 * sr_replicate.c: ipv6 segment routing replicator for multicast
 * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 *  @file
 *  @brief Functions for replicating packets across SR tunnels.
 *  Leverages rte_pktmbuf_clone() so there is no memcpy for
 *  invariant parts of the packet.
 *  @note Currently requires DPDK

#if DPDK > 0			/* Cannot run replicate without DPDK */
#include <vlib/vlib.h>
#include <vnet/vnet.h>
#include <vnet/pg/pg.h>
#include <vnet/sr/sr.h>
#include <vnet/devices/dpdk/dpdk.h>
#include <vnet/ip/ip.h>
#include <vnet/fib/ip6_fib.h>

#include <vppinfra/hash.h>
#include <vppinfra/error.h>
#include <vppinfra/elog.h>

 *   @brief sr_replicate state.
typedef struct
  /* convenience */
  vlib_main_t *vlib_main;
  vnet_main_t *vnet_main;
} sr_replicate_main_t;

sr_replicate_main_t sr_replicate_main;

 *    @brief Information to display in packet trace.
typedef struct
  ip6_address_t src, dst;
  u16 length;
  u32 next_index;
  u32 tunnel_index;
  u8 sr[256];
} sr_replicate_trace_t;

 *  @brief packet trace format function.
 *  @param *s u8 used for string output
 *  @param *args va_list  structured input to va_arg to output @ref sr_replicate_trace_t
 *  @return *s u8 - formatted trace output
static u8 *
format_sr_replicate_trace (u8 * s, va_list * args)
  CLIB_UNUSED (vlib_main_t * vm) = va_arg (*args, vlib_main_t *);
  CLIB_UNUSED (vlib_node_t * node) = va_arg (*args, vlib_node_t *);
  sr_replicate_trace_t *t = va_arg (*args, sr_replicate_trace_t *);
  ip6_sr_main_t *sm = &sr_main;
  ip6_sr_tunnel_t *tun = pool_elt_at_index (sm->tunnels, t->tunnel_index);
  ip6_fib_t *rx_fib, *tx_fib;

  rx_fib = ip6_fib_get (tun->rx_fib_index);
  tx_fib = ip6_fib_get (tun->tx_fib_index);

  s = format
    (s, "SR-REPLICATE: next %s ip6 src %U dst %U len %u\n"
     "           rx-fib-id %d tx-fib-id %d\n%U",
     format_ip6_address, &t->src,
     format_ip6_address, &t->dst, t->length,
     rx_fib->table_id, tx_fib->table_id,
     format_ip6_sr_header, t->sr, 0 /* print_hmac */ );
  return s;


#define foreach_sr_replicate_error \
_(REPLICATED, "sr packets replicated") \
_(NO_BUFFERS, "error allocating buffers for replicas") \
_(NO_REPLICAS, "no replicas were needed") \
_(NO_BUFFER_DROPS, "sr no buffer drops")

 * @brief Struct for SR replicate errors
typedef enum
#define _(sym,str) SR_REPLICATE_ERROR_##sym,
#undef _
} sr_replicate_error_t;

 * @brief Error strings for SR replicate
static char *sr_replicate_error_strings[] = {
#define _(sym,string) string,
#undef _

 * @brief Defines next-nodes for packet processing.
typedef enum
} sr_replicate_next_t;

 *   @brief Single loop packet replicator.
 *   @node sr-replicate
 *   @param vm vlib_main_t
 *   @return frame->n_vectors uword
static uword
sr_replicate_node_fn (vlib_main_t * vm,
		      vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame)
  u32 n_left_from, *from, *to_next;
  sr_replicate_next_t next_index;
  int pkts_replicated = 0;
  ip6_sr_main_t *sm = &sr_main;
  int no_buffer_drops = 0;
  vlib_buffer_free_list_t *fl;
  unsigned socket_id = rte_socket_id ();
  vlib_buffer_main_t *bm = vm->buffer_main;

  from = vlib_frame_vector_args (frame);
  n_left_from = frame->n_vectors;
  next_index = node->cached_next_index;

  fl = vlib_buffer_get_free_list (vm, VLIB_BUFFER_DEFAULT_FREE_LIST_INDEX);

  while (n_left_from > 0)
      u32 n_left_to_next;

      vlib_get_next_frame (vm, node, next_index, to_next, n_left_to_next);

      while (n_left_from > 0 && n_left_to_next > 0)
	  u32 bi0, hdr_bi0;
	  vlib_buffer_t *b0, *orig_b0;
	  struct rte_mbuf *orig_mb0 = 0, *hdr_mb0 = 0, *clone0 = 0;
	  struct rte_mbuf **hdr_vec = 0, **rte_mbuf_vec = 0;
	  ip6_sr_policy_t *pol0 = 0;
	  ip6_sr_tunnel_t *t0 = 0;
	  ip6_sr_header_t *hdr_sr0 = 0;
	  ip6_header_t *ip0 = 0, *hdr_ip0 = 0;
	  int num_replicas = 0;
	  int i;
	  u32 len_bytes = sizeof (ip6_header_t);
	  u8 next_hdr, ip_next_hdr = IPPROTO_IPV6_ROUTE;

	  bi0 = from[0];

	  b0 = vlib_get_buffer (vm, bi0);
	  orig_b0 = b0;

	  pol0 = pool_elt_at_index (sm->policies,
				    vnet_buffer (b0)->ip.save_protocol);

	  ip0 = vlib_buffer_get_current (b0);
	  /* Skip forward to the punch-in point */
	  vlib_buffer_advance (b0, sizeof (*ip0));
	  next_hdr = ip0->protocol;

	  /* HBH must immediately follow ipv6 header */
	      (ip0->protocol == IP_PROTOCOL_IP6_HOP_BY_HOP_OPTIONS))
	      ip6_hop_by_hop_ext_t *ext_hdr =
		(ip6_hop_by_hop_ext_t *) ip6_next_header (ip0);
	      u32 ext_hdr_len = 0;
	      ext_hdr_len = ip6_ext_header_len ((ip6_ext_header_t *) ext_hdr);
	      len_bytes += ext_hdr_len;
	      next_hdr = ext_hdr->next_hdr;
	      ext_hdr->next_hdr = IPPROTO_IPV6_ROUTE;
	      ip_next_hdr = IP_PROTOCOL_IP6_HOP_BY_HOP_OPTIONS;
	      /* Skip forward to the punch-in point */
	      vlib_buffer_advance (b0, ext_hdr_len);


	  orig_mb0 = rte_mbuf_from_vlib_buffer (b0);

	  i16 delta0 = vlib_buffer_length_in_chain (vm, orig_b0)
	    - (i16) orig_mb0->pkt_len;

	  u16 new_data_len0 = (u16) ((i16) orig_mb0->data_len + delta0);
	  u16 new_pkt_len0 = (u16) ((i16) orig_mb0->pkt_len + delta0);

	  orig_mb0->data_len = new_data_len0;
	  orig_mb0->pkt_len = new_pkt_len0;
	  orig_mb0->data_off += (u16) (b0->current_data);

	     Before entering loop determine if we can allocate:
	     - all the new HEADER RTE_MBUFs and assign them to a vector
	     - all the clones

	     if successful, then iterate over vectors of resources

	  num_replicas = vec_len (pol0->tunnel_indices);

	  if (PREDICT_FALSE (num_replicas == 0))
	      b0->error = node->errors[SR_REPLICATE_ERROR_NO_REPLICAS];
	      goto do_trace0;

	  vec_reset_length (hdr_vec);
	  vec_reset_length (rte_mbuf_vec);

	  for (i = 0; i < num_replicas; i++)
	      uint8_t nb_seg;
	      struct rte_mbuf *clone0i;
	      vlib_buffer_t *clone0_c, *clone_b0;

	      t0 = vec_elt_at_index (sm->tunnels, pol0->tunnel_indices[i]);
	      hdr_mb0 = rte_pktmbuf_alloc (bm->pktmbuf_pools[socket_id]);

	      if (i < (num_replicas - 1))
		  /* Not the last tunnel to process */
		  clone0 = rte_pktmbuf_clone
		    (orig_mb0, bm->pktmbuf_pools[socket_id]);
		  if (clone0 == 0)
		    goto clone_fail;
		  nb_seg = 0;
		  clone0i = clone0;
		  clone0_c = NULL;
		  while ((clone0->nb_segs >= 1) && (nb_seg < clone0->nb_segs))

		      clone_b0 = vlib_buffer_from_rte_mbuf (clone0i);
		      vlib_buffer_init_for_free_list (clone_b0, fl);

		      ASSERT ((clone_b0->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_NEXT_PRESENT) ==
		      ASSERT (clone_b0->current_data == 0);

		      clone_b0->current_data =
			(clone0i->buf_addr + clone0i->data_off) -
			(void *) clone_b0->data;

		      clone_b0->current_length = clone0i->data_len;
		      if (PREDICT_FALSE (clone0_c != NULL))
			  clone0_c->flags |= VLIB_BUFFER_NEXT_PRESENT;
			  clone0_c->next_buffer =
			    vlib_get_buffer_index (vm, clone_b0);
		      clone0_c = clone_b0;
		      clone0i = clone0i->next;
		/* First tunnel to process, use original MB */
		clone0 = orig_mb0;

	      if (PREDICT_FALSE (!clone0 || !hdr_mb0))
		  b0->error = node->errors[SR_REPLICATE_ERROR_NO_BUFFERS];

		  vec_foreach_index (i, rte_mbuf_vec)
		    rte_pktmbuf_free (rte_mbuf_vec[i]);
		  vec_free (rte_mbuf_vec);

		  vec_foreach_index (i, hdr_vec)
		    rte_pktmbuf_free (hdr_vec[i]);
		  vec_free (hdr_vec);

		  goto do_trace0;

	      vec_add1 (hdr_vec, hdr_mb0);
	      vec_add1 (rte_mbuf_vec, clone0);


	  for (i = 0; i < num_replicas; i++)
	      vlib_buffer_t *hdr_b0;
	      u16 new_l0 = 0;

	      t0 = vec_elt_at_index (sm->tunnels, pol0->tunnel_indices[i]);
	      /* Our replicas */
	      hdr_mb0 = hdr_vec[i];
	      clone0 = rte_mbuf_vec[i];

	      hdr_mb0->data_len = len_bytes + vec_len (t0->rewrite);
	      hdr_mb0->pkt_len = hdr_mb0->data_len +
		vlib_buffer_length_in_chain (vm, orig_b0);

	      hdr_b0 = vlib_buffer_from_rte_mbuf (hdr_mb0);

	      vlib_buffer_init_for_free_list (hdr_b0, fl);

	      memcpy (hdr_b0->data, ip0, len_bytes);
	      memcpy (hdr_b0->data + len_bytes, t0->rewrite,
		      vec_len (t0->rewrite));

	      hdr_b0->current_data = 0;
	      hdr_b0->current_length = len_bytes + vec_len (t0->rewrite);
	      hdr_b0->flags = orig_b0->flags | VLIB_BUFFER_NEXT_PRESENT;
	      hdr_b0->trace_index = orig_b0->trace_index;
	      vnet_buffer (hdr_b0)->l2_classify.opaque_index = 0;

	      hdr_b0->total_length_not_including_first_buffer =
		hdr_mb0->pkt_len - hdr_b0->current_length;
	      vnet_buffer (hdr_b0)->sw_if_index[VLIB_TX] = t0->tx_fib_index;

	      hdr_ip0 = (ip6_header_t *) hdr_b0->data;
	      new_l0 = clib_net_to_host_u16 (ip0->payload_length) +
		vec_len (t0->rewrite);
	      hdr_ip0->payload_length = clib_host_to_net_u16 (new_l0);
	      hdr_sr0 = (ip6_sr_header_t *) ((u8 *) hdr_ip0 + len_bytes);
	      /* $$$ tune */
	      clib_memcpy (hdr_sr0, t0->rewrite, vec_len (t0->rewrite));
	      hdr_sr0->protocol = next_hdr;
	      hdr_ip0->protocol = ip_next_hdr;

	      /* Copy dst address into the DA slot in the segment list */
	      clib_memcpy (hdr_sr0->segments, ip0->dst_address.as_u64,
			   sizeof (ip6_address_t));

	      /* Rewrite the ip6 dst address */
	      hdr_ip0->dst_address.as_u64[0] = t0->first_hop.as_u64[0];
	      hdr_ip0->dst_address.as_u64[1] = t0->first_hop.as_u64[1];

	      sr_fix_hmac (sm, hdr_ip0, hdr_sr0);

	      /* prepend new header to invariant piece */
	      hdr_mb0->next = clone0;
	      hdr_b0->next_buffer =
		vlib_get_buffer_index (vm,
				       vlib_buffer_from_rte_mbuf (clone0));

	      /* update header's fields */
	      hdr_mb0->pkt_len =
		(uint16_t) (hdr_mb0->data_len + clone0->pkt_len);
	      hdr_mb0->nb_segs = (uint8_t) (clone0->nb_segs + 1);

	      /* copy metadata from source packet */
	      hdr_mb0->port = clone0->port;
	      hdr_mb0->vlan_tci = clone0->vlan_tci;
	      hdr_mb0->vlan_tci_outer = clone0->vlan_tci_outer;
	      hdr_mb0->tx_offload = clone0->tx_offload;
	      hdr_mb0->hash = clone0->hash;

	      hdr_mb0->ol_flags = clone0->ol_flags & ~(IND_ATTACHED_MBUF);

	      __rte_mbuf_sanity_check (hdr_mb0, 1);

	      hdr_bi0 = vlib_get_buffer_index (vm, hdr_b0);

	      to_next[0] = hdr_bi0;
	      to_next += 1;
	      n_left_to_next -= 1;

	      if (n_left_to_next == 0)
		  vlib_put_next_frame (vm, node, next_index, n_left_to_next);
		  vlib_get_next_frame (vm, node, next_index,
				       to_next, n_left_to_next);


	  from += 1;
	  n_left_from -= 1;

	      sr_replicate_trace_t *tr = vlib_add_trace (vm, node,
							 b0, sizeof (*tr));
	      tr->tunnel_index = t0 - sm->tunnels;
	      tr->length = 0;
	      if (hdr_ip0)
		  memcpy (tr->src.as_u8, hdr_ip0->src_address.as_u8,
			  sizeof (tr->src.as_u8));
		  memcpy (tr->dst.as_u8, hdr_ip0->dst_address.as_u8,
			  sizeof (tr->dst.as_u8));
		  if (hdr_ip0->payload_length)
		    tr->length = clib_net_to_host_u16
	      tr->next_index = next_index;
	      if (hdr_sr0)
		memcpy (tr->sr, hdr_sr0, sizeof (tr->sr));


      vlib_put_next_frame (vm, node, next_index, n_left_to_next);

  vlib_node_increment_counter (vm, sr_replicate_node.index,

  vlib_node_increment_counter (vm, sr_replicate_node.index,

  return frame->n_vectors;

/* *INDENT-OFF* */
VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (sr_replicate_node) = {
  .function = sr_replicate_node_fn,
  .name = "sr-replicate",
  .vector_size = sizeof (u32),
  .format_trace = format_sr_replicate_trace,

  .n_errors = ARRAY_LEN(sr_replicate_error_strings),
  .error_strings = sr_replicate_error_strings,

  .n_next_nodes = SR_REPLICATE_N_NEXT,

  .next_nodes = {
        [SR_REPLICATE_NEXT_IP6_LOOKUP] = "ip6-lookup",

VLIB_NODE_FUNCTION_MULTIARCH (sr_replicate_node, sr_replicate_node_fn)
/* *INDENT-ON* */

clib_error_t *
sr_replicate_init (vlib_main_t * vm)
  sr_replicate_main_t *msm = &sr_replicate_main;

  msm->vlib_main = vm;
  msm->vnet_main = vnet_get_main ();

  return 0;

VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION (sr_replicate_init);

#endif /* DPDK */

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 * eval: (c-set-style "gnu")
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