/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @file * @brief Session and session manager */ #include <vnet/session/session.h> #include <vnet/session/session_debug.h> #include <vnet/session/application.h> #include <vlibmemory/api.h> #include <vnet/dpo/load_balance.h> #include <vnet/fib/ip4_fib.h> session_manager_main_t session_manager_main; extern transport_proto_vft_t *tp_vfts; static inline int session_send_evt_to_thread (void *data, void *args, u32 thread_index, session_evt_type_t evt_type) { session_event_t *evt; svm_msg_q_msg_t msg; svm_msg_q_t *mq; u32 tries = 0, max_tries; mq = session_manager_get_vpp_event_queue (thread_index); while (svm_msg_q_try_lock (mq)) { max_tries = vlib_get_current_process (vlib_get_main ())? 1e6 : 3; if (tries++ == max_tries) { SESSION_DBG ("failed to enqueue evt"); return -1; } } if (PREDICT_FALSE (svm_msg_q_ring_is_full (mq, SESSION_MQ_IO_EVT_RING))) { svm_msg_q_unlock (mq); return -2; } msg = svm_msg_q_alloc_msg_w_ring (mq, SESSION_MQ_IO_EVT_RING); if (PREDICT_FALSE (svm_msg_q_msg_is_invalid (&msg))) { svm_msg_q_unlock (mq); return -2; } evt = (session_event_t *) svm_msg_q_msg_data (mq, &msg); evt->event_type = evt_type; switch (evt_type) { case FIFO_EVENT_RPC: evt->rpc_args.fp = data; evt->rpc_args.arg = args; break; case FIFO_EVENT_APP_TX: case FIFO_EVENT_BUILTIN_RX: evt->fifo = data; break; case FIFO_EVENT_DISCONNECT: evt->session_handle = session_handle ((stream_session_t *) data); break; default: clib_warning ("evt unhandled!"); svm_msg_q_unlock (mq); return -1; } svm_msg_q_add_and_unlock (mq, &msg); return 0; } int session_send_io_evt_to_thread (svm_fifo_t * f, session_evt_type_t evt_type) { return session_send_evt_to_thread (f, 0, f->master_thread_index, evt_type); } int session_send_io_evt_to_thread_custom (svm_fifo_t * f, u32 thread_index, session_evt_type_t evt_type) { return session_send_evt_to_thread (f, 0, thread_index, evt_type); } int session_send_ctrl_evt_to_thread (stream_session_t * s, session_evt_type_t evt_type) { /* only event supported for now is disconnect */ ASSERT (evt_type == FIFO_EVENT_DISCONNECT); return session_send_evt_to_thread (s, 0, s->thread_index, FIFO_EVENT_DISCONNECT); } void session_send_rpc_evt_to_thread (u32 thread_index, void *fp, void *rpc_args) { if (thread_index != vlib_get_thread_index ()) session_send_evt_to_thread (fp, rpc_args, thread_index, FIFO_EVENT_RPC); else { void (*fnp) (void *) = fp; fnp (rpc_args); } } stream_session_t * session_alloc (u32 thread_index) { session_manager_main_t *smm = &session_manager_main; stream_session_t *s; u8 will_expand = 0; pool_get_aligned_will_expand (smm->sessions[thread_index], will_expand, CLIB_CACHE_LINE_BYTES); /* If we have peekers, let them finish */ if (PREDICT_FALSE (will_expand && vlib_num_workers ())) { clib_rwlock_writer_lock (&smm->peekers_rw_locks[thread_index]); pool_get_aligned (session_manager_main.sessions[thread_index], s, CLIB_CACHE_LINE_BYTES); clib_rwlock_writer_unlock (&smm->peekers_rw_locks[thread_index]); } else { pool_get_aligned (session_manager_main.sessions[thread_index], s, CLIB_CACHE_LINE_BYTES); } memset (s, 0, sizeof (*s)); s->session_index = s - session_manager_main.sessions[thread_index]; s->thread_index = thread_index; return s; } void session_free (stream_session_t * s) { pool_put (session_manager_main.sessions[s->thread_index], s); if (CLIB_DEBUG) memset (s, 0xFA, sizeof (*s)); } int session_alloc_fifos (segment_manager_t * sm, stream_session_t * s) { svm_fifo_t *server_rx_fifo = 0, *server_tx_fifo = 0; u32 fifo_segment_index; int rv; if ((rv = segment_manager_alloc_session_fifos (sm, &server_rx_fifo, &server_tx_fifo, &fifo_segment_index))) return rv; /* Initialize backpointers */ server_rx_fifo->master_session_index = s->session_index; server_rx_fifo->master_thread_index = s->thread_index; server_tx_fifo->master_session_index = s->session_index; server_tx_fifo->master_thread_index = s->thread_index; s->server_rx_fifo = server_rx_fifo; s->server_tx_fifo = server_tx_fifo; s->svm_segment_index = fifo_segment_index; return 0; } static stream_session_t * session_alloc_for_connection (transport_connection_t * tc) { stream_session_t *s; u32 thread_index = tc->thread_index; ASSERT (thread_index == vlib_get_thread_index () || transport_protocol_is_cl (tc->proto)); s = session_alloc (thread_index); s->session_type = session_type_from_proto_and_ip (tc->proto, tc->is_ip4); s->session_state = SESSION_STATE_CONNECTING; s->enqueue_epoch = ~0; /* Attach transport to session and vice versa */ s->connection_index = tc->c_index; tc->s_index = s->session_index; return s; } static int session_alloc_and_init (segment_manager_t * sm, transport_connection_t * tc, u8 alloc_fifos, stream_session_t ** ret_s) { stream_session_t *s; int rv; s = session_alloc_for_connection (tc); if (alloc_fifos && (rv = session_alloc_fifos (sm, s))) { session_free (s); *ret_s = 0; return rv; } /* Add to the main lookup table */ session_lookup_add_connection (tc, session_handle (s)); *ret_s = s; return 0; } /** * Discards bytes from buffer chain * * It discards n_bytes_to_drop starting at first buffer after chain_b */ always_inline void session_enqueue_discard_chain_bytes (vlib_main_t * vm, vlib_buffer_t * b, vlib_buffer_t ** chain_b, u32 n_bytes_to_drop) { vlib_buffer_t *next = *chain_b; u32 to_drop = n_bytes_to_drop; ASSERT (b->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_NEXT_PRESENT); while (to_drop && (next->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_NEXT_PRESENT)) { next = vlib_get_buffer (vm, next->next_buffer); if (next->current_length > to_drop) { vlib_buffer_advance (next, to_drop); to_drop = 0; } else { to_drop -= next->current_length; next->current_length = 0; } } *chain_b = next; if (to_drop == 0) b->total_length_not_including_first_buffer -= n_bytes_to_drop; } /** * Enqueue buffer chain tail */ always_inline int session_enqueue_chain_tail (stream_session_t * s, vlib_buffer_t * b, u32 offset, u8 is_in_order) { vlib_buffer_t *chain_b; u32 chain_bi, len, diff; vlib_main_t *vm = vlib_get_main (); u8 *data; u32 written = 0; int rv = 0; if (is_in_order && offset) { diff = offset - b->current_length; if (diff > b->total_length_not_including_first_buffer) return 0; chain_b = b; session_enqueue_discard_chain_bytes (vm, b, &chain_b, diff); chain_bi = vlib_get_buffer_index (vm, chain_b); } else chain_bi = b->next_buffer; do { chain_b = vlib_get_buffer (vm, chain_bi); data = vlib_buffer_get_current (chain_b); len = chain_b->current_length; if (!len) continue; if (is_in_order) { rv = svm_fifo_enqueue_nowait (s->server_rx_fifo, len, data); if (rv == len) { written += rv; } else if (rv < len) { return (rv > 0) ? (written + rv) : written; } else if (rv > len) { written += rv; /* written more than what was left in chain */ if (written > b->total_length_not_including_first_buffer) return written; /* drop the bytes that have already been delivered */ session_enqueue_discard_chain_bytes (vm, b, &chain_b, rv - len); } } else { rv = svm_fifo_enqueue_with_offset (s->server_rx_fifo, offset, len, data); if (rv) { clib_warning ("failed to enqueue multi-buffer seg"); return -1; } offset += len; } } while ((chain_bi = (chain_b->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_NEXT_PRESENT) ? chain_b->next_buffer : 0)); if (is_in_order) return written; return 0; } /* * Enqueue data for delivery to session peer. Does not notify peer of enqueue * event but on request can queue notification events for later delivery by * calling stream_server_flush_enqueue_events(). * * @param tc Transport connection which is to be enqueued data * @param b Buffer to be enqueued * @param offset Offset at which to start enqueueing if out-of-order * @param queue_event Flag to indicate if peer is to be notified or if event * is to be queued. The former is useful when more data is * enqueued and only one event is to be generated. * @param is_in_order Flag to indicate if data is in order * @return Number of bytes enqueued or a negative value if enqueueing failed. */ int session_enqueue_stream_connection (transport_connection_t * tc, vlib_buffer_t * b, u32 offset, u8 queue_event, u8 is_in_order) { stream_session_t *s; int enqueued = 0, rv, in_order_off; s = session_get (tc->s_index, tc->thread_index); if (is_in_order) { enqueued = svm_fifo_enqueue_nowait (s->server_rx_fifo, b->current_length, vlib_buffer_get_current (b)); if (PREDICT_FALSE ((b->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_NEXT_PRESENT) && enqueued >= 0)) { in_order_off = enqueued > b->current_length ? enqueued : 0; rv = session_enqueue_chain_tail (s, b, in_order_off, 1); if (rv > 0) enqueued += rv; } } else { rv = svm_fifo_enqueue_with_offset (s->server_rx_fifo, offset, b->current_length, vlib_buffer_get_current (b)); if (PREDICT_FALSE ((b->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_NEXT_PRESENT) && !rv)) session_enqueue_chain_tail (s, b, offset + b->current_length, 0); /* if something was enqueued, report even this as success for ooo * segment handling */ return rv; } if (queue_event) { /* Queue RX event on this fifo. Eventually these will need to be flushed * by calling stream_server_flush_enqueue_events () */ session_manager_main_t *smm = vnet_get_session_manager_main (); u32 thread_index = s->thread_index; u32 enqueue_epoch = smm->current_enqueue_epoch[tc->proto][thread_index]; if (s->enqueue_epoch != enqueue_epoch) { s->enqueue_epoch = enqueue_epoch; vec_add1 (smm->session_to_enqueue[tc->proto][thread_index], s - smm->sessions[thread_index]); } } return enqueued; } int session_enqueue_dgram_connection (stream_session_t * s, session_dgram_hdr_t * hdr, vlib_buffer_t * b, u8 proto, u8 queue_event) { int enqueued = 0, rv, in_order_off; ASSERT (svm_fifo_max_enqueue (s->server_rx_fifo) >= b->current_length + sizeof (*hdr)); svm_fifo_enqueue_nowait (s->server_rx_fifo, sizeof (session_dgram_hdr_t), (u8 *) hdr); enqueued = svm_fifo_enqueue_nowait (s->server_rx_fifo, b->current_length, vlib_buffer_get_current (b)); if (PREDICT_FALSE ((b->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_NEXT_PRESENT) && enqueued >= 0)) { in_order_off = enqueued > b->current_length ? enqueued : 0; rv = session_enqueue_chain_tail (s, b, in_order_off, 1); if (rv > 0) enqueued += rv; } if (queue_event) { /* Queue RX event on this fifo. Eventually these will need to be flushed * by calling stream_server_flush_enqueue_events () */ session_manager_main_t *smm = vnet_get_session_manager_main (); u32 thread_index = s->thread_index; u32 enqueue_epoch = smm->current_enqueue_epoch[proto][thread_index]; if (s->enqueue_epoch != enqueue_epoch) { s->enqueue_epoch = enqueue_epoch; vec_add1 (smm->session_to_enqueue[proto][thread_index], s - smm->sessions[thread_index]); } } return enqueued; } /** Check if we have space in rx fifo to push more bytes */ u8 stream_session_no_space (transport_connection_t * tc, u32 thread_index, u16 data_len) { stream_session_t *s = session_get (tc->s_index, thread_index); if (PREDICT_FALSE (s->session_state != SESSION_STATE_READY)) return 1; if (data_len > svm_fifo_max_enqueue (s->server_rx_fifo)) return 1; return 0; } u32 session_tx_fifo_max_dequeue (transport_connection_t * tc) { stream_session_t *s = session_get (tc->s_index, tc->thread_index); if (!s->server_tx_fifo) return 0; return svm_fifo_max_dequeue (s->server_tx_fifo); } int stream_session_peek_bytes (transport_connection_t * tc, u8 * buffer, u32 offset, u32 max_bytes) { stream_session_t *s = session_get (tc->s_index, tc->thread_index); return svm_fifo_peek (s->server_tx_fifo, offset, max_bytes, buffer); } u32 stream_session_dequeue_drop (transport_connection_t * tc, u32 max_bytes) { stream_session_t *s = session_get (tc->s_index, tc->thread_index); return svm_fifo_dequeue_drop (s->server_tx_fifo, max_bytes); } /** * Notify session peer that new data has been enqueued. * * @param s Stream session for which the event is to be generated. * @param lock Flag to indicate if call should lock message queue. * * @return 0 on success or negative number if failed to send notification. */ static inline int session_enqueue_notify (stream_session_t * s, u8 lock) { application_t *app; app = application_get_if_valid (s->app_index); if (PREDICT_FALSE (app == 0)) { clib_warning ("invalid s->app_index = %d", s->app_index); return 0; } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ SESSION_EVT_DBG(SESSION_EVT_ENQ, s, ({ ed->data[0] = FIFO_EVENT_APP_RX; ed->data[1] = svm_fifo_max_dequeue (s->server_rx_fifo); })); /* *INDENT-ON* */ if (lock) return application_lock_and_send_event (app, s, FIFO_EVENT_APP_RX); return application_send_event (app, s, FIFO_EVENT_APP_RX); } int session_dequeue_notify (stream_session_t * s) { application_t *app; app = application_get_if_valid (s->app_index); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!app)) return -1; if (session_transport_service_type (s) == TRANSPORT_SERVICE_CL) return application_lock_and_send_event (app, s, FIFO_EVENT_APP_RX); return application_send_event (app, s, FIFO_EVENT_APP_TX); } /** * Flushes queue of sessions that are to be notified of new data * enqueued events. * * @param thread_index Thread index for which the flush is to be performed. * @return 0 on success or a positive number indicating the number of * failures due to API queue being full. */ int session_manager_flush_enqueue_events (u8 transport_proto, u32 thread_index) { session_manager_main_t *smm = &session_manager_main; transport_service_type_t tp_service; int i, errors = 0, lock; stream_session_t *s; u32 *indices; indices = smm->session_to_enqueue[transport_proto][thread_index]; tp_service = transport_protocol_service_type (transport_proto); lock = tp_service == TRANSPORT_SERVICE_CL; for (i = 0; i < vec_len (indices); i++) { s = session_get_if_valid (indices[i], thread_index); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!s)) { errors++; continue; } if (PREDICT_FALSE (session_enqueue_notify (s, lock))) errors++; } vec_reset_length (indices); smm->session_to_enqueue[transport_proto][thread_index] = indices; smm->current_enqueue_epoch[transport_proto][thread_index]++; return errors; } int session_manager_flush_all_enqueue_events (u8 transport_proto) { vlib_thread_main_t *vtm = vlib_get_thread_main (); int i, errors = 0; for (i = 0; i < 1 + vtm->n_threads; i++) errors += session_manager_flush_enqueue_events (transport_proto, i); return errors; } /** * Init fifo tail and head pointers * * Useful if transport uses absolute offsets for tracking ooo segments. */ void stream_session_init_fifos_pointers (transport_connection_t * tc, u32 rx_pointer, u32 tx_pointer) { stream_session_t *s; s = session_get (tc->s_index, tc->thread_index); svm_fifo_init_pointers (s->server_rx_fifo, rx_pointer); svm_fifo_init_pointers (s->server_tx_fifo, tx_pointer); } int session_stream_connect_notify (transport_connection_t * tc, u8 is_fail) { u32 opaque = 0, new_ti, new_si; stream_session_t *new_s = 0; segment_manager_t *sm; application_t *app; u8 alloc_fifos; int error = 0; u64 handle; /* * Find connection handle and cleanup half-open table */ handle = session_lookup_half_open_handle (tc); if (handle == HALF_OPEN_LOOKUP_INVALID_VALUE) { SESSION_DBG ("half-open was removed!"); return -1; } session_lookup_del_half_open (tc); /* Get the app's index from the handle we stored when opening connection * and the opaque (api_context for external apps) from transport session * index */ app = application_get_if_valid (handle >> 32); if (!app) return -1; opaque = tc->s_index; /* * Allocate new session with fifos (svm segments are allocated if needed) */ if (!is_fail) { sm = application_get_connect_segment_manager (app); alloc_fifos = !application_is_builtin_proxy (app); if (session_alloc_and_init (sm, tc, alloc_fifos, &new_s)) { is_fail = 1; error = -1; } else { new_s->app_index = app->index; new_si = new_s->session_index; new_ti = new_s->thread_index; } } /* * Notify client application */ if (app->cb_fns.session_connected_callback (app->index, opaque, new_s, is_fail)) { SESSION_DBG ("failed to notify app"); if (!is_fail) { new_s = session_get (new_si, new_ti); stream_session_disconnect_transport (new_s); } } else { if (!is_fail) { new_s = session_get (new_si, new_ti); new_s->session_state = SESSION_STATE_READY; } } return error; } typedef struct _session_switch_pool_args { u32 session_index; u32 thread_index; u32 new_thread_index; u32 new_session_index; } session_switch_pool_args_t; static void session_switch_pool (void *cb_args) { session_switch_pool_args_t *args = (session_switch_pool_args_t *) cb_args; transport_proto_t tp; stream_session_t *s; ASSERT (args->thread_index == vlib_get_thread_index ()); s = session_get (args->session_index, args->thread_index); s->server_tx_fifo->master_session_index = args->new_session_index; s->server_tx_fifo->master_thread_index = args->new_thread_index; tp = session_get_transport_proto (s); tp_vfts[tp].cleanup (s->connection_index, s->thread_index); session_free (s); clib_mem_free (cb_args); } /** * Move dgram session to the right thread */ int session_dgram_connect_notify (transport_connection_t * tc, u32 old_thread_index, stream_session_t ** new_session) { stream_session_t *new_s; session_switch_pool_args_t *rpc_args; /* * Clone half-open session to the right thread. */ new_s = session_clone_safe (tc->s_index, old_thread_index); new_s->connection_index = tc->c_index; new_s->server_rx_fifo->master_session_index = new_s->session_index; new_s->server_rx_fifo->master_thread_index = new_s->thread_index; new_s->session_state = SESSION_STATE_READY; session_lookup_add_connection (tc, session_handle (new_s)); /* * Ask thread owning the old session to clean it up and make us the tx * fifo owner */ rpc_args = clib_mem_alloc (sizeof (*rpc_args)); rpc_args->new_session_index = new_s->session_index; rpc_args->new_thread_index = new_s->thread_index; rpc_args->session_index = tc->s_index; rpc_args->thread_index = old_thread_index; session_send_rpc_evt_to_thread (rpc_args->thread_index, session_switch_pool, rpc_args); tc->s_index = new_s->session_index; new_s->connection_index = tc->c_index; *new_session = new_s; return 0; } void stream_session_accept_notify (transport_connection_t * tc) { application_t *server; stream_session_t *s; s = session_get (tc->s_index, tc->thread_index); server = application_get (s->app_index); server->cb_fns.session_accept_callback (s); } /** * Notification from transport that connection is being closed. * * A disconnect is sent to application but state is not removed. Once * disconnect is acknowledged by application, session disconnect is called. * Ultimately this leads to close being called on transport (passive close). */ void stream_session_disconnect_notify (transport_connection_t * tc) { application_t *server; stream_session_t *s; s = session_get (tc->s_index, tc->thread_index); s->session_state = SESSION_STATE_CLOSING; server = application_get_if_valid (s->app_index); if (server) server->cb_fns.session_disconnect_callback (s); } /** * Cleans up session and lookup table. * * Transport connection must still be valid. */ void stream_session_delete (stream_session_t * s) { int rv; /* Delete from the main lookup table. */ if ((rv = session_lookup_del_session (s))) clib_warning ("hash delete error, rv %d", rv); /* Cleanup fifo segments */ segment_manager_dealloc_fifos (s->svm_segment_index, s->server_rx_fifo, s->server_tx_fifo); session_free (s); } /** * Notification from transport that connection is being deleted * * This removes the session if it is still valid. It should be called only on * previously fully established sessions. For instance failed connects should * call stream_session_connect_notify and indicate that the connect has * failed. */ void stream_session_delete_notify (transport_connection_t * tc) { stream_session_t *s; /* App might've been removed already */ s = session_get_if_valid (tc->s_index, tc->thread_index); if (!s) return; stream_session_delete (s); } /** * Notify application that connection has been reset. */ void stream_session_reset_notify (transport_connection_t * tc) { stream_session_t *s; application_t *app; s = session_get (tc->s_index, tc->thread_index); s->session_state = SESSION_STATE_CLOSED; app = application_get (s->app_index); app->cb_fns.session_reset_callback (s); } /** * Accept a stream session. Optionally ping the server by callback. */ int stream_session_accept (transport_connection_t * tc, u32 listener_index, u8 notify) { application_t *server; stream_session_t *s, *listener; segment_manager_t *sm; int rv; /* Find the server */ listener = listen_session_get (listener_index); server = application_get (listener->app_index); sm = application_get_listen_segment_manager (server, listener); if ((rv = session_alloc_and_init (sm, tc, 1, &s))) return rv; s->app_index = server->index; s->listener_index = listener_index; s->session_state = SESSION_STATE_ACCEPTING; /* Shoulder-tap the server */ if (notify) { server->cb_fns.session_accept_callback (s); } return 0; } int session_open_cl (u32 app_index, session_endpoint_t * rmt, u32 opaque) { transport_connection_t *tc; transport_endpoint_t *tep; segment_manager_t *sm; stream_session_t *s; application_t *app; int rv; tep = session_endpoint_to_transport (rmt); rv = tp_vfts[rmt->transport_proto].open (tep); if (rv < 0) { SESSION_DBG ("Transport failed to open connection."); return VNET_API_ERROR_SESSION_CONNECT; } tc = tp_vfts[rmt->transport_proto].get_half_open ((u32) rv); /* For dgram type of service, allocate session and fifos now. */ app = application_get (app_index); sm = application_get_connect_segment_manager (app); if (session_alloc_and_init (sm, tc, 1, &s)) return -1; s->app_index = app->index; s->session_state = SESSION_STATE_OPENED; /* Tell the app about the new event fifo for this session */ app->cb_fns.session_connected_callback (app->index, opaque, s, 0); return 0; } int session_open_vc (u32 app_index, session_endpoint_t * rmt, u32 opaque) { transport_connection_t *tc; transport_endpoint_t *tep; u64 handle; int rv; tep = session_endpoint_to_transport (rmt); rv = tp_vfts[rmt->transport_proto].open (tep); if (rv < 0) { SESSION_DBG ("Transport failed to open connection."); return VNET_API_ERROR_SESSION_CONNECT; } tc = tp_vfts[rmt->transport_proto].get_half_open ((u32) rv); /* If transport offers a stream service, only allocate session once the * connection has been established. * Add connection to half-open table and save app and tc index. The * latter is needed to help establish the connection while the former * is needed when the connect notify comes and we have to notify the * external app */ handle = (((u64) app_index) << 32) | (u64) tc->c_index; session_lookup_add_half_open (tc, handle); /* Store api_context (opaque) for when the reply comes. Not the nicest * thing but better than allocating a separate half-open pool. */ tc->s_index = opaque; return 0; } int session_open_app (u32 app_index, session_endpoint_t * rmt, u32 opaque) { session_endpoint_extended_t *sep = (session_endpoint_extended_t *) rmt; sep->app_index = app_index; sep->opaque = opaque; return tp_vfts[rmt->transport_proto].open ((transport_endpoint_t *) sep); } typedef int (*session_open_service_fn) (u32, session_endpoint_t *, u32); /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static session_open_service_fn session_open_srv_fns[TRANSPORT_N_SERVICES] = { session_open_vc, session_open_cl, session_open_app, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ /** * Ask transport to open connection to remote transport endpoint. * * Stores handle for matching request with reply since the call can be * asynchronous. For instance, for TCP the 3-way handshake must complete * before reply comes. Session is only created once connection is established. * * @param app_index Index of the application requesting the connect * @param st Session type requested. * @param tep Remote transport endpoint * @param opaque Opaque data (typically, api_context) the application expects * on open completion. */ int session_open (u32 app_index, session_endpoint_t * rmt, u32 opaque) { transport_service_type_t tst = tp_vfts[rmt->transport_proto].service_type; return session_open_srv_fns[tst] (app_index, rmt, opaque); } int session_listen_vc (stream_session_t * s, session_endpoint_t * sep) { transport_connection_t *tc; u32 tci; /* Transport bind/listen */ tci = tp_vfts[sep->transport_proto].bind (s->session_index, session_endpoint_to_transport (sep)); if (tci == (u32) ~ 0) return -1; /* Attach transport to session */ s->connection_index = tci; tc = tp_vfts[sep->transport_proto].get_listener (tci); /* Weird but handle it ... */ if (tc == 0) return -1; /* Add to the main lookup table */ session_lookup_add_connection (tc, s->session_index); return 0; } int session_listen_cl (stream_session_t * s, session_endpoint_t * sep) { transport_connection_t *tc; application_t *server; segment_manager_t *sm; u32 tci; /* Transport bind/listen */ tci = tp_vfts[sep->transport_proto].bind (s->session_index, session_endpoint_to_transport (sep)); if (tci == (u32) ~ 0) return -1; /* Attach transport to session */ s->connection_index = tci; tc = tp_vfts[sep->transport_proto].get_listener (tci); /* Weird but handle it ... */ if (tc == 0) return -1; server = application_get (s->app_index); sm = application_get_listen_segment_manager (server, s); if (session_alloc_fifos (sm, s)) return -1; /* Add to the main lookup table */ session_lookup_add_connection (tc, s->session_index); return 0; } int session_listen_app (stream_session_t * s, session_endpoint_t * sep) { session_endpoint_extended_t esep; clib_memcpy (&esep, sep, sizeof (*sep)); esep.app_index = s->app_index; return tp_vfts[sep->transport_proto].bind (s->session_index, (transport_endpoint_t *) & esep); } typedef int (*session_listen_service_fn) (stream_session_t *, session_endpoint_t *); /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static session_listen_service_fn session_listen_srv_fns[TRANSPORT_N_SERVICES] = { session_listen_vc, session_listen_cl, session_listen_app, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ /** * Ask transport to listen on local transport endpoint. * * @param s Session for which listen will be called. Note that unlike * established sessions, listen sessions are not associated to a * thread. * @param tep Local endpoint to be listened on. */ int stream_session_listen (stream_session_t * s, session_endpoint_t * sep) { transport_service_type_t tst = tp_vfts[sep->transport_proto].service_type; return session_listen_srv_fns[tst] (s, sep); } /** * Ask transport to stop listening on local transport endpoint. * * @param s Session to stop listening on. It must be in state LISTENING. */ int stream_session_stop_listen (stream_session_t * s) { transport_proto_t tp = session_get_transport_proto (s); transport_connection_t *tc; if (s->session_state != SESSION_STATE_LISTENING) { clib_warning ("not a listening session"); return -1; } tc = tp_vfts[tp].get_listener (s->connection_index); if (!tc) { clib_warning ("no transport"); return VNET_API_ERROR_ADDRESS_NOT_IN_USE; } session_lookup_del_connection (tc); tp_vfts[tp].unbind (s->connection_index); return 0; } /** * Initialize session disconnect. * * Request is always sent to session node to ensure that all outstanding * requests are served before transport is notified. */ void stream_session_disconnect (stream_session_t * s) { u32 thread_index = vlib_get_thread_index (); session_manager_main_t *smm = &session_manager_main; session_event_t *evt; if (!s) return; if (s->session_state >= SESSION_STATE_CLOSING) { /* Session already closed. Clear the tx fifo */ if (s->session_state == SESSION_STATE_CLOSED) svm_fifo_dequeue_drop_all (s->server_tx_fifo); return; } s->session_state = SESSION_STATE_CLOSING; /* If we are in the handler thread, or being called with the worker barrier * held (api/cli), just append a new event to pending disconnects vector. */ if ((thread_index == 0 && !vlib_get_current_process (vlib_get_main ())) || thread_index == s->thread_index) { ASSERT (s->thread_index == thread_index || thread_index == 0); vec_add2 (smm->pending_disconnects[s->thread_index], evt, 1); memset (evt, 0, sizeof (*evt)); evt->session_handle = session_handle (s); evt->event_type = FIFO_EVENT_DISCONNECT; } else session_send_ctrl_evt_to_thread (s, FIFO_EVENT_DISCONNECT); } /** * Notify transport the session can be disconnected. This should eventually * result in a delete notification that allows us to cleanup session state. * Called for both active/passive disconnects. * * Must be called from the session's thread. */ void stream_session_disconnect_transport (stream_session_t * s) { s->session_state = SESSION_STATE_CLOSED; tp_vfts[session_get_transport_proto (s)].close (s->connection_index, s->thread_index); } /** * Cleanup transport and session state. * * Notify transport of the cleanup and free the session. This should * be called only if transport reported some error and is already * closed. */ void stream_session_cleanup (stream_session_t * s) { s->session_state = SESSION_STATE_CLOSED; /* Delete from main lookup table before we axe the the transport */ session_lookup_del_session (s); tp_vfts[session_get_transport_proto (s)].cleanup (s->connection_index, s->thread_index); /* Since we called cleanup, no delete notification will come. So, make * sure the session is properly freed. */ segment_manager_dealloc_fifos (s->svm_segment_index, s->server_rx_fifo, s->server_tx_fifo); session_free (s); } transport_service_type_t session_transport_service_type (stream_session_t * s) { transport_proto_t tp; tp = session_get_transport_proto (s); return transport_protocol_service_type (tp); } transport_tx_fn_type_t session_transport_tx_fn_type (stream_session_t * s) { transport_proto_t tp; tp = session_get_transport_proto (s); return transport_protocol_tx_fn_type (tp); } u8 session_tx_is_dgram (stream_session_t * s) { return (session_transport_tx_fn_type (s) == TRANSPORT_TX_DGRAM); } /** * Allocate event queues in the shared-memory segment * * That can either be a newly created memfd segment, that will need to be * mapped by all stack users, or the binary api's svm region. The latter is * assumed to be already mapped. NOTE that this assumption DOES NOT hold if * api clients bootstrap shm api over sockets (i.e. use memfd segments) and * vpp uses api svm region for event queues. */ void session_vpp_event_queues_allocate (session_manager_main_t * smm) { u32 evt_q_length = 2048, evt_size = sizeof (session_event_t); ssvm_private_t *eqs = &smm->evt_qs_segment; api_main_t *am = &api_main; u64 eqs_size = 64 << 20; pid_t vpp_pid = getpid (); void *oldheap; int i; if (smm->configured_event_queue_length) evt_q_length = smm->configured_event_queue_length; if (smm->evt_qs_use_memfd_seg) { if (smm->evt_qs_segment_size) eqs_size = smm->evt_qs_segment_size; eqs->ssvm_size = eqs_size; eqs->i_am_master = 1; eqs->my_pid = vpp_pid; eqs->name = format (0, "%s%c", "evt-qs-segment", 0); eqs->requested_va = smm->session_baseva; if (ssvm_master_init (eqs, SSVM_SEGMENT_MEMFD)) { clib_warning ("failed to initialize queue segment"); return; } } if (smm->evt_qs_use_memfd_seg) oldheap = ssvm_push_heap (eqs->sh); else oldheap = svm_push_data_heap (am->vlib_rp); for (i = 0; i < vec_len (smm->vpp_event_queues); i++) { svm_msg_q_cfg_t _cfg, *cfg = &_cfg; u32 notif_q_size = clib_max (16, evt_q_length >> 4); svm_msg_q_ring_cfg_t rc[SESSION_MQ_N_RINGS] = { {evt_q_length, evt_size, 0} , {notif_q_size, 256, 0} }; cfg->consumer_pid = 0; cfg->n_rings = 2; cfg->q_nitems = evt_q_length; cfg->ring_cfgs = rc; smm->vpp_event_queues[i] = svm_msg_q_alloc (cfg); } if (smm->evt_qs_use_memfd_seg) ssvm_pop_heap (oldheap); else svm_pop_heap (oldheap); } ssvm_private_t * session_manager_get_evt_q_segment (void) { session_manager_main_t *smm = &session_manager_main; if (smm->evt_qs_use_memfd_seg) return &smm->evt_qs_segment; return 0; } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static session_fifo_rx_fn *session_tx_fns[TRANSPORT_TX_N_FNS] = { session_tx_fifo_peek_and_snd, session_tx_fifo_dequeue_and_snd, session_tx_fifo_dequeue_internal, session_tx_fifo_dequeue_and_snd }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ /** * Initialize session layer for given transport proto and ip version * * Allocates per session type (transport proto + ip version) data structures * and adds arc from session queue node to session type output node. */ void session_register_transport (transport_proto_t transport_proto, const transport_proto_vft_t * vft, u8 is_ip4, u32 output_node) { session_manager_main_t *smm = &session_manager_main; session_type_t session_type; u32 next_index = ~0; session_type = session_type_from_proto_and_ip (transport_proto, is_ip4); vec_validate (smm->session_type_to_next, session_type); vec_validate (smm->session_tx_fns, session_type); /* *INDENT-OFF* */ if (output_node != ~0) { foreach_vlib_main (({ next_index = vlib_node_add_next (this_vlib_main, session_queue_node.index, output_node); })); } /* *INDENT-ON* */ smm->session_type_to_next[session_type] = next_index; smm->session_tx_fns[session_type] = session_tx_fns[vft->tx_type]; } transport_connection_t * session_get_transport (stream_session_t * s) { transport_proto_t tp; if (s->session_state != SESSION_STATE_LISTENING) { tp = session_get_transport_proto (s); return tp_vfts[tp].get_connection (s->connection_index, s->thread_index); } return 0; } transport_connection_t * listen_session_get_transport (stream_session_t * s) { transport_proto_t tp = session_get_transport_proto (s); return tp_vfts[tp].get_listener (s->connection_index); } int listen_session_get_local_session_endpoint (stream_session_t * listener, session_endpoint_t * sep) { transport_proto_t tp = session_get_transport_proto (listener); transport_connection_t *tc; tc = tp_vfts[tp].get_listener (listener->connection_index); if (!tc) { clib_warning ("no transport"); return -1; } /* N.B. The ip should not be copied because this is the local endpoint */ sep->port = tc->lcl_port; sep->transport_proto = tc->proto; sep->is_ip4 = tc->is_ip4; return 0; } void session_flush_frames_main_thread (vlib_main_t * vm) { ASSERT (vlib_get_thread_index () == 0); vlib_process_signal_event_mt (vm, session_queue_process_node.index, SESSION_Q_PROCESS_FLUSH_FRAMES, 0); } static clib_error_t * session_manager_main_enable (vlib_main_t * vm) { segment_manager_main_init_args_t _sm_args = { 0 }, *sm_args = &_sm_args; session_manager_main_t *smm = &session_manager_main; vlib_thread_main_t *vtm = vlib_get_thread_main (); u32 num_threads, preallocated_sessions_per_worker; int i, j; num_threads = 1 /* main thread */ + vtm->n_threads; if (num_threads < 1) return clib_error_return (0, "n_thread_stacks not set"); /* configure per-thread ** vectors */ vec_validate (smm->sessions, num_threads - 1); vec_validate (smm->tx_buffers, num_threads - 1); vec_validate (smm->pending_event_vector, num_threads - 1); vec_validate (smm->pending_disconnects, num_threads - 1); vec_validate (smm->free_event_vector, num_threads - 1); vec_validate (smm->vpp_event_queues, num_threads - 1); vec_validate (smm->peekers_rw_locks, num_threads - 1); vec_validate_aligned (smm->ctx, num_threads - 1, CLIB_CACHE_LINE_BYTES); for (i = 0; i < TRANSPORT_N_PROTO; i++) { vec_validate (smm->current_enqueue_epoch[i], num_threads - 1); vec_validate (smm->session_to_enqueue[i], num_threads - 1); for (j = 0; j < num_threads; j++) smm->current_enqueue_epoch[i][j] = 1; } for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) { vec_validate (smm->free_event_vector[i], 0); _vec_len (smm->free_event_vector[i]) = 0; vec_validate (smm->pending_event_vector[i], 0); _vec_len (smm->pending_event_vector[i]) = 0; vec_validate (smm->pending_disconnects[i], 0); _vec_len (smm->pending_disconnects[i]) = 0; if (num_threads > 1) clib_rwlock_init (&smm->peekers_rw_locks[i]); } #if SESSION_DEBUG vec_validate (smm->last_event_poll_by_thread, num_threads - 1); #endif /* Allocate vpp event queues segment and queue */ session_vpp_event_queues_allocate (smm); /* Initialize fifo segment main baseva and timeout */ sm_args->baseva = smm->session_baseva + smm->evt_qs_segment_size; sm_args->size = smm->session_va_space_size; segment_manager_main_init (sm_args); /* Preallocate sessions */ if (smm->preallocated_sessions) { if (num_threads == 1) { pool_init_fixed (smm->sessions[0], smm->preallocated_sessions); } else { int j; preallocated_sessions_per_worker = (1.1 * (f64) smm->preallocated_sessions / (f64) (num_threads - 1)); for (j = 1; j < num_threads; j++) { pool_init_fixed (smm->sessions[j], preallocated_sessions_per_worker); } } } session_lookup_init (); app_namespaces_init (); transport_init (); smm->is_enabled = 1; /* Enable transports */ transport_enable_disable (vm, 1); return 0; } void session_node_enable_disable (u8 is_en) { u8 state = is_en ? VLIB_NODE_STATE_POLLING : VLIB_NODE_STATE_DISABLED; vlib_thread_main_t *vtm = vlib_get_thread_main (); u8 have_workers = vtm->n_threads != 0; /* *INDENT-OFF* */ foreach_vlib_main (({ if (have_workers && ii == 0) { vlib_node_set_state (this_vlib_main, session_queue_process_node.index, state); if (is_en) { vlib_node_t *n = vlib_get_node (this_vlib_main, session_queue_process_node.index); vlib_start_process (this_vlib_main, n->runtime_index); } else { vlib_process_signal_event_mt (this_vlib_main, session_queue_process_node.index, SESSION_Q_PROCESS_STOP, 0); } continue; } vlib_node_set_state (this_vlib_main, session_queue_node.index, state); })); /* *INDENT-ON* */ } clib_error_t * vnet_session_enable_disable (vlib_main_t * vm, u8 is_en) { clib_error_t *error = 0; if (is_en) { if (session_manager_main.is_enabled) return 0; session_node_enable_disable (is_en); error = session_manager_main_enable (vm); } else { session_manager_main.is_enabled = 0; session_node_enable_disable (is_en); } return error; } clib_error_t * session_manager_main_init (vlib_main_t * vm) { session_manager_main_t *smm = &session_manager_main; smm->session_baseva = 0x200000000ULL; smm->session_va_space_size = (u64) 128 << 30; smm->evt_qs_segment_size = 64 << 20; smm->is_enabled = 0; return 0; } VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION (session_manager_main_init); static clib_error_t * session_config_fn (vlib_main_t * vm, unformat_input_t * input) { session_manager_main_t *smm = &session_manager_main; u32 nitems; uword tmp; while (unformat_check_input (input) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (input, "event-queue-length %d", &nitems)) { if (nitems >= 2048) smm->configured_event_queue_length = nitems; else clib_warning ("event queue length %d too small, ignored", nitems); } else if (unformat (input, "preallocated-sessions %d", &smm->preallocated_sessions)) ; else if (unformat (input, "v4-session-table-buckets %d", &smm->configured_v4_session_table_buckets)) ; else if (unformat (input, "v4-halfopen-table-buckets %d", &smm->configured_v4_halfopen_table_buckets)) ; else if (unformat (input, "v6-session-table-buckets %d", &smm->configured_v6_session_table_buckets)) ; else if (unformat (input, "v6-halfopen-table-buckets %d", &smm->configured_v6_halfopen_table_buckets)) ; else if (unformat (input, "v4-session-table-memory %U", unformat_memory_size, &tmp)) { if (tmp >= 0x100000000) return clib_error_return (0, "memory size %llx (%lld) too large", tmp, tmp); smm->configured_v4_session_table_memory = tmp; } else if (unformat (input, "v4-halfopen-table-memory %U", unformat_memory_size, &tmp)) { if (tmp >= 0x100000000) return clib_error_return (0, "memory size %llx (%lld) too large", tmp, tmp); smm->configured_v4_halfopen_table_memory = tmp; } else if (unformat (input, "v6-session-table-memory %U", unformat_memory_size, &tmp)) { if (tmp >= 0x100000000) return clib_error_return (0, "memory size %llx (%lld) too large", tmp, tmp); smm->configured_v6_session_table_memory = tmp; } else if (unformat (input, "v6-halfopen-table-memory %U", unformat_memory_size, &tmp)) { if (tmp >= 0x100000000) return clib_error_return (0, "memory size %llx (%lld) too large", tmp, tmp); smm->configured_v6_halfopen_table_memory = tmp; } else if (unformat (input, "local-endpoints-table-memory %U", unformat_memory_size, &tmp)) { if (tmp >= 0x100000000) return clib_error_return (0, "memory size %llx (%lld) too large", tmp, tmp); smm->local_endpoints_table_memory = tmp; } else if (unformat (input, "local-endpoints-table-buckets %d", &smm->local_endpoints_table_buckets)) ; else if (unformat (input, "evt_qs_memfd_seg")) smm->evt_qs_use_memfd_seg = 1; else return clib_error_return (0, "unknown input `%U'", format_unformat_error, input); } return 0; } VLIB_CONFIG_FUNCTION (session_config_fn, "session"); /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */