#!/bin/sh # this script verifies that /dev/shm is big enough for test purposes # 512MB seems to be enough with room to spare at the time of writing this test # (motivation for this check is the default docker /dev/shm size of 64M, which # was occasionally overrun when running the tests) req_min_size_megabytes=512 cur_size=`df -BM --output=size /dev/shm | awk ' NR==2 { print $1 } ' | cut -f 1 -d 'M'` if test "$V" = "2" then echo -n "Checking /dev/shm size..." fi if test "$cur_size" -lt "$req_min_size_megabytes" then echo "/dev/shm size ${cur_size}M is too small, attempting to enlarge to ${req_min_size_megabytes}M." sudo mount -o remount /dev/shm -o size=512M cur_size=`df -BM --output=size /dev/shm | awk ' NR==2 { print $1 } ' | cut -f 1 -d 'M'` if test "$cur_size" -lt "$req_min_size_megabytes" then echo "Couldn't enlarge /dev/shm. Please enlarge it manually so that it's at least ${req_min_size_megabytes}M big." exit 1 fi echo "/dev/shm successfully enlarged." elif test "$V" = "2" then echo "OK (current size: ${cur_size}M, required size: ${req_min_size_megabytes}M)" fi