# Copyright (c) 2019. Vinci Consulting Corp. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import ctypes import multiprocessing as mp import sys import unittest from unittest import mock from vpp_papi import vpp_papi from vpp_papi import vpp_transport_shmem class TestVppPapiVPPApiClient(unittest.TestCase): def test_getcontext(self): c = vpp_papi.VPPApiClient(apidir=".", testmode=True, use_socket=True) # reset initialization at module load time. c.get_context.context = mp.Value(ctypes.c_uint, 0) for _ in range(10): c.get_context() self.assertEqual(11, c.get_context()) class TestVppPapiVPPApiClientMp(unittest.TestCase): # Test under multiple processes to simulate running forked under # run_tests.py (eg. make test TEST_JOBS=10) def test_get_context_mp(self): c = vpp_papi.VPPApiClient(apidir=".", testmode=True, use_socket=True) # reset initialization at module load time. c.get_context.context = mp.Value(ctypes.c_uint, 0) procs = [mp.Process(target=c.get_context, args=()) for i in range(10)] for p in procs: p.start() for p in procs: p.join() # AssertionError: 11 != 1 self.assertEqual(11, c.get_context()) class TestVppTypes(unittest.TestCase): def test_enum_from_json(self): json_api = """\ { "enums": [ [ "address_family", [ "ADDRESS_IP4", 0 ], [ "ADDRESS_IP6", 1 ], { "enumtype": "u8" } ], [ "if_type", [ "IF_API_TYPE_HARDWARE", 0 ], [ "IF_API_TYPE_SUB", 1 ], [ "IF_API_TYPE_P2P", 2 ], [ "IF_API_TYPE_PIPE", 3 ], { "enumtype": "u32" } ] ] } """ processor = vpp_papi.VPPApiJSONFiles() # add the types to vpp_serializer processor.process_json_str(json_api) vpp_transport_shmem.VppTransport = mock.MagicMock() ac = vpp_papi.VPPApiClient(apifiles=[], testmode=True) type_name = "vl_api_if_type_t" t = ac.get_type(type_name) self.assertTrue(str(t).startswith("VPPEnumType")) self.assertEqual(t.name, type_name) def test_enumflagmixed_from_json(self): json_api = """\ { "enums": [ [ "address_family", [ "ADDRESS_IP4", 0 ], [ "ADDRESS_IP6", 1 ], { "enumtype": "u8" } ] ], "enumflags": [ [ "if_type", [ "IF_API_TYPE_HARDWARE", 0 ], [ "IF_API_TYPE_SUB", 1 ], [ "IF_API_TYPE_P2P", 2 ], [ "IF_API_TYPE_PIPE", 3 ], { "enumtype": "u32" } ] ] } """ processor = vpp_papi.VPPApiJSONFiles() # add the types to vpp_serializer processor.process_json_str(json_api) vpp_transport_shmem.VppTransport = mock.MagicMock() ac = vpp_papi.VPPApiClient(apifiles=[], testmode=True) print(ac) type_name = "vl_api_if_type_t" t = ac.get_type(type_name) print(t) self.assertTrue(str(t).startswith("VPPEnumType")) self.assertEqual(t.name, type_name) def test_enumflag_from_json(self): json_api = """\ { "enumflags": [ [ "address_family", [ "ADDRESS_IP4", 0 ], [ "ADDRESS_IP6", 1 ], { "enumtype": "u8" } ], [ "if_type", [ "IF_API_TYPE_HARDWARE", 0 ], [ "IF_API_TYPE_SUB", 1 ], [ "IF_API_TYPE_P2P", 2 ], [ "IF_API_TYPE_PIPE", 3 ], { "enumtype": "u32" } ] ] } """ processor = vpp_papi.VPPApiJSONFiles() # add the types to vpp_serializer processor.process_json_str(json_api) vpp_transport_shmem.VppTransport = mock.MagicMock() ac = vpp_papi.VPPApiClient(apifiles=[], testmode=True) type_name = "vl_api_if_type_t" t = ac.get_type(type_name) self.assertTrue(str(t).startswith("VPPEnumType")) self.assertEqual(t.name, type_name) class TestVppPapiLogging(unittest.TestCase): def test_logger(self): class Transport: connected = True class Vpp: transport = Transport() def disconnect(self): pass client = Vpp with self.assertLogs("vpp_papi", level="DEBUG") as cm: vpp_papi.vpp_atexit(client) self.assertEqual(cm.output, ["DEBUG:vpp_papi:Cleaning up VPP on exit"]) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): with self.assertLogs("vpp_papi.serializer", level="DEBUG") as cm: vpp_papi.vpp_atexit(client) self.assertEqual(cm.output, [])