--[[ /* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ ]] local vpp = {} local ffi = require("ffi") --[[ The basic type definitions. A bit of weird gymnastic with unionization of the hton* and ntoh* functions results is to make handling of signed and unsigned types a bit cleaner, essentially building typecasting into a C union. The vl_api_opaque_message_t is a synthetic type assumed to have enough storage to hold the entire API message regardless of the type. During the operation it is casted to the specific message struct types. ]] ffi.cdef([[ typedef uint8_t u8; typedef int8_t i8; typedef uint16_t u16; typedef int16_t i16; typedef uint32_t u32; typedef int32_t i32; typedef uint64_t u64; typedef int64_t i64; typedef double f64; typedef float f32; #pragma pack(1) typedef union { u16 u16; i16 i16; } lua_ui16t; #pragma pack(1) typedef union { u32 u32; i32 i32; } lua_ui32t; u16 ntohs(uint16_t hostshort); u16 htons(uint16_t hostshort); u32 htonl(uint32_t along); u32 ntohl(uint32_t along); void *memset(void *s, int c, size_t n); void *memcpy(void *dest, void *src, size_t n); #pragma pack(1) typedef struct _vl_api_opaque_message { u16 _vl_msg_id; u8 data[65536]; } vl_api_opaque_message_t; ]]) -- CRC-based version stuff local crc32c_table = ffi.new('const uint32_t[256]', { 0x00000000, 0xF26B8303, 0xE13B70F7, 0x1350F3F4, 0xC79A971F, 0x35F1141C, 0x26A1E7E8, 0xD4CA64EB, 0x8AD958CF, 0x78B2DBCC, 0x6BE22838, 0x9989AB3B, 0x4D43CFD0, 0xBF284CD3, 0xAC78BF27, 0x5E133C24, 0x105EC76F, 0xE235446C, 0xF165B798, 0x030E349B, 0xD7C45070, 0x25AFD373, 0x36FF2087, 0xC494A384, 0x9A879FA0, 0x68EC1CA3, 0x7BBCEF57, 0x89D76C54, 0x5D1D08BF, 0xAF768BBC, 0xBC267848, 0x4E4DFB4B, 0x20BD8EDE, 0xD2D60DDD, 0xC186FE29, 0x33ED7D2A, 0xE72719C1, 0x154C9AC2, 0x061C6936, 0xF477EA35, 0xAA64D611, 0x580F5512, 0x4B5FA6E6, 0xB93425E5, 0x6DFE410E, 0x9F95C20D, 0x8CC531F9, 0x7EAEB2FA, 0x30E349B1, 0xC288CAB2, 0xD1D83946, 0x23B3BA45, 0xF779DEAE, 0x05125DAD, 0x1642AE59, 0xE4292D5A, 0xBA3A117E, 0x4851927D, 0x5B016189, 0xA96AE28A, 0x7DA08661, 0x8FCB0562, 0x9C9BF696, 0x6EF07595, 0x417B1DBC, 0xB3109EBF, 0xA0406D4B, 0x522BEE48, 0x86E18AA3, 0x748A09A0, 0x67DAFA54, 0x95B17957, 0xCBA24573, 0x39C9C670, 0x2A993584, 0xD8F2B687, 0x0C38D26C, 0xFE53516F, 0xED03A29B, 0x1F682198, 0x5125DAD3, 0xA34E59D0, 0xB01EAA24, 0x42752927, 0x96BF4DCC, 0x64D4CECF, 0x77843D3B, 0x85EFBE38, 0xDBFC821C, 0x2997011F, 0x3AC7F2EB, 0xC8AC71E8, 0x1C661503, 0xEE0D9600, 0xFD5D65F4, 0x0F36E6F7, 0x61C69362, 0x93AD1061, 0x80FDE395, 0x72966096, 0xA65C047D, 0x5437877E, 0x4767748A, 0xB50CF789, 0xEB1FCBAD, 0x197448AE, 0x0A24BB5A, 0xF84F3859, 0x2C855CB2, 0xDEEEDFB1, 0xCDBE2C45, 0x3FD5AF46, 0x7198540D, 0x83F3D70E, 0x90A324FA, 0x62C8A7F9, 0xB602C312, 0x44694011, 0x5739B3E5, 0xA55230E6, 0xFB410CC2, 0x092A8FC1, 0x1A7A7C35, 0xE811FF36, 0x3CDB9BDD, 0xCEB018DE, 0xDDE0EB2A, 0x2F8B6829, 0x82F63B78, 0x709DB87B, 0x63CD4B8F, 0x91A6C88C, 0x456CAC67, 0xB7072F64, 0xA457DC90, 0x563C5F93, 0x082F63B7, 0xFA44E0B4, 0xE9141340, 0x1B7F9043, 0xCFB5F4A8, 0x3DDE77AB, 0x2E8E845F, 0xDCE5075C, 0x92A8FC17, 0x60C37F14, 0x73938CE0, 0x81F80FE3, 0x55326B08, 0xA759E80B, 0xB4091BFF, 0x466298FC, 0x1871A4D8, 0xEA1A27DB, 0xF94AD42F, 0x0B21572C, 0xDFEB33C7, 0x2D80B0C4, 0x3ED04330, 0xCCBBC033, 0xA24BB5A6, 0x502036A5, 0x4370C551, 0xB11B4652, 0x65D122B9, 0x97BAA1BA, 0x84EA524E, 0x7681D14D, 0x2892ED69, 0xDAF96E6A, 0xC9A99D9E, 0x3BC21E9D, 0xEF087A76, 0x1D63F975, 0x0E330A81, 0xFC588982, 0xB21572C9, 0x407EF1CA, 0x532E023E, 0xA145813D, 0x758FE5D6, 0x87E466D5, 0x94B49521, 0x66DF1622, 0x38CC2A06, 0xCAA7A905, 0xD9F75AF1, 0x2B9CD9F2, 0xFF56BD19, 0x0D3D3E1A, 0x1E6DCDEE, 0xEC064EED, 0xC38D26C4, 0x31E6A5C7, 0x22B65633, 0xD0DDD530, 0x0417B1DB, 0xF67C32D8, 0xE52CC12C, 0x1747422F, 0x49547E0B, 0xBB3FFD08, 0xA86F0EFC, 0x5A048DFF, 0x8ECEE914, 0x7CA56A17, 0x6FF599E3, 0x9D9E1AE0, 0xD3D3E1AB, 0x21B862A8, 0x32E8915C, 0xC083125F, 0x144976B4, 0xE622F5B7, 0xF5720643, 0x07198540, 0x590AB964, 0xAB613A67, 0xB831C993, 0x4A5A4A90, 0x9E902E7B, 0x6CFBAD78, 0x7FAB5E8C, 0x8DC0DD8F, 0xE330A81A, 0x115B2B19, 0x020BD8ED, 0xF0605BEE, 0x24AA3F05, 0xD6C1BC06, 0xC5914FF2, 0x37FACCF1, 0x69E9F0D5, 0x9B8273D6, 0x88D28022, 0x7AB90321, 0xAE7367CA, 0x5C18E4C9, 0x4F48173D, 0xBD23943E, 0xF36E6F75, 0x0105EC76, 0x12551F82, 0xE03E9C81, 0x34F4F86A, 0xC69F7B69, 0xD5CF889D, 0x27A40B9E, 0x79B737BA, 0x8BDCB4B9, 0x988C474D, 0x6AE7C44E, 0xBE2DA0A5, 0x4C4623A6, 0x5F16D052, 0xAD7D5351 } ); local function CRC8(crc, d) return bit.bxor(bit.rshift(crc, 8), crc32c_table[bit.band(0xff, bit.bxor(crc, d))]) end local function CRC16(crc, d) crc = CRC8(crc, bit.band(d, 0xFF)) d = bit.rshift(d, 8) crc = CRC8(crc, bit.band(d, 0xFF)) return crc end local function string_crc(str, crc) for i=1,#str do -- print("S", i, string.byte(str, i), string.char(string.byte(str, i))) crc = CRC8(crc, string.byte(str, i)) end return crc end local tokens = { { ["match"] =' ', ["act"] = { } }, { ["match"] ='\n', ["act"] = { } }, { ["match"] ="manual_endian", ["act"] = { "NODE_MANUAL_ENDIAN", "MANUAL_ENDIAN", 276 } }, { ["match"] ="define", ["act"] = { "NODE_DEFINE", "DEFINE", 267 } }, { ["match"] ="dont_trace", ["act"] = { "NODE_DONT_TRACE", "DONT_TRACE", 279 } }, { ["match"] ="f64", ["act"] = { "NODE_F64", "PRIMTYPE", string_crc } }, { ["match"] ="i16", ["act"] = { "NODE_I16", "PRIMTYPE", string_crc } }, { ["match"] ="i32", ["act"] = { "NODE_I32", "PRIMTYPE", string_crc } }, { ["match"] ="i64", ["act"] = { "NODE_I64", "PRIMTYPE", string_crc } }, { ["match"] ="i8", ["act"] = { "NODE_I8", "PRIMTYPE", string_crc } }, { ["match"] ="manual_print", ["act"] = { "NODE_MANUAL_PRINT", "MANUAL_PRINT", 275 } }, { ["match"] ="noversion", ["act"] = { "NODE_NOVERSION", "NOVERSION", 274 } }, { ["match"] ="packed", ["act"] = { "NODE_PACKED", "TPACKED", 266 } }, { ["match"] ="typeonly", ["act"] = { "NODE_TYPEONLY", "TYPEONLY", 278 } }, { ["match"] ="u16", ["act"] = { "NODE_U16", "PRIMTYPE", string_crc } }, { ["match"] ="u32", ["act"] = { "NODE_U32", "PRIMTYPE", string_crc } }, { ["match"] ="u64", ["act"] = { "NODE_U64", "PRIMTYPE", string_crc } }, { ["match"] ="u8", ["act"] = { "NODE_U8", "PRIMTYPE", string_crc } }, { ["match"] ="union", ["act"] = { "NODE_UNION", "UNION", 271 } }, { ["match"] ="uword", ["act"] = { "NODE_UWORD", "PRIMTYPE", string_crc } }, { ["match"] ="%(", ["act"] = { "NODE_LPAR", "LPAR", 259 } }, { ["match"] ="%)", ["act"] = { "NODE_RPAR", "RPAR", 258 } }, { ["match"] =";", ["act"] = { "NODE_SEMI", "SEMI", 260 } }, { ["match"] ="%[", ["act"] = { "NODE_LBRACK", "LBRACK", 261 } }, { ["match"] ="%]", ["act"] = { "NODE_RBRACK", "RBRACK", 262 } }, { ["match"] ="%{", ["act"] = { "NODE_LCURLY", "LCURLY", 268 } }, { ["match"] ="%}", ["act"] = { "NODE_RCURLY", "RCURLY", 269 } }, { ["match"] ='%b""', ["act"] = { "NODE_STRING", "STRING", string_crc } }, { ["match"] ='%b@@', ["act"] = { "NODE_HELPER", "HELPER_STRING", string_crc } }, -- TODO: \ must be consumed { ["match"] ='[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*', ["act"] = { "NODE_NAME", "NAME", string_crc } }, { ["match"] ='[0-9]+', ["act"] = { "NODE_NUMBER", "NUMBER", string_crc } }, { ["match"] ='#[^\n]+', ["act"] = { "NODE_PRAGMA", "PRAGMA", nil } }, } function vpp.crc_version_string(data) local input_crc = 0 -- Get rid of comments data = data:gsub("/%*.-%*/", "") data = data:gsub("//[^\n]+", "") -- print(data) idx = 1 while (true) do local matched = nil for k, v in ipairs(tokens) do if not matched then local x, y, cap = string.find(data, v["match"], idx) if x == idx then matched = { ["node"] = v["act"], ["x"] = x, ["y"] = y, ["cap"] = cap, ["chars"] = string.sub(data, x, y) } -- print(k, v, x, y, cap, matched.chars, matched.node[0] ) end end end if matched then idx = idx + (matched.y - matched.x + 1) if matched.node[1] then local act = matched.node[3] if type(act) == "function" then input_crc = act(matched.chars, input_crc) elseif type(act) == "number" then input_crc = CRC16(input_crc, act) end -- print(vpp.dump(matched)) end else -- print("NOT MATCHED!") local crc = CRC16(input_crc, 0xFFFFFFFF) return string.sub(string.format("%x", crc), -8) end end end function vpp.dump(o) if type(o) == 'table' then local s = '{ ' for k,v in pairs(o) do if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. vpp.dump(v) .. ',' end return s .. '} ' else return tostring(o) end end function vpp.hex_dump(buf) local ret = {} for i=1,math.ceil(#buf/16) * 16 do if (i-1) % 16 == 0 then table.insert(ret, string.format('%08X ', i-1)) end table.insert(ret, ( i > #buf and ' ' or string.format('%02X ', buf:byte(i)) )) if i % 8 == 0 then table.insert(ret, ' ') end if i % 16 == 0 then table.insert(ret, buf:sub(i-16+1, i):gsub('%c','.')..'\n' ) end end return table.concat(ret) end function vpp.c_str(text_in) local text = text_in -- \000 will be helpfully added by ffi.copy local c_str = ffi.new("char[?]", #text+1) ffi.copy(c_str, text) return c_str end function vpp.init(vpp, args) local pneum_api = args.pneum_api or [[ int cough_pneum_attach(char *pneum_path, char *cough_path); int pneum_connect(char *name, char *chroot_prefix); int pneum_connect_sync(char *name, char *chroot_prefix); int pneum_disconnect(void); int pneum_read(char **data, int *l); int pneum_write(char *data, int len); void pneum_data_free(char *data); ]] vpp.pneum_path = args.pneum_path ffi.cdef(pneum_api) local init_res = 0 if pcall(function() vpp.cough_path = args.cough_path or "./libcough.so" vpp.cough = ffi.load(vpp.cough_path) end) then pcall(function() if(vpp.cough.cough_pneum_attach) then vpp.pneum_is_cough = true print("libcough detected\n") init_res = vpp.cough.cough_pneum_attach(vpp.c_str(vpp.pneum_path), vpp.c_str(vpp.cough_path)) vpp.pneum = vpp.cough end end) else vpp.pneum = ffi.load(vpp.pneum_path) end if (init_res < 0) then return nil end vpp.next_msg_num = 1 vpp.msg_name_to_number = {} vpp.msg_name_to_fields = {} vpp.msg_number_to_name = {} vpp.msg_number_to_type = {} vpp.msg_number_to_pointer_type = {} vpp.c_type_to_fields = {} vpp.events = {} vpp.plugin_version = {} vpp.is_connected = false vpp.t_lua2c = {} vpp.t_c2lua = {} vpp.t_lua2c["u8"] = function(c_type, src, dst_c_ptr) if type(src) == "string" then -- ffi.copy adds a zero byte at the end. Grrr. -- ffi.copy(dst_c_ptr, src) ffi.C.memcpy(dst_c_ptr, vpp.c_str(src), #src) return(#src) elseif type(src) == "table" then for i,v in ipairs(src) do ffi.cast("u8 *", dst_c_ptr)[i-1] = v end return(#src) else return 1, src -- ffi.cast("u8", src) end end vpp.t_c2lua["u8"] = function(c_type, src_ptr, src_len) if src_len then return ffi.string(src_ptr, src_len) else return (tonumber(src_ptr)) end end vpp.t_lua2c["u16"] = function(c_type, src, dst_c_ptr) if type(src) == "table" then for i,v in ipairs(src) do ffi.cast("u16 *", dst_c_ptr)[i-1] = ffi.C.htons(v) end return(2 * #src) else return 2, (ffi.C.htons(src)) end end vpp.t_c2lua["u16"] = function(c_type, src_ptr, src_len) if src_len then local out = {} for i = 0,src_len-1 do out[i+1] = tonumber(ffi.C.ntohs(src_ptr[i])) end return out else return (tonumber(ffi.C.ntohs(src_ptr))) end end vpp.t_lua2c["u32"] = function(c_type, src, dst_c_ptr) if type(src) == "table" then for i,v in ipairs(src) do ffi.cast("u32 *", dst_c_ptr)[i-1] = ffi.C.htonl(v) end return(4 * #src) else return 4, (ffi.C.htonl(src)) end end vpp.t_c2lua["u32"] = function(c_type, src_ptr, src_len) if src_len then local out = {} for i = 0,src_len-1 do out[i+1] = tonumber(ffi.C.ntohl(src_ptr[i])) end return out else return (tonumber(ffi.C.ntohl(src_ptr))) end end vpp.t_lua2c["i32"] = function(c_type, src, dst_c_ptr) if type(src) == "table" then for i,v in ipairs(src) do ffi.cast("i32 *", dst_c_ptr)[i-1] = ffi.C.htonl(v) end return(4 * #src) else return 4, (ffi.C.htonl(src)) end end vpp.t_c2lua["i32"] = function(c_type, src_ptr, src_len) local ntohl = function(src) local u32val = ffi.cast("u32", src) local ntohlval = (ffi.C.ntohl(u32val)) local out = tonumber(ffi.cast("i32", ntohlval + 0LL)) return out end if src_len then local out = {} for i = 0,src_len-1 do out[i+1] = tonumber(ntohl(src_ptr[i])) end else return (tonumber(ntohl(src_ptr))) end end vpp.t_lua2c["u64"] = function(c_type, src, dst_c_ptr) if type(src) == "table" then for i,v in ipairs(src) do ffi.cast("u64 *", dst_c_ptr)[i-1] = v --- FIXME ENDIAN end return(8 * #src) else return 8, ffi.cast("u64", src) --- FIXME ENDIAN end end vpp.t_c2lua["u64"] = function(c_type, src_ptr, src_len) if src_len then local out = {} for i = 0,src_len-1 do out[i+1] = tonumber(src_ptr[i]) -- FIXME ENDIAN end return out else return (tonumber(src_ptr)) --FIXME ENDIAN end end vpp.t_lua2c["__MSG__"] = function(c_type, src, dst_c_ptr) local dst = ffi.cast(c_type .. " *", dst_c_ptr) local additional_len = 0 local fields_info = vpp.c_type_to_fields[c_type] -- print("__MSG__ type: " .. tostring(c_type)) ffi.C.memset(dst_c_ptr, 0, ffi.sizeof(dst[0])) -- print(vpp.dump(fields_info)) -- print(vpp.dump(src)) for k,v in pairs(src) do local field = fields_info[k] if not field then print("ERROR: field " .. tostring(k) .. " in message " .. tostring(c_type) .. " is unknown") end local lua2c = vpp.t_lua2c[field.c_type] -- print("__MSG__ field " .. tostring(k) .. " : " .. vpp.dump(field)) -- if the field is not an array type, try to coerce the argument to a number if not field.array and type(v) == "string" then v = tonumber(v) end if not lua2c then print("__MSG__ " .. tostring(c_type) .. " t_lua2c: can not store field " .. field.name .. " type " .. field.c_type .. " dst " .. tostring(dst[k])) return 0 end local len = 0 local val = nil if field.array and (type(v) == "table") then print("NTFY: field " .. tostring(k) .. " in message " .. tostring(c_type) .. " is an array") for field_i, field_v in ipairs(v) do print("NTFY: setting member#" .. tostring(field_i) .. " to value " .. vpp.dump(field_v)) local field_len, field_val = lua2c(field.c_type, field_v, dst[k][field_i-1]) len = len + field_len end else len, val = lua2c(field.c_type, v, dst[k]) end if not field.array then dst[k] = val else if 0 == field.array then additional_len = additional_len + len -- print("Adding " .. tostring(len) .. " bytes due to field " .. tostring(field.name)) -- If there is a variable storing the length -- and the input table does not set it, do magic if field.array_size and not src[field.array_size] then local size_field = fields_info[field.array_size] if size_field then dst[field.array_size] = vpp.t_c2lua[size_field.c_type](size_field.c_type, len) end end end end -- print("Full message:\n" .. vpp.hex_dump(ffi.string(ffi.cast('void *', req_store_cache), 64))) end return (ffi.sizeof(dst[0])+additional_len) end vpp.t_c2lua["__MSG__"] = function(c_type, src_ptr, src_len) local out = {} local reply_typed_ptr = ffi.cast(c_type .. " *", src_ptr) local field_desc = vpp.c_type_to_fields[c_type] if src_len then for i = 0,src_len-1 do out[i+1] = vpp.t_c2lua[c_type](c_type, src_ptr[i]) end return out end for k, v in pairs(field_desc) do local v_c2lua = vpp.t_c2lua[v.c_type] if v_c2lua then local len = v.array -- print(dump(v)) if len then local len_field_name = k .. "_length" local len_field = field_desc[len_field_name] if (len_field) then local real_len = vpp.t_c2lua[len_field.c_type](len_field.c_type, reply_typed_ptr[len_field_name]) out[k] = v_c2lua(v.c_type, reply_typed_ptr[k], real_len) elseif len == 0 then -- check if len = 0, then must be a field which contains the size len_field = field_desc[v.array_size] local real_len = vpp.t_c2lua[len_field.c_type](len_field.c_type, reply_typed_ptr[v.array_size]) -- print("REAL length: " .. vpp.dump(v) .. " : " .. tostring(real_len)) out[k] = v_c2lua(v.c_type, reply_typed_ptr[k], real_len) else -- alas, just stuff the entire array out[k] = v_c2lua(v.c_type, reply_typed_ptr[k], len) end else out[k] = v_c2lua(v.c_type, reply_typed_ptr[k]) end else out[k] = "<no accessor function for type " .. tostring(v.c_type) .. ">" end -- print(k, out[k]) end return out end return vpp end function vpp.connect(vpp, client_name) local name = "lua_client" if client_name then name = client_name end local ret = vpp.pneum.pneum_connect_sync(vpp.c_str(client_name), nil) if tonumber(ret) == 0 then vpp.is_connected = true end end function vpp.disconnect(vpp) vpp.pneum.pneum_disconnect() end function vpp.consume_api(vpp, path, plugin_name) -- print("Consuming the VPP api from "..path) local ffii = {} local f = io.open(path, "r") if not f then print("Could not open " .. path) return nil end local data = f:read("*all") -- Remove all C comments data = data:gsub("/%*.-%*/", "") if vpp.is_connected and not plugin_name then print(path .. ": must specify plugin name!") return end if plugin_name then vpp.plugin_version[plugin_name] = vpp.crc_version_string(data) local full_plugin_name = plugin_name .. "_" .. vpp.plugin_version[plugin_name] local reply = vpp:api_call("get_first_msg_id", { name = full_plugin_name } ) vpp.next_msg_num = tonumber(reply[1].first_msg_id) print("Plugin " .. full_plugin_name .. " first message is " .. tostring(vpp.next_msg_num)) end -- print ("data len: ", #data) data = data:gsub("\n(.-)(%S+)%s*{([^}]*)}", function (preamble, name, members) local _, typeonly = preamble:gsub("typeonly", "") local maybe_msg_id_field = { [0] = "u16 _vl_msg_id;", "" } local onedef = "\n\n#pragma pack(1)\ntypedef struct _vl_api_"..name.. " {\n" .. -- " u16 _vl_msg_id;" .. maybe_msg_id_field[typeonly] .. members:gsub("%[[a-zA-Z_]+]", "[0]") .. "} vl_api_" .. name .. "_t;" local c_type = "vl_api_" .. name .. "_t" local fields = {} -- vpp.msg_name_to_fields[name] = fields -- print("CTYPE " .. c_type) vpp.c_type_to_fields[c_type] = fields vpp.t_lua2c[c_type] = vpp.t_lua2c["__MSG__"] vpp.t_c2lua[c_type] = vpp.t_c2lua["__MSG__"] local mirec = { name = "_vl_msg_id", c_type = "u16", array = nil, array_size = nil } if typeonly == 0 then fields[mirec.name] = mirec end -- populate the field reflection table for the message -- sets the various type information as well as the accessors for lua<->C conversion members:gsub("(%S+)%s+(%S+);", function (fieldtype, fieldname) local fieldcount = nil local fieldcountvar = nil -- data = data:gsub("%[[a-zA-Z_]+]", "[0]") fieldname = fieldname:gsub("(%b[])", function(cnt) fieldcount = tonumber(cnt:sub(2, -2)); if not fieldcount then fieldcount = 0 fieldcountvar = cnt:sub(2, -2) end return "" end) local fieldrec = { name = fieldname, c_type = fieldtype, array = fieldcount, array_size = fieldcountvar } if fieldcount then if fieldtype == "u8" then -- any array of bytes is treated as a string elseif vpp.t_lua2c[fieldtype] then -- print("Array of " .. fieldtype .. " is ok!") else print("Unknown array type: ", name, " : " , fieldname, " : ", fieldtype, ":", fieldcount, ":", fieldcountvar) end end fields[fieldname] = fieldrec end) -- print(dump(fields)) if typeonly == 0 then local this_message_number = vpp.next_msg_num vpp.next_msg_num = vpp.next_msg_num + 1 vpp.msg_name_to_number[name] = this_message_number vpp.msg_number_to_name[this_message_number] = name vpp.msg_number_to_type[this_message_number] = "vl_api_" .. name .. "_t" vpp.msg_number_to_pointer_type[this_message_number] = vpp.msg_number_to_type[this_message_number] .. " *" onedef = onedef .. "\n\n enum { vl_msg_" .. name .. " = " .. this_message_number .. " };\n\n" end table.insert(ffii, onedef); return ""; end) local cdef = table.concat(ffii) -- print(cdef) ffi.cdef(cdef) end function vpp.lua2c(vpp, c_type, src, dst_c_ptr) -- returns the number of bytes written to memory pointed by dst local lua2c = vpp.t_lua2c[c_type] if lua2c then return(lua2c(c_type, src, dst_c_ptr)) else print("vpp.lua2c: do not know how to store type " .. c_type) return 0 end end function vpp.c2lua(vpp, c_type, src_ptr, src_len) -- returns the lua data structure local c2lua = vpp.t_c2lua[c_type] if c2lua then return(c2lua(c_type, src_ptr, src_len)) else print("vpp.c2lua: do not know how to load type " .. c_type) return nil end end local req_store_cache = ffi.new("vl_api_opaque_message_t[1]") function vpp.api_write(vpp, api_name, req_table) local msg_num = vpp.msg_name_to_number[api_name] if not msg_num then print ("API call "..api_name.." is not known") return nil end if not req_table then req_table = {} end req_table._vl_msg_id = msg_num local packed_len = vpp:lua2c(vpp.msg_number_to_type[msg_num], req_table, req_store_cache) if vpp.debug_dump then print("Write Message length: " .. tostring(packed_len) .. "\n" .. vpp.hex_dump(ffi.string(ffi.cast('void *', req_store_cache), packed_len))) end res = vpp.pneum.pneum_write(ffi.cast('void *', req_store_cache), packed_len) return res end local rep_store_cache = ffi.new("vl_api_opaque_message_t *[1]") local rep_len_cache = ffi.new("int[1]") function vpp.api_read(vpp) local rep_type = "vl_api_opaque_message_t" local rep = rep_store_cache local replen = rep_len_cache res = vpp.pneum.pneum_read(ffi.cast("void *", rep), replen) if vpp.debug_dump then print("Read Message length: " .. tostring(replen[0]) .. "\n" .. vpp.hex_dump(ffi.string(ffi.cast('void *', rep[0]), replen[0]))) end local reply_msg_num = ffi.C.ntohs(rep[0]._vl_msg_id) local reply_msg_name = vpp.msg_number_to_name[reply_msg_num] local reply_typed_ptr = ffi.cast(vpp.msg_number_to_pointer_type[reply_msg_num], rep[0]) local out = vpp:c2lua(vpp.msg_number_to_type[reply_msg_num], rep[0], nil, replen[0]) if type(out) == "table" then out["luaapi_message_name"] = reply_msg_name end vpp.pneum.pneum_data_free(ffi.cast('void *',rep[0])) return reply_msg_name, out end function vpp.api_call(vpp, api_name, req_table, options_in) local msg_num = vpp.msg_name_to_number[api_name] local end_message_name = api_name .."_reply" local replies = {} local cstruct = "" local options = options_in or {} if msg_num then vpp:api_write(api_name, req_table) if not vpp.msg_name_to_number[end_message_name] or options.force_ping then end_message_name = "control_ping_reply" vpp:api_write("control_ping") end repeat reply_message_name, reply = vpp:api_read() if reply and not reply.context then -- there may be async events inbetween table.insert(vpp.events, reply) else if reply_message_name ~= "control_ping_reply" then -- do not insert the control ping encapsulation table.insert(replies, reply) end end -- print(reply) until reply_message_name == end_message_name else print(api_name .. " is an unknown API call") return nil end return replies end return vpp