# test framework system requirements # format of this file is # <path> <operator> <comparison-value> <set-value> # # path - path to value e.g. in /proc which needs to be checked # operator - test operator (e.g. -gt) # comparison-value - value, against which the value read from <path> is compared # set-value - value, to which the path is set if the test fails # # the comparison is done using `test' command # test_reassembly.py # needed by test_reassembly which uses udp punt via unix domain sockets # to ensure that all data which vpp might produce in a burst fits into # the socket send buffer /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max -ge 4636252 4636252 /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_default -ge 4636252 4636252