 * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco and/or its affiliates. Licensed under the Apache
 * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

 * @file
 * @brief Segment Routing MPLS data structures definitions

#ifndef included_vnet_srmpls_h
#define included_vnet_srmpls_h

#include <vnet/vnet.h>
#include <vnet/mpls/packet.h>
#include <vnet/fib/mpls_fib.h>
#include <vnet/ip/ip.h>
#include <vnet/ip/lookup.h>
#include <vnet/dpo/dpo.h>
#include <vnet/dpo/replicate_dpo.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

/* SR policy types */


#define SR_STEER_IPV4 4
#define SR_STEER_IPV6 6

#define SR_TE_CO_BITS_00 0
#define SR_TE_CO_BITS_01 1
#define SR_TE_CO_BITS_10 2
#define SR_TE_CO_BITS_11 3

 * @brief SR Segment List (SID list)
typedef struct
  /* SIDs (key) */
  mpls_label_t *segments;

  /* SID list weight (wECMP / UCMP) */
  u32 weight;

} mpls_sr_sl_t;

typedef struct
  u32 *segments_lists;			/**< Pool of SID lists indexes */

  mpls_label_t bsid;		/**< BindingSID (key) */

  u8 type;			/**< Type (default is 0) */
  /* SR Policy specific DPO                                       */
  /* IF Type = DEFAULT Then Load-Balancer DPO among SID lists     */
  /* IF Type = SPRAY then Spray DPO with all SID lists            */

  ip46_address_t endpoint;		/**< Optional NH for SR TE */
  u8 endpoint_type;
  u32 color;			/**< Optional color for SR TE */
} mpls_sr_policy_t;

 * @brief Steering db key
 * L3 is IPv4/IPv6 + mask
typedef struct
  ip46_address_t prefix;	/**< IP address of the prefix */
  u32 mask_width;			/**< Mask width of the prefix */
  u32 fib_table;			/**< VRF of the prefix */
  u8 traffic_type;			/**< Traffic type (IPv4, IPv6, L2) */
  u8 padding[3];
} sr_mpls_steering_key_t;

typedef struct
  sr_mpls_steering_key_t classify;		/**< Traffic classification */
  mpls_label_t bsid;		/**< SR Policy index */
  ip46_address_t next_hop;		/**< SR TE NH */
  char nh_type;
  u32 *color;			/**< Vector of SR TE colors */
  char co_bits;			/**< Color-Only bits */
  mpls_label_t vpn_label;
} mpls_sr_steering_policy_t;

 * @brief Segment Routing main datastructure
typedef struct
  /* SR SID lists */
  mpls_sr_sl_t *sid_lists;

  /* SR MPLS policies */
  mpls_sr_policy_t *sr_policies;

  /* Hash table mapping BindingSID to SR MPLS policy */
  uword *sr_policies_index_hash;

  /* Pool of SR steer policies instances */
  mpls_sr_steering_policy_t *steer_policies;

  /* MHash table mapping steering rules to SR steer instance */
  mhash_t sr_steer_policies_hash;

  /** SR TE **/
  /* Hash table mapping (Color->Endpoint->BSID) for SR policies */
  mhash_t sr_policies_c2e2eclabel_hash;
  /* SR TE (internal) fib table (Endpoint, Color) */
  u32 fib_table_EC;
  /* Pool of (Endpoint, Color) hidden labels */
  u32 *ec_labels;

  /* convenience */
  vlib_main_t *vlib_main;
  vnet_main_t *vnet_main;
} mpls_sr_main_t;

extern mpls_sr_main_t sr_mpls_main;

extern int
sr_mpls_policy_add (mpls_label_t bsid, mpls_label_t * segments,
		    u8 behavior, u32 weight);

extern int
sr_mpls_policy_mod (mpls_label_t bsid, u8 operation,
		    mpls_label_t * segments, u32 sl_index, u32 weight);

extern int sr_mpls_policy_del (mpls_label_t bsid);

extern int
sr_mpls_policy_assign_endpoint_color (mpls_label_t bsid,
				      ip46_address_t * endpoint,
				      u8 endpoint_type, u32 color);

extern int
sr_mpls_steering_policy_add (mpls_label_t bsid, u32 table_id,
			     ip46_address_t * prefix, u32 mask_width,
			     u8 traffic_type, ip46_address_t * next_hop,
			     u8 nh_type, u32 color, char co_bits,
			     mpls_label_t vpn_label);

extern int
sr_mpls_steering_policy_del (ip46_address_t * prefix,
			     u32 mask_width, u8 traffic_type, u32 table_id,
			     u32 color);

extern u32 find_or_create_internal_label (ip46_address_t endpoint, u32 color);

extern void internal_label_lock (ip46_address_t endpoint, u32 color);

extern void internal_label_unlock (ip46_address_t endpoint, u32 color);

#endif /* included_vnet_sr_mpls_h */

 * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON
 * Local Variables: eval: (c-set-style "gnu") End: