/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef SRC_VNET_SESSION_APPLICATION_H_ #define SRC_VNET_SESSION_APPLICATION_H_ #include <vnet/session/application_interface.h> #include <vnet/session/application_namespace.h> #include <vnet/session/session_types.h> #include <vnet/session/segment_manager.h> #define APP_DEBUG 0 #if APP_DEBUG > 0 #define APP_DBG(_fmt, _args...) clib_warning (_fmt, ##_args) #else #define APP_DBG(_fmt, _args...) #endif typedef struct app_wrk_postponed_msg_ { u32 len; u8 event_type; u8 ring; u8 is_sapi; int fd; u8 data[SESSION_CTRL_MSG_TX_MAX_SIZE]; } app_wrk_postponed_msg_t; typedef struct app_worker_ { CLIB_CACHE_LINE_ALIGN_MARK (cacheline0); /** Worker index in global worker pool*/ u32 wrk_index; /** Worker index in app's map pool */ u32 wrk_map_index; /** Index of owning app */ u32 app_index; /** Application listens for events on this svm queue */ svm_msg_q_t *event_queue; /** * Segment manager used for outgoing connects issued by the app. By * convention this is the first segment manager allocated by the worker * so it's also the one that holds the first segment with the app's * message queue in it. */ u32 connects_seg_manager; /** Lookup tables for listeners. Value is segment manager index */ uword *listeners_table; /** API index for the worker. Needed for multi-process apps */ u32 api_client_index; /** Set if mq is congested */ u8 mq_congested; u8 app_is_builtin; /** Pool of half-open session handles. Tracked in case worker detaches */ session_handle_t *half_open_table; /** Protects detached seg managers */ clib_spinlock_t detached_seg_managers_lock; /** Vector of detached listener segment managers */ u32 *detached_seg_managers; /** Fifo of messages postponed because of mq congestion */ app_wrk_postponed_msg_t *postponed_mq_msgs; /** Lock to add/sub message from ref @postponed_mq_msgs */ clib_spinlock_t postponed_mq_msgs_lock; } app_worker_t; typedef struct app_worker_map_ { u32 wrk_index; } app_worker_map_t; typedef struct app_listener_ { clib_bitmap_t *workers; /**< workers accepting connections */ u32 accept_rotor; /**< last worker to accept a connection */ u32 al_index; /**< app listener index in app pool */ u32 app_index; /**< owning app index */ u32 local_index; /**< local listening session index */ u32 session_index; /**< global listening session index */ session_handle_t ls_handle; /**< session handle of the local or global listening session that also identifies the app listener */ } app_listener_t; typedef enum app_rx_mq_flags_ { APP_RX_MQ_F_PENDING = 1 << 0, APP_RX_MQ_F_POSTPONED = 1 << 1, } app_rx_mq_flags_t; typedef struct app_rx_mq_elt_ { struct app_rx_mq_elt_ *next; struct app_rx_mq_elt_ *prev; svm_msg_q_t *mq; uword file_index; u32 app_index; u8 flags; } app_rx_mq_elt_t; typedef struct application_ { /** App index in app pool */ u32 app_index; /** Flags */ u32 flags; /** Callbacks: shoulder-taps for the server/client */ session_cb_vft_t cb_fns; /** Segment manager properties. Shared by all segment managers */ segment_manager_props_t sm_properties; /** Pool of mappings that keep track of workers associated to this app */ app_worker_map_t *worker_maps; /** Name registered by builtin apps */ u8 *name; /** Namespace the application belongs to */ u32 ns_index; u16 proxied_transports; /** Pool of listeners for the app */ app_listener_t *listeners; /** Preferred tls engine */ u8 tls_engine; /** quic initialization vector */ char quic_iv[17]; u8 quic_iv_set; /** Segment where rx mqs were allocated */ fifo_segment_t rx_mqs_segment; /** * Fixed vector of rx mqs that can be a part of pending_rx_mqs * linked list maintained by the app sublayer for each worker */ app_rx_mq_elt_t *rx_mqs; } application_t; typedef struct app_rx_mq_handle_ { union { struct { u32 app_index; u32 thread_index; }; u64 as_u64; }; } __attribute__ ((aligned (sizeof (u64)))) app_rx_mq_handle_t; /** * App sublayer per vpp worker state */ typedef struct asl_wrk_ { /** Linked list of mqs with pending messages */ app_rx_mq_elt_t *pending_rx_mqs; } appsl_wrk_t; typedef struct app_main_ { /** * Pool from which we allocate all applications */ application_t *app_pool; /** * Hash table of apps by api client index */ uword *app_by_api_client_index; /** * Hash table of builtin apps by name */ uword *app_by_name; /** * Pool from which we allocate certificates (key, cert) */ app_cert_key_pair_t *cert_key_pair_store; /* * Last registered crypto engine type */ crypto_engine_type_t last_crypto_engine; /** * App sublayer per-worker state */ appsl_wrk_t *wrk; } app_main_t; typedef struct app_init_args_ { #define _(_type, _name) _type _name; foreach_app_init_args #undef _ } app_init_args_t; typedef struct _vnet_app_worker_add_del_args { u32 app_index; /**< App for which a new worker is requested */ u32 wrk_map_index; /**< Index to delete or return value if add */ u32 api_client_index; /**< Binary API client index */ ssvm_private_t *segment; /**< First segment in segment manager */ u64 segment_handle; /**< Handle for the segment */ svm_msg_q_t *evt_q; /**< Worker message queue */ u8 is_add; /**< Flag set if addition */ } vnet_app_worker_add_del_args_t; #define APP_INVALID_INDEX ((u32)~0) #define APP_NS_INVALID_INDEX ((u32)~0) #define APP_INVALID_SEGMENT_MANAGER_INDEX ((u32) ~0) app_listener_t *app_listener_get (application_t * app, u32 al_index); int app_listener_alloc_and_init (application_t * app, session_endpoint_cfg_t * sep, app_listener_t ** listener); void app_listener_cleanup (app_listener_t * app_listener); session_handle_t app_listener_handle (app_listener_t * app_listener); app_listener_t *app_listener_lookup (application_t * app, session_endpoint_cfg_t * sep); /** * Get app listener handle for listening session * * For a given listening session, this can return either the session * handle of the app listener associated to the listening session or, * if no such app listener exists, the session's handle * * @param ls listening session * @return app listener or listening session handle */ session_handle_t app_listen_session_handle (session_t * ls); /** * Get app listener for listener session handle * * Should only be called on handles that have an app listener, i.e., * were obtained at the end of a @ref vnet_listen call. * * @param handle handle of the app listener. This is the handle of * either the global or local listener * @return pointer to app listener or 0 */ app_listener_t *app_listener_get_w_handle (session_handle_t handle); app_listener_t *app_listener_get_w_session (session_t * ls); session_t *app_listener_get_session (app_listener_t * al); session_t *app_listener_get_local_session (app_listener_t * al); application_t *application_get (u32 index); application_t *application_get_if_valid (u32 index); application_t *application_lookup (u32 api_client_index); application_t *application_lookup_name (const u8 * name); app_worker_t *application_get_worker (application_t * app, u32 wrk_index); app_worker_t *application_get_default_worker (application_t * app); app_worker_t *application_listener_select_worker (session_t * ls); int application_change_listener_owner (session_t * s, app_worker_t * app_wrk); int application_is_proxy (application_t * app); int application_is_builtin (application_t * app); int application_is_builtin_proxy (application_t * app); u32 application_session_table (application_t * app, u8 fib_proto); u32 application_local_session_table (application_t * app); const u8 *application_name_from_index (u32 app_or_wrk); u8 application_has_local_scope (application_t * app); u8 application_has_global_scope (application_t * app); void application_setup_proxy (application_t * app); void application_remove_proxy (application_t * app); void application_namespace_cleanup (app_namespace_t *app_ns); segment_manager_props_t *application_get_segment_manager_properties (u32 app_index); segment_manager_props_t * application_segment_manager_properties (application_t * app); svm_msg_q_t *application_rx_mq_get (application_t *app, u32 mq_index); u8 application_use_private_rx_mqs (void); fifo_segment_t *application_get_rx_mqs_segment (application_t *app); void application_enable_rx_mqs_nodes (u8 is_en); /* * App worker */ app_worker_t *app_worker_alloc (application_t * app); int application_alloc_worker_and_init (application_t * app, app_worker_t ** wrk); app_worker_t *app_worker_get (u32 wrk_index); app_worker_t *app_worker_get_if_valid (u32 wrk_index); application_t *app_worker_get_app (u32 wrk_index); int app_worker_own_session (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s); void app_worker_free (app_worker_t * app_wrk); int app_worker_connect_session (app_worker_t *app, session_endpoint_cfg_t *sep, session_handle_t *rsh); int app_worker_start_listen (app_worker_t * app_wrk, app_listener_t * lstnr); int app_worker_stop_listen (app_worker_t * app_wrk, app_listener_t * al); int app_worker_init_accepted (session_t * s); int app_worker_accept_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s); int app_worker_init_connected (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s); int app_worker_connect_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s, session_error_t err, u32 opaque); int app_worker_add_half_open (app_worker_t *app_wrk, session_handle_t sh); int app_worker_del_half_open (app_worker_t *app_wrk, session_t *s); int app_worker_close_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s); int app_worker_transport_closed_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s); int app_worker_reset_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s); int app_worker_cleanup_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s, session_cleanup_ntf_t ntf); int app_worker_migrate_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s, session_handle_t new_sh); int app_worker_builtin_rx (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s); int app_worker_builtin_tx (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s); int app_worker_session_fifo_tuning (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_t * s, svm_fifo_t * f, session_ft_action_t act, u32 len); segment_manager_t *app_worker_get_listen_segment_manager (app_worker_t *, session_t *); segment_manager_t *app_worker_get_connect_segment_manager (app_worker_t *); int app_worker_add_segment_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk, u64 segment_handle); int app_worker_del_segment_notify (app_worker_t * app_wrk, u64 segment_handle); u32 app_worker_n_listeners (app_worker_t * app); session_t *app_worker_first_listener (app_worker_t * app, u8 fib_proto, u8 transport_proto); void app_wrk_send_ctrl_evt_fd (app_worker_t *app_wrk, u8 evt_type, void *msg, u32 msg_len, int fd); void app_wrk_send_ctrl_evt (app_worker_t *app_wrk, u8 evt_type, void *msg, u32 msg_len); int app_worker_send_event (app_worker_t * app, session_t * s, u8 evt); int app_worker_lock_and_send_event (app_worker_t * app, session_t * s, u8 evt_type); session_t *app_worker_proxy_listener (app_worker_t * app, u8 fib_proto, u8 transport_proto); void app_worker_del_detached_sm (app_worker_t * app_wrk, u32 sm_index); u8 *format_app_worker (u8 * s, va_list * args); u8 *format_app_worker_listener (u8 * s, va_list * args); u8 *format_crypto_engine (u8 * s, va_list * args); u8 *format_crypto_context (u8 * s, va_list * args); void app_worker_format_connects (app_worker_t * app_wrk, int verbose); int vnet_app_worker_add_del (vnet_app_worker_add_del_args_t * a); uword unformat_application_proto (unformat_input_t * input, va_list * args); app_cert_key_pair_t *app_cert_key_pair_get (u32 index); app_cert_key_pair_t *app_cert_key_pair_get_if_valid (u32 index); app_cert_key_pair_t *app_cert_key_pair_get_default (); /* Needed while we support both bapi and mq ctrl messages */ int mq_send_session_bound_cb (u32 app_wrk_index, u32 api_context, session_handle_t handle, int rv); int mq_send_session_connected_cb (u32 app_wrk_index, u32 api_context, session_t * s, session_error_t err); void mq_send_unlisten_reply (app_worker_t * app_wrk, session_handle_t sh, u32 context, int rv); void sapi_socket_close_w_handle (u32 api_handle); crypto_engine_type_t app_crypto_engine_type_add (void); u8 app_crypto_engine_n_types (void); #endif /* SRC_VNET_SESSION_APPLICATION_H_ */ /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */