#!/usr/bin/env python import unittest import socket from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner from vpp_ip import DpoProto from vpp_ip_route import VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath, VppMplsRoute, \ VppMplsIpBind, VppIpMRoute, VppMRoutePath, \ MRouteItfFlags, MRouteEntryFlags, VppIpTable, VppMplsTable, \ VppMplsLabel, MplsLspMode, find_mpls_route from vpp_mpls_tunnel_interface import VppMPLSTunnelInterface import scapy.compat from scapy.packet import Raw from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP, ICMP from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6, ICMPv6TimeExceeded from scapy.contrib.mpls import MPLS def verify_filter(capture, sent): if not len(capture) == len(sent): # filter out any IPv6 RAs from the capture for p in capture: if p.haslayer(IPv6): capture.remove(p) return capture def verify_mpls_stack(tst, rx, mpls_labels): # the rx'd packet has the MPLS label popped eth = rx[Ether] tst.assertEqual(eth.type, 0x8847) rx_mpls = rx[MPLS] for ii in range(len(mpls_labels)): tst.assertEqual(rx_mpls.label, mpls_labels[ii].value) tst.assertEqual(rx_mpls.cos, mpls_labels[ii].exp) tst.assertEqual(rx_mpls.ttl, mpls_labels[ii].ttl) if ii == len(mpls_labels) - 1: tst.assertEqual(rx_mpls.s, 1) else: # not end of stack tst.assertEqual(rx_mpls.s, 0) # pop the label to expose the next rx_mpls = rx_mpls[MPLS].payload class TestMPLS(VppTestCase): """ MPLS Test Case """ def setUp(self): super(TestMPLS, self).setUp() # create 2 pg interfaces self.create_pg_interfaces(range(4)) # setup both interfaces # assign them different tables. table_id = 0 self.tables = [] tbl = VppMplsTable(self, 0) tbl.add_vpp_config() self.tables.append(tbl) for i in self.pg_interfaces: i.admin_up() if table_id != 0: tbl = VppIpTable(self, table_id) tbl.add_vpp_config() self.tables.append(tbl) tbl = VppIpTable(self, table_id, is_ip6=1) tbl.add_vpp_config() self.tables.append(tbl) i.set_table_ip4(table_id) i.set_table_ip6(table_id) i.config_ip4() i.resolve_arp() i.config_ip6() i.resolve_ndp() i.enable_mpls() table_id += 1 def tearDown(self): for i in self.pg_interfaces: i.unconfig_ip4() i.unconfig_ip6() i.ip6_disable() i.set_table_ip4(0) i.set_table_ip6(0) i.disable_mpls() i.admin_down() super(TestMPLS, self).tearDown() # the default of 64 matches the IP packet TTL default def create_stream_labelled_ip4( self, src_if, mpls_labels, ping=0, ip_itf=None, dst_ip=None, chksum=None, ip_ttl=64, n=257): self.reset_packet_infos() pkts = [] for i in range(0, n): info = self.create_packet_info(src_if, src_if) payload = self.info_to_payload(info) p = Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_if.remote_mac) for ii in range(len(mpls_labels)): p = p / MPLS(label=mpls_labels[ii].value, ttl=mpls_labels[ii].ttl, cos=mpls_labels[ii].exp) if not ping: if not dst_ip: p = (p / IP(src=src_if.local_ip4, dst=src_if.remote_ip4, ttl=ip_ttl) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(payload)) else: p = (p / IP(src=src_if.local_ip4, dst=dst_ip, ttl=ip_ttl) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(payload)) else: p = (p / IP(src=ip_itf.remote_ip4, dst=ip_itf.local_ip4, ttl=ip_ttl) / ICMP()) if chksum: p[IP].chksum = chksum info.data = p.copy() pkts.append(p) return pkts def create_stream_ip4(self, src_if, dst_ip, ip_ttl=64, ip_dscp=0): self.reset_packet_infos() pkts = [] for i in range(0, 257): info = self.create_packet_info(src_if, src_if) payload = self.info_to_payload(info) p = (Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_if.remote_mac) / IP(src=src_if.remote_ip4, dst=dst_ip, ttl=ip_ttl, tos=ip_dscp) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(payload)) info.data = p.copy() pkts.append(p) return pkts def create_stream_ip6(self, src_if, dst_ip, ip_ttl=64, ip_dscp=0): self.reset_packet_infos() pkts = [] for i in range(0, 257): info = self.create_packet_info(src_if, src_if) payload = self.info_to_payload(info) p = (Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_if.remote_mac) / IPv6(src=src_if.remote_ip6, dst=dst_ip, hlim=ip_ttl, tc=ip_dscp) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(payload)) info.data = p.copy() pkts.append(p) return pkts def create_stream_labelled_ip6(self, src_if, mpls_labels, hlim=64, dst_ip=None): if dst_ip is None: dst_ip = src_if.remote_ip6 self.reset_packet_infos() pkts = [] for i in range(0, 257): info = self.create_packet_info(src_if, src_if) payload = self.info_to_payload(info) p = Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_if.remote_mac) for l in mpls_labels: p = p / MPLS(label=l.value, ttl=l.ttl, cos=l.exp) p = p / (IPv6(src=src_if.remote_ip6, dst=dst_ip, hlim=hlim) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(payload)) info.data = p.copy() pkts.append(p) return pkts def verify_capture_ip4(self, src_if, capture, sent, ping_resp=0, ip_ttl=None, ip_dscp=0): try: capture = verify_filter(capture, sent) self.assertEqual(len(capture), len(sent)) for i in range(len(capture)): tx = sent[i] rx = capture[i] # the rx'd packet has the MPLS label popped eth = rx[Ether] self.assertEqual(eth.type, 0x800) tx_ip = tx[IP] rx_ip = rx[IP] if not ping_resp: self.assertEqual(rx_ip.src, tx_ip.src)

if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
    cat - <<EOF

Copies files from one directory to another with possible

Files named FILE.spp will be transformed via the spp preprocessor
subject to environment definitions.  Source FILE.copyimgspp results in
destination file FILE in the corresponding destination directory.

Files named FILE.copyimgsh are run as shell scripts in (i.e. via chdir)
the corresponding destination directory (and not copied).

First regular files are copied.  Then transformations are preformed.
Finally, shell scripts are run.
  exit 1;


FILTER=" -and -not -name '*~'";
FILTER="${FILTER} -and -not -name '.*~'";
FILTER="$FILTER -and -not -path '*/.git*'";
FILTER="$FILTER -and -not -path '*/.svn*'";
FILTER="$FILTER -and -not -path '*/.CVS*'";

FROM_FILES=`(cd $FROM_DIR; eval "find . -not -type d $FILTER")`;
 FROM_DIRS=`(cd $FROM_DIR; eval "find .      -type d $FILTER")`;

for f in $FROM_FILES; do
  case $f in
    *.copyimgspp) SPP_FILES="$SPP_FILES $f" ;;
    *.copyimgsh)   SH_FILES="$SH_FILES $f" ;;
    *)		 COPY_FILES="$COPY_FILES $f";;

# Make destination directories.
mkdir -p $TO_DIR;
if [ "$FROM_DIRS" != "" ]; then
  for d in $FROM_DIRS; do
    mkdir -p $TO_DIR/$d;

# Copy files
if [ "$COPY_FILES" != "" ]; then
    tar -cf - -C $FROM_DIR $COPY_FILES | tar --preserve-permissions -xf - -C $TO_DIR;

# Use spp to transform any spp files
if [ "$SPP_FILES" != "" ]; then
  for f in $SPP_FILES; do
    d=`dirname $f`;
    b=`basename $f .copyimgspp`;
    mkdir -p $TO_DIR/$d;
    spp -o $TO_DIR/$d/$b $FROM_DIR/$f || exit 1;

# Now that all files have been copied/created we run any shell scripts
ABS_FROM_DIR=`(cd $FROM_DIR; pwd)`;
if [ "$SH_FILES" != "" ]; then
  # Allow directory to define some functions
  if [ -f $FROM_DIR/copyimgsh-functions.sh ]; then
    . $FROM_DIR/copyimgsh-functions.sh ;
  fi ;
  for f in $SH_FILES; do
    d=`dirname $f`;
    b=`basename $f`;
    mkdir -p $TO_DIR/$d;
    (cd $TO_DIR/$d; . $ABS_FROM_DIR/$d/$b) || exit 1;
abel(44)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(45, ttl=63)]) # IP stream tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(45)]) # # cleanup # binding.remove_vpp_config() route_10_0_0_1.remove_vpp_config() def test_imposition(self): """ MPLS label imposition test """ # # Add a non-recursive route with a single out label # route_10_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute(self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath(self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32)])]) route_10_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() # # a stream that matches the route for # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32)]) # # Add a non-recursive route with a 3 out labels # route_10_0_0_2 = VppIpRoute(self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath(self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32), VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(34)])]) route_10_0_0_2.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "", ip_ttl=44, ip_dscp=0xff) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32), VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(34)], ip_ttl=43) # # Add a non-recursive route with a single out label in uniform mode # route_10_0_0_3 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath(self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32, mode=MplsLspMode.UNIFORM)])]) route_10_0_0_3.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "", ip_ttl=54, ip_dscp=0xbe) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32, ttl=53, exp=5)]) # # Add a IPv6 non-recursive route with a single out label in # uniform mode # route_2001_3 = VppIpRoute( self, "2001::3", 128, [VppRoutePath(self.pg0.remote_ip6, self.pg0.sw_if_index, proto=DpoProto.DPO_PROTO_IP6, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32, mode=MplsLspMode.UNIFORM)])], is_ip6=1) route_2001_3.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_ip6(self.pg0, "2001::3", ip_ttl=54, ip_dscp=0xbe) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip6(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32, ttl=53, exp=5)]) # # add a recursive path, with output label, via the 1 label route # route_11_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute(self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("", 0xffffffff, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44)])]) route_11_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() # # a stream that matches the route for, should pick up # the label stack for and # tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32), VppMplsLabel(44)]) self.assertEqual(route_11_0_0_1.get_stats_to()['packets'], 257) # # add a recursive path, with 2 labels, via the 3 label route # route_11_0_0_2 = VppIpRoute(self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("", 0xffffffff, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(45)])]) route_11_0_0_2.add_vpp_config() # # a stream that matches the route for, should pick up # the label stack for and # tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32), VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(34), VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(45)]) self.assertEqual(route_11_0_0_2.get_stats_to()['packets'], 257) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32), VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(34), VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(45)]) self.assertEqual(route_11_0_0_2.get_stats_to()['packets'], 514) # # cleanup # route_11_0_0_2.remove_vpp_config() route_11_0_0_1.remove_vpp_config() route_10_0_0_2.remove_vpp_config() route_10_0_0_1.remove_vpp_config() def test_tunnel_pipe(self): """ MPLS Tunnel Tests - Pipe """ # # Create a tunnel with a single out label # mpls_tun = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [VppRoutePath(self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46)])]) mpls_tun.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun.admin_up() # # add an unlabelled route through the new tunnel # route_10_0_0_3 = VppIpRoute(self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun._sw_if_index)]) route_10_0_0_3.add_vpp_config() self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg0.get_capture() self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46)]) # # add a labelled route through the new tunnel # route_10_0_0_4 = VppIpRoute(self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun._sw_if_index, labels=[33])]) route_10_0_0_4.add_vpp_config() self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg0.get_capture() self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46), VppMplsLabel(33, ttl=255)]) def test_tunnel_uniform(self): """ MPLS Tunnel Tests - Uniform """ # # Create a tunnel with a single out label # The label stack is specified here from outer to inner # mpls_tun = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [VppRoutePath(self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44, ttl=32), VppMplsLabel(46, MplsLspMode.UNIFORM)])]) mpls_tun.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun.admin_up() # # add an unlabelled route through the new tunnel # route_10_0_0_3 = VppIpRoute(self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun._sw_if_index)]) route_10_0_0_3.add_vpp_config() self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "", ip_ttl=24) self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg0.get_capture() self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(44, ttl=32), VppMplsLabel(46, ttl=23)]) # # add a labelled route through the new tunnel # route_10_0_0_4 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun._sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(33, ttl=47)])]) route_10_0_0_4.add_vpp_config() self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg0.get_capture() self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(44, ttl=32), VppMplsLabel(46, ttl=47), VppMplsLabel(33, ttl=47)]) def test_mpls_tunnel_many(self): """ Multiple Tunnels """ for ii in range(10): mpls_tun = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [VppRoutePath(self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44, ttl=32), VppMplsLabel(46, MplsLspMode.UNIFORM)])]) mpls_tun.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun.admin_up() def test_v4_exp_null(self): """ MPLS V4 Explicit NULL test """ # # The first test case has an MPLS TTL of 0 # all packet should be dropped # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(0, ttl=0)]) self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, tx, "MPLS TTL=0 packets forwarded") # # a stream with a non-zero MPLS TTL # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(0)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx) # # a stream with a non-zero MPLS TTL # PG1 is in table 1 # we are ensuring the post-pop lookup occurs in the VRF table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg1, [VppMplsLabel(0)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg1, rx, tx) def test_v6_exp_null(self): """ MPLS V6 Explicit NULL test """ # # a stream with a non-zero MPLS TTL # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(2)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip6(self.pg0, rx, tx) # # a stream with a non-zero MPLS TTL # PG1 is in table 1 # we are ensuring the post-pop lookup occurs in the VRF table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6(self.pg1, [VppMplsLabel(2)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip6(self.pg0, rx, tx) def test_deag(self): """ MPLS Deagg """ # # A de-agg route - next-hop lookup in default table # route_34_eos = VppMplsRoute(self, 34, 1, [VppRoutePath("", 0xffffffff, nh_table_id=0)]) route_34_eos.add_vpp_config() # # ping an interface in the default table # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], ping=1, ip_itf=self.pg0) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, ping_resp=1) # # A de-agg route - next-hop lookup in non-default table # route_35_eos = VppMplsRoute(self, 35, 1, [VppRoutePath("", 0xffffffff, nh_table_id=1)]) route_35_eos.add_vpp_config() # # ping an interface in the non-default table # PG0 is in the default table. packet arrive labelled in the # default table and egress unlabelled in the non-default # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(35)], ping=1, ip_itf=self.pg1) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg1, rx, tx, ping_resp=1) # # Double pop # route_36_neos = VppMplsRoute(self, 36, 0, [VppRoutePath("", 0xffffffff)]) route_36_neos.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(36), VppMplsLabel(35)], ping=1, ip_itf=self.pg1) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg1, rx, tx, ping_resp=1) route_36_neos.remove_vpp_config() route_35_eos.remove_vpp_config() route_34_eos.remove_vpp_config() def test_interface_rx(self): """ MPLS Interface Receive """ # # Add a non-recursive route that will forward the traffic # post-interface-rx # route_10_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute(self, "", 32, table_id=1, paths=[VppRoutePath(self.pg1.remote_ip4, self.pg1.sw_if_index)]) route_10_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() # # An interface receive label that maps traffic to RX on interface # pg1 # by injecting the packet in on pg0, which is in table 0 # doing an interface-rx on pg1 and matching a route in table 1 # if the packet egresses, then we must have swapped to pg1 # so as to have matched the route in table 1 # route_34_eos = VppMplsRoute(self, 34, 1, [VppRoutePath("", self.pg1.sw_if_index, is_interface_rx=1)]) route_34_eos.add_vpp_config() # # ping an interface in the default table # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg1, rx, tx) def test_mcast_mid_point(self): """ MPLS Multicast Mid Point """ # # Add a non-recursive route that will forward the traffic # post-interface-rx # route_10_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute(self, "", 32, table_id=1, paths=[VppRoutePath(self.pg1.remote_ip4, self.pg1.sw_if_index)]) route_10_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() # # Add a mcast entry that replicate to pg2 and pg3 # and replicate to a interface-rx (like a bud node would) # route_3400_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 3400, 1, [VppRoutePath(self.pg2.remote_ip4, self.pg2.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(3401)]), VppRoutePath(self.pg3.remote_ip4, self.pg3.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(3402)]), VppRoutePath("", self.pg1.sw_if_index, is_interface_rx=1)], is_multicast=1) route_3400_eos.add_vpp_config() # # ping an interface in the default table # PG0 is in the default table # self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(3400, ttl=64)], n=257, dst_ip="") self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg1.get_capture(257) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg1, rx, tx) rx = self.pg2.get_capture(257) self.verify_capture_labelled(self.pg2, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(3401, ttl=63)]) rx = self.pg3.get_capture(257) self.verify_capture_labelled(self.pg3, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(3402, ttl=63)]) def test_mcast_head(self): """ MPLS Multicast Head-end """ # # Create a multicast tunnel with two replications # mpls_tun = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [VppRoutePath(self.pg2.remote_ip4, self.pg2.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(42)]), VppRoutePath(self.pg3.remote_ip4, self.pg3.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(43)])], is_multicast=1) mpls_tun.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun.admin_up() # # add an unlabelled route through the new tunnel # route_10_0_0_3 = VppIpRoute(self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun._sw_if_index)]) route_10_0_0_3.add_vpp_config() self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg2.get_capture(257) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(42)]) rx = self.pg3.get_capture(257) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(43)]) # # An an IP multicast route via the tunnel # A (*,G). # one accepting interface, pg0, 1 forwarding interface via the tunnel # route_232_1_1_1 = VppIpMRoute( self, "", "", 32, MRouteEntryFlags.MFIB_ENTRY_FLAG_NONE, [VppMRoutePath(self.pg0.sw_if_index, MRouteItfFlags.MFIB_ITF_FLAG_ACCEPT), VppMRoutePath(mpls_tun._sw_if_index, MRouteItfFlags.MFIB_ITF_FLAG_FORWARD)]) route_232_1_1_1.add_vpp_config() self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg2.get_capture(257) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(42)]) rx = self.pg3.get_capture(257) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(43)]) def test_mcast_ip4_tail(self): """ MPLS IPv4 Multicast Tail """ # # Add a multicast route that will forward the traffic # post-disposition # route_232_1_1_1 = VppIpMRoute( self, "", "", 32, MRouteEntryFlags.MFIB_ENTRY_FLAG_NONE, table_id=1, paths=[VppMRoutePath(self.pg1.sw_if_index, MRouteItfFlags.MFIB_ITF_FLAG_FORWARD)]) route_232_1_1_1.add_vpp_config() # # An interface receive label that maps traffic to RX on interface # pg1 # by injecting the packet in on pg0, which is in table 0 # doing an rpf-id and matching a route in table 1 # if the packet egresses, then we must have matched the route in # table 1 # route_34_eos = VppMplsRoute(self, 34, 1, [VppRoutePath("", self.pg1.sw_if_index, nh_table_id=1, rpf_id=55)], is_multicast=1) route_34_eos.add_vpp_config() # # Drop due to interface lookup miss # self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="", n=1) self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, tx, "RPF-ID drop none") # # set the RPF-ID of the enrtry to match the input packet's # route_232_1_1_1.update_rpf_id(55) tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg1, rx, tx) # # disposed packets have an invalid IPv4 checkusm # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="", n=65, chksum=1) self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, tx, "Invalid Checksum") # # set the RPF-ID of the entry to not match the input packet's # route_232_1_1_1.update_rpf_id(56) tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="") self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, tx, "RPF-ID drop 56") def test_mcast_ip6_tail(self): """ MPLS IPv6 Multicast Tail """ # # Add a multicast route that will forward the traffic # post-disposition # route_ff = VppIpMRoute( self, "::", "ff01::1", 32, MRouteEntryFlags.MFIB_ENTRY_FLAG_NONE, table_id=1, paths=[VppMRoutePath(self.pg1.sw_if_index, MRouteItfFlags.MFIB_ITF_FLAG_FORWARD)], is_ip6=1) route_ff.add_vpp_config() # # An interface receive label that maps traffic to RX on interface # pg1 # by injecting the packet in on pg0, which is in table 0 # doing an rpf-id and matching a route in table 1 # if the packet egresses, then we must have matched the route in # table 1 # route_34_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 34, 1, [VppRoutePath("::", self.pg1.sw_if_index, nh_table_id=1, rpf_id=55, proto=DpoProto.DPO_PROTO_IP6)], is_multicast=1) route_34_eos.add_vpp_config() # # Drop due to interface lookup miss # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="ff01::1") self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, tx, "RPF Miss") # # set the RPF-ID of the enrtry to match the input packet's # route_ff.update_rpf_id(55) tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="ff01::1") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip6(self.pg1, rx, tx) # # disposed packets have hop-limit = 1 # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="ff01::1", hlim=1) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip6_icmp(self.pg0, rx, tx) # # set the RPF-ID of the enrtry to not match the input packet's # route_ff.update_rpf_id(56) tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="ff01::1") self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, tx, "RPF-ID drop 56") class TestMPLSDisabled(VppTestCase): """ MPLS disabled """ def setUp(self): super(TestMPLSDisabled, self).setUp() # create 2 pg interfaces self.create_pg_interfaces(range(2)) self.tbl = VppMplsTable(self, 0) self.tbl.add_vpp_config() # PG0 is MPLS enalbed self.pg0.admin_up() self.pg0.config_ip4() self.pg0.resolve_arp() self.pg0.enable_mpls() # PG 1 is not MPLS enabled self.pg1.admin_up() def tearDown(self): for i in self.pg_interfaces: i.unconfig_ip4() i.admin_down() self.pg0.disable_mpls() super(TestMPLSDisabled, self).tearDown() def test_mpls_disabled(self): """ MPLS Disabled """ tx = (Ether(src=self.pg1.remote_mac, dst=self.pg1.local_mac) / MPLS(label=32, ttl=64) / IPv6(src="2001::1", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip6) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw('\xa5' * 100)) # # A simple MPLS xconnect - eos label in label out # route_32_eos = VppMplsRoute(self, 32, 1, [VppRoutePath(self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[33])]) route_32_eos.add_vpp_config() # # PG1 does not forward IP traffic # self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg1, tx, "MPLS disabled") # # MPLS enable PG1 # self.pg1.enable_mpls() # # Now we get packets through # self.pg1.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg0.get_capture(1) # # Disable PG1 # self.pg1.disable_mpls() # # PG1 does not forward IP traffic # self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg1, tx, "IPv6 disabled") self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg1, tx, "IPv6 disabled") class TestMPLSPIC(VppTestCase): """ MPLS PIC edge convergence """ def setUp(self): super(TestMPLSPIC, self).setUp() # create 2 pg interfaces self.create_pg_interfaces(range(4)) mpls_tbl = VppMplsTable(self, 0) mpls_tbl.add_vpp_config() tbl4 = VppIpTable(self, 1) tbl4.add_vpp_config() tbl6 = VppIpTable(self, 1, is_ip6=1) tbl6.add_vpp_config() # core links self.pg0.admin_up() self.pg0.config_ip4() self.pg0.resolve_arp() self.pg0.enable_mpls() self.pg1.admin_up() self.pg1.config_ip4() self.pg1.resolve_arp() self.pg1.enable_mpls() # VRF (customer facing) link self.pg2.admin_up() self.pg2.set_table_ip4(1) self.pg2.config_ip4() self.pg2.resolve_arp() self.pg2.set_table_ip6(1) self.pg2.config_ip6() self.pg2.resolve_ndp() self.pg3.admin_up() self.pg3.set_table_ip4(1) self.pg3.config_ip4() self.pg3.resolve_arp() self.pg3.set_table_ip6(1) self.pg3.config_ip6() self.pg3.resolve_ndp() def tearDown(self): self.pg0.disable_mpls() self.pg1.disable_mpls() for i in self.pg_interfaces: i.unconfig_ip4() i.unconfig_ip6() i.set_table_ip4(0) i.set_table_ip6(0) i.admin_down() super(TestMPLSPIC, self).tearDown() def test_mpls_ibgp_pic(self): """ MPLS iBGP PIC edge convergence 1) setup many iBGP VPN routes via a pair of iBGP peers. 2) Check EMCP forwarding to these peers 3) withdraw the IGP route to one of these peers. 4) check forwarding continues to the remaining peer """ # # IGP+LDP core routes # core_10_0_0_45 = VppIpRoute(self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath(self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[45])]) core_10_0_0_45.add_vpp_config() core_10_0_0_46 = VppIpRoute(self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath(self.pg1.remote_ip4, self.pg1.sw_if_index, labels=[46])]) core_10_0_0_46.add_vpp_config() # # Lot's of VPN routes. We need more the 64 so VPP will build # the fast convergence indirection # vpn_routes = [] pkts = [] for ii in range(64): dst = "192.168.1.%d" % ii vpn_routes.append(VppIpRoute(self, dst, 32, [VppRoutePath("", 0xffffffff, labels=[145], is_resolve_host=1), VppRoutePath("", 0xffffffff, labels=[146], is_resolve_host=1)], table_id=1)) vpn_routes[ii].add_vpp_config() pkts.append(Ether(dst=self.pg2.local_mac, src=self.pg2.remote_mac) / IP(src=self.pg2.remote_ip4, dst=dst) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw('\xa5' * 100)) # # Send the packet stream (one pkt to each VPN route) # - expect a 50-50 split of the traffic # self.pg2.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg0._get_capture(1) rx1 = self.pg1._get_capture(1) # not testig the LB hashing algorithm so we're not concerned # with the split ratio, just as long as neither is 0 self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx0)) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx1)) # # use a test CLI command to stop the FIB walk process, this # will prevent the FIB converging the VPN routes and thus allow # us to probe the interim (psot-fail, pre-converge) state # self.vapi.ppcli("test fib-walk-process disable") # # Withdraw one of the IGP routes # core_10_0_0_46.remove_vpp_config() # # now all packets should be forwarded through the remaining peer # self.vapi.ppcli("clear trace") self.pg2.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg0.get_capture(len(pkts)) # # enable the FIB walk process to converge the FIB # self.vapi.ppcli("test fib-walk-process enable") # # packets should still be forwarded through the remaining peer # self.pg2.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg0.get_capture(64) # # Add the IGP route back and we return to load-balancing # core_10_0_0_46.add_vpp_config() self.pg2.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg0._get_capture(1) rx1 = self.pg1._get_capture(1) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx0)) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx1)) def test_mpls_ebgp_pic(self): """ MPLS eBGP PIC edge convergence 1) setup many eBGP VPN routes via a pair of eBGP peers 2) Check EMCP forwarding to these peers 3) withdraw one eBGP path - expect LB across remaining eBGP """ # # Lot's of VPN routes. We need more the 64 so VPP will build # the fast convergence indirection # vpn_routes = [] vpn_bindings = [] pkts = [] for ii in range(64): dst = "192.168.1.%d" % ii local_label = 1600 + ii vpn_routes.append(VppIpRoute(self, dst, 32, [VppRoutePath(self.pg2.remote_ip4, 0xffffffff, nh_table_id=1, is_resolve_attached=1), VppRoutePath(self.pg3.remote_ip4, 0xffffffff, nh_table_id=1, is_resolve_attached=1)], table_id=1)) vpn_routes[ii].add_vpp_config() vpn_bindings.append(VppMplsIpBind(self, local_label, dst, 32, ip_table_id=1)) vpn_bindings[ii].add_vpp_config() pkts.append(Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / MPLS(label=local_label, ttl=64) / IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst=dst) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw('\xa5' * 100)) self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg2._get_capture(1) rx1 = self.pg3._get_capture(1) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx0)) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx1)) # # use a test CLI command to stop the FIB walk process, this # will prevent the FIB converging the VPN routes and thus allow # us to probe the interim (psot-fail, pre-converge) state # self.vapi.ppcli("test fib-walk-process disable") # # withdraw the connected prefix on the interface. # self.pg2.unconfig_ip4() # # now all packets should be forwarded through the remaining peer # self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg3.get_capture(len(pkts)) # # enable the FIB walk process to converge the FIB # self.vapi.ppcli("test fib-walk-process enable") self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg3.get_capture(len(pkts)) # # put the connecteds back # self.pg2.config_ip4() self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg2._get_capture(1) rx1 = self.pg3._get_capture(1) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx0)) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx1)) def test_mpls_v6_ebgp_pic(self): """ MPLSv6 eBGP PIC edge convergence 1) setup many eBGP VPNv6 routes via a pair of eBGP peers 2) Check EMCP forwarding to these peers 3) withdraw one eBGP path - expect LB across remaining eBGP """ # # Lot's of VPN routes. We need more the 64 so VPP will build # the fast convergence indirection # vpn_routes = [] vpn_bindings = [] pkts = [] for ii in range(64): dst = "3000::%d" % ii local_label = 1600 + ii vpn_routes.append(VppIpRoute( self, dst, 128, [VppRoutePath(self.pg2.remote_ip6, 0xffffffff, nh_table_id=1, is_resolve_attached=1, proto=DpoProto.DPO_PROTO_IP6), VppRoutePath(self.pg3.remote_ip6, 0xffffffff, nh_table_id=1, proto=DpoProto.DPO_PROTO_IP6, is_resolve_attached=1)], table_id=1, is_ip6=1)) vpn_routes[ii].add_vpp_config() vpn_bindings.append(VppMplsIpBind(self, local_label, dst, 128, ip_table_id=1, is_ip6=1)) vpn_bindings[ii].add_vpp_config() pkts.append(Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / MPLS(label=local_label, ttl=64) / IPv6(src=self.pg0.remote_ip6, dst=dst) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw('\xa5' * 100)) self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg2._get_capture(1) rx1 = self.pg3._get_capture(1) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx0)) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx1)) # # use a test CLI command to stop the FIB walk process, this # will prevent the FIB converging the VPN routes and thus allow # us to probe the interim (psot-fail, pre-converge) state # self.vapi.ppcli("test fib-walk-process disable") # # withdraw the connected prefix on the interface. # and shutdown the interface so the ND cache is flushed. # self.pg2.unconfig_ip6() self.pg2.admin_down() # # now all packets should be forwarded through the remaining peer # self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg3.get_capture(len(pkts)) # # enable the FIB walk process to converge the FIB # self.vapi.ppcli("test fib-walk-process enable") self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg3.get_capture(len(pkts)) # # put the connecteds back # self.pg2.admin_up() self.pg2.config_ip6() self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg2._get_capture(1) rx1 = self.pg3._get_capture(1) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx0)) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx1)) class TestMPLSL2(VppTestCase): """ MPLS-L2 """ def setUp(self): super(TestMPLSL2, self).setUp() # create 2 pg interfaces self.create_pg_interfaces(range(2)) # create the default MPLS table self.tables = [] tbl = VppMplsTable(self, 0) tbl.add_vpp_config() self.tables.append(tbl) # use pg0 as the core facing interface self.pg0.admin_up() self.pg0.config_ip4() self.pg0.resolve_arp() self.pg0.enable_mpls() # use the other 2 for customer facing L2 links for i in self.pg_interfaces[1:]: i.admin_up() def tearDown(self): for i in self.pg_interfaces[1:]: i.admin_down() self.pg0.disable_mpls() self.pg0.unconfig_ip4() self.pg0.admin_down() super(TestMPLSL2, self).tearDown() def verify_capture_tunneled_ethernet(self, capture, sent, mpls_labels): capture = verify_filter(capture, sent) self.assertEqual(len(capture), len(sent)) for i in range(len(capture)): tx = sent[i] rx = capture[i] # the MPLS TTL is 255 since it enters a new tunnel verify_mpls_stack(self, rx, mpls_labels) tx_eth = tx[Ether] rx_eth = Ether(scapy.compat.raw(rx[MPLS].payload)) self.assertEqual(rx_eth.src, tx_eth.src) self.assertEqual(rx_eth.dst, tx_eth.dst) def test_vpws(self): """ Virtual Private Wire Service """ # # Create an MPLS tunnel that pushes 1 label # For Ethernet over MPLS the uniform mode is irrelevant since ttl/cos # information is not in the packet, but we test it works anyway # mpls_tun_1 = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [VppRoutePath(self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(42, MplsLspMode.UNIFORM)])], is_l2=1) mpls_tun_1.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun_1.admin_up() # # Create a label entry to for 55 that does L2 input to the tunnel # route_55_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 55, 1, [VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun_1.sw_if_index, is_interface_rx=1, proto=DpoProto.DPO_PROTO_ETHERNET)]) route_55_eos.add_vpp_config() # # Cross-connect the tunnel with one of the customers L2 interfaces # self.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_xconnect(self.pg1.sw_if_index, mpls_tun_1.sw_if_index, enable=1) self.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_xconnect(mpls_tun_1.sw_if_index, self.pg1.sw_if_index, enable=1) # # inject a packet from the core # pcore = (Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / MPLS(label=55, ttl=64) / Ether(dst="00:00:de:ad:ba:be", src="00:00:de:ad:be:ef") / IP(src="", dst="") / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw('\xa5' * 100)) tx0 = pcore * 65 rx0 = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx0, self.pg1) payload = pcore[MPLS].payload self.assertEqual(rx0[0][Ether].dst, payload[Ether].dst) self.assertEqual(rx0[0][Ether].src, payload[Ether].src) # # Inject a packet from the custoer/L2 side # tx1 = pcore[MPLS].payload * 65 rx1 = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, tx1, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ethernet(rx1, tx1, [VppMplsLabel(42)]) def test_vpls(self): """ Virtual Private LAN Service """ # # Create an L2 MPLS tunnel # mpls_tun = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [VppRoutePath(self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(42)])], is_l2=1) mpls_tun.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun.admin_up() # # Create a label entry to for 55 that does L2 input to the tunnel # route_55_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 55, 1, [VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun.sw_if_index, is_interface_rx=1, proto=DpoProto.DPO_PROTO_ETHERNET)]) route_55_eos.add_vpp_config() # # add to tunnel to the customers bridge-domain # self.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_bridge( rx_sw_if_index=mpls_tun.sw_if_index, bd_id=1) self.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_bridge( rx_sw_if_index=self.pg1.sw_if_index, bd_id=1) # # Packet from the customer interface and from the core # p_cust = (Ether(dst="00:00:de:ad:ba:be", src="00:00:de:ad:be:ef") / IP(src="", dst="") / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw('\xa5' * 100)) p_core = (Ether(src="00:00:de:ad:ba:be", dst="00:00:de:ad:be:ef") / IP(dst="", src="") / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw('\xa5' * 100)) # # The BD is learning, so send in one of each packet to learn # p_core_encap = (Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / MPLS(label=55, ttl=64) / p_core) self.pg1.add_stream(p_cust) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() self.pg0.add_stream(p_core_encap) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() # we've learnt this so expect it be be forwarded rx0 = self.pg1.get_capture(1) self.assertEqual(rx0[0][Ether].dst, p_core[Ether].dst) self.assertEqual(rx0[0][Ether].src, p_core[Ether].src) # # now a stream in each direction # self.pg1.add_stream(p_cust * 65) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg0.get_capture(65) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ethernet(rx0, p_cust*65, [VppMplsLabel(42)]) # # remove interfaces from customers bridge-domain # self.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_bridge( rx_sw_if_index=mpls_tun.sw_if_index, bd_id=1, enable=0) self.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_bridge( rx_sw_if_index=self.pg1.sw_if_index, bd_id=1, enable=0) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(testRunner=VppTestRunner)