#!/usr/bin/env python # IPFIX support for Scapy (RFC7011) from scapy.all import * # IPFIX Information Elements http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix/ipfix.xhtml information_elements = { 1: "octetDeltaCount", 2: "packetDeltaCount", 3: "deltaFlowCount", 4: "protocolIdentifier", 5: "ipClassOfService", 6: "tcpControlBits", 7: "sourceTransportPort", 8: "sourceIPv4Address", 9: "sourceIPv4PrefixLength", 10: "ingressInterface", 11: "destinationTransportPort", 12: "destinationIPv4Address", 13: "destinationIPv4PrefixLength", 14: "egressInterface", 15: "ipNextHopIPv4Address", 16: "bgpSourceAsNumber", 17: "bgpDestinationAsNumber", 18: "bgpNextHopIPv4Address", 19: "postMCastPacketDeltaCount", 20: "postMCastOctetDeltaCount", 21: "flowEndSysUpTime", 22: "flowStartSysUpTime", 23: "postOctetDeltaCount", 24: "postPacketDeltaCount", 25: "minimumIpTotalLength", 26: "maximumIpTotalLength", 27: "sourceIPv6Address", 28: "destinationIPv6Address", 29: "sourceIPv6PrefixLength", 30: "destinationIPv6PrefixLength", 31: "flowLabelIPv6", 32: "icmpTypeCodeIPv4", 33: "igmpType", 34: "samplingInterval", 35: "samplingAlgorithm", 36: "flowActiveTimeout", 37: "flowIdleTimeout", 38: "engineType", 39: "engineId", 40: "exportedOctetTotalCount", 41: "exportedMessageTotalCount", 42: "exportedFlowRecordTotalCount", 43: "ipv4RouterSc", 44: "sourceIPv4Prefix", 45: "destinationIPv4Prefix", 46: "mplsTopLabelType", 47: "mplsTopLabelIPv4Address", 48: "samplerId", 49: "samplerMode", 50: "samplerRandomInterval", 51: "classId", 52: "minimumTTL", 53: "maximumTTL", 54: "fragmentIdentification", 55: "postIpClassOfService", 56: "sourceMacAddress", 57: "postDestinationMacAddress", 58: "vlanId", 59: "postVlanId", 60: "ipVersion", 61: "flowDirection", 62: "ipNextHopIPv6Address", 63: "bgpNextHopIPv6Address", 64: "ipv6ExtensionHeaders", 70: "mplsTopLabelStackSection", 71: "mplsLabelStackSection2", 72: "mplsLabelStackSection3", 73: "mplsLabelStackSection4", 74: "mplsLabelStackSection5", 75: "mplsLabelStackSection6", 76: "mplsLabelStackSection7", 77: "mplsLabelStackSection8", 78: "mplsLabelStackSection9", 79: "mplsLabelStackSection10", 80: "destinationMacAddress", 81: "postSourceMacAddress", 82: "interfaceName", 83: "interfaceDescription", 84: "samplerName", 85: "octetTotalCount", 86: "packetTotalCount", 87: "flagsAndSamplerId", 88: "fragmentOffset", 89: "forwardingStatus", 90: "mplsVpnRouteDistinguisher", 91: "mplsTopLabelPrefixLength", 92: "srcTrafficIndex", 93: "dstTrafficIndex", 94: "applicationDescription", 95: "applicationId", 96: "applicationName", 98: "postIpDiffServCodePoint", 99: "multicastReplicationFactor", 100: "className", 101: "classificationEngineId", 102: "layer2packetSectionOffset", 103: "layer2packetSectionSize", 104: "layer2packetSectionData", 128: "bgpNextAdjacentAsNumber", 129: "bgpPrevAdjacentAsNumber", 130: "exporterIPv4Address", 131: "exporterIPv6Address", 132: "droppedOctetDeltaCount", 133: "droppedPacketDeltaCount", 134: "droppedOctetTotalCount", 135: "droppedPacketTotalCount", 136: "flowEndReason", 137: "commonPropertiesId", 138: "observationPointId", 139: "icmpTypeCodeIPv6", 140: "mplsTopLabelIPv6Address", 141: "lineCardId", 142: "portId", 143: "meteringProcessId", 144: "exportingProcessId", 145: "templateId", 146: "wlanChannelId", 147: "wlanSSID", 148: "flowId", 149: "observationDomainId", 150: "flowStartSeconds", 151: "flowEndSeconds", 152: "flowStartMilliseconds", 153: "flowEndMilliseconds", 154: "flowStartMicroseconds", 155: "flowEndMicroseconds", 156: "flowStartNanoseconds", 157: "flowEndNanoseconds", 158: "flowStartDeltaMicroseconds", 159: "flowEndDeltaMicroseconds", 160: "systemInitTimeMilliseconds", 161: "flowDurationMilliseconds", 162: "flowDurationMicroseconds", 163: "observedFlowTotalCount", 164: "ignoredPacketTotalCount", 165: "ignoredOctetTotalCount", 166: "notSentFlowTotalCount", 167: "notSentPacketTotalCount", 168: "notSentOctetTotalCount", 169: "destinationIPv6Prefix", 170: "sourceIPv6Prefix", 171: "postOctetTotalCount", 172: "postPacketTotalCount", 173: "flowKeyIndicator", 174: "postMCastPacketTotalCount", 175: "postMCastOctetTotalCount", 176: "icmpTypeIPv4", 177: "icmpCodeIPv4", 178: "icmpTypeIPv6", 179: "icmpCodeIPv6", 180: "udpSourcePort", 181: "udpDestinationPort", 182: "tcpSourcePort", 183: "tcpDestinationPort", 184: "tcpSequenceNumber", 185: "tcpAcknowledgementNumber", 186: "tcpWindowSize", 187: "tcpUrgentPointer", 188: "tcpHeaderLength", 189: "ipHeaderLength", 190: "totalLengthIPv4", 191: "payloadLengthIPv6", 192: "ipTTL", 193: "nextHeaderIPv6", 194: "mplsPayloadLength",
# Copyright (c) 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

4739) class IPFIXDecoder(object): """ IPFIX data set decoder """ def __init__(self): self._templates = [] def add_template(self, template): """ Add IPFIX tempalte :param template: IPFIX template """ templateID = template.templateID fields = [] rec_len = 0 for field in template.templateFields: fields.append( {'name': field.informationElement, 'len': field.fieldLength}) rec_len += field.fieldLength self._templates.append( {'id': templateID, 'fields': fields, 'rec_len': rec_len}) def decode_data_set(self, data_set): """ Decode IPFIX data :param data_set: IPFIX data set :returns: List of decoded data records. """ data = [] for template in self._templates: if template['id'] == data_set.setID: offset = 0 d = data_set[Data].data for i in range(len(d) / template['rec_len']): record = {} for field in template['fields']: f = d[offset:offset + field['len']] offset += field['len'] record.update({field['name']: f}) data.append(record) break return data