import argparse import os import psutil import time from vpp_qemu_utils import can_create_namespaces def positive_int_or_default(default): def positive_integer(v): if v is None or v == "" or int(v) == default: return default if int(v) <= 0: raise ValueError("value must be positive") return int(v) return positive_integer def positive_float_or_default(default): def positive_float(v): if v is None or v == "" or float(v) == default: return default if float(v) <= 0: raise ValueError("value must be positive") return float(v) return positive_float def positive_int_or_auto(v): if v is None or v in ("", "auto"): return "auto" if int(v) <= 0: raise ValueError("value must be positive or auto") return int(v) def int_or_auto(v): if v is None or v in ("", "auto"): return "auto" if int(v) < 0: raise ValueError("value must be positive or auto") return int(v) def int_choice_or_default(options, default): assert default in options def choice(v): if v is None or v == "": return default if int(v) in options: return int(v) raise ValueError("invalid choice") return choice def worker_config(v): if v is None or v == "": return 0 if v.startswith("workers "): return int(v.split(" ")[1]) return int(v) def directory(v): if not os.path.isdir(v): raise ValueError(f"provided path '{v}' doesn't exist or is not a directory") return v def directory_verify_or_create(v): if not os.path.isdir(v): os.mkdir(v) return v parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="VPP unit tests", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter ) parser.add_argument( "--failfast", action="store_true", help="stop running tests on first failure" ) parser.add_argument( "--test-src-dir", action="append", type=directory, help="directory containing test files " "(may be specified multiple times) " "(VPP_WS_DIR/test is added automatically to the set)", ) default_verbose = 0 parser.add_argument( "--verbose", action="store", default=default_verbose, type=int_choice_or_default((0, 1, 2), default_verbose), help="verbosity setting - 0 - least verbose, 2 - most verbose (default: 0)", ) default_test_run_timeout = 600 parser.add_argument( "--timeout", action="store", type=positive_int_or_default(default_test_run_timeout), default=default_test_run_timeout, metavar="TEST_RUN_TIMEOUT", help="test run timeout in seconds - per test " f"(default: {default_test_run_timeout})", ) parser.add_argument( "--failed-dir", action="store", type=directory, help="directory containing failed tests (default: --tmp-dir)", ) filter_help_string = """\ expression consists of one or more filters separated by commas (',') filter consists of 3 string selectors separated by dots ('.') .. - selectors restrict which files/classes/functions are run - selector can be replaced with '*' or omitted entirely if not needed - selector is automatically prepended with 'test_' if required - '.' separators are required only if selector(s) follow(s) examples: 1. all of the following expressions are equivalent and will select all test classes and functions from 'test_bfd' 'bfd' 'test_bfd..' 'bfd.' 'bfd.*.*' 'test_bfd.*.*' 2. 'bfd.BFDAPITestCase' selects all tests from, which are part of BFDAPITestCase class 3. 'bfd.BFDAPITestCase.test_add_bfd' selects a single test named test_add_bfd from 4. '.*.test_add_bfd' selects all test functions named test_add_bfd from all files/classes 5. 'bfd,ip4,..test_icmp_error' selects all test functions in, and all test functions named 'test_icmp_error' in all files """ parser.add_argument( "--filter", action="store", metavar="FILTER_EXPRESSION", help=filter_help_string ) skip_filter_help_string = """\ expression consists of one or more filters separated by commas (',') filter consists of 3 string selectors separated by dots ('.') The syntax is identical to the expression used to select the tests, except this one one has the effect to skip the tests that match it. """ parser.add_argument( "--skip-filter", action="store", metavar="SKIP_FILTER_EXPR", help=skip_filter_help_string, ) default_retries = 0 parser.add_argument( "--retries", action="store", default=default_retries, type=positive_int_or_default(default_retries), help="retry failed tests RETRIES times", ) parser.add_argument( "--step", action="store_true", default=False, help="enable stepping through tests" ) debug_help_string = """\ attach - attach to already running vpp core - detect coredump and load core in gdb on crash gdb - print VPP PID and pause allowing attaching gdb gdbserver - same as above, but run gdb in gdbserver """ parser.add_argument( "--debug", action="store", choices=["attach", "core", "gdb", "gdbserver"], help=debug_help_string, ) parser.add_argument( "--debug-framework", action="store_true", help="enable internal test framework debugging", ) parser.add_argument( "--compress-core", action="store_true", help="compress core files if not debugging them", ) parser.add_argument("--extended", action="store_true", help="run extended tests") parser.add_argument( "--skip-netns-tests", action="store_true", help="skip tests involving netns operations", ) parser.add_argument( "--sanity", action="store_true", help="perform sanity vpp run before running tests" ) parser.add_argument("--api-preload", action="store_true", help="preload API files") parser.add_argument( "--force-foreground", action="store_true", help="force running in foreground - don't fork", ) parser.add_argument( "--jobs", action="store", type=positive_int_or_auto, default="auto", help="maximum concurrent test jobs", ) parser.add_argument( "--venv-dir", action="store", type=directory, help="path to virtual environment" ) default_rnd_seed = time.time() parser.add_argument( "--rnd-seed", action="store", default=default_rnd_seed, type=positive_float_or_default(default_rnd_seed), help="random generator seed (default: current time)", ) parser.add_argument( "--vpp-worker-count", action="store", type=worker_config, default=0, help="number of vpp workers", ) parser.add_argument( "--gcov", action="store_true", default=False, help="running gcov tests" ) parser.add_argument( "--cache-vpp-output", action="store_true", default=False, help="cache VPP stdout/stderr and log as one block after test finishes", ) parser.add_argument( "--vpp-ws-dir", action="store", required=True, type=directory, help="vpp workspace directory", ) parser.add_argument( "--vpp-tag", action="store", default="vpp_debug", metavar="VPP_TAG", required=True, help="vpp tag (e.g. vpp, vpp_debug, vpp_gcov)", ) parser.add_argument( "--vpp", action="store", help="path to vpp binary (default: derive from VPP_WS_DIR and VPP_TAG)", ) parser.add_argument( "--vpp-install-dir", type=directory, action="store", help="path to vpp install directory" "(default: derive from VPP_WS_DIR and VPP_TAG)", ) parser.add_argument( "--vpp-build-dir", action="store", type=directory, help="vpp build directory (default: derive from VPP_WS_DIR and VPP_TAG)", ) parser.add_argument( "--vpp-plugin-dir", action="append", type=directory, help="directory containing vpp plugins" "(default: derive from VPP_WS_DIR and VPP_TAG)", ) parser.add_argument( "--vpp-test-plugin-dir", action="append", type=directory, help="directory containing vpp api test plugins" "(default: derive from VPP_WS_DIR and VPP_TAG)", ) parser.add_argument( "--extern-plugin-dir", action="append", type=directory, default=[], help="directory containing external plugins", ) parser.add_argument( "--extern-apidir", action="append", type=directory, default=[], help="directory to look for API JSON files", ) parser.add_argument( "--coredump-size", action="store", default="unlimited", help="specify vpp coredump size", ) parser.add_argument( "--max-vpp-cpus", action="store", type=int_or_auto, default=0, help="max cpus used by vpp", ) variant_help_string = """\ specify which march node variant to unit test e.g. --variant=skx - test the skx march variants e.g. --variant=icl - test the icl march variants """ parser.add_argument("--variant", action="store", help=variant_help_string) parser.add_argument( "--api-fuzz", action="store", default=None, help="specify api fuzzing parameters" ) parser.add_argument( "--wipe-tmp-dir", action="store_true", default=True, help="remove test tmp directory before running test", ) parser.add_argument( "--tmp-dir", action="store", default="/tmp", type=directory_verify_or_create, help="directory where to store test temporary directories", ) parser.add_argument( "--log-dir", action="store", type=directory_verify_or_create, help="directory where to store directories " "containing log files (default: --tmp-dir)", ) default_keep_pcaps = False parser.add_argument( "--keep-pcaps", action="store_true", default=default_keep_pcaps, help=f"if set, keep all pcap files from a test run (default: {default_keep_pcaps})", ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--use-running-vpp", dest="running_vpp", required=False, action="store_true", default=False, help="Runs tests against a running VPP.", ) parser.add_argument( "--excluded-plugin", dest="excluded_plugins", required=False, action="append", default=[], help="Exclude the tests that indicate they require this plugin(s)", ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--socket-dir", dest="socket_dir", required=False, action="store", default="", help="Relative or absolute path to running VPP's socket directory.\n" "The directory must contain VPP's socket files:api.sock & stats.sock.\n" "Default: /var/run/vpp if VPP is started as the root user, else " "/var/run/user/${uid}/vpp.", ) default_decode_pcaps = "failed" parser.add_argument( "--decode-pcaps", action="store", choices=["none", "failed", "all"], default=default_decode_pcaps, help=f"if set, decode all pcap files from a test run (default: {default_decode_pcaps})", ) config = parser.parse_args() ws = config.vpp_ws_dir br = f"{ws}/build-root" tag = config.vpp_tag if config.vpp_install_dir is None: config.vpp_install_dir = f"{br}/install-{tag}-native" if config.vpp is None: config.vpp = f"{config.vpp_install_dir}/vpp/bin/vpp" if config.vpp_build_dir is None: config.vpp_build_dir = f"{br}/build-{tag}-native" libs = ["lib", "lib64"] if config.vpp_plugin_dir is None: config.vpp_plugin_dir = [ f"{config.vpp_install_dir}/vpp/{lib}/vpp_plugins" for lib in libs ] if config.vpp_test_plugin_dir is None: config.vpp_test_plugin_dir = [ f"{config.vpp_install_dir}/vpp/{lib}/vpp_api_test_plugins" for lib in libs ] test_dirs = [f"{ws}/test"] if config.test_src_dir is not None: test_dirs.extend(config.test_src_dir) config.test_src_dir = test_dirs if config.venv_dir is None: config.venv_dir = f"{ws}/build-root/test/venv" if config.failed_dir is None: config.failed_dir = f"{config.tmp_dir}" available_cpus = psutil.Process().cpu_affinity() num_cpus = len(available_cpus) if config.max_vpp_cpus == "auto": max_vpp_cpus = num_cpus elif config.max_vpp_cpus > 0: max_vpp_cpus = min(config.max_vpp_cpus, num_cpus) else: max_vpp_cpus = num_cpus if not config.skip_netns_tests: if not can_create_namespaces(): config.skip_netns_tests = True if __name__ == "__main__": print("Provided arguments:") for i in config.__dict__: print(f" {i} is {config.__dict__[i]}")