#!/usr/bin/env python3 import unittest from framework import VppTestCase from asfframework import VppTestRunner, tag_fixme_vpp_workers from vpp_ip import INVALID_INDEX from vpp_ip_route import ( VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath, VppMplsRoute, VppMplsIpBind, VppIpMRoute, VppMRoutePath, VppIpTable, VppMplsTable, VppMplsLabel, MplsLspMode, find_mpls_route, FibPathProto, FibPathType, FibPathFlags, VppMplsLabel, MplsLspMode, ) from vpp_mpls_tunnel_interface import VppMPLSTunnelInterface from vpp_papi import VppEnum from config import config import scapy.compat from scapy.packet import Raw from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether, ARP from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP, ICMP, icmptypes, icmpcodes from scapy.layers.inet6 import ( IPv6, ICMPv6TimeExceeded, ICMPv6EchoRequest, ICMPv6PacketTooBig, ) from scapy.contrib.mpls import MPLS NUM_PKTS = 67 # scapy removed these attributes. # we asked that they be restored: https://github.com/secdev/scapy/pull/1878 # semantic names have more meaning than numbers. so here they are. ARP.who_has = 1 ARP.is_at = 2 def verify_filter(capture, sent): if not len(capture) == len(sent): # filter out any IPv6 RAs from the capture for p in capture: if p.haslayer(IPv6): capture.remove(p) return capture def verify_mpls_stack(tst, rx, mpls_labels): # the rx'd packet has the MPLS label popped eth = rx[Ether] tst.assertEqual(eth.type, 0x8847) rx_mpls = rx[MPLS] for ii in range(len(mpls_labels)): tst.assertEqual(rx_mpls.label, mpls_labels[ii].value) tst.assertEqual(rx_mpls.cos, mpls_labels[ii].exp) tst.assertEqual(rx_mpls.ttl, mpls_labels[ii].ttl) if ii == len(mpls_labels) - 1: tst.assertEqual(rx_mpls.s, 1) else: # not end of stack tst.assertEqual(rx_mpls.s, 0) # pop the label to expose the next rx_mpls = rx_mpls[MPLS].payload @tag_fixme_vpp_workers class TestMPLS(VppTestCase): """MPLS Test Case""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestMPLS, cls).setUpClass() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestMPLS, cls).tearDownClass() def setUp(self): super(TestMPLS, self).setUp() # create 2 pg interfaces self.create_pg_interfaces(range(4)) # setup both interfaces # assign them different tables. table_id = 0 self.tables = [] tbl = VppMplsTable(self, 0) tbl.add_vpp_config() self.tables.append(tbl) for i in self.pg_interfaces: i.admin_up() if table_id != 0: tbl = VppIpTable(self, table_id) tbl.add_vpp_config() self.tables.append(tbl) tbl = VppIpTable(self, table_id, is_ip6=1) tbl.add_vpp_config() self.tables.append(tbl) i.set_table_ip4(table_id) i.set_table_ip6(table_id) i.config_ip4() i.resolve_arp() i.config_ip6() i.resolve_ndp() i.enable_mpls() table_id += 1 def tearDown(self): for i in self.pg_interfaces: i.unconfig_ip4() i.unconfig_ip6() i.set_table_ip4(0) i.set_table_ip6(0) i.disable_mpls() i.admin_down() super(TestMPLS, self).tearDown() # the default of 64 matches the IP packet TTL default def create_stream_labelled_ip4( self, src_if, mpls_labels, ping=0, ip_itf=None, dst_ip=None, chksum=None, ip_ttl=64, n=257, ): self.reset_packet_infos() pkts = [] for i in range(0, n): info = self.create_packet_info(src_if, src_if) payload = self.info_to_payload(info) p = Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_if.remote_mac) for ii in range(len(mpls_labels)): p = p / MPLS( label=mpls_labels[ii].value, ttl=mpls_labels[ii].ttl, cos=mpls_labels[ii].exp, ) if not ping: if not dst_ip: p = ( p / IP(src=src_if.local_ip4, dst=src_if.remote_ip4, ttl=ip_ttl) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(payload) ) else: p = ( p / IP(src=src_if.local_ip4, dst=dst_ip, ttl=ip_ttl) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(payload) ) else: p = ( p / IP(src=ip_itf.remote_ip4, dst=ip_itf.local_ip4, ttl=ip_ttl) / ICMP() ) if chksum: p[IP].chksum = chksum info.data = p.copy() pkts.append(p) return pkts def create_stream_ip4( self, src_if, dst_ip, ip_ttl=64, ip_dscp=0, payload_size=None, n=257 ): self.reset_packet_infos() pkts = [] for i in range(0, n): dst = dst_ip[i % len(dst_ip)] if isinstance(dst_ip, list) else dst_ip info = self.create_packet_info(src_if, src_if) payload = self.info_to_payload(info) p = ( Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_if.remote_mac) / IP(src=src_if.remote_ip4, dst=dst, ttl=ip_ttl, tos=ip_dscp) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(payload) ) info.data = p.copy() if payload_size: self.extend_packet(p, payload_size) pkts.append(p) return pkts def create_stream_ip6(self, src_if, dst_ip, ip_ttl=64, ip_dscp=0, n=257): self.reset_packet_infos() pkts = [] for i in range(0, n): dst = dst_ip[i % len(dst_ip)] if isinstance(dst_ip, list) else dst_ip info = self.create_packet_info(src_if, src_if) payload = self.info_to_payload(info) p = ( Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_if.remote_mac) / IPv6(src=src_if.remote_ip6, dst=dst, hlim=ip_ttl, tc=ip_dscp) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(payload) ) info.data = p.copy() pkts.append(p) return pkts def create_stream_labelled_ip6( self, src_if, mpls_labels, hlim=64, dst_ip=None, ping=0, ip_itf=None ): if dst_ip is None: dst_ip = src_if.remote_ip6 self.reset_packet_infos() pkts = [] for i in range(0, 257): info = self.create_packet_info(src_if, src_if) payload = self.info_to_payload(info) p = Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_if.remote_mac) for l in mpls_labels: p = p / MPLS(label=l.value, ttl=l.ttl, cos=l.exp) if ping: p = p / ( IPv6(src=ip_itf.remote_ip6, dst=ip_i
from trex_stl_lib.api import *

class STLS1:

    def create_stream(self, port_id):
        # base_pkt = Ether()/IP(dst="")/UDP(dport=12)

        # pad = Padding()
        # if len(base_pkt) < 64:
        #     pad_len = 64 - len(base_pkt)
        #     pad.load = '\x00' * pad_len

        # vm = STLVM()

        # vm.tuple_var(name="tuple", ip_min="", ip_max="", port_min=1025, port_max=61124, limit_flows = 100000)

        # vm.write(fv_name="tuple.ip", pkt_offset="IP.src")
        # vm.fix_chksum()

        # vm.write(fv_name="tuple.port", pkt_offset="UDP.sport")

        # pkt = STLPktBuilder(pkt=base_pkt/pad, vm=vm)

        # return STLStream(packet=pkt, mode=STLTXCont())

        vm = STLScVmRaw([STLVmTupleGen(ip_min="", ip_max="",
                                       port_min=1025, port_max=65535,
                                       name="stuple", limit_flows=10000),
                         STLVmTupleGen(ip_min="", ip_max="",
                                       port_min=1025, port_max=65535,
                                       name="dtuple", limit_flows=100000000),

                         # write ip to packet IP.src
                         # fix checksum
                         # write udp.port

        base_pkt = Ether()/IP(src="", dst="")/UDP(dport=12, sport=1025)
        pad = Padding()
        if len(base_pkt) < 64:
            pad_len = 64 - len(base_pkt)
            pad.load = '\x00' * pad_len

        pad = max(0, 64 - len(base_pkt)) * 'x'
        pad_latency = max(0, (64-4) - len(base_pkt)) * 'x'

        pkt = STLPktBuilder(pkt=base_pkt/pad, vm=vm)

        return [STLStream(packet=pkt, mode=STLTXCont()),
                  # latency stream   
                  STLStream(packet = STLPktBuilder(pkt = base_pkt/pad_latency),
                            mode = STLTXCont(pps=1000),
                            flow_stats = STLFlowLatencyStats(pg_id = 12+port_id))

    def get_streams(self, direction=0, **kwargs):
        # return [self.create_stream()]
        return self.create_stream(kwargs['port_id'])

# dynamic load - used for trex console or simulator
def register():
    return STLS1()
[ VppRoutePath( "", 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_via_label=32, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(45)], ) ], ) route_34_eos.add_vpp_config() self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("sh mpls fib 34")) tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34, ttl=3)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(45, ttl=2)], ) self.assertEqual(route_34_eos.get_stats_to()["packets"], 257) self.assertEqual(route_32_neos.get_stats_via()["packets"], 257) # # A recursive EOS x-connect, which resolves through another x-connect # in uniform mode # route_35_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 35, 1, [ VppRoutePath( "", 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_via_label=42, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44)] ) ], ) route_35_eos.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(35, ttl=3)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(43, ttl=2), VppMplsLabel(44, ttl=2)] ) # # A recursive non-EOS x-connect, which resolves through another # x-connect # route_34_neos = VppMplsRoute( self, 34, 0, [ VppRoutePath( "", 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_via_label=32, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46)], ) ], ) route_34_neos.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34, ttl=45), VppMplsLabel(99)] ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) # it's the 2nd (counting from 0) label in the stack that is swapped self.verify_capture_labelled( self.pg0, rx, tx, [ VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46, ttl=44), VppMplsLabel(99), ], ) # # an recursive IP route that resolves through the recursive non-eos # x-connect # ip_10_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( "", 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_via_label=34, labels=[VppMplsLabel(55)] ) ], ) ip_10_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46), VppMplsLabel(55)], ) self.assertEqual(ip_10_0_0_1.get_stats_to()["packets"], 257) ip_10_0_0_1.remove_vpp_config() route_34_neos.remove_vpp_config() route_34_eos.remove_vpp_config() route_33_neos.remove_vpp_config() route_33_eos.remove_vpp_config() route_32_neos.remove_vpp_config() route_32_eos.remove_vpp_config() def test_bind(self): """MPLS Local Label Binding test""" # # Add a non-recursive route with a single out label # route_10_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(45)] ) ], ) route_10_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() # bind a local label to the route binding = VppMplsIpBind(self, 44, "", 32) binding.add_vpp_config() # non-EOS stream tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(99)] ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(45, ttl=63), VppMplsLabel(99)] ) # EOS stream tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(44)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(45, ttl=63)]) # IP stream tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(45)]) # # cleanup # binding.remove_vpp_config() route_10_0_0_1.remove_vpp_config() def test_imposition(self): """MPLS label imposition test""" # # Add a non-recursive route with a single out label # route_10_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32)] ) ], ) route_10_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() # # a stream that matches the route for # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32)]) # # Add a non-recursive route with a 3 out labels # route_10_0_0_2 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32), VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(34)], ) ], ) route_10_0_0_2.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "", ip_ttl=44, ip_dscp=0xFF) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32), VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(34)], ip_ttl=43, ) # # Add a non-recursive route with a single out label in uniform mode # route_10_0_0_3 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32, mode=MplsLspMode.UNIFORM)], ) ], ) route_10_0_0_3.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "", ip_ttl=54, ip_dscp=0xBE) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32, ttl=53, exp=5)] ) # # Add a IPv6 non-recursive route with a single out label in # uniform mode # route_2001_3 = VppIpRoute( self, "2001::3", 128, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip6, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32, mode=MplsLspMode.UNIFORM)], ) ], ) route_2001_3.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_ip6(self.pg0, "2001::3", ip_ttl=54, ip_dscp=0xBE) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip6( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32, ttl=53, exp=5)] ) # # add a recursive path, with output label, via the 1 label route # route_11_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("", 0xFFFFFFFF, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44)])], ) route_11_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() # # a stream that matches the route for, should pick up # the label stack for and # tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32), VppMplsLabel(44)] ) self.assertEqual(route_11_0_0_1.get_stats_to()["packets"], 257) # # add a recursive path, with 2 labels, via the 3 label route # route_11_0_0_2 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( "", 0xFFFFFFFF, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(45)] ) ], ) route_11_0_0_2.add_vpp_config() # # a stream that matches the route for, should pick up # the label stack for and # tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [ VppMplsLabel(32), VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(34), VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(45), ], ) self.assertEqual(route_11_0_0_2.get_stats_to()["packets"], 257) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [ VppMplsLabel(32), VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(34), VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(45), ], ) self.assertEqual(route_11_0_0_2.get_stats_to()["packets"], 514) # # cleanup # route_11_0_0_2.remove_vpp_config() route_11_0_0_1.remove_vpp_config() route_10_0_0_2.remove_vpp_config() route_10_0_0_1.remove_vpp_config() def test_imposition_fragmentation(self): """MPLS label imposition fragmentation test""" # # Add a ipv4 non-recursive route with a single out label # route_10_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32)] ) ], ) route_10_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() route_1000_1 = VppIpRoute( self, "1000::1", 128, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip6, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32)] ) ], ) route_1000_1.add_vpp_config() # # a stream that matches the route for # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") for i in range(0, 257): self.extend_packet(tx[i], 10000) # # 5 fragments per packet (257*5=1285) # rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0, 1285) self.verify_capture_fragmented_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32)] ) # packets with DF bit set generate ICMP for t in tx: t[IP].flags = "DF" rxs = self.send_and_expect_some(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(icmptypes[rx[ICMP].type], "dest-unreach") self.assertEqual( icmpcodes[rx[ICMP].type][rx[ICMP].code], "fragmentation-needed" ) # the link MTU is 9000, the MPLS over head is 4 bytes self.assertEqual(rx[ICMP].nexthopmtu, 9000 - 4) self.assertEqual( self.statistics.get_err_counter("/err/mpls-frag/dont_fragment_set"), len(tx), ) # # a stream that matches the route for 1000::1/128 # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_ip6(self.pg0, "1000::1") for i in range(0, 257): self.extend_packet(tx[i], 10000) rxs = self.send_and_expect_some(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(rx[ICMPv6PacketTooBig].mtu, 9000 - 4) # # cleanup # route_10_0_0_1.remove_vpp_config() def test_tunnel_pipe(self): """MPLS Tunnel Tests - Pipe""" # # Create a tunnel with two out labels # mpls_tun = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46)], ) ], ) mpls_tun.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun.admin_up() # # add an unlabelled route through the new tunnel # route_10_0_0_3 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun._sw_if_index)] ) route_10_0_0_3.add_vpp_config() self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg0.get_capture() self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46)] ) # # add a labelled route through the new tunnel # route_10_0_0_4 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun._sw_if_index, labels=[33])], ) route_10_0_0_4.add_vpp_config() self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg0.get_capture() self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46), VppMplsLabel(33, ttl=255)], ) # # change tunnel's MTU to a low value # mpls_tun.set_l3_mtu(1200) # send IP into the tunnel to be fragmented tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "", payload_size=1500) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0, len(tx) * 2) fake_tx = [] for p in tx: fake_tx.append(p) fake_tx.append(p) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, fake_tx, [VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46)] ) # send MPLS into the tunnel to be fragmented tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "", payload_size=1500) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0, len(tx) * 2) fake_tx = [] for p in tx: fake_tx.append(p) fake_tx.append(p) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, fake_tx, [VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46), VppMplsLabel(33, ttl=255)], ) def test_tunnel_uniform(self): """MPLS Tunnel Tests - Uniform""" # # Create a tunnel with a single out label # The label stack is specified here from outer to inner # mpls_tun = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[ VppMplsLabel(44, ttl=32), VppMplsLabel(46, MplsLspMode.UNIFORM), ], ) ], ) mpls_tun.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun.admin_up() # # add an unlabelled route through the new tunnel # route_10_0_0_3 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun._sw_if_index)] ) route_10_0_0_3.add_vpp_config() self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "", ip_ttl=24) self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg0.get_capture() self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(44, ttl=32), VppMplsLabel(46, ttl=23)] ) # # add a labelled route through the new tunnel # route_10_0_0_4 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( "", mpls_tun._sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(33, ttl=47)] ) ], ) route_10_0_0_4.add_vpp_config() self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg0.get_capture() self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [ VppMplsLabel(44, ttl=32), VppMplsLabel(46, ttl=47), VppMplsLabel(33, ttl=47), ], ) def test_tunnel_ecmp(self): """MPLS Tunnel Tests - ECMP""" # # Create a tunnel with multiple paths and labels # self.pg0.generate_remote_hosts(2) self.pg0.configure_ipv4_neighbors() mpls_tun = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_hosts[0].ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(3)], ), VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_hosts[1].ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44)], ), ], ) mpls_tun.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun.admin_up() self.vapi.cli("clear trace") pkts = self.create_stream_ip4( self.pg0, ["10.0.0.%d" % i for i in range(NUM_PKTS)], n=NUM_PKTS ) def send_and_expect_mpls_lb(pkts, path_labels, min_ratio): self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg0.get_capture() paths = {} for packet in rx: eth = packet[Ether] self.assertEqual(eth.type, 0x8847) mpls = packet[MPLS] labels = [] while True: labels.append(mpls.label) if mpls.s == 1: break mpls = mpls[MPLS].payload self.assertIn(labels, path_labels) key = "{}-{}".format(eth.dst, "-".join(str(i) for i in labels)) paths[key] = paths.get(key, 0) + 1 # # Check distribution over multiple mpls paths # self.assertEqual(len(paths), len(path_labels)) for n in paths.values(): self.assertGreaterEqual(n, NUM_PKTS / len(paths) * min_ratio) # # Add labelled route through the new tunnel, # traffic should be balanced over all tunnel paths only. # route_10_0_0_0 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 16, [VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun._sw_if_index, labels=[33])], ) route_10_0_0_0.add_vpp_config() send_and_expect_mpls_lb(pkts, [[33], [44, 33]], 0.85) # # Add labelled multipath route through the new tunnel, # traffic should be balanced over both paths first and # then over all tunnel paths. # route_10_0_0_0 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 16, [ VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun._sw_if_index, labels=[33]), VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun._sw_if_index, labels=[34]), ], ) route_10_0_0_0.add_vpp_config() send_and_expect_mpls_lb(pkts, [[33], [44, 33], [34], [44, 34]], 0.70) def test_mpls_tunnel_many(self): """MPLS Multiple Tunnels""" for ii in range(100): mpls_tun = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[ VppMplsLabel(44, ttl=32), VppMplsLabel(46, MplsLspMode.UNIFORM), ], ) ], ) mpls_tun.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun.admin_up() for ii in range(100): mpls_tun = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[ VppMplsLabel(44, ttl=32), VppMplsLabel(46, MplsLspMode.UNIFORM), ], ) ], is_l2=1, ) mpls_tun.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun.admin_up() def test_v4_exp_null(self): """MPLS V4 Explicit NULL test""" # # The first test case has an MPLS TTL of 0 # all packet should be dropped # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(0, ttl=0)]) self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, tx, "MPLS TTL=0 packets forwarded") # # a stream with a non-zero MPLS TTL # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(0)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx) # # a stream with a non-zero MPLS TTL # PG1 is in table 1 # we are ensuring the post-pop lookup occurs in the VRF table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg1, [VppMplsLabel(0)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg1, rx, tx) def test_v6_exp_null(self): """MPLS V6 Explicit NULL test""" # # a stream with a non-zero MPLS TTL # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(2)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip6(self.pg0, rx, tx) # # a stream with a non-zero MPLS TTL # PG1 is in table 1 # we are ensuring the post-pop lookup occurs in the VRF table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6(self.pg1, [VppMplsLabel(2)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip6(self.pg0, rx, tx) @unittest.skipIf( "ping" in config.excluded_plugins, "Exclude tests requiring Ping plugin" ) def test_deag(self): """MPLS Deagg""" # # A de-agg route - next-hop lookup in default table # route_34_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 34, 1, [VppRoutePath("", 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_table_id=0)] ) route_34_eos.add_vpp_config() # # ping an interface in the default table # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], ping=1, ip_itf=self.pg0 ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, ping_resp=1) # # A de-agg route - next-hop lookup in non-default table # route_35_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 35, 1, [VppRoutePath("", 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_table_id=1)] ) route_35_eos.add_vpp_config() route_356_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 356, 1, [VppRoutePath("0::0", 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_table_id=1)], eos_proto=FibPathProto.FIB_PATH_NH_PROTO_IP6, ) route_356_eos.add_vpp_config() # # ping an interface in the non-default table # PG0 is in the default table. packet arrive labelled in the # default table and egress unlabelled in the non-default # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(35)], ping=1, ip_itf=self.pg1 ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg1, rx, tx, ping_resp=1) tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(356)], ping=1, ip_itf=self.pg1 ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip6(self.pg1, rx, tx, ping_resp=1) # # Double pop # route_36_neos = VppMplsRoute(self, 36, 0, [VppRoutePath("", 0xFFFFFFFF)]) route_36_neos.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(36), VppMplsLabel(35)], ping=1, ip_itf=self.pg1 ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg1, rx, tx, ping_resp=1) route_36_neos.remove_vpp_config() route_35_eos.remove_vpp_config() route_34_eos.remove_vpp_config() def test_interface_rx(self): """MPLS Interface Receive""" # # Add a non-recursive route that will forward the traffic # post-interface-rx # route_10_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, table_id=1, paths=[VppRoutePath(self.pg1.remote_ip4, self.pg1.sw_if_index)], ) route_10_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() # # An interface receive label that maps traffic to RX on interface # pg1 # by injecting the packet in on pg0, which is in table 0 # doing an interface-rx on pg1 and matching a route in table 1 # if the packet egresses, then we must have swapped to pg1 # so as to have matched the route in table 1 # route_34_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 34, 1, [ VppRoutePath( "", self.pg1.sw_if_index, type=FibPathType.FIB_PATH_TYPE_INTERFACE_RX, ) ], ) route_34_eos.add_vpp_config() # # ping an interface in the default table # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="" ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg1, rx, tx) def test_mcast_mid_point(self): """MPLS Multicast Mid Point""" # # Add a non-recursive route that will forward the traffic # post-interface-rx # route_10_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, table_id=1, paths=[VppRoutePath(self.pg1.remote_ip4, self.pg1.sw_if_index)], ) route_10_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() # # Add a mcast entry that replicate to pg2 and pg3 # and replicate to a interface-rx (like a bud node would) # route_3400_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 3400, 1, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg2.remote_ip4, self.pg2.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(3401)], ), VppRoutePath( self.pg3.remote_ip4, self.pg3.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(3402)], ), VppRoutePath( "", self.pg1.sw_if_index, type=FibPathType.FIB_PATH_TYPE_INTERFACE_RX, ), ], is_multicast=1, ) route_3400_eos.add_vpp_config() # # ping an interface in the default table # PG0 is in the default table # self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(3400, ttl=64)], n=257, dst_ip="" ) self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg1.get_capture(257) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg1, rx, tx) rx = self.pg2.get_capture(257) self.verify_capture_labelled(self.pg2, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(3401, ttl=63)]) rx = self.pg3.get_capture(257) self.verify_capture_labelled(self.pg3, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(3402, ttl=63)]) def test_mcast_head(self): """MPLS Multicast Head-end""" MRouteItfFlags = VppEnum.vl_api_mfib_itf_flags_t MRouteEntryFlags = VppEnum.vl_api_mfib_entry_flags_t # # Create a multicast tunnel with two replications # mpls_tun = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg2.remote_ip4, self.pg2.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(42)] ), VppRoutePath( self.pg3.remote_ip4, self.pg3.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(43)] ), ], is_multicast=1, ) mpls_tun.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun.admin_up() # # add an unlabelled route through the new tunnel # route_10_0_0_3 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun._sw_if_index)] ) route_10_0_0_3.add_vpp_config() self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg2.get_capture(257) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(42)]) rx = self.pg3.get_capture(257) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(43)]) # # An an IP multicast route via the tunnel # A (*,G). # one accepting interface, pg0, 1 forwarding interface via the tunnel # route_232_1_1_1 = VppIpMRoute( self, "", "", 32, MRouteEntryFlags.MFIB_API_ENTRY_FLAG_NONE, [ VppMRoutePath( self.pg0.sw_if_index, MRouteItfFlags.MFIB_API_ITF_FLAG_ACCEPT ), VppMRoutePath( mpls_tun._sw_if_index, MRouteItfFlags.MFIB_API_ITF_FLAG_FORWARD ), ], ) route_232_1_1_1.add_vpp_config() self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("sh ip mfib index 0")) self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg2.get_capture(257) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(42)]) rx = self.pg3.get_capture(257) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(43)]) def test_mcast_ip4_tail(self): """MPLS IPv4 Multicast Tail""" MRouteItfFlags = VppEnum.vl_api_mfib_itf_flags_t MRouteEntryFlags = VppEnum.vl_api_mfib_entry_flags_t # # Add a multicast route that will forward the traffic # post-disposition # route_232_1_1_1 = VppIpMRoute( self, "", "", 32, MRouteEntryFlags.MFIB_API_ENTRY_FLAG_NONE, table_id=1, paths=[ VppMRoutePath( self.pg1.sw_if_index, MRouteItfFlags.MFIB_API_ITF_FLAG_FORWARD ) ], ) route_232_1_1_1.add_vpp_config() # # An interface receive label that maps traffic to RX on interface # pg1 # by injecting the packet in on pg0, which is in table 0 # doing an rpf-id and matching a route in table 1 # if the packet egresses, then we must have matched the route in # table 1 # route_34_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 34, 1, [VppRoutePath("", 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_table_id=1, rpf_id=55)], is_multicast=1, eos_proto=FibPathProto.FIB_PATH_NH_PROTO_IP4, ) route_34_eos.add_vpp_config() # # Drop due to interface lookup miss # self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="", n=1 ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, tx, "RPF-ID drop none") # # set the RPF-ID of the entry to match the input packet's # route_232_1_1_1.update_rpf_id(55) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("sh ip mfib index 1")) tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="" ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg1, rx, tx) # # disposed packets have an invalid IPv4 checksum # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="", n=65, chksum=1 ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, tx, "Invalid Checksum") # # set the RPF-ID of the entry to not match the input packet's # route_232_1_1_1.update_rpf_id(56) tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="" ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, tx, "RPF-ID drop 56") def test_mcast_ip6_tail(self): """MPLS IPv6 Multicast Tail""" MRouteItfFlags = VppEnum.vl_api_mfib_itf_flags_t MRouteEntryFlags = VppEnum.vl_api_mfib_entry_flags_t # # Add a multicast route that will forward the traffic # post-disposition # route_ff = VppIpMRoute( self, "::", "ff01::1", 32, MRouteEntryFlags.MFIB_API_ENTRY_FLAG_NONE, table_id=1, paths=[ VppMRoutePath( self.pg1.sw_if_index, MRouteItfFlags.MFIB_API_ITF_FLAG_FORWARD, proto=FibPathProto.FIB_PATH_NH_PROTO_IP6, ) ], ) route_ff.add_vpp_config() # # An interface receive label that maps traffic to RX on interface # pg1 # by injecting the packet in on pg0, which is in table 0 # doing an rpf-id and matching a route in table 1 # if the packet egresses, then we must have matched the route in # table 1 # route_34_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 34, 1, [VppRoutePath("::", 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_table_id=1, rpf_id=55)], is_multicast=1, eos_proto=FibPathProto.FIB_PATH_NH_PROTO_IP6, ) route_34_eos.add_vpp_config() # # Drop due to interface lookup miss # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="ff01::1" ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, tx, "RPF Miss") # # set the RPF-ID of the entry to match the input packet's # route_ff.update_rpf_id(55) tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="ff01::1" ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip6(self.pg1, rx, tx) # # disposed packets have hop-limit = 1 # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="ff01::1", hlim=1 ) rx = self.send_and_expect_some(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip6_icmp(self.pg0, rx, tx) # # set the RPF-ID of the entry to not match the input packet's # route_ff.update_rpf_id(56) tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34)], dst_ip="ff01::1" ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, tx, "RPF-ID drop 56") def test_6pe(self): """MPLS 6PE""" # # Add a non-recursive route with a single out label # route_10_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(45)] ) ], ) route_10_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() # bind a local label to the route binding = VppMplsIpBind(self, 44, "", 32) binding.add_vpp_config() # # a labelled v6 route that resolves through the v4 # route_2001_3 = VppIpRoute( self, "2001::3", 128, [VppRoutePath("", INVALID_INDEX, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32)])], ) route_2001_3.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_ip6(self.pg0, "2001::3") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip6( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(45), VppMplsLabel(32)] ) # # and a v4 recursive via the v6 # route_20_3 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("2001::3", INVALID_INDEX, labels=[VppMplsLabel(99)])], ) route_20_3.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(45), VppMplsLabel(32), VppMplsLabel(99)] ) def test_attached(self): """Attach Routes with Local Label""" # # test that if a local label is associated with an attached/connected # prefix, that we can reach hosts in the prefix. # binding = VppMplsIpBind( self, 44, self.pg0._local_ip4_subnet, self.pg0.local_ip4_prefix_len ) binding.add_vpp_config() tx = ( Ether(src=self.pg0.remote_mac, dst=self.pg0.local_mac) / MPLS(label=44, ttl=64) / IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst=self.pg0.remote_ip4) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(b"\xa5" * 100) ) rxs = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, [tx], self.pg0) for rx in rxs: # if there's an ARP then the label is linked to the glean # which is wrong. self.assertFalse(rx.haslayer(ARP)) # it should be unicasted to the host self.assertEqual(rx[Ether].dst, self.pg0.remote_mac) self.assertEqual(rx[IP].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip4) class TestMPLSDisabled(VppTestCase): """MPLS disabled""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestMPLSDisabled, cls).setUpClass() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestMPLSDisabled, cls).tearDownClass() def setUp(self): super(TestMPLSDisabled, self).setUp() # create 2 pg interfaces self.create_pg_interfaces(range(2)) self.tbl = VppMplsTable(self, 0) self.tbl.add_vpp_config() # PG0 is MPLS enabled self.pg0.admin_up() self.pg0.config_ip4() self.pg0.resolve_arp() self.pg0.enable_mpls() # PG 1 is not MPLS enabled self.pg1.admin_up() def tearDown(self): for i in self.pg_interfaces: i.unconfig_ip4() i.admin_down() self.pg0.disable_mpls() super(TestMPLSDisabled, self).tearDown() def test_mpls_disabled(self): """MPLS Disabled""" self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show mpls interface")) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show mpls interface pg1")) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show mpls interface pg0")) tx = ( Ether(src=self.pg1.remote_mac, dst=self.pg1.local_mac) / MPLS(label=32, ttl=64) / IPv6(src="2001::1", dst=self.pg0.remote_ip6) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(b"\xa5" * 100) ) # # A simple MPLS xconnect - eos label in label out # route_32_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 32, 1, [VppRoutePath(self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[33])], ) route_32_eos.add_vpp_config() # # PG1 does not forward IP traffic # self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg1, tx, "MPLS disabled") # # MPLS enable PG1 # self.pg1.enable_mpls() self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show mpls interface")) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show mpls interface pg1")) # # Now we get packets through # self.pg1.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg0.get_capture(1) # # Disable PG1 # self.pg1.disable_mpls() # # PG1 does not forward IP traffic # self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg1, tx, "IPv6 disabled") self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg1, tx, "IPv6 disabled") class TestMPLSPIC(VppTestCase): """MPLS Prefix-Independent Convergence (PIC) edge convergence""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestMPLSPIC, cls).setUpClass() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestMPLSPIC, cls).tearDownClass() def setUp(self): super(TestMPLSPIC, self).setUp() # create 2 pg interfaces self.create_pg_interfaces(range(4)) mpls_tbl = VppMplsTable(self, 0) mpls_tbl.add_vpp_config() tbl4 = VppIpTable(self, 1) tbl4.add_vpp_config() tbl6 = VppIpTable(self, 1, is_ip6=1) tbl6.add_vpp_config() # core links self.pg0.admin_up() self.pg0.config_ip4() self.pg0.resolve_arp() self.pg0.enable_mpls() self.pg1.admin_up() self.pg1.config_ip4() self.pg1.resolve_arp() self.pg1.enable_mpls() # VRF (customer facing) link self.pg2.admin_up() self.pg2.set_table_ip4(1) self.pg2.config_ip4() self.pg2.resolve_arp() self.pg2.set_table_ip6(1) self.pg2.config_ip6() self.pg2.resolve_ndp() self.pg3.admin_up() self.pg3.set_table_ip4(1) self.pg3.config_ip4() self.pg3.resolve_arp() self.pg3.set_table_ip6(1) self.pg3.config_ip6() self.pg3.resolve_ndp() def tearDown(self): self.pg0.disable_mpls() self.pg1.disable_mpls() for i in self.pg_interfaces: i.unconfig_ip4() i.unconfig_ip6() i.set_table_ip4(0) i.set_table_ip6(0) i.admin_down() super(TestMPLSPIC, self).tearDown() def test_mpls_ibgp_pic(self): """MPLS iBGP Prefix-Independent Convergence (PIC) edge convergence 1) setup many iBGP VPN routes via a pair of iBGP peers. 2) Check EMCP forwarding to these peers 3) withdraw the IGP route to one of these peers. 4) check forwarding continues to the remaining peer """ # # IGP+LDP core routes # core_10_0_0_45 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath(self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[45])], ) core_10_0_0_45.add_vpp_config() core_10_0_0_46 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath(self.pg1.remote_ip4, self.pg1.sw_if_index, labels=[46])], ) core_10_0_0_46.add_vpp_config() # # Lot's of VPN routes. We need more the 64 so VPP will build # the fast convergence indirection # vpn_routes = [] pkts = [] for ii in range(NUM_PKTS): dst = "192.168.1.%d" % ii vpn_routes.append( VppIpRoute( self, dst, 32, [ VppRoutePath( "", 0xFFFFFFFF, labels=[145], flags=FibPathFlags.FIB_PATH_FLAG_RESOLVE_VIA_HOST, ), VppRoutePath( "", 0xFFFFFFFF, labels=[146], flags=FibPathFlags.FIB_PATH_FLAG_RESOLVE_VIA_HOST, ), ], table_id=1, ) ) vpn_routes[ii].add_vpp_config() pkts.append( Ether(dst=self.pg2.local_mac, src=self.pg2.remote_mac) / IP(src=self.pg2.remote_ip4, dst=dst) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(b"\xa5" * 100) ) # # Send the packet stream (one pkt to each VPN route) # - expect a 50-50 split of the traffic # self.pg2.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg0._get_capture(NUM_PKTS) rx1 = self.pg1._get_capture(NUM_PKTS) # not testing the LB hashing algorithm so we're not concerned # with the split ratio, just as long as neither is 0 self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx0)) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx1)) self.assertEqual( len(pkts), len(rx0) + len(rx1), "Expected all (%s) packets across both ECMP paths. " "rx0: %s rx1: %s." % (len(pkts), len(rx0), len(rx1)), ) # # use a test CLI command to stop the FIB walk process, this # will prevent the FIB converging the VPN routes and thus allow # us to probe the interim (post-fail, pre-converge) state # self.vapi.ppcli("test fib-walk-process disable") # # Withdraw one of the IGP routes # core_10_0_0_46.remove_vpp_config() # # now all packets should be forwarded through the remaining peer # self.vapi.ppcli("clear trace") self.pg2.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg0.get_capture(NUM_PKTS) self.assertEqual( len(pkts), len(rx0), "Expected all (%s) packets across single path. " "rx0: %s." % (len(pkts), len(rx0)), ) # # enable the FIB walk process to converge the FIB # self.vapi.ppcli("test fib-walk-process enable") # # packets should still be forwarded through the remaining peer # self.pg2.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg0.get_capture(NUM_PKTS) self.assertEqual( len(pkts), len(rx0), "Expected all (%s) packets across single path. " "rx0: %s." % (len(pkts), len(rx0)), ) # # Add the IGP route back and we return to load-balancing # core_10_0_0_46.add_vpp_config() self.pg2.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg0._get_capture(NUM_PKTS) rx1 = self.pg1._get_capture(NUM_PKTS) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx0)) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx1)) self.assertEqual( len(pkts), len(rx0) + len(rx1), "Expected all (%s) packets across both ECMP paths. " "rx0: %s rx1: %s." % (len(pkts), len(rx0), len(rx1)), ) def test_mpls_ebgp_pic(self): """MPLS eBGP Prefix-Independent Convergence (PIC) edge convergence 1) setup many eBGP VPN routes via a pair of eBGP peers. 2) Check EMCP forwarding to these peers 3) withdraw one eBGP path - expect LB across remaining eBGP """ # # Lot's of VPN routes. We need more the 64 so VPP will build # the fast convergence indirection # vpn_routes = [] vpn_bindings = [] pkts = [] for ii in range(NUM_PKTS): dst = "192.168.1.%d" % ii local_label = 1600 + ii vpn_routes.append( VppIpRoute( self, dst, 32, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg2.remote_ip4, 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_table_id=1, flags=FibPathFlags.FIB_PATH_FLAG_RESOLVE_VIA_ATTACHED, ), VppRoutePath( self.pg3.remote_ip4, 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_table_id=1, flags=FibPathFlags.FIB_PATH_FLAG_RESOLVE_VIA_ATTACHED, ), ], table_id=1, ) ) vpn_routes[ii].add_vpp_config() vpn_bindings.append( VppMplsIpBind(self, local_label, dst, 32, ip_table_id=1) ) vpn_bindings[ii].add_vpp_config() pkts.append( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / MPLS(label=local_label, ttl=64) / IP(src=self.pg0.remote_ip4, dst=dst) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(b"\xa5" * 100) ) # # Send the packet stream (one pkt to each VPN route) # - expect a 50-50 split of the traffic # self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg2._get_capture(NUM_PKTS) rx1 = self.pg3._get_capture(NUM_PKTS) # not testing the LB hashing algorithm so we're not concerned # with the split ratio, just as long as neither is 0 self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx0)) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx1)) self.assertEqual( len(pkts), len(rx0) + len(rx1), "Expected all (%s) packets across both ECMP paths. " "rx0: %s rx1: %s." % (len(pkts), len(rx0), len(rx1)), ) # # use a test CLI command to stop the FIB walk process, this # will prevent the FIB converging the VPN routes and thus allow # us to probe the interim (post-fail, pre-converge) state # self.vapi.ppcli("test fib-walk-process disable") # # withdraw the connected prefix on the interface. # self.pg2.unconfig_ip4() # # now all packets should be forwarded through the remaining peer # self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg3.get_capture(NUM_PKTS) self.assertEqual( len(pkts), len(rx0), "Expected all (%s) packets across single path. " "rx0: %s." % (len(pkts), len(rx0)), ) # # enable the FIB walk process to converge the FIB # self.vapi.ppcli("test fib-walk-process enable") # # packets should still be forwarded through the remaining peer # self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg3.get_capture(NUM_PKTS) self.assertEqual( len(pkts), len(rx0), "Expected all (%s) packets across single path. " "rx0: %s." % (len(pkts), len(rx0)), ) # # put the connected routes back # self.pg2.config_ip4() self.pg2.resolve_arp() self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg2._get_capture(NUM_PKTS) rx1 = self.pg3._get_capture(NUM_PKTS) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx0)) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx1)) self.assertEqual( len(pkts), len(rx0) + len(rx1), "Expected all (%s) packets across both ECMP paths. " "rx0: %s rx1: %s." % (len(pkts), len(rx0), len(rx1)), ) def test_mpls_v6_ebgp_pic(self): """MPLSv6 eBGP Prefix-Independent Convergence (PIC) edge convergence 1) setup many eBGP VPNv6 routes via a pair of eBGP peers 2) Check EMCP forwarding to these peers 3) withdraw one eBGP path - expect LB across remaining eBGP """ # # Lot's of VPN routes. We need more the 64 so VPP will build # the fast convergence indirection # vpn_routes = [] vpn_bindings = [] pkts = [] for ii in range(NUM_PKTS): dst = "3000::%d" % ii local_label = 1600 + ii vpn_routes.append( VppIpRoute( self, dst, 128, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg2.remote_ip6, 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_table_id=1, flags=FibPathFlags.FIB_PATH_FLAG_RESOLVE_VIA_ATTACHED, ), VppRoutePath( self.pg3.remote_ip6, 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_table_id=1, flags=FibPathFlags.FIB_PATH_FLAG_RESOLVE_VIA_ATTACHED, ), ], table_id=1, ) ) vpn_routes[ii].add_vpp_config() vpn_bindings.append( VppMplsIpBind(self, local_label, dst, 128, ip_table_id=1) ) vpn_bindings[ii].add_vpp_config() pkts.append( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / MPLS(label=local_label, ttl=64) / IPv6(src=self.pg0.remote_ip6, dst=dst) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(b"\xa5" * 100) ) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("sh ip6 fib %s" % dst)) self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg2._get_capture(NUM_PKTS) rx1 = self.pg3._get_capture(NUM_PKTS) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx0)) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx1)) self.assertEqual( len(pkts), len(rx0) + len(rx1), "Expected all (%s) packets across both ECMP paths. " "rx0: %s rx1: %s." % (len(pkts), len(rx0), len(rx1)), ) # # use a test CLI command to stop the FIB walk process, this # will prevent the FIB converging the VPN routes and thus allow # us to probe the interim (post-fail, pre-converge) state # self.vapi.ppcli("test fib-walk-process disable") # # withdraw the connected prefix on the interface. # and shutdown the interface so the ND cache is flushed. # self.pg2.unconfig_ip6() self.pg2.admin_down() # # now all packets should be forwarded through the remaining peer # self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg3.get_capture(NUM_PKTS) self.assertEqual( len(pkts), len(rx0), "Expected all (%s) packets across single path. " "rx0: %s." % (len(pkts), len(rx0)), ) # # enable the FIB walk process to converge the FIB # self.vapi.ppcli("test fib-walk-process enable") self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg3.get_capture(NUM_PKTS) self.assertEqual( len(pkts), len(rx0), "Expected all (%s) packets across single path. " "rx0: %s." % (len(pkts), len(rx0)), ) # # put the connected routes back # self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("sh log")) self.pg2.admin_up() self.pg2.config_ip6() self.pg2.resolve_ndp() self.pg0.add_stream(pkts) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx0 = self.pg2._get_capture(NUM_PKTS) rx1 = self.pg3._get_capture(NUM_PKTS) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx0)) self.assertNotEqual(0, len(rx1)) self.assertEqual( len(pkts), len(rx0) + len(rx1), "Expected all (%s) packets across both ECMP paths. " "rx0: %s rx1: %s." % (len(pkts), len(rx0), len(rx1)), ) class TestMPLSL2(VppTestCase): """MPLS-L2""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestMPLSL2, cls).setUpClass() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestMPLSL2, cls).tearDownClass() def setUp(self): super(TestMPLSL2, self).setUp() # create 2 pg interfaces self.create_pg_interfaces(range(2)) # create the default MPLS table self.tables = [] tbl = VppMplsTable(self, 0) tbl.add_vpp_config() self.tables.append(tbl) # use pg0 as the core facing interface, don't resolve ARP self.pg0.admin_up() self.pg0.config_ip4() self.pg0.enable_mpls() # use the other 2 for customer facing L2 links for i in self.pg_interfaces[1:]: i.admin_up() def tearDown(self): for i in self.pg_interfaces[1:]: i.admin_down() self.pg0.disable_mpls() self.pg0.unconfig_ip4() self.pg0.admin_down() super(TestMPLSL2, self).tearDown() def verify_capture_tunneled_ethernet(self, capture, sent, mpls_labels): capture = verify_filter(capture, sent) self.assertEqual(len(capture), len(sent)) for i in range(len(capture)): tx = sent[i] rx = capture[i] # the MPLS TTL is 255 since it enters a new tunnel verify_mpls_stack(self, rx, mpls_labels) tx_eth = tx[Ether] rx_eth = Ether(scapy.compat.raw(rx[MPLS].payload)) self.assertEqual(rx_eth.src, tx_eth.src) self.assertEqual(rx_eth.dst, tx_eth.dst) def verify_arp_req(self, rx, smac, sip, dip): ether = rx[Ether] self.assertEqual(ether.dst, "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff") self.assertEqual(ether.src, smac) arp = rx[ARP] self.assertEqual(arp.hwtype, 1) self.assertEqual(arp.ptype, 0x800) self.assertEqual(arp.hwlen, 6) self.assertEqual(arp.plen, 4) self.assertEqual(arp.op, ARP.who_has) self.assertEqual(arp.hwsrc, smac) self.assertEqual(arp.hwdst, "00:00:00:00:00:00") self.assertEqual(arp.psrc, sip) self.assertEqual(arp.pdst, dip) def test_vpws(self): """Virtual Private Wire Service""" # # Create an MPLS tunnel that pushes 1 label # For Ethernet over MPLS the uniform mode is irrelevant since ttl/cos # information is not in the packet, but we test it works anyway # mpls_tun_1 = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(42, MplsLspMode.UNIFORM)], ) ], is_l2=1, ) mpls_tun_1.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun_1.admin_up() # # Create a label entry to for 55 that does L2 input to the tunnel # route_55_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 55, 1, [ VppRoutePath( "", mpls_tun_1.sw_if_index, type=FibPathType.FIB_PATH_TYPE_INTERFACE_RX, proto=FibPathProto.FIB_PATH_NH_PROTO_ETHERNET, ) ], eos_proto=FibPathProto.FIB_PATH_NH_PROTO_ETHERNET, ) route_55_eos.add_vpp_config() # # Cross-connect the tunnel with one of the customers L2 interfaces # self.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_xconnect( self.pg1.sw_if_index, mpls_tun_1.sw_if_index, enable=1 ) self.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_xconnect( mpls_tun_1.sw_if_index, self.pg1.sw_if_index, enable=1 ) # # inject a packet from the core # pcore = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / MPLS(label=55, ttl=64) / Ether(dst="00:00:de:ad:ba:be", src="00:00:de:ad:be:ef") / IP(src="", dst="") / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(b"\xa5" * 100) ) tx0 = pcore * NUM_PKTS rx0 = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx0, self.pg1) payload = pcore[MPLS].payload self.assertEqual(rx0[0][Ether].dst, payload[Ether].dst) self.assertEqual(rx0[0][Ether].src, payload[Ether].src) # # Inject a packet from the customer/L2 side # there's no resolved ARP entry so the first packet we see should be # an ARP request # tx1 = pcore[MPLS].payload rx1 = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, [tx1], self.pg0) self.verify_arp_req( rx1[0], self.pg0.local_mac, self.pg0.local_ip4, self.pg0.remote_ip4 ) # # resolve the ARP entries and send again # self.pg0.resolve_arp() tx1 = pcore[MPLS].payload * NUM_PKTS rx1 = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, tx1, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ethernet(rx1, tx1, [VppMplsLabel(42)]) def test_vpls(self): """Virtual Private LAN Service""" # we skipped this in the setup self.pg0.resolve_arp() # # Create a L2 MPLS tunnels # mpls_tun1 = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(42)] ) ], is_l2=1, ) mpls_tun1.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun1.admin_up() mpls_tun2 = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(43)] ) ], is_l2=1, ) mpls_tun2.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun2.admin_up() # # Create a label entries, 55 and 56, that do L2 input to the tunnel # the latter includes a Psuedo Wire Control Word # route_55_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 55, 1, [ VppRoutePath( "", mpls_tun1.sw_if_index, type=FibPathType.FIB_PATH_TYPE_INTERFACE_RX, proto=FibPathProto.FIB_PATH_NH_PROTO_ETHERNET, ) ], eos_proto=FibPathProto.FIB_PATH_NH_PROTO_ETHERNET, ) route_56_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 56, 1, [ VppRoutePath( "", mpls_tun2.sw_if_index, type=FibPathType.FIB_PATH_TYPE_INTERFACE_RX, flags=FibPathFlags.FIB_PATH_FLAG_POP_PW_CW, proto=FibPathProto.FIB_PATH_NH_PROTO_ETHERNET, ) ], eos_proto=FibPathProto.FIB_PATH_NH_PROTO_ETHERNET, ) # move me route_56_eos.add_vpp_config() route_55_eos.add_vpp_config() self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("sh mpls fib 56")) # # add to tunnel to the customers bridge-domain # self.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_bridge( rx_sw_if_index=mpls_tun1.sw_if_index, bd_id=1 ) self.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_bridge( rx_sw_if_index=mpls_tun2.sw_if_index, bd_id=1 ) self.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_bridge( rx_sw_if_index=self.pg1.sw_if_index, bd_id=1 ) # # Packet from host on the customer interface to each host # reachable over the core, and vice-versa # p_cust1 = ( Ether(dst="00:00:de:ad:ba:b1", src="00:00:de:ad:be:ef") / IP(src="", dst="") / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(b"\xa5" * 100) ) p_cust2 = ( Ether(dst="00:00:de:ad:ba:b2", src="00:00:de:ad:be:ef") / IP(src="", dst="") / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(b"\xa5" * 100) ) p_core1 = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / MPLS(label=55, ttl=64) / Ether(src="00:00:de:ad:ba:b1", dst="00:00:de:ad:be:ef") / IP(dst="", src="") / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(b"\xa5" * 100) ) p_core2 = ( Ether(dst=self.pg0.local_mac, src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / MPLS(label=56, ttl=64) / Raw(b"\x01" * 4) / Ether(src="00:00:de:ad:ba:b2", dst="00:00:de:ad:be:ef") # PW CW / IP(dst="", src="") / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(b"\xa5" * 100) ) # # The BD is learning, so send in one of each packet to learn # # 2 packets due to BD flooding rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, p_cust1, self.pg0, n_rx=2) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, p_cust2, self.pg0, n_rx=2) # we've learnt this so expect it be be forwarded not flooded rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, [p_core1], self.pg1) self.assertEqual(rx[0][Ether].dst, p_cust1[Ether].src) self.assertEqual(rx[0][Ether].src, p_cust1[Ether].dst) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, [p_core2], self.pg1) self.assertEqual(rx[0][Ether].dst, p_cust2[Ether].src) self.assertEqual(rx[0][Ether].src, p_cust2[Ether].dst) # # now a stream in each direction from each host # rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, p_cust1 * NUM_PKTS, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ethernet( rx, p_cust1 * NUM_PKTS, [VppMplsLabel(42)] ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, p_cust2 * NUM_PKTS, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ethernet( rx, p_cust2 * NUM_PKTS, [VppMplsLabel(43)] ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, p_core1 * NUM_PKTS, self.pg1) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, p_core2 * NUM_PKTS, self.pg1) # # remove interfaces from customers bridge-domain # self.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_bridge( rx_sw_if_index=mpls_tun1.sw_if_index, bd_id=1, enable=0 ) self.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_bridge( rx_sw_if_index=mpls_tun2.sw_if_index, bd_id=1, enable=0 ) self.vapi.sw_interface_set_l2_bridge( rx_sw_if_index=self.pg1.sw_if_index, bd_id=1, enable=0 ) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main(testRunner=VppTestRunner)