
href='#n412'>412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684
# Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

*** Settings ***
| Resource | resources/libraries/robot/performance.robot
| Library | resources.libraries.python.NodePath
| ...
| ... | NIC_Intel-X520-DA2 | DOT1Q | L2XCFWD | BASE | VHOST | VM
| ...
| Suite Setup | Set up 3-node performance topology with DUT's NIC model
| ... | L2 | Intel-X520-DA2
| Suite Teardown | Tear down 3-node performance topology
| ...
| Test Setup | Set up performance test
| Test Teardown | Tear down performance test with vhost and VM with dpdk-testpmd
| ... | ${min_rate}pps | ${framesize} | ${traffic_profile}
| ... | dut1_node=${dut1} | dut1_vm_refs=${dut1_vm_refs}
| ... | dut2_node=${dut2} | dut2_vm_refs=${dut2_vm_refs}
| ...
| Documentation | *RFC2544: Pkt throughput L2XC test cases with vhost*
| ...
| ... | *[Top] Network Topologies:* TG-DUT1-DUT2-TG 3-node circular topology
| ... | with single links between nodes.
| ... | *[Enc] Packet Encapsulations:* Eth-IPv4 for L2 cross connect. 802.1q
| ... | tagging is applied on link between DUT1 and DUT2.
| ... | *[Cfg] DUT configuration:* DUT1 and DUT2 are configured with L2 cross-
| ... | connect. Qemu Guest is connected to VPP via vhost-user interfaces.
| ... | Guest is running DPDK testpmd interconnecting vhost-user interfaces
| ... | using 5 cores pinned to cpus 5-9 and 2048M memory. Testpmd is using
| ... | socket-mem=1024M (512x2M hugepages), 5 cores (1 main core and 4 cores
| ... | dedicated for io), forwarding mode is set to io, rxd/txd=256,
| ... | burst=64. DUT1, DUT2 are tested with 2p10GE NIC X520 Niantic by Intel.
| ... | *[Ver] TG verification:* TG finds and reports throughput NDR (Non Drop
| ... | Rate) with zero packet loss tolerance or throughput PDR (Partial Drop
| ... | Rate) with non-zero packet loss tolerance (LT) expressed in percentage
| ... | of packets transmitted. NDR and PDR are discovered for different
| ... | Ethernet L2 frame sizes using either binary search or linear search
| ... | algorithms with configured starting rate and final step that determines
| ... | throughput measurement resolution. Test packets are generated by TG on
| ... | links to DUTs. TG traffic profile contains two L3 flow-groups
| ... | (flow-group per direction, 253 flows per flow-group) with all packets
| ... | containing Ethernet header, IPv4 header with IP protocol=61 and static
| ... | payload. MAC addresses are matching MAC addresses of the TG node
| ... | interfaces.
| ... | *[Ref] Applicable standard specifications:* RFC2544.

*** Variables ***
| ${subid}= | 10
| ${tag_rewrite}= | pop-1
| ${vlan_overhead}= | ${4}
# Socket names
| ${sock1}= | /tmp/sock-1
| ${sock2}= | /tmp/sock-2
# X520-DA2 bandwidth limit
| ${s_limit}= | ${10000000000}
# Traffic profile:
| ${traffic_profile} | trex-sl-3n-ethip4-ip4src254

*** Test Cases ***
| tc01-64B-1t1c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-ndrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2XC switching config with 1 thread, 1 phy core,\
| | ... | 1 receive queue per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find NDR for 64 Byte frames using binary search start at 10GE\
| | ... | linerate, step 10kpps.
| | ...
| | [Tags] | 64B | 1T1C | STHREAD | NDRDISC
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | ${64}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${framesize + ${vlan_overhead}}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '1' worker threads and '1' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find NDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold}

| tc02-64B-1t1c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-pdrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2BD switching config with 1 thread, 1 phy core,\
| | ... | 1 receive queue per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find PDR for 64 Byte frames using binary search start at 10GE\
| | ... | linerate, step 10kpps, LT=0.5%.
| | ...
| | [Tags] | 64B | 1T1C | STHREAD | PDRDISC | SKIP_PATCH
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | ${64}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${framesize + ${vlan_overhead}}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '1' worker threads and '1' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find PDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold} | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance}
| | ... | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance_type}

| tc03-1518B-1t1c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-ndrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2XC switching config with 1 thread, 1 phy core,\
| | ... | 1 receive queue per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find NDR for 1518 Byte frames using binary search start at 10GE\
| | ... | linerate, step 10kpps.
| | ...
| | [Tags] | 1518B | 1T1C | STHREAD | NDRDISC
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | ${1518}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${framesize + ${vlan_overhead}}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '1' worker threads and '1' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find NDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold}

| tc04-1518B-1t1c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-pdrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2BD switching config with 1 thread, 1 phy core,\
| | ... | 1 receive queue per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find PDR for 1518 Byte frames using binary search start at 10GE\
| | ... | linerate, step 10kpps, LT=0.5%.
| | ...
| | [Tags] | 1518B | 1T1C | STHREAD | PDRDISC | SKIP_PATCH
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | ${1518}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${framesize + ${vlan_overhead}}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '1' worker threads and '1' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find PDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold} | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance}
| | ... | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance_type}

| tc05-IMIX-1t1c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-ndrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2BD switching config with 1 thread, 1 phy core,\
| | ... | 1 receive queue per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find NDR for IMIX_v4_1 framesize using binary search start at\
| | ... | 10GE linerate, step 10kpps.
| | ... | IMIX_v4_1 = (28x64B; 16x570B; 4x1518B)
| | ...
| | [Tags] | IMIX | 1T1C | STHREAD | NDRDISC
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | IMIX_v4_1
| | ${avg_framesize}= | Set Variable | ${357.833}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${avg_framesize}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '1' worker threads and '1' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find NDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold}

| tc06-IMIX-1t1c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-pdrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2BD switching config with 1 thread, 1 phy core,\
| | ... | 1 receive queue per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find PDR for IMIX_v4_1 framesize using binary search start at\
| | ... | 10GE linerate, step 10kpps, LT=0.5%.
| | ... | IMIX_v4_1 = (28x64B; 16x570B; 4x1518B)
| | ...
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | IMIX_v4_1
| | ${avg_framesize}= | Set Variable | ${357.833}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${avg_framesize}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '1' worker threads and '1' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find PDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold} | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance}
| | ... | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance_type}

| tc07-64B-2t2c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-ndrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2XC switching config with 2 threads, 2 phy cores,\
| | ... | 1 receive queue per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find NDR for 64 Byte frames using binary search start at 10GE\
| | ... | linerate, step 10kpps.
| | ...
| | [Tags] | 64B | 2T2C | STHREAD | NDRDISC
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | ${64}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${framesize + ${vlan_overhead}}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '2' worker threads and '1' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find NDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold}

| tc08-64B-2t2c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-pdrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2BD switching config with 2 threads, 2 phy cores,\
| | ... | 1 receive queue per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find PDR for 64 Byte frames using binary search start at 10GE\
| | ... | linerate, step 10kpps, LT=0.5%.
| | ...
| | [Tags] | 64B | 2T2C | STHREAD | PDRDISC | SKIP_PATCH
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | ${64}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${framesize + ${vlan_overhead}}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '2' worker threads and '1' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find PDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold} | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance}
| | ... | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance_type}

| tc09-1518B-2t2c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-ndrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2XC switching config with 2 threads, 2 phy cores,\
| | ... | 1 receive queue per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find NDR for 1518 Byte frames using binary search start at 10GE\
| | ... | linerate, step 10kpps.
| | ...
| | [Tags] | 1518B | 2T2C | STHREAD | NDRDISC | SKIP_PATCH
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | ${1518}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${framesize + ${vlan_overhead}}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '2' worker threads and '1' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find NDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold}

| tc10-1518B-2t2c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-pdrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2BD switching config with 2 threads, 2 phy cores,\
| | ... | 1 receive queue per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find PDR for 1518 Byte frames using binary search start at 10GE\
| | ... | linerate, step 10kpps, LT=0.5%.
| | ...
| | [Tags] | 1518B | 2T2C | STHREAD | PDRDISC | SKIP_PATCH
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | ${1518}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${framesize + ${vlan_overhead}}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '2' worker threads and '1' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find PDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold} | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance}
| | ... | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance_type}

| tc11-IMIX-2t2c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-ndrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2BD switching config with 2 threads, 2 phy cores,\
| | ... | 1 receive queue per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find NDR for IMIX_v4_1 framesize using binary search start at\
| | ... | 10GE linerate, step 10kpps.
| | ... | IMIX_v4_1 = (28x64B; 16x570B; 4x1518B)
| | ...
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | IMIX_v4_1
| | ${avg_framesize}= | Set Variable | ${357.833}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${avg_framesize}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '2' worker threads and '1' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find NDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold}

| tc12-IMIX-2t2c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-pdrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2BD switching config with 2 threads, 2 phy cores,\
| | ... | 1 receive queue per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find PDR for IMIX_v4_1 framesize using binary search start at\
| | ... | 10GE linerate, step 10kpps, LT=0.5%.
| | ... | IMIX_v4_1 = (28x64B; 16x570B; 4x1518B)
| | ...
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | IMIX_v4_1
| | ${avg_framesize}= | Set Variable | ${357.833}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${avg_framesize}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '2' worker threads and '1' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find PDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold} | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance}
| | ... | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance_type}

| tc13-64B-4t4c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-ndrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2XC switching config with 4 threads, 4 phy cores,\
| | ... | 2 receive queues per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find NDR for 64 Byte frames using binary search start at 10GE\
| | ... | linerate, step 10kpps.
| | ...
| | [Tags] | 64B | 4T4C | STHREAD | NDRDISC
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | ${64}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${framesize + ${vlan_overhead}}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '4' worker threads and '2' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find NDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold}

| tc14-64B-4t4c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-pdrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2XC switching config with 4 threads, 4 phy cores,\
| | ... | 2 receive queues per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find PDR for 64 Byte frames using binary search start at 10GE\
| | ... | linerate, step 10kpps, LT=0.5%.
| | ...
| | [Tags] | 64B | 4T4C | STHREAD | PDRDISC | SKIP_PATCH
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | ${64}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${framesize + ${vlan_overhead}}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '4' worker threads and '2' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find PDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold} | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance}
| | ... | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance_type}

| tc15-1518B-4t4c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-ndrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2XC switching config with 4 threads, 4 phy cores,\
| | ... | 2 receive queues per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find NDR for 1518 Byte frames using binary search start at 10GE\
| | ... | linerate, step 10kpps.
| | ...
| | [Tags] | 1518B | 4T4C | STHREAD | NDRDISC | SKIP_PATCH
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | ${1518}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${framesize + ${vlan_overhead}}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '4' worker threads and '2' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find NDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold}

| tc16-1518B-4t4c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-pdrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2XC switching config with 4 threads, 4 phy cores,\
| | ... | 2 receive queues per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find PDR for 1518 Byte frames using binary search start at 10GE\
| | ... | linerate, step 10kpps, LT=0.5%.
| | ...
| | [Tags] | 1518B | 4T4C | STHREAD | PDRDISC | SKIP_PATCH
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | ${1518}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${framesize + ${vlan_overhead}}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '4' worker threads and '2' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find PDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold} | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance}
| | ... | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance_type}

| tc17-IMIX-4t4c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-ndrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2XC switching config with 4 threads, 4 phy cores,\
| | ... | 2 receive queues per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find NDR for IMIX_v4_1 framesize using binary search start at\
| | ... | 10GE linerate, step 10kpps.
| | ... | IMIX_v4_1 = (28x64B; 16x570B; 4x1518B)
| | ...
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | IMIX_v4_1
| | ${avg_framesize}= | Set Variable | ${357.833}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${avg_framesize}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '4' worker threads and '2' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find NDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold}

| tc18-IMIX-4t4c-eth-l2xcbase-eth-2vhost-1vm-pdrdisc
| | [Documentation]
| | ... | [Cfg] DUT runs L2XC switching config with 4 threads, 4 phy cores,\
| | ... | 2 receive queues per NIC port.
| | ... | [Ver] Find PDR for IMIX_v4_1 framesize using binary search start at\
| | ... | 10GE linerate, step 10kpps, LT=0.5%.
| | ... | IMIX_v4_1 = (28x64B; 16x570B; 4x1518B)
| | ...
| | ...
| | ${framesize}= | Set Variable | IMIX_v4_1
| | ${avg_framesize}= | Set Variable | ${357.833}
| | ${min_rate}= | Set Variable | ${10000}
| | ${max_rate}= | Calculate pps | ${s_limit} | ${avg_framesize}
| | ${binary_min}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${binary_max}= | Set Variable | ${max_rate}
| | ${threshold}= | Set Variable | ${min_rate}
| | ${dut1_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | ${dut2_vm_refs}= | Create Dictionary
| | Given Add '4' worker threads and '2' rxqueues in 3-node single-link circular topology
| | And Add PCI devices to DUTs in 3-node single link topology
| | And Add no multi seg to all DUTs
| | And Apply startup configuration on all VPP DUTs
| | When Initialize L2 xconnect with Vhost-User and VLAN in 3-node circular topology
| | ... | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | ${subid} | ${tag_rewrite}
| | ${vm1}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut1} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT1_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut1_vm_refs} | DUT1_VM1 | ${vm1}
| | ${vm2}= | And Configure guest VM with dpdk-testpmd connected via vhost-user
| | ... | ${dut2} | ${sock1} | ${sock2} | DUT2_VM1
| | Set To Dictionary | ${dut2_vm_refs} | DUT2_VM1 | ${vm2}
| | Then Find PDR using binary search and pps | ${framesize} | ${binary_min}
| | ... | ${binary_max} | ${traffic_profile}
| | ... | ${min_rate} | ${max_rate} | ${threshold} | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance}
| | ... | ${perf_pdr_loss_acceptance_type}