/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __VOM_RPC_CMD_H__ #define __VOM_RPC_CMD_H__ #include <future> #include "vom/cmd.hpp" #include "vom/logger.hpp" namespace VOM { /** * A base class for all RPC commands to VPP. * RPC commands are one of the sub-set of command types to VPP * that modify/create state in VPP and thus return an error code. * Commands are issued in one thread context, but read in another. The * command has an associated std::promise that is met by the RX thread. * this allows the sender, which waits on the promise's future, to * experience a synchronous command. * * The command is templatised on the type of the HW::item to be set by * the command, and the data returned in the promise, */ template <typename HWITEM, typename DATA, typename MSG> class rpc_cmd : public cmd { public: /** * convenient typedef */ typedef MSG msg_t; /** * Constructor taking the HW item that will be updated by the command */ rpc_cmd(HWITEM& item) : cmd() , m_hw_item(item) , m_promise() { } /** * Desructor */ virtual ~rpc_cmd() {} /** * return the HW item the command updates */ HWITEM& item() { return m_hw_item; } /** * return the const HW item the command updates */ const HWITEM& item() const { return m_hw_item; } /** * Fulfill the commands promise. Called from the RX thread */ void fulfill(const DATA& d) { m_promise.set_value(d); } /** * Wait on the commands promise. i.e. block on the completion * of the command. */ DATA wait() { std::future_status status; std::future<DATA> result; result = m_promise.get_future(); status = result.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(5)); if (status != std::future_status::ready) { return (DATA(rc_t::TIMEOUT)); } return (result.get()); } /** * Called by the HW Command Q when it is disabled to indicate the * command can be considered successful without issuing it to HW */ virtual void succeeded() { m_hw_item.set(rc_t::OK); } /** * call operator used as a callback by VAPI when the reply is available */ virtual vapi_error_e operator()(MSG& reply) { int retval = reply.get_response().get_payload().retval; VOM_LOG(log_level_t::DEBUG) << to_string() << " " << retval; fulfill(rc_t::from_vpp_retval(retval)); return (VAPI_OK); } /** * Retire/cancel a long running command */ virtual void retire(connection& con) {} protected: /** * A reference to an object's HW::item that the command will update */ HWITEM& m_hw_item; /** * The promise that implements the synchronous issue */ std::promise<DATA> m_promise; }; }; /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "mozilla") * End: */ #endif