/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <vnet/session/application_local.h> #include <vnet/session/session.h> static ct_connection_t *connections; static void ct_enable_disable_main_pre_input_node (u8 is_add) { u32 n_conns; if (!vlib_num_workers ()) return; n_conns = pool_elts (connections); if (n_conns > 2) return; if (n_conns > 0 && is_add) vlib_node_set_state (vlib_get_main (), session_queue_pre_input_node.index, VLIB_NODE_STATE_POLLING); else if (n_conns == 0) vlib_node_set_state (vlib_get_main (), session_queue_pre_input_node.index, VLIB_NODE_STATE_DISABLED); } static ct_connection_t * ct_connection_alloc (void) { ct_connection_t *ct; pool_get_zero (connections, ct); ct->c_c_index = ct - connections; ct->c_thread_index = 0; ct->client_wrk = ~0; ct->server_wrk = ~0; return ct; } static ct_connection_t * ct_connection_get (u32 ct_index) { if (pool_is_free_index (connections, ct_index)) return 0; return pool_elt_at_index (connections, ct_index); } static void ct_connection_free (ct_connection_t * ct) { if (CLIB_DEBUG) memset (ct, 0xfc, sizeof (*ct)); pool_put (connections, ct); } session_t * ct_session_get_peer (session_t * s) { ct_connection_t *ct, *peer_ct; ct = ct_connection_get (s->connection_index); peer_ct = ct_connection_get (ct->peer_index); return session_get (peer_ct->c_s_index, 0); } void ct_session_endpoint (session_t * ll, session_endpoint_t * sep) { ct_connection_t *ct; ct = (ct_connection_t *) session_get_transport (ll); sep->transport_proto = ct->actual_tp; sep->port = ct->c_lcl_port; sep->is_ip4 = ct->c_is_ip4; } int ct_session_connect_notify (session_t * ss) { ct_connection_t *sct, *cct; app_worker_t *client_wrk; segment_manager_t *sm; fifo_segment_t *seg; u64 segment_handle; int err = 0; session_t *cs; u32 ss_index; ss_index = ss->session_index; sct = (ct_connection_t *) session_get_transport (ss); client_wrk = app_worker_get (sct->client_wrk); sm = segment_manager_get (ss->rx_fifo->segment_manager); seg = segment_manager_get_segment_w_lock (sm, ss->rx_fifo->segment_index); segment_handle = segment_manager_segment_handle (sm, seg); if ((err = app_worker_add_segment_notify (client_wrk, segment_handle))) { clib_warning ("failed to notify client %u of new segment", sct->client_wrk); segment_manager_segment_reader_unlock (sm); session_close (ss); } else { segment_manager_segment_reader_unlock (sm); } /* Alloc client session */ cct = ct_connection_get (sct->peer_index); cs = session_alloc (0); ss = session_get (ss_index, 0); cs->session_type = ss->session_type; cs->connection_index = sct->c_c_index; cs->listener_handle = SESSION_INVALID_HANDLE; cs->session_state = SESSION_STATE_CONNECTING; cs->app_wrk_index = client_wrk->wrk_index; cs->connection_index = cct->c_c_index; cct->c_s_index = cs->session_index; cct->client_rx_fifo = ss->tx_fifo; cct->client_tx_fifo = ss->rx_fifo; cct->client_rx_fifo->refcnt++; cct->client_tx_fifo->refcnt++; /* This will allocate fifos for the session. They won't be used for * exchanging data but they will be used to close the connection if * the segment manager/worker is freed */ if (app_worker_init_connected (client_wrk, cs)) { session_close (ss); return -1; } if (app_worker_connect_notify (client_wrk, cs, err, sct->client_opaque)) { session_close (ss); return -1; } cs = session_get (cct->c_s_index, 0); cs->session_state = SESSION_STATE_READY; return 0; } static int ct_init_local_session (app_worker_t * client_wrk, app_worker_t * server_wrk, ct_connection_t * ct, session_t * ls, session_t * ll) { u32 round_rx_fifo_sz, round_tx_fifo_sz, sm_index, seg_size; segment_manager_props_t *props; application_t *server; segment_manager_t *sm; u32 margin = 16 << 10; fifo_segment_t *seg; u64 segment_handle; int seg_index, rv; server = application_get (server_wrk->app_index); props = application_segment_manager_properties (server); round_rx_fifo_sz = 1 << max_log2 (props->rx_fifo_size); round_tx_fifo_sz = 1 << max_log2 (props->tx_fifo_size); /* Increase size because of inefficient chunk allocations. Depending on * how data is consumed, it may happen that more chunks than needed are * allocated. * TODO should remove once allocations are done more efficiently */ seg_size = 4 * (round_rx_fifo_sz + round_tx_fifo_sz + margin); sm = app_worker_get_listen_segment_manager (server_wrk, ll); seg_index = segment_manager_add_segment (sm, seg_size); if (seg_index < 0) { clib_warning ("failed to add new cut-through segment"); return seg_index; } seg = segment_manager_get_segment_w_lock (sm, seg_index); rv = segment_manager_try_alloc_fifos (seg, ls->thread_index, props->rx_fifo_size, props->tx_fifo_size, &ls->rx_fifo, &ls->tx_fifo); if (rv) { clib_warning ("failed to add fifos in cut-through segment"); segment_manager_segment_reader_unlock (sm); goto failed; } sm_index = segment_manager_index (sm); ls->rx_fifo->master_session_index = ls->session_index; ls->tx_fifo->master_session_index = ls->session_index; ls->rx_fifo->segment_manager = sm_index; ls->tx_fifo->segment_manager = sm_index; ls->rx_fifo->segment_index = seg_index; ls->tx_fifo->segment_index = seg_index; segment_handle = segment_manager_segment_handle (sm, seg); if ((rv = app_worker_add_segment_notify (server_wrk, segment_handle))) { clib_warning ("failed to notify server of new segment"); segment_manager_segment_reader_unlock (sm); goto failed; } segment_manager_segment_reader_unlock (sm); ct->segment_handle = segment_handle; return 0; failed: segment_manager_del_segment (sm, seg); return rv; } static int ct_connect (app_worker_t * client_wrk, session_t * ll, session_endpoint_cfg_t * sep) { u32 cct_index, ll_index, ll_ct_index; ct_connection_t *sct, *cct, *ll_ct; app_worker_t *server_wrk; session_t *ss; ll_index = ll->session_index; ll_ct_index = ll->connection_index; cct = ct_connection_alloc (); cct_index = cct->c_c_index; sct = ct_connection_alloc (); ll_ct = ct_connection_get (ll_ct_index); /* * Alloc and init client transport */ cct = ct_connection_get (cct_index); cct->c_thread_index = 0; cct->c_rmt_port = sep->port; cct->c_lcl_port = 0; cct->c_is_ip4 = sep->is_ip4; clib_memcpy (&cct->c_rmt_ip, &sep->ip, sizeof (sep->ip)); cct->actual_tp = ll_ct->actual_tp; cct->is_client = 1; /* * Init server transport */ sct->c_thread_index = 0; sct->c_rmt_port = 0; sct->c_lcl_port = ll_ct->c_lcl_port; sct->c_is_ip4 = sep->is_ip4; clib_memcpy (&sct->c_lcl_ip, &ll_ct->c_lcl_ip, sizeof (ll_ct->c_lcl_ip)); sct->client_wrk = client_wrk->wrk_index; sct->c_proto = TRANSPORT_PROTO_NONE; sct->client_opaque = sep->opaque; sct->actual_tp = ll_ct->actual_tp; sct->peer_index = cct->c_c_index; cct->peer_index = sct->c_c_index; /* * Accept server session. Client session is created only after * server confirms accept. */ ss = session_alloc (0); ll = listen_session_get (ll_index); ss->session_type = session_type_from_proto_and_ip (TRANSPORT_PROTO_NONE, sct->c_is_ip4); ss->connection_index = sct->c_c_index; ss->listener_handle = listen_session_get_handle (ll); ss->session_state = SESSION_STATE_CREATED; server_wrk = application_listener_select_worker (ll); ss->app_wrk_index = server_wrk->wrk_index; sct->c_s_index = ss->session_index; sct->server_wrk = ss->app_wrk_index; if (ct_init_local_session (client_wrk, server_wrk, sct, ss, ll)) { ct_connection_free (sct); session_free (ss); return -1; } ss->session_state = SESSION_STATE_ACCEPTING; if (app_worker_accept_notify (server_wrk, ss)) { ct_connection_free (sct); segment_manager_dealloc_fifos (ss->rx_fifo, ss->tx_fifo); session_free (ss); return -1; } cct->segment_handle = sct->segment_handle; ct_enable_disable_main_pre_input_node (1 /* is_add */ ); return 0; } static u32 ct_start_listen (u32 app_listener_index, transport_endpoint_t * tep) { session_endpoint_cfg_t *sep; ct_connection_t *ct; sep = (session_endpoint_cfg_t *) tep; ct = ct_connection_alloc (); ct->server_wrk = sep->app_wrk_index; ct->c_is_ip4 = sep->is_ip4; clib_memcpy (&ct->c_lcl_ip, &sep->ip, sizeof (sep->ip)); ct->c_lcl_port = sep->port; ct->actual_tp = sep->transport_proto; ct_enable_disable_main_pre_input_node (1 /* is_add */ ); return ct->c_c_index; } static u32 ct_stop_listen (u32 ct_index) { ct_connection_t *ct; ct = ct_connection_get (ct_index); ct_connection_free (ct); ct_enable_disable_main_pre_input_node (0 /* is_add */ ); return 0; } static transport_connection_t * ct_listener_get (u32 ct_index) { return (transport_connection_t *) ct_connection_get (ct_index); } static int ct_session_connect (transport_endpoint_cfg_t * tep) { session_endpoint_cfg_t *sep_ext; session_endpoint_t *sep; app_worker_t *app_wrk; session_handle_t lh; application_t *app; app_listener_t *al; u32 table_index; session_t *ll; u8 fib_proto; sep_ext = (session_endpoint_cfg_t *) tep; sep = (session_endpoint_t *) tep; app_wrk = app_worker_get (sep_ext->app_wrk_index); app = application_get (app_wrk->app_index); sep->transport_proto = sep_ext->original_tp; table_index = application_local_session_table (app); lh = session_lookup_local_endpoint (table_index, sep); if (lh == SESSION_DROP_HANDLE) return SESSION_E_FILTERED; if (lh == SESSION_INVALID_HANDLE) goto global_scope; ll = listen_session_get_from_handle (lh); al = app_listener_get_w_session (ll); /* * Break loop if rule in local table points to connecting app. This * can happen if client is a generic proxy. Route connect through * global table instead. */ if (al->app_index == app->app_index) goto global_scope; return ct_connect (app_wrk, ll, sep_ext); /* * If nothing found, check the global scope for locally attached * destinations. Make sure first that we're allowed to. */ global_scope: if (session_endpoint_is_local (sep)) return SESSION_E_NOROUTE; if (!application_has_global_scope (app)) return SESSION_E_SCOPE; fib_proto = session_endpoint_fib_proto (sep); table_index = session_lookup_get_index_for_fib (fib_proto, sep->fib_index); ll = session_lookup_listener_wildcard (table_index, sep); if (ll) return ct_connect (app_wrk, ll, sep_ext); /* Failed to connect but no error */ return 1; } static void ct_session_close (u32 ct_index, u32 thread_index) { ct_connection_t *ct, *peer_ct; app_worker_t *app_wrk; session_t *s; ct = ct_connection_get (ct_index); peer_ct = ct_connection_get (ct->peer_index); if (peer_ct) { peer_ct->peer_index = ~0; session_transport_closing_notify (&peer_ct->connection); } s = session_get (ct->c_s_index, 0); app_wrk = app_worker_get_if_valid (s->app_wrk_index); if (app_wrk) app_worker_del_segment_notify (app_wrk, ct->segment_handle); session_free_w_fifos (s); if (ct->is_client) segment_manager_dealloc_fifos (ct->client_rx_fifo, ct->client_tx_fifo); ct_connection_free (ct); ct_enable_disable_main_pre_input_node (0 /* is_add */ ); } static transport_connection_t * ct_session_get (u32 ct_index, u32 thread_index) { return (transport_connection_t *) ct_connection_get (ct_index); } static u8 * format_ct_connection_id (u8 * s, va_list * args) { ct_connection_t *ct = va_arg (*args, ct_connection_t *); if (!ct) return s; if (ct->c_is_ip4) { s = format (s, "[%d:%d][CT:%U] %U:%d->%U:%d", ct->c_thread_index, ct->c_s_index, format_transport_proto_short, ct->actual_tp, format_ip4_address, &ct->c_lcl_ip4, clib_net_to_host_u16 (ct->c_lcl_port), format_ip4_address, &ct->c_rmt_ip4, clib_net_to_host_u16 (ct->c_rmt_port)); } else { s = format (s, "[%d:%d][CT:%U] %U:%d->%U:%d", ct->c_thread_index, ct->c_s_index, format_transport_proto_short, ct->actual_tp, format_ip6_address, &ct->c_lcl_ip6, clib_net_to_host_u16 (ct->c_lcl_port), format_ip6_address, &ct->c_rmt_ip6, clib_net_to_host_u16 (ct->c_rmt_port)); } return s; } static int ct_custom_tx (void *session, transport_send_params_t * sp) { session_t *s = (session_t *) session; if (session_has_transport (s)) return 0; return ct_session_tx (s); } static int ct_app_rx_evt (transport_connection_t * tc) { ct_connection_t *ct = (ct_connection_t *) tc, *peer_ct; session_t *ps; peer_ct = ct_connection_get (ct->peer_index); if (!peer_ct) return -1; ps = session_get (peer_ct->c_s_index, peer_ct->c_thread_index); return session_dequeue_notify (ps); } static u8 * format_ct_listener (u8 * s, va_list * args) { u32 tc_index = va_arg (*args, u32); u32 __clib_unused thread_index = va_arg (*args, u32); u32 __clib_unused verbose = va_arg (*args, u32); ct_connection_t *ct = ct_connection_get (tc_index); s = format (s, "%-50U", format_ct_connection_id, ct); if (verbose) s = format (s, "%-15s", "LISTEN"); return s; } static u8 * format_ct_connection (u8 * s, va_list * args) { ct_connection_t *ct = va_arg (*args, ct_connection_t *); u32 verbose = va_arg (*args, u32); if (!ct) return s; s = format (s, "%-50U", format_ct_connection_id, ct); if (verbose) { s = format (s, "%-15s", "ESTABLISHED"); if (verbose > 1) { s = format (s, "\n"); } } return s; } static u8 * format_ct_session (u8 * s, va_list * args) { u32 ct_index = va_arg (*args, u32); u32 __clib_unused thread_index = va_arg (*args, u32); u32 verbose = va_arg (*args, u32); ct_connection_t *ct; ct = ct_connection_get (ct_index); if (!ct) { s = format (s, "empty\n"); return s; } s = format (s, "%U", format_ct_connection, ct, verbose); return s; } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static const transport_proto_vft_t cut_thru_proto = { .start_listen = ct_start_listen, .stop_listen = ct_stop_listen, .get_listener = ct_listener_get, .connect = ct_session_connect, .close = ct_session_close, .get_connection = ct_session_get, .custom_tx = ct_custom_tx, .app_rx_evt = ct_app_rx_evt, .format_listener = format_ct_listener, .format_connection = format_ct_session, .transport_options = { .name = "ct", .short_name = "C", .tx_type = TRANSPORT_TX_INTERNAL, .service_type = TRANSPORT_SERVICE_APP, }, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ int ct_session_tx (session_t * s) { ct_connection_t *ct, *peer_ct; session_t *peer_s; ct = (ct_connection_t *) session_get_transport (s); peer_ct = ct_connection_get (ct->peer_index); if (!peer_ct) return -1; peer_s = session_get (peer_ct->c_s_index, 0); if (peer_s->session_state >= SESSION_STATE_TRANSPORT_CLOSING) return 0; return session_enqueue_notify (peer_s); } static clib_error_t * ct_transport_init (vlib_main_t * vm) { transport_register_protocol (TRANSPORT_PROTO_NONE, &cut_thru_proto, FIB_PROTOCOL_IP4, ~0); transport_register_protocol (TRANSPORT_PROTO_NONE, &cut_thru_proto, FIB_PROTOCOL_IP6, ~0); return 0; } VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION (ct_transport_init); /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */