/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <linux/mempolicy.h> #include <linux/memfd.h> #include <vppinfra/format.h> #include <vppinfra/linux/syscall.h> #include <vppinfra/linux/sysfs.h> #include <vppinfra/mem.h> #include <vppinfra/hash.h> #include <vppinfra/pmalloc.h> #if __SIZEOF_POINTER__ >= 8 #define DEFAULT_RESERVED_MB 16384 #else #define DEFAULT_RESERVED_MB 256 #endif static inline clib_pmalloc_chunk_t * get_chunk (clib_pmalloc_page_t * pp, u32 index) { return pool_elt_at_index (pp->chunks, index); } static inline uword pmalloc_size2pages (uword size, u32 log2_page_sz) { return round_pow2 (size, 1ULL << log2_page_sz) >> log2_page_sz; } static inline int pmalloc_validate_numa_node (u32 * numa_node) { if (*numa_node == CLIB_PMALLOC_NUMA_LOCAL) { u32 cpu; if (getcpu (&cpu, numa_node, 0) != 0) return 1; } return 0; } int clib_pmalloc_init (clib_pmalloc_main_t * pm, uword size) { uword off, pagesize; ASSERT (pm->error == 0); pagesize = clib_mem_get_default_hugepage_size (); pm->def_log2_page_sz = min_log2 (pagesize); pm->sys_log2_page_sz = min_log2 (sysconf (_SC_PAGESIZE)); pm->lookup_log2_page_sz = pm->def_log2_page_sz; size = size ? size : ((u64) DEFAULT_RESERVED_MB) << 20; size = round_pow2 (size, pagesize); pm->max_pages = size >> pm->def_log2_page_sz; /* reserve VA space for future growth */ pm->base = mmap (0, size + pagesize, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); if (pm->base == MAP_FAILED) { pm->error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "failed to reserve %u pages"); return -1; } off = round_pow2 (pointer_to_uword (pm->base), pagesize) - pointer_to_uword (pm->base); /* trim start and end of reservation to be page aligned */ if (off) { munmap (pm->base, off); pm->base += off; } munmap (pm->base + (pm->max_pages * pagesize), pagesize - off); return 0; } static inline void * alloc_chunk_from_page (clib_pmalloc_main_t * pm, clib_pmalloc_page_t * pp, u32 n_blocks, u32 block_align, u32 numa_node) { clib_pmalloc_chunk_t *c = 0; clib_pmalloc_arena_t *a; void *va; u32 off; u32 alloc_chunk_index; a = pool_elt_at_index (pm->arenas, pp->arena_index); if (pp->chunks == 0) { u32 i, start = 0, prev = ~0; for (i = 0; i < a->subpages_per_page; i++) { pool_get (pp->chunks, c); c->start = start; c->prev = prev; c->size = pp->n_free_blocks / a->subpages_per_page; start += c->size; if (prev == ~0) pp->first_chunk_index = c - pp->chunks; else pp->chunks[prev].next = c - pp->chunks; prev = c - pp->chunks; } c->next = ~0; pp->n_free_chunks = a->subpages_per_page; } alloc_chunk_index = pp->first_chunk_index; next_chunk: c = pool_elt_at_index (pp->chunks, alloc_chunk_index); off = (block_align - (c->start & (block_align - 1))) & (block_align - 1); if (c->used || n_blocks + off > c->size) { if (c->next == ~0) return 0; alloc_chunk_index = c->next; goto next_chunk; } /* if alignment is needed create new empty chunk */ if (off) { u32 offset_chunk_index; clib_pmalloc_chunk_t *co; pool_get (pp->chunks, c); pp->n_free_chunks++; offset_chunk_index = alloc_chunk_index; alloc_chunk_index = c - pp->chunks; co = pool_elt_at_index (pp->chunks, offset_chunk_index); c->size = co->size - off; c->next = co->next; c->start = co->start + off; c->prev = offset_chunk_index; co->size = off; co->next = alloc_chunk_index; } c->used = 1; if (c->size > n_blocks) { u32 tail_chunk_index; clib_pmalloc_chunk_t *ct; pool_get (pp->chunks, ct); pp->n_free_chunks++; tail_chunk_index = ct - pp->chunks; c = pool_elt_at_index (pp->chunks, alloc_chunk_index); ct->size = c->size - n_blocks; ct->next = c->next; ct->prev = alloc_chunk_index; ct->start = c->start + n_blocks; c->size = n_blocks; c->next = tail_chunk_index; if (ct->next != ~0) pool_elt_at_index (pp->chunks, ct->next)->prev = tail_chunk_index; } else if (c->next != ~0) pool_elt_at_index (pp->chunks, c->next)->prev = alloc_chunk_index; c = get_chunk (pp, alloc_chunk_index); va = pm->base + ((pp - pm->pages) << pm->def_log2_page_sz) + (c->start << PMALLOC_LOG2_BLOCK_SZ); hash_set (pm->chunk_index_by_va, pointer_to_uword (va), alloc_chunk_index); pp->n_free_blocks -= n_blocks; pp->n_free_chunks--; return va; } static void pmalloc_update_lookup_table (clib_pmalloc_main_t * pm, u32 first, u32 count) { uword seek, va, pa, p; int fd; u32 elts_per_page = 1U << (pm->def_log2_page_sz - pm->lookup_log2_page_sz); vec_validate_aligned (pm->lookup_table, vec_len (pm->pages) * elts_per_page - 1, CLIB_CACHE_LINE_BYTES); fd = open ((char *) "/proc/self/pagemap", O_RDONLY); p = first * elts_per_page; while (p < elts_per_page * count) { va = pointer_to_uword (pm->base) + (p << pm->lookup_log2_page_sz); seek = (va >> pm->sys_log2_page_sz) * sizeof (pa); if (fd != -1 && lseek (fd, seek, SEEK_SET) == seek && read (fd, &pa, sizeof (pa)) == (sizeof (pa)) && pa & (1ULL << 63) /* page present bit */ ) { pa = (pa & pow2_mask (55)) << pm->sys_log2_page_sz; } pm->lookup_table[p] = va - pa; p++; } if (fd != -1) close (fd); } static inline clib_pmalloc_page_t * pmalloc_map_pages (clib_pmalloc_main_t * pm, clib_pmalloc_arena_t * a, u32 numa_node, u32 n_pages) { clib_pmalloc_page_t *pp = 0; int status, rv, i, mmap_flags; void *va; int old_mpol = -1; long unsigned int mask[16] = { 0 }; long unsigned int old_mask[16] = { 0 }; uword size = (uword) n_pages << pm->def_log2_page_sz; clib_error_free (pm->error); if (pm->max_pages <= vec_len (pm->pages)) { pm->error = clib_error_return (0, "maximum number of pages reached"); return 0; } if (a->log2_subpage_sz != pm->sys_log2_page_sz) { pm->error = clib_sysfs_prealloc_hugepages (numa_node, a->log2_subpage_sz, n_pages); if (pm->error) return 0; } rv = get_mempolicy (&old_mpol, old_mask, sizeof (old_mask) * 8 + 1, 0, 0); /* failure to get mempolicy means we can only proceed with numa 0 maps */ if (rv == -1 && numa_node != 0) { pm->error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "failed to get mempolicy"); return 0; } mask[0] = 1 << numa_node; rv = set_mempolicy (MPOL_BIND, mask, sizeof (mask) * 8 + 1); if (rv == -1 && numa_node != 0) { pm->error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "failed to set mempolicy for " "numa node %u", numa_node); return 0; } mmap_flags = MAP_FIXED | MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_LOCKED; if (a->log2_subpage_sz != pm->sys_log2_page_sz) mmap_flags |= MAP_HUGETLB; if (a->flags & CLIB_PMALLOC_ARENA_F_SHARED_MEM) { mmap_flags |= MAP_SHARED; if (mmap_flags & MAP_HUGETLB) pm->error = clib_mem_create_hugetlb_fd ((char *) a->name, &a->fd); else pm->error = clib_mem_create_fd ((char *) a->name, &a->fd); if (a->fd == -1) goto error; } else { mmap_flags |= MAP_PRIVATE; a->fd = -1; } va = pm->base + (((uword) vec_len (pm->pages)) << pm->def_log2_page_sz); if (mmap (va, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, mmap_flags, a->fd, 0) == MAP_FAILED) { pm->error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "failed to mmap %u pages at %p " "fd %d numa %d flags 0x%x", n_pages, va, a->fd, numa_node, mmap_flags); goto error; } clib_memset (va, 0, size); rv = set_mempolicy (old_mpol, old_mask, sizeof (old_mask) * 8 + 1); if (rv == -1 && numa_node != 0) { pm->error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "failed to restore mempolicy"); goto error; } /* we tolerate move_pages failure only if request os for numa node 0 to support non-numa kernels */ rv = move_pages (0, 1, &va, 0, &status, 0); if ((rv == 0 && status != numa_node) || (rv != 0 && numa_node != 0)) { pm->error = rv == -1 ? clib_error_return_unix (0, "page allocated on wrong node, numa node " "%u status %d", numa_node, status) : clib_error_return (0, "page allocated on wrong node, numa node " "%u status %d", numa_node, status); /* unmap & reesrve */ munmap (va, size); mmap (va, size, PROT_NONE, MAP_FIXED | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); goto error; } for (i = 0; i < n_pages; i++) { vec_add2 (pm->pages, pp, 1); pp->n_free_blocks = 1 << (pm->def_log2_page_sz - PMALLOC_LOG2_BLOCK_SZ); pp->index = pp - pm->pages; pp->arena_index = a->index; vec_add1 (a->page_indices, pp->index); a->n_pages++; } /* if new arena is using smaller page size, we need to rebuild whole lookup table */ if (a->log2_subpage_sz < pm->lookup_log2_page_sz) { pm->lookup_log2_page_sz = a->log2_subpage_sz; pmalloc_update_lookup_table (pm, vec_len (pm->pages) - n_pages, n_pages); } else pmalloc_update_lookup_table (pm, 0, vec_len (pm->pages)); /* return pointer to 1st page */ return pp - (n_pages - 1); error: if (a->fd != -1) close (a->fd); return 0; } void * clib_pmalloc_create_shared_arena (clib_pmalloc_main_t * pm, char *name, uword size, u32 log2_page_sz, u32 numa_node) { clib_pmalloc_arena_t *a; clib_pmalloc_page_t *pp; u32 n_pages; clib_error_free (pm->error); if (log2_page_sz == 0) log2_page_sz = pm->def_log2_page_sz; else if (log2_page_sz != pm->def_log2_page_sz && log2_page_sz != pm->sys_log2_page_sz) { pm->error = clib_error_create ("unsupported page size (%uKB)", 1 << (log2_page_sz - 10)); return 0; } n_pages = pmalloc_size2pages (size, pm->def_log2_page_sz); if (n_pages + vec_len (pm->pages) > pm->max_pages) return 0; if (pmalloc_validate_numa_node (&numa_node)) return 0; pool_get (pm->arenas, a); a->index = a - pm->arenas; a->name = format (0, "%s%c", name, 0); a->numa_node = numa_node; a->flags = CLIB_PMALLOC_ARENA_F_SHARED_MEM; a->log2_subpage_sz = log2_page_sz; a->subpages_per_page = 1U << (pm->def_log2_page_sz - log2_page_sz); if ((pp = pmalloc_map_pages (pm, a, numa_node, n_pages)) == 0) { vec_free (a->name); memset (a, 0, sizeof (*a)); pool_put (pm->arenas, a); return 0; } return pm->base + (pp->index << pm->def_log2_page_sz); } static inline void * clib_pmalloc_alloc_inline (clib_pmalloc_main_t * pm, clib_pmalloc_arena_t * a, uword size, uword align, u32 numa_node) { clib_pmalloc_page_t *pp; u32 n_blocks, block_align, *page_index; ASSERT (is_pow2 (align)); if (pmalloc_validate_numa_node (&numa_node)) return 0; if (a == 0) { if (size > 1ULL << pm->def_log2_page_sz) return 0; vec_validate_init_empty (pm->default_arena_for_numa_node, numa_node, ~0); if (pm->default_arena_for_numa_node[numa_node] == ~0) { pool_get (pm->arenas, a); pm->default_arena_for_numa_node[numa_node] = a - pm->arenas; a->name = format (0, "default-numa-%u%c", numa_node, 0); a->numa_node = numa_node; a->log2_subpage_sz = pm->def_log2_page_sz; a->subpages_per_page = 1; } else a = pool_elt_at_index (pm->arenas, pm->default_arena_for_numa_node[numa_node]); } else if (size > 1ULL << a->log2_subpage_sz) return 0; n_blocks = round_pow2 (size, PMALLOC_BLOCK_SZ) / PMALLOC_BLOCK_SZ; block_align = align >> PMALLOC_LOG2_BLOCK_SZ; vec_foreach (page_index, a->page_indices) { pp = vec_elt_at_index (pm->pages, *page_index); void *rv = alloc_chunk_from_page (pm, pp, n_blocks, block_align, numa_node); if (rv) return rv; } if ((a->flags & CLIB_PMALLOC_ARENA_F_SHARED_MEM) == 0 && (pp = pmalloc_map_pages (pm, a, numa_node, 1))) return alloc_chunk_from_page (pm, pp, n_blocks, block_align, numa_node); return 0; } void * clib_pmalloc_alloc_aligned_on_numa (clib_pmalloc_main_t * pm, uword size, uword align, u32 numa_node) { return clib_pmalloc_alloc_inline (pm, 0, size, align, numa_node); } void * clib_pmalloc_alloc_aligned (clib_pmalloc_main_t * pm, uword size, uword align) { return clib_pmalloc_alloc_inline (pm, 0, size, align, CLIB_PMALLOC_NUMA_LOCAL); } void * clib_pmalloc_alloc_from_arena (clib_pmalloc_main_t * pm, void *arena_va, uword size, uword align) { clib_pmalloc_arena_t *a = clib_pmalloc_get_arena (pm, arena_va); return clib_pmalloc_alloc_inline (pm, a, size, align, 0); } static inline int pmalloc_chunks_mergeable (clib_pmalloc_arena_t * a, clib_pmalloc_page_t * pp, u32 ci1, u32 ci2) { clib_pmalloc_chunk_t *c1, *c2; if (ci1 == ~0 || ci2 == ~0) return 0; c1 = get_chunk (pp, ci1); c2 = get_chunk (pp, ci2); if (c1->used || c2->used) return 0; if (c1->start >> (a->log2_subpage_sz - PMALLOC_LOG2_BLOCK_SZ) != c2->start >> (a->log2_subpage_sz - PMALLOC_LOG2_BLOCK_SZ)) return 0; return 1; } void clib_pmalloc_free (clib_pmalloc_main_t * pm, void *va) { clib_pmalloc_page_t *pp; clib_pmalloc_chunk_t *c; clib_pmalloc_arena_t *a; uword *p; u32 chunk_index, page_index; p = hash_get (pm->chunk_index_by_va, pointer_to_uword (va)); if (p == 0) os_panic (); chunk_index = p[0]; page_index = clib_pmalloc_get_page_index (pm, va); hash_unset (pm->chunk_index_by_va, pointer_to_uword (va)); pp = vec_elt_at_index (pm->pages, page_index); c = pool_elt_at_index (pp->chunks, chunk_index); a = pool_elt_at_index (pm->arenas, pp->arena_index); c->used = 0; pp->n_free_blocks += c->size; pp->n_free_chunks++; /* merge with next if free */ if (pmalloc_chunks_mergeable (a, pp, chunk_index, c->next)) { clib_pmalloc_chunk_t *next = get_chunk (pp, c->next); c->size += next->size; c->next = next->next; if (next->next != ~0) get_chunk (pp, next->next)->prev = chunk_index; memset (next, 0, sizeof (*next)); pool_put (pp->chunks, next); pp->n_free_chunks--; } /* merge with prev if free */ if (pmalloc_chunks_mergeable (a, pp, c->prev, chunk_index)) { clib_pmalloc_chunk_t *prev = get_chunk (pp, c->prev); prev->size += c->size; prev->next = c->next; if (c->next != ~0) get_chunk (pp, c->next)->prev = c->prev; memset (c, 0, sizeof (*c)); pool_put (pp->chunks, c); pp->n_free_chunks--; } } static u8 * format_log2_page_size (u8 * s, va_list * va) { u32 log2_page_sz = va_arg (*va, u32); if (log2_page_sz >= 30) return format (s, "%uGB", 1 << (log2_page_sz - 30)); if (log2_page_sz >= 20) return format (s, "%uMB", 1 << (log2_page_sz - 20)); if (log2_page_sz >= 10) return format (s, "%uKB", 1 << (log2_page_sz - 10)); return format (s, "%uB", 1 << log2_page_sz); } static u8 * format_pmalloc_page (u8 * s, va_list * va) { clib_pmalloc_page_t *pp = va_arg (*va, clib_pmalloc_page_t *); int verbose = va_arg (*va, int); u32 indent = format_get_indent (s); s = format (s, "page %u: phys-addr %p ", pp->index, pp->pa); if (pp->chunks == 0) return s; s = format (s, "free %u chunks %u free-chunks %d ", (pp->n_free_blocks) << PMALLOC_LOG2_BLOCK_SZ, pool_elts (pp->chunks), pp->n_free_chunks); if (verbose >= 2) { clib_pmalloc_chunk_t *c; c = pool_elt_at_index (pp->chunks, pp->first_chunk_index); s = format (s, "\n%U%12s%12s%8s%8s%8s%8s", format_white_space, indent + 2, "chunk offset", "size", "used", "index", "prev", "next"); while (1) { s = format (s, "\n%U%12u%12u%8s%8d%8d%8d", format_white_space, indent + 2, c->start << PMALLOC_LOG2_BLOCK_SZ, c->size << PMALLOC_LOG2_BLOCK_SZ, c->used ? "yes" : "no", c - pp->chunks, c->prev, c->next); if (c->next == ~0) break; c = pool_elt_at_index (pp->chunks, c->next); } } return s; } u8 * format_pmalloc (u8 * s, va_list * va) { clib_pmalloc_main_t *pm = va_arg (*va, clib_pmalloc_main_t *); int verbose = va_arg (*va, int); u32 indent = format_get_indent (s); clib_pmalloc_page_t *pp; clib_pmalloc_arena_t *a; s = format (s, "used-pages %u reserved-pages %u default-page-size %U " "lookup-page-size %U", vec_len (pm->pages), pm->max_pages, format_log2_page_size, pm->def_log2_page_sz, format_log2_page_size, pm->lookup_log2_page_sz); if (verbose >= 2) s = format (s, " va-start %p", pm->base); if (pm->error) s = format (s, "\n%Ulast-error: %U", format_white_space, indent + 2, format_clib_error, pm->error); /* *INDENT-OFF* */ pool_foreach (a, pm->arenas, { u32 *page_index; s = format (s, "\n%Uarena '%s' pages %u subpage-size %U numa-node %u", format_white_space, indent + 2, a->name, vec_len (a->page_indices), format_log2_page_size, a->log2_subpage_sz, a->numa_node); if (a->fd != -1) s = format (s, " shared fd %d", a->fd); if (verbose >= 1) vec_foreach (page_index, a->page_indices) { pp = vec_elt_at_index (pm->pages, *page_index); s = format (s, "\n%U%U", format_white_space, indent + 4, format_pmalloc_page, pp, verbose); } }); /* *INDENT-ON* */ return s; } /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */