ASAN_OPTIONS?=verify_asan_link_order=0:detect_leaks=0:abort_on_error=1:unmap_shadow_on_exit=1:disable_coredump=0 export ASAN_OPTIONS .PHONY: verify-env verify-env: ifndef WS_ROOT $(error WS_ROOT is not set) endif ifndef BR $(error BR is not set) endif ifndef TEST_DIR $(error TEST_DIR is not set) endif export TEST_BR = $(TEST_DIR) FAILED_DIR=/tmp/vpp-failed-unittests/ VPP_TEST_DIRS=$(shell ls -d $(TEST_DIR) $(EXTERN_TESTS)) FORCE_NO_WIPE=0 ifeq ($(DEBUG),gdb) FORCE_FOREGROUND=1 else ifeq ($(DEBUG),gdbserver) FORCE_FOREGROUND=1 else ifeq ($(DEBUG),gdb-all) FORCE_FOREGROUND=1 else ifeq ($(DEBUG),gdbserver-all) FORCE_FOREGROUND=1 else ifeq ($(DEBUG),core) FORCE_FOREGROUND=1 else ifeq ($(DEBUG),attach) FORCE_FOREGROUND=1 FORCE_NO_WIPE=1 else ifeq ($(STEP),yes) FORCE_FOREGROUND=1 else ifeq ($(STEP),y) FORCE_FOREGROUND=1 else ifeq ($(STEP),1) FORCE_FOREGROUND=1 else FORCE_FOREGROUND=0 endif ifdef PROFILE_OUTPUT PROFILE_OUTPUT_OPTS=-o $(PROFILE_OUTPUT) endif ifndef PROFILE_SORT_BY PROFILE_SORT_BY=cumtime endif ifeq ($(PROFILE),1) PYTHON_OPTS="-m cProfile $(PROFILE_OUTPUT_OPTS) -s $(PROFILE_SORT_BY)" FORCE_FOREGROUND=1 endif VENV_BR_DIR=$(BR)/test VENV_PATH=$(VENV_BR_DIR)/venv ifeq ($(TEST_DEBUG),1) VENV_RUN_DIR:=$(VENV_PATH)/run-debug else VENV_RUN_DIR:=$(VENV_PATH)/run endif ifeq ($(PYTHON),) PYTHON_INTERP=python3 else PYTHON_INTERP=$(PYTHON) endif ifeq ($(V),) V=0 endif PYTHON_VERSION=$(shell $(PYTHON_INTERP) -c 'import sys; print(sys.version_info.major)') PIP_VERSION=22.0.4 # Keep in sync with requirements.txt PIP_TOOLS_VERSION=6.6.0 PIP_SETUPTOOLS_VERSION=62.1.0 PYTHON_DEPENDS=requirements-$(PYTHON_VERSION).txt SCAPY_SOURCE=$(shell find $(VENV_PATH)/lib/python* -name site-packages) BUILD_COV_DIR=$(BR)/test-coverage PIP_TOOLS_INSTALL_DONE=$(VENV_RUN_DIR)/pip-tools-install-$(PYTHON_VERSION)-$(PIP_TOOLS_VERSION).done PIP_INSTALL_DONE=$(VENV_RUN_DIR)/pip-install-$(PYTHON_VERSION)-$(PIP_VERSION).done PIP_PATCH_DONE=$(VENV_RUN_DIR)/pip-patch-$(PYTHON_VERSION).done PAPI_INSTALL_DONE=$(VENV_RUN_DIR)/papi-install-$(PYTHON_VERSION).done PAPI_PYTHON_SRC_DIR=$(WS_ROOT)/src/vpp-api/python PAPI_WIPE_DIST=$(WS_ROOT)/src/vpp-api/vapi/__pycache__ \ $(PAPI_PYTHON_SRC_DIR)/build \ $(PAPI_PYTHON_SRC_DIR)/vpp_papi.egg-info \ $(PAPI_PYTHON_SRC_DIR)/vpp_papi/__pycache__ $(PIP_TOOLS_INSTALL_DONE): @rm -rf $(VENV_PATH) @mkdir -p $(VENV_RUN_DIR) @$(PYTHON_INTERP) -m venv $(VENV_PATH) # pip version pinning @bash -c "source $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate && \ python3 -m pip install pip===$(PIP_VERSION)" @bash -c "source $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate && \ python3 -m pip install pip-tools===$(PIP_TOOLS_VERSION)" @bash -c "source $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate && \ python3 -m pip install setuptools===$(PIP_SETUPTOOLS_VERSION)" @touch $@ $(PYTHON_DEPENDS): requirements.txt @bash -c "source $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate && \ CUSTOM_COMPILE_COMMAND='make test-refresh-deps (or update requirements.txt)' \ python3 -m piptools compile -q --generate-hashes requirements.txt --output-file $@" $(PIP_INSTALL_DONE): $(PIP_TOOLS_INSTALL_DONE) $(PYTHON_DEPENDS) @bash -c "source $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate && \ python3 -m piptools sync $(PYTHON_DEPENDS)" @touch $@ $(PIP_PATCH_DONE): $(PIP_INSTALL_DONE) @echo --- patching --- @sleep 1 # Ensure python recompiles patched *.py files -> *.pyc for f in $(CURDIR)/patches/scapy-2.4.3/*.patch ; do \ echo Applying patch: $$(basename $$f) ; \ patch --forward -p1 -d $(SCAPY_SOURCE) < $$f ; \ retCode=$$?; \ [ $$retCode -gt 1 ] && exit $$retCode; \ done; \ touch $@ $(PAPI_INSTALL_DONE): $(PIP_PATCH_DONE) @bash -c "source $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate && python3 -m pip install -e $(PAPI_PYTHON_SRC_DIR)" @touch $@ .PHONY: refresh-deps refresh-deps: clean-deps $(PYTHON_DEPENDS) .PHONY: clean-deps clean-deps: @rm -f $(PYTHON_DEPENDS) INTERN_PLUGIN_SRC_DIR=$(WS_ROOT)/src/plugins ifneq ($(EXTERN_PLUGIN_SRC_DIR),) PLUGIN_SRC_DIR=$(EXTERN_PLUGIN_SRC_DIR) else PLUGIN_SRC_DIR=$(INTERN_PLUGIN_SRC_DIR) endif .PHONY: sanity ifndef TEST_JOBS PARALLEL_ILLEGAL=0 TEST_JOBS=1 else ifeq ($(FORCE_FOREGROUND),0) PARALLEL_ILLEGAL=0 else ifneq ($(findstring $(TEST_JOBS),1 auto),) PARALLEL_ILLEGAL=0 else PARALLEL_ILLEGAL=1 endif ifneq ($(DEBUG),) SANITY=no endif ifneq ($(findstring $(SANITY),0 n no),) SANITY_IMPORT_VPP_PAPI_CMD=true ARG0= else SANITY_IMPORT_VPP_PAPI_CMD=source $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate && $(PYTHON_INTERP) ARG0=--sanity endif ARG1= ifneq ($(findstring $(FAILFAST),1 y yes),) ARG1=--failfast endif ARG2= ifneq ($(findstring $(EXTENDED_TESTS),1 y yes),) ARG2=--extended endif ARG3= ifneq ($(EXTERN_TESTS),) ARG3=--test-src-dir $(EXTERN_TESTS) endif ARG4= ifneq ($(findstring $(FORCE_FOREGROUND),1 y yes),) ARG4=--force-foreground endif ARG5= ifneq ($(findstring $(COREDUMP_COMPRESS),1 y yes),) ARG5=--compress-core endif ARG6= ifneq ($(findstring $(STEP),1 y yes),) ARG6=--step endif ARG7= ifneq ($(findstring $(TESTS_GCOV),1 y yes),) ARG7=--gcov endif ARG8= ifneq ($(EXTERN_PLUGINS),) ARG8=--extern-plugin-dir=$(EXTERN_PLUGINS) endif ARG9= ifneq ($(DEBUG),) ARG9=--debug=$(DEBUG) endif ARG10= ifneq ($(COREDUMP_SIZE),) ARG10=--coredump-size=$(COREDUMP_SIZE) endif ARG11= ifneq ($(VARIANT),) ARG11=--variant=$(VARIANT) endif ARG12=--cache-vpp-output ifneq ($(findstring $(CACHE_OUTPUT),0 n no),) ARG12= endif ARG13= ifneq ($(MAX_VPP_CPUS),) ARG13=--max-vpp-cpus=$(MAX_VPP_CPUS) endif ARG14= ifneq ($(TIMEOUT),) ARG14=--timeout=$(TIMEOUT) endif ARG15= ifneq ($(findstring $(TEST_DEBUG),1 y yes),) ARG15=--debug-framework endif ARG16= ifneq ($(findstring $(API_FUZZ),1 y yes),) ARG16=--api-fuzz=on endif ARG17= ifneq ($(EXTERN_APIDIR),) ARG17=--extern-apidir=$(EXTERN_APIDIR) endif EXTRA_ARGS=$(ARG0) $(ARG1) $(ARG2) $(ARG3) $(ARG4) $(ARG5) $(ARG6) $(ARG7) $(ARG8) $(ARG9) $(ARG10) $(ARG11) $(ARG12) $(ARG13) $(ARG14) $(ARG15) $(ARG16) $(ARG17) RUN_TESTS_ARGS=--failed-dir=$(FAILED_DIR) --verbose=$(V) --jobs=$(TEST_JOBS) --filter=$(TEST) --retries=$(RETRIES) --venv-dir=$(VENV_PATH) --vpp-ws-dir=$(WS_ROOT) --vpp-tag=$(TAG) --rnd-seed=$(RND_SEED) --vpp-worker-count="$(VPP_WORKER_COUNT)" --keep-pcaps $(PLUGIN_PATH_ARGS) $(TEST_PLUGIN_PATH_ARGS) $(EXTRA_ARGS) RUN_SCRIPT_ARGS=--python-opts=$(PYTHON_OPTS) define retest-func @scripts/ $(RUN_SCRIPT_ARGS) $(RUN_TESTS_ARGS) || env FAILED_DIR=$(FAILED_DIR) COMPRESS_FAILED_TEST_LOGS=$(COMPRESS_FAILED_TEST_LOGS) scripts/ endef sanity: test-dep @bash -c "test $(PARALLEL_ILLEGAL) -eq 0 ||\ (echo \"*******************************************************************\" &&\ echo \"* Sanity check failed, TEST_JOBS is not 1 or 'auto' and DEBUG, STEP or PROFILE is set\" &&\ echo \"*******************************************************************\" &&\ false)" @bash -c "$(SANITY_IMPORT_VPP_PAPI_CMD) ||\ (echo \"*******************************************************************\" &&\ echo \"* Sanity check failed, cannot import vpp_papi\" &&\ echo \"* to debug: \" &&\ echo \"* 1. enter test shell: make test-shell\" &&\ echo \"* 2. execute debugger: gdb python -ex 'run'\" &&\ echo \"*******************************************************************\" &&\ false)" $(FAILED_DIR): reset @mkdir -p $@ .PHONY: test-dep test-dep: $(PAPI_INSTALL_DONE) $(FAILED_DIR) .PHONY: test test: test-dep sanity $(call retest-func) .PHONY: retest retest: verify-env sanity $(FAILED_DIR) $(call retest-func) .PHONY: shell shell: test-dep @echo "source $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate;\ export RND_SEED=$(RND_SEED);\ echo '***';\ echo PYTHONPATH=$(PYTHONPATH);\ echo RND_SEED=$(RND_SEED);\ echo VPP_BUILD_DIR=$(VPP_BUILD_DIR);\ echo VPP_PLUGIN_PATH=$(VPP_PLUGIN_PATH);\ echo VPP_TEST_PLUGIN_PATH=$(VPP_TEST_PLUGIN_PATH);\ echo VPP_INSTALL_PATH=$(VPP_INSTALL_PATH);\ echo EXTERN_TESTS=$(EXTERN_TESTS);\ echo EXTERN_PLUGINS=$(EXTERN_PLUGINS);\ echo EXTERN_COV_DIR=$(EXTERN_COV_DIR);\ echo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH);\ echo '***';\ exec </dev/tty" | bash -i .PHONY: reset reset: @rm -f /dev/shm/vpp-unittest-* @if [ $(FORCE_NO_WIPE) -eq "0" ] ; then rm -rf /tmp/vpp-unittest-*; fi @rm -f /tmp/api_post_mortem.* @rm -rf $(FAILED_DIR) @rm -rf /tmp/vpp-vm-tests .PHONY: wipe wipe: reset @rm -rf $(VENV_BR_DIR) @rm -rf $(patsubst %,%/__pycache__, $(VPP_TEST_DIRS)) $(BUILD_COV_DIR): @mkdir -p $@ .PHONY: cov-prep cov-prep: test-dep @lcov --zerocounters --directory $(VPP_BUILD_DIR) @test -z "$(EXTERN_COV_DIR)" || lcov --zerocounters --directory $(EXTERN_COV_DIR) .PHONY: cov-post cov-post: wipe-cov $(BUILD_COV_DIR) @lcov --capture \ --directory $(VPP_BUILD_DIR) \ --output-file $(BUILD_COV_DIR)/ @test -z "$(EXTERN_COV_DIR)" || \ lcov --capture \ --directory $(EXTERN_COV_DIR) \ --output-file $(BUILD_COV_DIR)/ @lcov --remove $(BUILD_COV_DIR)/ \ "/usr/include/*" "*/build-root/*" "/opt/*" "/usr/lib/*" \ -o $(BUILD_COV_DIR)/ @genhtml $(BUILD_COV_DIR)/ \ --output-directory $(BUILD_COV_DIR)/html @test -z "$(EXTERN_COV_DIR)" || \ genhtml $(BUILD_COV_DIR)/ \ --output-directory $(BUILD_COV_DIR)/extern-html @echo @echo "Build finished. Code coverage report is in $(BUILD_COV_DIR)/html/index.html" @test -z "$(EXTERN_COV_DIR)" || echo "Code coverage report for out-of-tree objects is in $(BUILD_COV_DIR)/extern-html/index.html" .PHONY: cov cov: make -C . cov-prep test cov-post .PHONY: wipe-cov wipe-cov: wipe @rm -rf $(BUILD_COV_DIR) .PHONY: wipe-papi wipe-papi: @rm -rf $(PAPI_INSTALL_DONE) $(PAPI_WIPE_DIST) .PHONY: wipe-all wipe-all: wipe wipe-papi wipe-cov @rm -rf $(TEST_BR) .PHONY: start-gdb start-gdb: sanity @bash -c "source $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate && python3 -c 'from debug import start_vpp_in_gdb; start_vpp_in_gdb()' $(RUN_TESTS_ARGS)" .PHONY: checkstyle-python-all checkstyle-python-all: $(PIP_INSTALL_DONE) @bash -c "source $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate &&\ black -t py39 --check --diff $(WS_ROOT) ||\ (echo \"*************************************************************************\" &&\ echo \"* Test framework PEP8 compliance check FAILED (maybe: make fixstyle-python)\" &&\ echo \"*************************************************************************\" &&\ false)" @echo "*******************************************************************" @echo "* Test framework PEP8 compliance check passed" @echo "*******************************************************************" .PHONY: checkstyle checkstyle: checkstyle-python-all .PHONY: fixstyle-python-all fixstyle-python-all: $(PIP_INSTALL_DONE) @bash -c "source $(VENV_PATH)/bin/activate &&\ black -t py39 $(WS_ROOT) ||\ (echo \"*************************************************************************\" &&\ echo \"* Test framework PEP8 compliance check FAILED (maybe: make fixstyle-python)\" &&\ echo \"*************************************************************************\" &&\ false)" @echo "*******************************************************************" @echo "* Test framework PEP8 compliance check passed" @echo "*******************************************************************" .PHONY: help help: @echo "Running tests:" @echo "" @echo " test - build and run (basic) functional tests" @echo " test-debug - build and run (basic) functional tests (debug build)" @echo " test-cov - generate code coverage report for functional tests" @echo " test-cov-prep - coverage phase #1 : prepare lcov" @echo " test-cov-build - coverage phase #2 : build gcov image & run tests against it (use TEST=)" @echo " test-cov-post - coverage phase #3 : generate lcov html report" @echo " test-all - build and run functional and extended tests" @echo " test-all-debug - build and run functional and extended tests (debug build)" @echo " test-all-cov - generate code coverage report for functional and extended tests" @echo " retest - run functional tests" @echo " retest-debug - run functional tests (debug build)" @echo " retest-all - run functional and extended tests" @echo " retest-all-debug - run functional and extended tests (debug build)" @echo " test-wipe - wipe (temporary) files generated by unit tests" @echo " test-wipe-cov - wipe code coverage report for test framework" @echo " test-wipe-papi - rebuild vpp_papi sources" @echo " test-wipe-all - wipe (temporary) files generated by unit tests, and coverage" @echo " test-shell - enter shell with test environment" @echo " test-shell-debug - enter shell with test environment (debug build)" @echo " test-refresh-deps - refresh the Python dependencies for the tests" @echo "" @echo "Environment variables controlling test runs:" @echo "" @echo " V=[0|1|2]" @echo " set test verbosity level: 0=ERROR, 1=INFO, 2=DEBUG" @echo "" @echo " TEST_JOBS=[<n>|auto]" @echo " use at most <n> parallel python processes for test" @echo " execution, if auto, set to number of available cpus" @echo " (default: 1)" @echo "" @echo " MAX_VPP_CPUS=[<n>|auto]" @echo " use at most <n> cpus for running vpp" @echo " 'auto' sets to number of available cpus" @echo " (default: auto)" @echo "" @echo " CACHE_OUTPUT=[0|n|no]" @echo " disable caching VPP stdout/stderr and logging it" @echo " as one block after test finishes" @echo " (default: yes)" @echo "" @echo " FAILFAST=[1|y|yes]" @echo " if enabled, stop running tests on first failure" @echo " otherwise finish running whole suite" @echo " (default: no)" @echo "" @echo " TIMEOUT=<timeout>" @echo " fail test suite if any single test takes longer" @echo " than <timeout> (in seconds) to finish" @echo " (default: 600)" @echo "" @echo " RETRIES=<n>" @echo " retry failed tests <n> times" @echo " (default: 0)" @echo "" @echo " DEBUG=<type>" @echo " configure VPP debugging:" @echo " DEBUG=core" @echo " detect coredump and load it in gdb on crash" @echo "" @echo " DEBUG=gdb" @echo " print VPP PID and wait for user input before" @echo " running and tearing down a testcase, allowing" @echo " easy gdb attach" @echo "" @echo " DEBUG=gdbserver" @echo " same as above, but run gdb inside a gdb server" @echo "" @echo " DEBUG=attach" @echo " attach to existing vpp in running in gdb" @echo " (see test-start-vpp-in-gdb)" @echo " (default: none)" @echo "" @echo " STEP=[1|y|yes]" @echo " enable stepping through a testcase" @echo " (default: no)" @echo "" @echo " SANITY=[0|n|no]" @echo " disable sanity import of vpp-api/vpp sanity" @echo " run before running tests" @echo " (default: yes)" @echo "" @echo " EXTENDED_TESTS=[1|y|yes]" @echo " run extended tests" @echo " (default: no)" @echo "" @echo " TEST=<filter>,[<filter>],..." @echo " only run tests matching one or more comma-delimited" @echo " filter expressions" @echo "" @echo " simple filter:" @echo " file name or file suffix select all tests from a file" @echo " examples:" @echo " TEST=test_bfd" @echo " TEST=bfd" @echo " equivalent expressions selecting all" @echo " tests defined in" @echo "" @echo " wildcard filter:" @echo " advanced filtering based on test file, test class" @echo " and test function" @echo " each filter expression is in the form of" @echo " <file>.<class>.<test function>" @echo " each of the tokens can be left empty or replaced" @echo " with '*' to select all objects available" @echo " examples:" @echo " TEST=test_bfd.*.*" @echo " TEST=test_bfd.." @echo " TEST=bfd.*.*" @echo " TEST=bfd.." @echo " select all tests defined in" @echo " TEST=bfd.BFDAPITestCase.*" @echo " TEST=bfd.BFDAPITestCase." @echo " select all tests from" @echo " which are part of BFDAPITestCase class" @echo " TEST=bfd.BFDAPITestCase.test_add_bfd" @echo " select a single test named test_add_bfd" @echo " from" @echo " TEST=..test_add_bfd" @echo " TEST=*.*.test_add_bfd" @echo " select all test functions named test_add_bfd" @echo " from all files/classes" @echo " TEST=bfd,ip4,..test_icmp_error" @echo " select all test functions in," @echo " and all test functions named" @echo " 'test_icmp_error' in all files" @echo " (default: '')" @echo "" @echo " VARIANT=<variant>" @echo " specify which march node variant to unit test" @echo " e.g. VARIANT=skx test the skx march variants" @echo " e.g. VARIANT=icl test the icl march variants" @echo " (default: '')" @echo "" @echo " COREDUMP_SIZE=<size>" @echo " pass <size> as unix { coredump-size <size> } argument" @echo " to vpp, e.g. COREDUMP_SIZE=4g or COREDUMP_SIZE=unlimited" @echo " (default: '')" @echo "" @echo " COREDUMP_COMPRESS=[1|y|yes]" @echo " if no debug option is set, compress any core files" @echo " (default: no)" @echo "" @echo " EXTERN_TESTS=<path>" @echo " include out-of-tree test_*.py files under <path>" @echo " (default: '')" @echo "" @echo " EXTERN_PLUGINS=<path>" @echo " load out-of-tree vpp plugins in <path>" @echo " (default: '')" @echo "" @echo " EXTERN_COV_DIR=<path>" @echo " path to out-of-tree prefix, where source, object" @echo " and .gcda files can be found for coverage report" @echo " (default: '')" @echo "" @echo " PROFILE=[1|y|yes]" @echo " enable profiling of test framework via cProfile module" @echo " (default: no)" @echo "" @echo " PROFILE_SORT_BY=opt" @echo " sort profiling report by opt - see cProfile documentation" @echo " for possible values" @echo " (default: cumtime)" @echo "" @echo " PROFILE_OUTPUT=file" @echo " output profiling info to file - use absolute path" @echo " (default: stdout)" @echo "" @echo " TEST_DEBUG=[1|y|yes]" @echo " enable debugging of the test framework itself (expert)" @echo " (default: no)" @echo "" @echo " TEST_GCOV=[1|y|yes]" @echo " enable tests specifically designed soley for code coverage" @echo " (default: no)" @echo "" @echo " API_FUZZ=[1|y|yes]" @echo " enable VPP api fuzz testing" @echo " (default: no)" @echo "" @echo " RND_SEED=<seed>" @echo " random seed used by test framework" @echo " (default: time.time())" @echo "" @echo "Starting VPP in GDB for use with DEBUG=attach:" @echo "" @echo " test-start-vpp-in-gdb - start VPP in gdb (release)" @echo " test-start-vpp-debug-in-gdb - start VPP in gdb (debug)" @echo ""