/* * builtin_client.c - vpp built-in tcp client/connect code * * Copyright (c) 2017 by Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* define message IDs */ #include /* define message structures */ #define vl_typedefs #include #undef vl_typedefs /* define generated endian-swappers */ #define vl_endianfun #include #undef vl_endianfun /* instantiate all the print functions we know about */ #define vl_print(handle, ...) vlib_cli_output (handle, __VA_ARGS__) #define vl_printfun #include #undef vl_printfun #define TCP_BUILTIN_CLIENT_DBG (0) static void send_test_chunk (tclient_main_t * tm, session_t * s) { u8 *test_data = tm->connect_test_data; int test_buf_offset; u32 bytes_this_chunk; session_fifo_event_t evt; static int serial_number = 0; int rv; ASSERT (vec_len (test_data) > 0); test_buf_offset = s->bytes_sent % vec_len (test_data); bytes_this_chunk = vec_len (test_data) - test_buf_offset; bytes_this_chunk = bytes_this_chunk < s->bytes_to_send ? bytes_this_chunk : s->bytes_to_send; rv = svm_fifo_enqueue_nowait (s->server_tx_fifo, bytes_this_chunk, test_data + test_buf_offset); /* If we managed to enqueue data... */ if (rv > 0) { /* Account for it... */ s->bytes_to_send -= rv; s->bytes_sent += rv; if (TCP_BUILTIN_CLIENT_DBG) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ ELOG_TYPE_DECLARE (e) = { .format = "tx-enq: xfer %d bytes, sent %u remain %u", .format_args = "i4i4i4", }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ struct { u32 data[3]; } *ed; ed = ELOG_DATA (&vlib_global_main.elog_main, e); ed->data[0] = rv; ed->data[1] = s->bytes_sent; ed->data[2] = s->bytes_to_send; } /* Poke the session layer */ if (svm_fifo_set_event (s->server_tx_fifo)) { /* Fabricate TX event, send to vpp */ evt.fifo = s->server_tx_fifo; evt.event_type = FIFO_EVENT_APP_TX; evt.event_id = serial_number++; if (unix_shared_memory_queue_add (tm->vpp_event_queue, (u8 *) & evt, 0 /* do wait for mutex */ )) clib_warning ("could not enqueue event"); } } } static void receive_test_chunk (tclient_main_t * tm, session_t * s) { svm_fifo_t *rx_fifo = s->server_rx_fifo; int n_read, test_bytes = 0; /* Allow enqueuing of new event */ // svm_fifo_unset_event (rx_fifo); if (test_bytes) { n_read = svm_fifo_dequeue_nowait (rx_fifo, vec_len (tm->rx_buf), tm->rx_buf); } else { n_read = svm_fifo_max_dequeue (rx_fifo); svm_fifo_dequeue_drop (rx_fifo, n_read); } if (n_read > 0) { if (TCP_BUILTIN_CLIENT_DBG) { /* *INDENT-OFF* */ ELOG_TYPE_DECLARE (e) = { .format = "rx-deq: %d bytes", .format_args = "i4", }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ struct { u32 data[1]; } *ed; ed = ELOG_DATA (&vlib_global_main.elog_main, e); ed->data[0] = n_read; } if (test_bytes) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n_read; i++) { if (tm->rx_buf[i] != ((s->bytes_received + i) & 0xff)) { clib_warning ("read %d error at byte %lld, 0x%x not 0x%x", n_read, s->bytes_received + i, tm->rx_buf[i], ((s->bytes_received + i) & 0xff)); } } } s->bytes_to_receive -= n_read; s->bytes_received += n_read; } } static uword builtin_client_node_fn (vlib_main_t * vm, vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame) { tclient_main_t *tm = &tclient_main; int my_thread_index = vlib_get_thread_index (); vl_api_disconnect_session_t *dmp; session_t *sp; int i; int delete_session; u32 *connection_indices; u32 tx_quota = 0; u32 delta, prev_bytes_received_this_session; connection_indices = tm->connection_index_by_thread[my_thread_index]; if (tm->run_test == 0 || vec_len (connection_indices) == 0) return 0; for (i = 0; i < vec_len (connection_indices); i++) { delete_session = 1; sp = pool_elt_at_index (tm->sessions, connection_indices[i]); if ((tm->no_return || tx_quota < 60) && sp->bytes_to_send > 0) { send_test_chunk (tm, sp); delete_session = 0; tx_quota++; } if (!tm->no_return && sp->bytes_to_receive > 0) { prev_bytes_received_this_session = sp->bytes_received; receive_test_chunk (tm, sp); delta = sp->bytes_received - prev_bytes_received_this_session; if (delta > 0) tx_quota--; delete_session = 0; } if (PREDICT_FALSE (delete_session == 1)) { __sync_fetch_and_add (&tm->tx_total, tm->bytes_to_send); __sync_fetch_and_add (&tm->rx_total, sp->bytes_received); dmp = vl_msg_api_alloc_as_if_client (sizeof (*dmp)); memset (dmp, 0, sizeof (*dmp)); dmp->_vl_msg_id = ntohs (VL_API_DISCONNECT_SESSION); dmp->client_index = tm->my_client_index; dmp->handle = sp->vpp_session_handle; if (!unix_shared_memory_queue_add (tm->vl_input_queue, (u8 *) & dmp, 1)) { vec_delete (connection_indices, 1, i); tm->connection_index_by_thread[my_thread_index] = connection_indices; __sync_fetch_and_add (&tm->ready_connections, -1); } else { vl_msg_api_free (dmp); } /* Kick the debug CLI process */ if (tm->ready_connections == 0) { tm->test_end_time = vlib_time_now (vm); vlib_process_signal_event (vm, tm->cli_node_index, 2, 0 /* data */ ); } } } return 0; } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (builtin_client_node) = { .function = builtin_client_node_fn, .name = "builtin-tcp-client", .type = VLIB_NODE_TYPE_INPUT, .state = VLIB_NODE_STATE_DISABLED, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ /* So we don't get "no handler for... " msgs */ static void vl_api_memclnt_create_reply_t_handler (vl_api_memclnt_create_reply_t * mp) { vlib_main_t *vm = vlib_get_main (); tclient_main_t *tm = &tclient_main; tm->my_client_index = mp->index; vlib_process_signal_event (vm, tm->cli_node_index, 1 /* evt */ , 0 /* data */ ); } static int create_api_loopback (tclient_main_t * tm) { vlib_main_t *vm = vlib_get_main (); vl_api_memclnt_create_t _m, *mp = &_m; extern void vl_api_memclnt_create_t_handler (vl_api_memclnt_create_t *); api_main_t *am = &api_main; vl_shmem_hdr_t *shmem_hdr; uword *event_data = 0, event_type; int resolved = 0; /* * Create a "loopback" API client connection * Don't do things like this unless you know what you're doing... */ shmem_hdr = am->shmem_hdr; tm->vl_input_queue = shmem_hdr->vl_input_queue; memset (mp, 0, sizeof (*mp)); mp->_vl_msg_id = VL_API_MEMCLNT_CREATE; mp->context = 0xFEEDFACE; mp->input_queue = pointer_to_uword (tm->vl_input_queue); strncpy ((char *) mp->name, "tcp_clients_tester", sizeof (mp->name) - 1); vl_api_memclnt_create_t_handler (mp); /* Wait for reply */ vlib_process_wait_for_event_or_clock (vm, 1.0); event_type = vlib_process_get_events (vm, &event_data); switch (event_type) { case 1: resolved = 1; break; case ~0: /* timed out */ break; default: clib_warning ("unknown event_type %d", event_type); } if (!resolved) return -1; return 0; } #define foreach_tclient_static_api_msg \ _(MEMCLNT_CREATE_REPLY, memclnt_create_reply) \ static clib_error_t * tclient_api_hookup (vlib_main_t * vm) { vl_msg_api_msg_config_t _c, *c = &_c; /* Hook up client-side static APIs to our handlers */ #define _(N,n) do { \ c->id = VL_API_##N; \ c->name = #n; \ c->handler = vl_api_##n##_t_handler; \ c->cleanup = vl_noop_handler; \ c->endian = vl_api_##n##_t_endian; \ c->print = vl_api_##n##_t_print; \ c->size = sizeof(vl_api_##n##_t); \ c->traced = 1; /* trace, so these msgs print */ \ c->replay = 0; /* don't replay client create/delete msgs */ \ c->message_bounce = 0; /* don't bounce this message */ \ vl_msg_api_config(c);} while (0); foreach_tclient_static_api_msg; #undef _ return 0; } static int tcp_test_clients_init (vlib_main_t * vm) { tclient_main_t *tm = &tclient_main; vlib_thread_main_t *thread_main = vlib_get_thread_main (); int i; tclient_api_hookup (vm); if (create_api_loopback (tm)) return -1; /* Init test data. Big buffer */ vec_validate (tm->connect_test_data, 1024 * 1024 - 1); for (i = 0; i < vec_len (tm->connect_test_data); i++) tm->connect_test_data[i] = i & 0xff; tm->session_index_by_vpp_handles = hash_create (0, sizeof (uword)); vec_validate (tm->rx_buf, vec_len (tm->connect_test_data) - 1); tm->is_init = 1; tm->vlib_main = vm; vec_validate (tm->connection_index_by_thread, thread_main->n_vlib_mains); return 0; } static int builtin_session_connected_callback (u32 app_index, u32 api_context, stream_session_t * s, u8 is_fail) { tclient_main_t *tm = &tclient_main; session_t *session; u32 session_index; int i; if (is_fail) { clib_warning ("connection %d failed!", api_context); vlib_process_signal_event (tm->vlib_main, tm->cli_node_index, -1, 0 /* data */ ); return -1; } /* Mark vpp session as connected */ s->session_state = SESSION_STATE_READY; tm->our_event_queue = session_manager_get_vpp_event_queue (s->thread_index); tm->vpp_event_queue = session_manager_get_vpp_event_queue (s->thread_index); /* * Setup session */ pool_get (tm->sessions, session); memset (session, 0, sizeof (*session)); session_index = session - tm->sessions; session->bytes_to_receive = session->bytes_to_send = tm->bytes_to_send; session->server_rx_fifo = s->server_rx_fifo; session->server_rx_fifo->client_session_index = session_index; session->server_tx_fifo = s->server_tx_fifo; session->server_tx_fifo->client_session_index = session_index; session->vpp_session_handle = stream_session_handle (s); /* Add it to the session lookup table */ hash_set (tm->session_index_by_vpp_handles, session->vpp_session_handle, session_index); if (tm->ready_connections == tm->expected_connections - 1) { vlib_thread_main_t *thread_main = vlib_get_thread_main (); int thread_index; thread_index = 0; for (i = 0; i < pool_elts (tm->sessions); i++) { vec_add1 (tm->connection_index_by_thread[thread_index], i); thread_index++; if (thread_index == thread_main->n_vlib_mains) thread_index = 0; } } __sync_fetch_and_add (&tm->ready_connections, 1); if (tm->ready_connections == tm->expected_connections) { tm->run_test = 1; tm->test_start_time = vlib_time_now (tm->vlib_main); /* Signal the CLI process that the action is starting... */ vlib_process_signal_event (tm->vlib_main, tm->cli_node_index, 1, 0 /* data */ ); } return 0; } static void builtin_session_reset_callback (stream_session_t * s) { return; } static int builtin_session_create_callback (stream_session_t * s) { return 0; } static void builtin_session_disconnect_callback (stream_session_t * s) { return; } static int builtin_server_rx_callback (stream_session_t * s) { return 0; } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ static session_cb_vft_t builtin_clients = { .session_reset_callback = builtin_session_reset_callback, .session_connected_callback = builtin_session_connected_callback, .session_accept_callback = builtin_session_create_callback, .session_disconnect_callback = builtin_session_disconnect_callback, .builtin_server_rx_callback = builtin_server_rx_callback }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ static int attach_builtin_test_clients_app (void) { tclient_main_t *tm = &tclient_main; vnet_app_attach_args_t _a, *a = &_a; u8 segment_name[128]; u32 segment_name_length, prealloc_fifos; u64 options[16]; segment_name_length = ARRAY_LEN (segment_name); memset (a, 0, sizeof (*a)); memset (options, 0, sizeof (options)); a->api_client_index = tm->my_client_index; a->segment_name = segment_name; a->segment_name_length = segment_name_length; a->session_cb_vft = &builtin_clients; prealloc_fifos = tm->prealloc_fifos ? tm->expected_connections : 1; options[SESSION_OPTIONS_ACCEPT_COOKIE] = 0x12345678; options[SESSION_OPTIONS_SEGMENT_SIZE] = (2ULL << 32); options[SESSION_OPTIONS_RX_FIFO_SIZE] = tm->fifo_size; options[SESSION_OPTIONS_TX_FIFO_SIZE] = tm->fifo_size / 2; options[APP_OPTIONS_PREALLOC_FIFO_PAIRS] = prealloc_fifos; options[APP_OPTIONS_FLAGS] = APP_OPTIONS_FLAGS_BUILTIN_APP; a->options = options; if (vnet_application_attach (a)) return -1; tm->app_index = a->app_index; return 0; } static void * tclient_thread_fn (void *arg) { return 0; } /** Start a transmit thread */ int start_tx_pthread (tclient_main_t * tm) { if (tm->client_thread_handle == 0) { int rv = pthread_create (&tm->client_thread_handle, NULL /*attr */ , tclient_thread_fn, 0); if (rv) { tm->client_thread_handle = 0; return -1; } } return 0; } void clients_connect (vlib_main_t * vm, u8 * uri, u32 n_clients) { tclient_main_t *tm = &tclient_main; vnet_connect_args_t _a, *a = &_a; int i; for (i = 0; i < n_clients; i++) { memset (a, 0, sizeof (*a)); a->uri = (char *) uri; a->api_context = i; a->app_index = tm->app_index; a->mp = 0; vnet_connect_uri (a); /* Crude pacing for call setups, 100k/sec */ vlib_process_suspend (vm, 10e-6); } } static clib_error_t * test_tcp_clients_command_fn (vlib_main_t * vm, unformat_input_t * input, vlib_cli_command_t * cmd) { tclient_main_t *tm = &tclient_main; vlib_thread_main_t *thread_main = vlib_get_thread_main (); uword *event_data = 0, event_type; u8 *default_connect_uri = (u8 *) "tcp://", *uri; u64 tmp, total_bytes; f64 cli_timeout = 20.0, delta; u32 n_clients = 1; char *transfer_type; int i; tm->bytes_to_send = 8192; tm->no_return = 0; tm->fifo_size = 64 << 10; vec_free (tm->connect_uri); while (unformat_check_input (input) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (input, "nclients %d", &n_clients)) ; else if (unformat (input, "mbytes %lld", &tmp)) tm->bytes_to_send = tmp << 20; else if (unformat (input, "gbytes %lld", &tmp)) tm->bytes_to_send = tmp << 30; else if (unformat (input, "bytes %lld", &tm->bytes_to_send)) ; else if (unformat (input, "uri %s", &tm->connect_uri)) ; else if (unformat (input, "cli-timeout %f", &cli_timeout)) ; else if (unformat (input, "no-return")) tm->no_return = 1; else if (unformat (input, "fifo-size %d", &tm->fifo_size)) tm->fifo_size <<= 10; else return clib_error_return (0, "unknown input `%U'", format_unformat_error, input); } /* Store cli process node index for signalling */ tm->cli_node_index = vlib_get_current_process (vm)->node_runtime.node_index; if (tm->is_init == 0) { if (tcp_test_clients_init (vm)) return clib_error_return (0, "failed init"); } tm->ready_connections = 0; tm->expected_connections = n_clients; tm->rx_total = 0; tm->tx_total = 0; uri = default_connect_uri; if (tm->connect_uri) uri = tm->connect_uri; #if TCP_BUILTIN_CLIENT_PTHREAD start_tx_pthread (); #endif vnet_session_enable_disable (vm, 1 /* turn on TCP, etc. */ ); if (tm->test_client_attached == 0) { if (attach_builtin_test_clients_app ()) { return clib_error_return (0, "app attach failed"); } } tm->test_client_attached = 1; /* Turn on the builtin client input nodes */ for (i = 0; i < thread_main->n_vlib_mains; i++) vlib_node_set_state (vlib_mains[i], builtin_client_node.index, VLIB_NODE_STATE_POLLING); /* Fire off connect requests */ clients_connect (vm, uri, n_clients); /* Park until the sessions come up, or ten seconds elapse... */ vlib_process_wait_for_event_or_clock (vm, 10.0 /* timeout, seconds */ ); event_type = vlib_process_get_events (vm, &event_data); switch (event_type) { case ~0: vlib_cli_output (vm, "Timeout with only %d sessions active...", tm->ready_connections); goto cleanup; case 1: vlib_cli_output (vm, "Test started at %.6f", tm->test_start_time); break; default: vlib_cli_output (vm, "unexpected event(1): %d", event_type); goto cleanup; } /* Now wait for the sessions to finish... */ vlib_process_wait_for_event_or_clock (vm, cli_timeout); event_type = vlib_process_get_events (vm, &event_data); switch (event_type) { case ~0: vlib_cli_output (vm, "Timeout with %d sessions still active...", tm->ready_connections); goto cleanup; case 2: vlib_cli_output (vm, "Test finished at %.6f", tm->test_end_time); break; default: vlib_cli_output (vm, "unexpected event(2): %d", event_type); goto cleanup; } delta = tm->test_end_time - tm->test_start_time; if (delta != 0.0) { total_bytes = (tm->no_return ? tm->tx_total : tm->rx_total); transfer_type = tm->no_return ? "half-duplex" : "full-duplex"; vlib_cli_output (vm, "%lld bytes (%lld mbytes, %lld gbytes) in %.2f seconds", total_bytes, total_bytes / (1ULL << 20), total_bytes / (1ULL << 30), delta); vlib_cli_output (vm, "%.2f bytes/second %s", ((f64) total_bytes) / (delta), transfer_type); vlib_cli_output (vm, "%.4f gbit/second %s", (((f64) total_bytes * 8.0) / delta / 1e9), transfer_type); } else vlib_cli_output (vm, "zero delta-t?"); cleanup: pool_free (tm->sessions); for (i = 0; i < vec_len (tm->connection_index_by_thread); i++) vec_reset_length (tm->connection_index_by_thread[i]); return 0; } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (test_clients_command, static) = { .path = "test tcp clients", .short_help = "test tcp clients [nclients %d]" "[iterations %d] [bytes %d] [uri tcp://]", .function = test_tcp_clients_command_fn, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ clib_error_t * tcp_test_clients_main_init (vlib_main_t * vm) { tclient_main_t *tm = &tclient_main; tm->is_init = 0; return 0; } VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION (tcp_test_clients_main_init); /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */