## @package util # Module with common functions that should be used by the test cases. # # The module provides a set of tools for setup the test environment from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether, ARP from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6, ICMPv6ND_NS, ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr ## Util class # # Test cases that want to use methods defined in Util class should # inherit this class. # # class Example(Util, VppTestCase): # pass class Util(object): ## Class method to send ARP Request for each VPP IPv4 address in # order to determine VPP interface MAC address to IPv4 bindings. # # Resolved MAC address is saved to the VPP_MACS dictionary with interface # index as a key. ARP Request is sent from MAC in MY_MACS dictionary with # interface index as a key. # @param cls The class pointer. # @param args List variable to store indices of VPP interfaces. @classmethod def resolve_arp(cls, args): for i in args: ip = cls.VPP_IP4S[i] cls.log("Sending ARP request for %s on port %u" % (ip, i)) arp_req = (Ether(dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", src=cls.MY_MACS[i]) / ARP(op=ARP.who_has, pdst=ip, psrc=cls.MY_IP4S[i], hwsrc=cls.MY_MACS[i])) cls.pg_add_stream(i, arp_req) cls.pg_enable_capture([i]) cls.cli(2, "trace add pg-input 1") cls.pg_start() arp_reply = cls.pg_get_capture(i)[0] if arp_reply[ARP].op == ARP.is_at: cls.log("VPP pg%u MAC address is %s " % (i, arp_reply[ARP].hwsrc)) cls.VPP_MACS[i] = arp_reply[ARP].hwsrc else: cls.log("No ARP received on port %u" % i) cls.cli(2, "show trace") ## @var ip # <TODO add description> ## @var arp_req # <TODO add description> ## @var arp_reply # <TODO add description> ## @var VPP_MACS # <TODO add description> ## Class method to send ND request for each VPP IPv6 address in # order to determine VPP MAC address to IPv6 bindings. # # Resolved MAC address is saved to the VPP_MACS dictionary with interface # index as a key. ND Request is sent from MAC in MY_MACS dictionary with # interface index as a key. # @param cls The class pointer. # @param args List variable to store indices of VPP interfaces. @classmethod def resolve_icmpv6_nd(cls, args): for i in args: ip = cls.VPP_IP6S[i] cls.log("Sending ICMPv6ND_NS request for %s on port %u" % (ip, i)) nd_req = (Ether(dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", src=cls.MY_MACS[i]) / IPv6(src=cls.MY_IP6S[i], dst=ip) / ICMPv6ND_NS(tgt=ip) / ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr(lladdr=cls.MY_MACS[i])) cls.pg_add_stream(i, nd_req) cls.pg_enable_capture([i]) cls.cli(2, "trace add pg-input 1") cls.pg_start() nd_reply = cls.pg_get_capture(i)[0] icmpv6_na = nd_reply['ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery - Neighbor Advertisement'] dst_ll_addr = icmpv6_na['ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery Option - Destination Link-Layer Address'] cls.VPP_MACS[i] = dst_ll_addr.lladdr ## @var ip # <TODO add description> ## @var nd_req # <TODO add description> ## @var nd_reply # <TODO add description> ## @var icmpv6_na # <TODO add description> ## @var dst_ll_addr # <TODO add description> ## @var VPP_MACS # <TODO add description> ## Class method to configure IPv4 addresses on VPP interfaces. # # Set dictionary variables MY_IP4S and VPP_IP4S to IPv4 addresses # calculated using interface VPP interface index as a parameter. # /24 IPv4 prefix is used, with VPP interface address host part set # to .1 and MY address set to .2. # Used IPv4 prefix scheme: 172.16.{VPP-interface-index}.0/24. # @param cls The class pointer. # @param args List variable to store indices of VPP interfaces. @classmethod def config_ip4(cls, args): for i in args: cls.MY_IP4S[i] = "172.16.%u.2" % i cls.VPP_IP4S[i] = "172.16.%u.1" % i cls.api("sw_interface_add_del_address pg%u %s/24" % (i, cls.VPP_IP4S[i])) cls.log("My IPv4 address is %s" % (cls.MY_IP4S[i])) ## @var MY_IP4S # Dictionary variable to store host IPv4 addresses connected to packet # generator interfaces. ## @var VPP_IP4S # Dictionary variable to store VPP IPv4 addresses of the packet # generator interfaces. ## Class method to configure IPv6 addresses on VPP interfaces. # # Set dictionary variables MY_IP6S and VPP_IP6S to IPv6 addresses # calculated using interface VPP interface index as a parameter. # /64 IPv6 prefix is used, with VPP interface address host part set # to ::1 and MY address set to ::2. # Used IPv6 prefix scheme: fd10:{VPP-interface-index}::0/64. # @param cls The class pointer. # @param args List variable to store indices of VPP interfaces. @classmethod def config_ip6(cls, args): for i in args: cls.MY_IP6S[i] = "fd10:%u::2" % i cls.VPP_IP6S[i] = "fd10:%u::1" % i cls.api("sw_interface_add_del_address pg%u %s/64" % (i, cls.VPP_IP6S[i])) cls.log("My IPv6 address is %s" % (cls.MY_IP6S[i])) ## @var MY_IP6S # Dictionary variable to store host IPv6 addresses connected to packet # generator interfaces. ## @var VPP_IP6S # Dictionary variable to store VPP IPv6 addresses of the packet # generator interfaces.