#!/usr/bin/env python3 import unittest import os import re import subprocess from asfframework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner from vpp_ip_route import VppIpTable, VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath def checkQat(): r = os.path.exists("/dev/qat_dev_processes") if r: return True else: # print("NO QAT! EXIT!") return False def checkOpenSSLVersion(): ret = False r = "OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR" in os.environ if r: ssl = os.environ["OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR"] + "/bin/openssl version" p = subprocess.Popen( ssl, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True ) p.wait() output = p.stdout.read() status = p.returncode if status: pass # print("openssl version error!") else: ssl_ver_src = re.findall(r"(\d+)\.+\d+.+\d+", output) ssl_ver = int(ssl_ver_src[0]) if ssl_ver < 3: ret = False else: ret = True else: # print("NO OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR!") pass return ret def checkAll(): ret = checkQat() & checkOpenSSLVersion() return ret class TestTLS(VppTestCase): """TLS Qat Test Case.""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestTLS, cls).setUpClass() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestTLS, cls).tearDownClass() def setUp(self): super(TestTLS, self).setUp() self.vapi.session_enable_disable(is_enable=1) self.create_loopback_interfaces(2) table_id = 0 for i in self.lo_interfaces: i.admin_up() if table_id != 0: tbl = VppIpTable(self, table_id) tbl.add_vpp_config() i.set_table_ip4(table_id) i.config_ip4() table_id += 1 # Configure namespaces self.vapi.app_namespace_add_del_v4( namespace_id="0", sw_if_index=self.loop0.sw_if_index ) self.vapi.app_namespace_add_del_v4( namespace_id="1", sw_if_index=self.loop1.sw_if_index ) def tearDown(self): for i in self.lo_interfaces: i.unconfig_ip4() i.set_table_ip4(0) i.admin_down() self.vapi.session_enable_disable(is_enable=0) super(TestTLS, self).tearDown() @unittest.skipUnless(checkAll(), "QAT or OpenSSL not satisfied,skip.") def test_tls_transfer(self): """TLS qat echo client/server transfer""" # Add inter-table routes ip_t01 = VppIpRoute( self, self.loop1.local_ip4, 32, [VppRoutePath("", 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_table_id=1)], ) ip_t10 = VppIpRoute( self, self.loop0.local_ip4, 32, [VppRoutePath("", 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_table_id=0)], table_id=1, ) ip_t01.add_vpp_config() ip_t10.add_vpp_config() # Enable QAT engine and TLS async r = self.vapi.tls_openssl_set_engine( async_enable=1, engine="qat", algorithm="RSA,PKEY_CRYPTO", ciphers="RSA" ) self.assertIsNotNone(r, "No response msg ") # Start builtin server and client uri = "tls://" + self.loop0.local_ip4 + "/1234" error = self.vapi.cli( "test echo server appns 0 fifo-size 4k tls-engine 1 uri " + uri ) if error: self.logger.critical(error) self.assertNotIn("failed", error) error = self.vapi.cli( "test echo client mbytes 10 appns 1 " "fifo-size 4k test-bytes " "tls-engine 1 " "syn-timeout 2 uri " + uri ) if error: self.logger.critical(error) self.assertNotIn("failed", error) # Delete inter-table routes ip_t01.remove_vpp_config() ip_t10.remove_vpp_config() if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main(testRunner=VppTestRunner)