 tunnel_id; } mpls_tunnel_trace_t; static u8 * format_mpls_tunnel_tx_trace (u8 * s, va_list * args) { CLIB_UNUSED (vlib_main_t * vm) = va_arg (*args, vlib_main_t *); CLIB_UNUSED (vlib_node_t * node) = va_arg (*args, vlib_node_t *); mpls_tunnel_trace_t * t = va_arg (*args, mpls_tunnel_trace_t *); s = format (s, "MPLS: tunnel %d", t->tunnel_id); return s; } /** * @brief TX function. Only called L2. L3 traffic uses the adj-midchains */ static uword mpls_tunnel_tx (vlib_main_t * vm, vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame) { u32 next_index; u32 * from, * to_next, n_left_from, n_left_to_next; vnet_interface_output_runtime_t * rd = (void *) node->runtime_data; const mpls_tunnel_t *mt; mt = pool_elt_at_index(mpls_tunnel_pool, rd->dev_instance); /* Vector of buffer / pkt indices we're supposed to process */ from = vlib_frame_vector_args (frame); /* Number of buffers / pkts */ n_left_from = frame->n_vectors; /* Speculatively send the first buffer to the last disposition we used */ next_index = node->cached_next_index; while (n_left_from > 0) { /* set up to enqueue to our disposition with index = next_index */ vlib_get_next_frame (vm, node, next_index, to_next, n_left_to_next); /* * FIXME DUAL LOOP */ while (n_left_from > 0 && n_left_to_next > 0) { vlib_buffer_t * b0; u32 bi0; bi0 = from[0]; to_next[0] = bi0; from += 1; to_next += 1; n_left_from -= 1; n_left_to_next -= 1; b0 = vlib_get_buffer(vm, bi0); vnet_buffer(b0)->ip.adj_index[VLIB_TX] = mt->mt_l2_lb.dpoi_index; /* since we are coming out of the L2 world, where the vlib_buffer * union is used for other things, make sure it is clean for * MPLS from now on. */ vnet_buffer(b0)->mpls.first = 0; if (PREDICT_FALSE(b0->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_IS_TRACED)) { mpls_tunnel_trace_t *tr = vlib_add_trace (vm, node, b0, sizeof (*tr)); tr->tunnel_id = rd->dev_instance; } vlib_validate_buffer_enqueue_x1 (vm, node, next_index, to_next, n_left_to_next, bi0, mt->mt_l2_lb.dpoi_next_node); } vlib_put_next_frame (vm, node, next_index, n_left_to_next); } return frame->n_vectors; } VNET_DEVICE_CLASS (mpls_tunnel_class) = { .name = "MPLS tunnel device", .format_device_name = format_mpls_tunnel_name, .format_device = format_mpls_tunnel_device, .format_tx_trace = format_mpls_tunnel_tx_trace, .tx_function = mpls_tunnel_tx, .admin_up_down_function = mpls_tunnel_admin_up_down, }; VNET_HW_INTERFACE_CLASS (mpls_tunnel_hw_interface_class) = { .name = "MPLS-Tunnel", .update_adjacency = mpls_tunnel_update_adj, .build_rewrite = mpls_tunnel_build_rewrite, .flags = VNET_HW_INTERFACE_CLASS_FLAG_P2P, }; const mpls_tunnel_t * mpls_tunnel_get (u32 mti) { return (pool_elt_at_index(mpls_tunnel_pool, mti)); } /** * @brief Walk all the MPLS tunnels */ void mpls_tunnel_walk (mpls_tunnel_walk_cb_t cb, void *ctx) { u32 mti; pool_foreach_index(mti, mpls_tunnel_pool, ({ cb(mti, ctx); })); } void vnet_mpls_tunnel_del (u32 sw_if_index) { mpls_tunnel_t *mt; mt = mpls_tunnel_get_from_sw_if_index(sw_if_index); if (NULL == mt) return; if (FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID != mt->mt_path_list) fib_path_list_child_remove(mt->mt_path_list, mt->mt_sibling_index); dpo_reset(&mt->mt_l2_lb); vnet_delete_hw_interface (vnet_get_main(), mt->mt_hw_if_index); pool_put(mpls_tunnel_pool, mt); mpls_tunnel_db[sw_if_index] = ~0; } u32 vnet_mpls_tunnel_create (u8 l2_only, u8 is_multicast) { vnet_hw_interface_t * hi; mpls_tunnel_t *mt; vnet_main_t * vnm; u32 mti; vnm = vnet_get_main(); pool_get(mpls_tunnel_pool, mt); clib_memset (mt, 0, sizeof (*mt)); mti = mt - mpls_tunnel_pool; fib_node_init(&mt->mt_node, FIB_NODE_TYPE_MPLS_TUNNEL); mt->mt_path_list = FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID; mt->mt_sibling_index = FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID; if (is_multicast) mt->mt_flags |= MPLS_TUNNEL_FLAG_MCAST; if (l2_only) mt->mt_flags |= MPLS_TUNNEL_FLAG_L2; /* * Create a new tunnel HW interface */ mt->mt_hw_if_index = vnet_register_interface( vnm, mpls_tunnel_class.index, mti, mpls_tunnel_hw_interface_class.index, mti); hi = vnet_get_hw_interface (vnm, mt->mt_hw_if_index); /* Standard default MPLS tunnel MTU. */ vnet_sw_interface_set_mtu (vnm, hi->sw_if_index, 9000); /* * Add the new tunnel to the tunnel DB - key:SW if index */ mt->mt_sw_if_index = hi->sw_if_index; vec_validate_init_empty(mpls_tunnel_db, mt->mt_sw_if_index, ~0); mpls_tunnel_db[mt->mt_sw_if_index] = mti; return (mt->mt_sw_if_index); } void vnet_mpls_tunnel_path_add (u32 sw_if_index, fib_route_path_t *rpaths) { fib_route_path_t *rpath; mpls_tunnel_t *mt; u32 mti; mt = mpls_tunnel_get_from_sw_if_index(sw_if_index); if (NULL == mt) return; mti = mt - mpls_tunnel_pool; /* * construct a path-list from the path provided */ if (FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID == mt->mt_path_list) { mt->mt_path_list = fib_path_list_create(FIB_PATH_LIST_FLAG_SHARED, rpaths); mt->mt_sibling_index = fib_path_list_child_add(mt->mt_path_list, FIB_NODE_TYPE_MPLS_TUNNEL, mti); } else { fib_node_index_t old_pl_index; old_pl_index = mt->mt_path_list; mt->mt_path_list = fib_path_list_copy_and_path_add(old_pl_index, FIB_PATH_LIST_FLAG_SHARED, rpaths); fib_path_list_child_remove(old_pl_index, mt->mt_sibling_index); mt->mt_sibling_index = fib_path_list_child_add(mt->mt_path_list, FIB_NODE_TYPE_MPLS_TUNNEL, mti); /* * re-resolve all the path-extensions with the new path-list */ fib_path_ext_list_resolve(&mt->mt_path_exts, mt->mt_path_list); } vec_foreach(rpath, rpaths) { fib_path_ext_list_insert(&mt->mt_path_exts, mt->mt_path_list, FIB_PATH_EXT_MPLS, rpath); } mpls_tunnel_restack(mt); } int vnet_mpls_tunnel_path_remove (u32 sw_if_index, fib_route_path_t *rpaths) { mpls_tunnel_t *mt; u32 mti; mt = mpls_tunnel_get_from_sw_if_index(sw_if_index); if (NULL == mt) return (0); mti = mt - mpls_tunnel_pool; /* * construct a path-list from the path provided */ if (FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID == mt->mt_path_list) { /* can't remove a path if we have onoe */ return (0); } else { fib_node_index_t old_pl_index; old_pl_index = mt->mt_path_list; fib_path_list_lock(old_pl_index); mt->mt_path_list = fib_path_list_copy_and_path_remove(old_pl_index, FIB_PATH_LIST_FLAG_SHARED, rpaths); fib_path_list_child_remove(old_pl_index, mt->mt_sibling_index); if (FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID == mt->mt_path_list) { /* no paths left */ fib_path_list_unlock(old_pl_index); return (0); } else { mt->mt_sibling_index = fib_path_list_child_add(mt->mt_path_list, FIB_NODE_TYPE_MPLS_TUNNEL, mti); } /* * find the matching path extension and remove it */ fib_path_ext_list_remove(&mt->mt_path_exts, FIB_PATH_EXT_MPLS, rpaths); /* * re-resolve all the path-extensions with the new path-list */ fib_path_ext_list_resolve(&mt->mt_path_exts, mt->mt_path_list); mpls_tunnel_restack(mt); fib_path_list_unlock(old_pl_index); } return (fib_path_list_get_n_paths(mt->mt_path_list)); } int vnet_mpls_tunnel_get_index (u32 sw_if_index) { mpls_tunnel_t *mt; mt = mpls_tunnel_get_from_sw_if_index(sw_if_index); if (NULL == mt) return (~0); return (mt - mpls_tunnel_pool); } static clib_error_t * vnet_create_mpls_tunnel_command_fn (vlib_main_t * vm, unformat_input_t * input, vlib_cli_command_t * cmd) { unformat_input_t _line_input, * line_input = &_line_input; vnet_main_t * vnm = vnet_get_main(); u8 is_del = 0, l2_only = 0, is_multicast =0; fib_route_path_t rpath, *rpaths = NULL; u32 sw_if_index = ~0, payload_proto; clib_error_t *error = NULL; clib_memset(&rpath, 0, sizeof(rpath)); payload_proto = DPO_PROTO_MPLS; /* Get a line of input. */ if (! unformat_user (input, unformat_line_input, line_input)) return 0; while (unformat_check_input (line_input) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (line_input, "del %U", unformat_vnet_sw_interface, vnm, &sw_if_index)) is_del = 1; else if (unformat (line_input, "add %U", unformat_vnet_sw_interface, vnm, &sw_if_index)) is_del = 0; else if (unformat (line_input, "add")) is_del = 0; else if (unformat (line_input, "l2-only")) l2_only = 1; else if (unformat (line_input, "multicast")) is_multicast = 1; else if (unformat (line_input, "via %U", unformat_fib_route_path, &rpath, &payload_proto)) vec_add1(rpaths, rpath); else { error = clib_error_return (0, "unknown input '%U'", format_unformat_error, line_input); goto done; } } if (is_del) { if (NULL == rpaths) { vnet_mpls_tunnel_del(sw_if_index); } else if (!vnet_mpls_tunnel_path_remove(sw_if_index, rpaths)) { vnet_mpls_tunnel_del(sw_if_index); } } else { if (0 == vec_len(rpath.frp_label_stack)) { error = clib_error_return (0, "No Output Labels '%U'", format_unformat_error, line_input); goto done; } if (~0 == sw_if_index) { sw_if_index = vnet_mpls_tunnel_create(l2_only, is_multicast); } vnet_mpls_tunnel_path_add(sw_if_index, rpaths); } done: vec_free(rpaths); unformat_free (line_input); return error; } /*? * This command create a uni-directional MPLS tunnel * * @cliexpar * @cliexstart{create mpls tunnel} * create mpls tunnel via GigEthernet0/8/0 out-label 33 out-label 34 * @cliexend ?*/ VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (create_mpls_tunnel_command, static) = { .path = "mpls tunnel", .short_help = "mpls tunnel [multicast] [l2-only] via [next-hop-address] [next-hop-interface] [next-hop-table <value>] [weight <value>] [preference <value>] [udp-encap-id <value>] [ip4-lookup-in-table <value>] [ip6-lookup-in-table <value>] [mpls-lookup-in-table <value>] [resolve-via-host] [resolve-via-connected] [rx-ip4 <interface>] [out-labels <value value value>]", .function = vnet_create_mpls_tunnel_command_fn, }; static u8 * format_mpls_tunnel (u8 * s, va_list * args) { mpls_tunnel_t *mt = va_arg (*args, mpls_tunnel_t *); mpls_tunnel_attribute_t attr; s = format(s, "mpls-tunnel%d: sw_if_index:%d hw_if_index:%d", mt - mpls_tunnel_pool, mt->mt_sw_if_index, mt->mt_hw_if_index); if (MPLS_TUNNEL_FLAG_NONE != mt->mt_flags) { s = format(s, " \n flags:"); FOR_EACH_MPLS_TUNNEL_ATTRIBUTE(attr) { if ((1<<attr) & mt->mt_flags) { s = format (s, "%s,", mpls_tunnel_attribute_names[attr]); } } } s = format(s, "\n via:\n"); s = fib_path_list_format(mt->mt_path_list, s); s = format(s, "%U", format_fib_path_ext_list, &mt->mt_path_exts); s = format(s, "\n"); if (mt->mt_flags & MPLS_TUNNEL_FLAG_L2) { s = format(s, " forwarding: %U\n", format_fib_forw_chain_type, FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_ETHERNET); s = format(s, " %U\n", format_dpo_id, &mt->mt_l2_lb, 2); } return (s); } static clib_error_t * show_mpls_tunnel_command_fn (vlib_main_t * vm, unformat_input_t * input, vlib_cli_command_t * cmd) { mpls_tunnel_t * mt; u32 mti = ~0; if (pool_elts (mpls_tunnel_pool) == 0) vlib_cli_output (vm, "No MPLS tunnels configured..."); while (unformat_check_input (input) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (input, "%d", &mti)) ; else break; } if (~0 == mti) { pool_foreach (mt, mpls_tunnel_pool, ({ vlib_cli_output (vm, "[@%d] %U", mt - mpls_tunnel_pool, format_mpls_tunnel, mt); })); } else { if (pool_is_free_index(mpls_tunnel_pool, mti)) return clib_error_return (0, "Not a tunnel index %d", mti); mt = pool_elt_at_index(mpls_tunnel_pool, mti); vlib_cli_output (vm, "[@%d] %U", mt - mpls_tunnel_pool, format_mpls_tunnel, mt); } return 0; } /*? * This command to show MPLS tunnels * * @cliexpar * @cliexstart{sh mpls tunnel 2} * [@2] mpls_tunnel2: sw_if_index:5 hw_if_index:5 * label-stack: * 3, * via: * index:26 locks:1 proto:ipv4 uPRF-list:26 len:1 itfs:[2, ] * index:26 pl-index:26 ipv4 weight=1 attached-nexthop: oper-flags:resolved, * loop0 * [@0]: ipv4 via loop0: IP4: de:ad:00:00:00:00 -> 00:00:11:aa:bb:cc * @cliexend ?*/ VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (show_mpls_tunnel_command, static) = { .path = "show mpls tunnel", .function = show_mpls_tunnel_command_fn, }; static mpls_tunnel_t * mpls_tunnel_from_fib_node (fib_node_t *node) { ASSERT(FIB_NODE_TYPE_MPLS_TUNNEL == node->fn_type); return ((mpls_tunnel_t*) (((char*)node) - STRUCT_OFFSET_OF(mpls_tunnel_t, mt_node))); } /** * Function definition to backwalk a FIB node */ static fib_node_back_walk_rc_t mpls_tunnel_back_walk (fib_node_t *node, fib_node_back_walk_ctx_t *ctx) { mpls_tunnel_restack(mpls_tunnel_from_fib_node(node)); return (FIB_NODE_BACK_WALK_CONTINUE); } /** * Function definition to get a FIB node from its index */ static fib_node_t* mpls_tunnel_fib_node_get (fib_node_index_t index) { mpls_tunnel_t * mt; mt = pool_elt_at_index(mpls_tunnel_pool, index); return (&mt->mt_node); } /** * Function definition to inform the FIB node that its last lock has gone. */ static void mpls_tunnel_last_lock_gone (fib_node_t *node) { /* * The MPLS MPLS tunnel is a root of the graph. As such * it never has children and thus is never locked. */ ASSERT(0); } /* * Virtual function table registered by MPLS MPLS tunnels * for participation in the FIB object graph. */ const static fib_node_vft_t mpls_vft = { .fnv_get = mpls_tunnel_fib_node_get, .fnv_last_lock = mpls_tunnel_last_lock_gone, .fnv_back_walk = mpls_tunnel_back_walk, }; static clib_error_t * mpls_tunnel_init (vlib_main_t *vm) { fib_node_register_type(FIB_NODE_TYPE_MPLS_TUNNEL, &mpls_vft); return 0; } VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION(mpls_tunnel_init);