/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <vnet/session/application_interface.h> #include <vnet/session/session.h> #include <vlibmemory/api.h> #include <vnet/dpo/load_balance.h> /** @file VPP's application/session API bind/unbind/connect/disconnect calls */ /* * TLS server cert and keys to be used for testing only */ const char test_srv_crt_rsa[] = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n" "MIID5zCCAs+gAwIBAgIJALeMYCEHrTtJMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGJMQswCQYD\r\n" "VQQGEwJVUzELMAkGA1UECAwCQ0ExETAPBgNVBAcMCFNhbiBKb3NlMQ4wDAYDVQQK\r\n" "DAVDaXNjbzEOMAwGA1UECwwFZmQuaW8xFjAUBgNVBAMMDXRlc3R0bHMuZmQuaW8x\r\n" "IjAgBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWE3ZwcC1kZXZAbGlzdHMuZmQuaW8wHhcNMTgwMzA1MjEx\r\n" "NTEyWhcNMjgwMzAyMjExNTEyWjCBiTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgMAkNB\r\n" "MREwDwYDVQQHDAhTYW4gSm9zZTEOMAwGA1UECgwFQ2lzY28xDjAMBgNVBAsMBWZk\r\n" "LmlvMRYwFAYDVQQDDA10ZXN0dGxzLmZkLmlvMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhN2cHAt\r\n" "ZGV2QGxpc3RzLmZkLmlvMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA\r\n" "4C1k8a1DuStgggqT4o09fP9sJ2dC54bxhS/Xk2VEfaIZ222WSo4X/syRVfVy9Yah\r\n" "cpI1zJ/RDxaZSFhgA+nPZBrFMsrULkrdAOpOVj8eDEp9JuWdO2ODSoFnCvLxcYWB\r\n" "Yc5kHryJpEaGJl1sFQSesnzMFty/59ta0stk0Fp8r5NhIjWvSovGzPo6Bhz+VS2c\r\n" "ebIZh4x1t2hHaFcgm0qJoJ6DceReWCW8w+yOVovTolGGq+bpb2Hn7MnRSZ2K2NdL\r\n" "+aLXpkZbS/AODP1FF2vTO1mYL290LO7/51vJmPXNKSDYMy5EvILr5/VqtjsFCwRL\r\n" "Q4jcM/+GeHSAFWx4qIv0BwIDAQABo1AwTjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUWa1SOB37xmT53tZQ\r\n" "aXuLLhRI7U8wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUWa1SOB37xmT53tZQaXuLLhRI7U8wDAYDVR0T\r\n" "BAUwAwEB/zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAoUht13W4ya27NVzQuCMvqPWL3VM4\r\n" "3xbPFk02FaGz/WupPu276zGlzJAZrbuDcQowwwU1Ni1Yygxl96s1c2M5rHDTrOKG\r\n" "rK0hbkSFBo+i6I8u4HiiQ4rYmG0Hv6+sXn3of0HsbtDPGgWZoipPWDljPYEURu3e\r\n" "3HRe/Dtsj9CakBoSDzs8ndWaBR+f4sM9Tk1cjD46Gq2T/qpSPXqKxEUXlzhdCAn4\r\n" "twub17Bq2kykHpppCwPg5M+v30tHG/R2Go15MeFWbEJthFk3TZMjKL7UFs7fH+x2\r\n" "wSonXb++jY+KmCb93C+soABBizE57g/KmiR2IxQ/LMjDik01RSUIaM0lLA==\r\n" "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\r\n"; const u32 test_srv_crt_rsa_len = sizeof (test_srv_crt_rsa); const char test_srv_key_rsa[] = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n" "MIIEvQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKcwggSjAgEAAoIBAQDgLWTxrUO5K2CC\r\n" "CpPijT18/2wnZ0LnhvGFL9eTZUR9ohnbbZZKjhf+zJFV9XL1hqFykjXMn9EPFplI\r\n" "WGAD6c9kGsUyytQuSt0A6k5WPx4MSn0m5Z07Y4NKgWcK8vFxhYFhzmQevImkRoYm\r\n" "XWwVBJ6yfMwW3L/n21rSy2TQWnyvk2EiNa9Ki8bM+joGHP5VLZx5shmHjHW3aEdo\r\n" "VyCbSomgnoNx5F5YJbzD7I5Wi9OiUYar5ulvYefsydFJnYrY10v5otemRltL8A4M\r\n" "/UUXa9M7WZgvb3Qs7v/nW8mY9c0pINgzLkS8guvn9Wq2OwULBEtDiNwz/4Z4dIAV\r\n" "bHioi/QHAgMBAAECggEBAMzGipP8+oT166U+NlJXRFifFVN1DvdhG9PWnOxGL+c3\r\n" "ILmBBC08WQzmHshPemBvR6DZkA1H23cV5JTiLWrFtC00CvhXsLRMrE5+uWotI6yE\r\n" "iofybMroHvD6/X5R510UX9hQ6MHu5ShLR5VZ9zXHz5MpTmB/60jG5dLx+jgcwBK8\r\n" "LuGv2YB/WCUwT9QJ3YU2eaingnXtz/MrFbkbltrqlnBdlD+kTtw6Yac9y1XuuQXc\r\n" "BPeulLNDuPolJVWbUvDBZrpt2dXTgz8ws1sv+wCNE0xwQJsqW4Nx3QkpibUL9RUr\r\n" "CVbKlNfa9lopT6nGKlgX69R/uH35yh9AOsfasro6w0ECgYEA82UJ8u/+ORah+0sF\r\n" "Q0FfW5MTdi7OAUHOz16pUsGlaEv0ERrjZxmAkHA/VRwpvDBpx4alCv0Hc39PFLIk\r\n" "nhSsM2BEuBkTAs6/GaoNAiBtQVE/hN7awNRWVmlieS0go3Y3dzaE9IUMyj8sPOFT\r\n" "5JdJ6BM69PHKCkY3dKdnnfpFEuECgYEA68mRpteunF1mdZgXs+WrN+uLlRrQR20F\r\n" "ZyMYiUCH2Dtn26EzA2moy7FipIIrQcX/j+KhYNGM3e7MU4LymIO29E18mn8JODnH\r\n" "sQOXzBTsf8A4yIVMkcuQD3bfb0JiUGYUPOidTp2N7IJA7+6Yc3vQOyb74lnKnJoO\r\n" "gougPT2wS+cCgYAn7muzb6xFsXDhyW0Tm6YJYBfRS9yAWEuVufINobeBZPSl2cN1\r\n" "Jrnw+HlrfTNbrJWuJmjtZJXUXQ6cVp2rUbjutNyRV4vG6iRwEXYQ40EJdkr1gZpi\r\n" "CHQhuShuuPih2MNAy7EEbM+sXrDjTBR3bFqzuHPzu7dp+BshCFX3lRfAAQKBgGQt\r\n" "K5i7IhCFDjb/+3IPLgOAK7mZvsvZ4eXD33TQ2eZgtut1PXtBtNl17/b85uv293Fm\r\n" "VDISVcsk3eLNS8zIiT6afUoWlxAwXEs0v5WRfjl4radkGvgGiJpJYvyeM67877RB\r\n" "EDSKc/X8ESLfOB44iGvZUEMG6zJFscx9DgN25iQZAoGAbyd+JEWwdVH9/K3IH1t2\r\n" "PBkZX17kNWv+iVM1WyFjbe++vfKZCrOJiyiqhDeEqgrP3AuNMlaaduC3VRC3G5oV\r\n" "Mj1tlhDWQ/qhvKdCKNdIVQYDE75nw+FRWV8yYkHAnXYW3tNoweDIwixE0hkPR1bc\r\n" "oEjPLVNtx8SOj/M4rhaPT3I=\r\n" "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\r\n"; const u32 test_srv_key_rsa_len = sizeof (test_srv_key_rsa); static u8 session_endpoint_is_local (session_endpoint_t * sep) { return (ip_is_zero (&sep->ip, sep->is_ip4) || ip_is_local_host (&sep->ip, sep->is_ip4)); } static u8 session_endpoint_is_zero (session_endpoint_t * sep) { return ip_is_zero (&sep->ip, sep->is_ip4); } u8 session_endpoint_in_ns (session_endpoint_t * sep) { u8 is_lep = session_endpoint_is_local (sep); if (!is_lep && sep->sw_if_index != ENDPOINT_INVALID_INDEX && !ip_interface_has_address (sep->sw_if_index, &sep->ip, sep->is_ip4)) { clib_warning ("sw_if_index %u not configured with ip %U", sep->sw_if_index, format_ip46_address, &sep->ip, sep->is_ip4); return 0; } return (is_lep || ip_is_local (sep->fib_index, &sep->ip, sep->is_ip4)); } int api_parse_session_handle (u64 handle, u32 * session_index, u32 * thread_index) { session_manager_main_t *smm = vnet_get_session_manager_main (); stream_session_t *pool; *thread_index = handle & 0xFFFFFFFF; *session_index = handle >> 32; if (*thread_index >= vec_len (smm->sessions)) return VNET_API_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE; pool = smm->sessions[*thread_index]; if (pool_is_free_index (pool, *session_index)) return VNET_API_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE_2; return 0; } static void session_endpoint_update_for_app (session_endpoint_t * sep, application_t * app) { app_namespace_t *app_ns; app_ns = app_namespace_get (app->ns_index); if (app_ns) { /* Ask transport and network to bind to/connect using local interface * that "supports" app's namespace. This will fix our local connection * endpoint. */ sep->sw_if_index = app_ns->sw_if_index; sep->fib_index = sep->is_ip4 ? app_ns->ip4_fib_index : app_ns->ip6_fib_index; } } static int vnet_bind_i (vnet_bind_args_t * a) { u64 lh, ll_handle = SESSION_INVALID_HANDLE; u32 table_index, fib_proto; app_worker_t *app_wrk; application_t *app; int rv; app = application_get_if_valid (a->app_index); if (!app) { SESSION_DBG ("app not attached"); return VNET_API_ERROR_APPLICATION_NOT_ATTACHED; } app_wrk = application_get_worker (app, a->wrk_map_index); session_endpoint_update_for_app (&a->sep, app); if (!session_endpoint_in_ns (&a->sep)) return VNET_API_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE_2; fib_proto = session_endpoint_fib_proto (&a->sep); table_index = application_session_table (app, fib_proto); lh = session_lookup_endpoint_listener (table_index, &a->sep, 1); if (lh != SESSION_INVALID_HANDLE) return VNET_API_ERROR_ADDRESS_IN_USE; /* * Add session endpoint to local session table. Only binds to "inaddr_any" * (i.e., zero address) are added to local scope table. */ if (application_has_local_scope (app) && session_endpoint_is_local (&a->sep)) { if ((rv = application_start_local_listen (app_wrk, &a->sep, &a->handle))) return rv; ll_handle = a->handle; } if (!application_has_global_scope (app)) return (ll_handle == SESSION_INVALID_HANDLE ? -1 : 0); /* * Add session endpoint to global session table */ /* Setup listen path down to transport */ rv = app_worker_start_listen (app_wrk, &a->sep, &a->handle); if (rv && ll_handle != SESSION_INVALID_HANDLE) session_lookup_del_session_endpoint (table_index, &a->sep); /* * Store in local table listener the index of the transport layer * listener. We'll need local listeners are hit and we need to * return global handle */ if (ll_handle != SESSION_INVALID_HANDLE) { local_session_t *ll; stream_session_t *tl; ll = application_get_local_listener_w_handle (ll_handle); tl = listen_session_get_from_handle (a->handle); ll->transport_listener_index = tl->session_index; } return rv; } int vnet_unbind_i (u32 app_index, session_handle_t handle) { application_t *app; int rv; if (!(app = application_get_if_valid (app_index))) { SESSION_DBG ("app (%d) not attached", wrk_map_index); return VNET_API_ERROR_APPLICATION_NOT_ATTACHED; } if (application_has_local_scope (app)) { if ((rv = application_stop_local_listen (handle, app_index))) return rv; } /* * Clear the global scope table of the listener */ if (application_has_global_scope (app)) return app_worker_stop_listen (handle, app_index); return 0; } static int application_connect (vnet_connect_args_t * a) { app_worker_t *server_wrk, *client_wrk; u32 table_index, server_index, li; stream_session_t *listener; application_t *client; local_session_t *ll; u8 fib_proto; u64 lh; if (session_endpoint_is_zero (&a->sep)) return VNET_API_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE; client = application_get (a->app_index); session_endpoint_update_for_app (&a->sep, client); client_wrk = application_get_worker (client, a->wrk_map_index); /* * First check the local scope for locally attached destinations. * If we have local scope, we pass *all* connects through it since we may * have special policy rules even for non-local destinations, think proxy. */ if (application_has_local_scope (client)) { table_index = application_local_session_table (client); lh = session_lookup_local_endpoint (table_index, &a->sep); if (lh == SESSION_DROP_HANDLE) return VNET_API_ERROR_APP_CONNECT_FILTERED; if (lh == SESSION_INVALID_HANDLE) goto global_scope; local_session_parse_handle (lh, &server_index, &li); /* * Break loop if rule in local table points to connecting app. This * can happen if client is a generic proxy. Route connect through * global table instead. */ if (server_index != a->app_index) { server_wrk = app_worker_get (server_index); ll = application_get_local_listen_session (server_wrk, li); return application_local_session_connect (client_wrk, server_wrk, ll, a->api_context); } } /* * If nothing found, check the global scope for locally attached * destinations. Make sure first that we're allowed to. */ global_scope: if (session_endpoint_is_local (&a->sep)) return VNET_API_ERROR_SESSION_CONNECT; if (!application_has_global_scope (client)) return VNET_API_ERROR_APP_CONNECT_SCOPE; fib_proto = session_endpoint_fib_proto (&a->sep); table_index = application_session_table (client, fib_proto); listener = session_lookup_listener (table_index, &a->sep); if (listener) { server_wrk = app_worker_get (listener->app_wrk_index); if (server_wrk) { ll = (local_session_t *) listener; return application_local_session_connect (client_wrk, server_wrk, ll, a->api_context); } } /* * Not connecting to a local server, propagate to transport */ if (app_worker_open_session (client_wrk, &a->sep, a->api_context)) return VNET_API_ERROR_SESSION_CONNECT; return 0; } /** * unformat a vnet URI * * transport-proto://[hostname]ip46-addr:port * eg. tcp://ip46-addr:port * tls://[testtsl.fd.io]ip46-addr:port * * u8 ip46_address[16]; * u16 port_in_host_byte_order; * stream_session_type_t sst; * u8 *fifo_name; * * if (unformat (input, "%U", unformat_vnet_uri, &ip46_address, * &sst, &port, &fifo_name)) * etc... * */ uword unformat_vnet_uri (unformat_input_t * input, va_list * args) { session_endpoint_extended_t *sep = va_arg (*args, session_endpoint_extended_t *); u32 transport_proto = 0, port; if (unformat (input, "%U://%U/%d", unformat_transport_proto, &transport_proto, unformat_ip4_address, &sep->ip.ip4, &port)) { sep->transport_proto = transport_proto; sep->port = clib_host_to_net_u16 (port); sep->is_ip4 = 1; return 1; } else if (unformat (input, "%U://[%s]%U/%d", unformat_transport_proto, &transport_proto, &sep->hostname, unformat_ip4_address, &sep->ip.ip4, &port)) { sep->transport_proto = transport_proto; sep->port = clib_host_to_net_u16 (port); sep->is_ip4 = 1; return 1; } else if (unformat (input, "%U://%U/%d", unformat_transport_proto, &transport_proto, unformat_ip6_address, &sep->ip.ip6, &port)) { sep->transport_proto = transport_proto; sep->port = clib_host_to_net_u16 (port); sep->is_ip4 = 0; return 1; } else if (unformat (input, "%U://[%s]%U/%d", unformat_transport_proto, &transport_proto, &sep->hostname, unformat_ip6_address, &sep->ip.ip6, &port)) { sep->transport_proto = transport_proto; sep->port = clib_host_to_net_u16 (port); sep->is_ip4 = 0; return 1; } return 0; } static u8 *cache_uri; static session_endpoint_extended_t *cache_sep; int parse_uri (char *uri, session_endpoint_extended_t * sep) { unformat_input_t _input, *input = &_input; if (cache_uri && !strncmp (uri, (char *) cache_uri, vec_len (cache_uri))) { *sep = *cache_sep; return 0; } /* Make sure */ uri = (char *) format (0, "%s%c", uri, 0); /* Parse uri */ unformat_init_string (input, uri, strlen (uri)); if (!unformat (input, "%U", unformat_vnet_uri, sep)) { unformat_free (input); return VNET_API_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE; } unformat_free (input); vec_free (cache_uri); cache_uri = (u8 *) uri; if (cache_sep) clib_mem_free (cache_sep); cache_sep = clib_mem_alloc (sizeof (*sep)); *cache_sep = *sep; return 0; } static int app_validate_namespace (u8 * namespace_id, u64 secret, u32 * app_ns_index) { app_namespace_t *app_ns; if (vec_len (namespace_id) == 0) { /* Use default namespace */ *app_ns_index = 0; return 0; } *app_ns_index = app_namespace_index_from_id (namespace_id); if (*app_ns_index == APP_NAMESPACE_INVALID_INDEX) return VNET_API_ERROR_APP_INVALID_NS; app_ns = app_namespace_get (*app_ns_index); if (!app_ns) return VNET_API_ERROR_APP_INVALID_NS; if (app_ns->ns_secret != secret) return VNET_API_ERROR_APP_WRONG_NS_SECRET; return 0; } /** * Attach application to vpp * * Allocates a vpp app, i.e., a structure that keeps back pointers * to external app and a segment manager for shared memory fifo based * communication with the external app. */ clib_error_t * vnet_application_attach (vnet_app_attach_args_t * a) { svm_fifo_segment_private_t *fs; application_t *app = 0; app_worker_t *app_wrk; segment_manager_t *sm; u32 app_ns_index = 0; u64 secret; int rv; if (a->api_client_index != APP_INVALID_INDEX) app = application_lookup (a->api_client_index); else if (a->name) app = application_lookup_name (a->name); else return clib_error_return_code (0, VNET_API_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE, 0, "api index or name must be provided"); if (app) return clib_error_return_code (0, VNET_API_ERROR_APP_ALREADY_ATTACHED, 0, "app already attached"); secret = a->options[APP_OPTIONS_NAMESPACE_SECRET]; if ((rv = app_validate_namespace (a->namespace_id, secret, &app_ns_index))) return clib_error_return_code (0, rv, 0, "namespace validation: %d", rv); a->options[APP_OPTIONS_NAMESPACE] = app_ns_index; if ((rv = application_alloc_and_init ((app_init_args_t *) a))) return clib_error_return_code (0, rv, 0, "app init: %d", rv); app = application_get (a->app_index); if ((rv = app_worker_alloc_and_init (app, &app_wrk))) return clib_error_return_code (0, rv, 0, "app default wrk init: %d", rv); a->app_evt_q = app_wrk->event_queue; sm = segment_manager_get (app_wrk->first_segment_manager); fs = segment_manager_get_segment_w_lock (sm, 0); if (application_is_proxy (app)) application_setup_proxy (app); ASSERT (vec_len (fs->ssvm.name) <= 128); a->segment = &fs->ssvm; segment_manager_segment_reader_unlock (sm); return 0; } /** * Detach application from vpp */ int vnet_application_detach (vnet_app_detach_args_t * a) { application_t *app; app = application_get_if_valid (a->app_index); if (!app) { clib_warning ("app not attached"); return VNET_API_ERROR_APPLICATION_NOT_ATTACHED; } application_free (app); return 0; } int vnet_bind_uri (vnet_bind_args_t * a) { session_endpoint_extended_t sep = SESSION_ENDPOINT_EXT_NULL; int rv; rv = parse_uri (a->uri, &sep); if (rv) return rv; clib_memcpy (&a->sep_ext, &sep, sizeof (sep)); return vnet_bind_i (a); } int vnet_unbind_uri (vnet_unbind_args_t * a) { session_endpoint_extended_t sep = SESSION_ENDPOINT_EXT_NULL; stream_session_t *listener; u32 table_index; int rv; rv = parse_uri (a->uri, &sep); if (rv) return rv; /* NOTE: only default fib tables supported for uri apis */ table_index = session_lookup_get_index_for_fib (fib_ip_proto (!sep.is_ip4), 0); listener = session_lookup_listener (table_index, (session_endpoint_t *) & sep); if (!listener) return VNET_API_ERROR_ADDRESS_NOT_IN_USE; return vnet_unbind_i (a->app_index, listen_session_get_handle (listener)); } clib_error_t * vnet_connect_uri (vnet_connect_args_t * a) { session_endpoint_extended_t sep = SESSION_ENDPOINT_EXT_NULL; int rv; /* Parse uri */ rv = parse_uri (a->uri, &sep); if (rv) return clib_error_return_code (0, rv, 0, "app init: %d", rv); clib_memcpy (&a->sep_ext, &sep, sizeof (sep)); if ((rv = application_connect (a))) return clib_error_return_code (0, rv, 0, "connect failed"); return 0; } int vnet_disconnect_session (vnet_disconnect_args_t * a) { if (session_handle_is_local (a->handle)) { local_session_t *ls; /* Disconnect reply came to worker 1 not main thread */ if (vlib_get_thread_index () == 1) { vlib_rpc_call_main_thread (vnet_disconnect_session, (u8 *) a, sizeof (*a)); return 0; } if (!(ls = application_get_local_session_from_handle (a->handle))) return 0; if (ls->app_wrk_index != a->app_index && ls->client_wrk_index != a->app_index) { clib_warning ("app %u is neither client nor server for session %u", a->app_index, a->app_index); return VNET_API_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE; } return application_local_session_disconnect (a->app_index, ls); } else { stream_session_t *s; s = session_get_from_handle_if_valid (a->handle); if (!s || s->app_wrk_index != a->app_index) return VNET_API_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE; /* We're peeking into another's thread pool. Make sure */ ASSERT (s->session_index == session_index_from_handle (a->handle)); stream_session_disconnect (s); } return 0; } clib_error_t * vnet_bind (vnet_bind_args_t * a) { int rv; if ((rv = vnet_bind_i (a))) return clib_error_return_code (0, rv, 0, "bind failed: %d", rv); return 0; } clib_error_t * vnet_unbind (vnet_unbind_args_t * a) { int rv; if ((rv = vnet_unbind_i (a->app_index, a->handle))) return clib_error_return_code (0, rv, 0, "unbind failed: %d", rv); return 0; } clib_error_t * vnet_connect (vnet_connect_args_t * a) { int rv; if ((rv = application_connect (a))) return clib_error_return_code (0, rv, 0, "connect failed: %d", rv); return 0; } /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */