#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""CLI functional tests"""

import unittest

from vpp_papi import VPPIOError

from asfframework import VppAsfTestCase, VppTestRunner

class TestCLI(VppAsfTestCase):
    """CLI Test Case"""

    maxDiff = None

    def setUpClass(cls):
        # using the framework default
        cls.vapi_response_timeout = 5
        super(TestCLI, cls).setUpClass()

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        super(TestCLI, cls).tearDownClass()

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestCLI, self).setUp()

    def tearDown(self):
        super(TestCLI, self).tearDown()

    def test_cli_retval(self):
        """CLI inband retval"""
        rv = self.vapi.papi.cli_inband(cmd="this command does not exist")
        self.assertNotEqual(rv.retval, 0)

        rv = self.vapi.papi.cli_inband(cmd="show version")
        self.assertEqual(rv.retval, 0)

    def test_long_cli_delay(self):
        """Test that VppApiClient raises VppIOError if timeout."""  # noqa
        with self.assertRaises(VPPIOError) as ctx:
            rv = self.vapi.papi.cli_inband(cmd="wait 10")

    def test_long_cli_delay_override(self):
        """Test per-command _timeout option."""  # noqa
        rv = self.vapi.papi.cli_inband(cmd="wait 10", _timeout=15)
        self.assertEqual(rv.retval, 0)

class TestCLIExtendedVapiTimeout(VppAsfTestCase):
    maxDiff = None

    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.vapi_response_timeout = 15
        cls.__doc__ = (
            " CLI Test Case w/ Extended (%ssec) Vapi Timeout "
            % cls.vapi_response_timeout
        super(TestCLIExtendedVapiTimeout, cls).setUpClass()

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        super(TestCLIExtendedVapiTimeout, cls).tearDownClass()

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestCLIExtendedVapiTimeout, self).setUp()

    def tearDown(self):
        super(TestCLIExtendedVapiTimeout, self).tearDown()

    def test_long_cli_delay(self):
        """Test that delayed result returns with extended timeout."""
        wait_secs = self.vapi_response_timeout - 1

        # get vpp time as float
        start = self.vapi.papi.show_vpe_system_time(
        rv = self.vapi.papi.cli_inband(cmd="wait %s" % wait_secs)
        now = self.vapi.papi.show_vpe_system_time(

        # assume that the overhead of the measurement is not more that .5 sec.
        self.assertEqual(round(now - start), wait_secs)

if __name__ == "__main__":