# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. export WS_ROOT=$(CURDIR) export BR=$(WS_ROOT)/build-root CCACHE_DIR?=$(BR)/.ccache GDB?=gdb PLATFORM?=vpp SAMPLE_PLUGIN?=no MACHINE=$(shell uname -m) ,:=, define disable_plugins $(if $(1), \ "plugins {" \ $(patsubst %,"plugin %_plugin.so { disable }",$(subst $(,), ,$(1))) \ " }" \ ,) endef MINIMAL_STARTUP_CONF=" \ unix { \ interactive \ cli-listen /run/vpp/cli.sock \ gid $(shell id -g) \ $(if $(wildcard startup.vpp),"exec startup.vpp",) \ } \ $(if $(DPDK_CONFIG), "dpdk { $(DPDK_CONFIG) }",) \ $(call disable_plugins,$(DISABLED_PLUGINS)) \ " GDB_ARGS= -ex "handle SIGUSR1 noprint nostop" # # OS Detection # # We allow Darwin (MacOS) for docs generation; VPP build will still fail. ifneq ($(shell uname),Darwin) OS_ID = $(shell grep '^ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -f2- -d= | sed -e 's/\"//g') OS_VERSION_ID= $(shell grep '^VERSION_ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -f2- -d= | sed -e 's/\"//g') endif ifeq ($(filter ubuntu debian,$(OS_ID)),$(OS_ID)) PKG=deb else ifeq ($(filter rhel centos fedora opensuse,$(OS_ID)),$(OS_ID)) PKG=rpm endif # +libganglia1-dev if building the gmond plugin DEB_DEPENDS = curl build-essential autoconf automake ccache DEB_DEPENDS += debhelper dkms git libtool libapr1-dev dh-systemd DEB_DEPENDS += libconfuse-dev git-review exuberant-ctags cscope pkg-config DEB_DEPENDS += lcov chrpath autoconf indent clang-format libnuma-dev DEB_DEPENDS += python-all python-dev python-virtualenv python-pip libffi6 check DEB_DEPENDS += libboost-all-dev libffi-dev python-ply ifeq ($(OS_VERSION_ID),14.04) DEB_DEPENDS += openjdk-8-jdk-headless DEB_DEPENDS += libssl-dev else ifeq ($(OS_ID)-$(OS_VERSION_ID),debian-8) DEB_DEPENDS += openjdk-8-jdk-headless DEB_DEPENDS += libssl-dev APT_ARGS = -t jessie-backports else ifeq ($(OS_ID)-$(OS_VERSION_ID),debian-9) DEB_DEPENDS += default-jdk-headless DEB_DEPENDS += libssl1.0-dev else DEB_DEPENDS += default-jdk-headless DEB_DEPENDS += libssl-dev endif RPM_DEPENDS = redhat-lsb glibc-static java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel yum-utils RPM_DEPENDS += apr-devel RPM_DEPENDS += numactl-devel RPM_DEPENDS += check check-devel RPM_DEPENDS += boost boost-devel RPM_DEPENDS += subunit subunit-devel RPM_DEPENDS += selinux-policy selinux-policy-devel ifeq ($(OS_ID)-$(OS_VERSION_ID),fedora-25) RPM_DEPENDS += openssl-devel RPM_DEPENDS += python-devel python2-ply RPM_DEPENDS += python2-virtualenv RPM_DEPENDS_GROUPS = 'C Development Tools and Libraries' else ifeq ($(shell if [ "$(OS_ID)" = "fedora" ]; then test $(OS_VERSION_ID) -gt 25; echo $$?; fi),0) RPM_DEPENDS += compat-openssl10-devel RPM_DEPENDS += python2-devel python2-ply RPM_DEPENDS += python2-virtualenv RPM_DEPENDS_GROUPS = 'C Development Tools and Libraries' else RPM_DEPENDS += openssl-devel RPM_DEPENDS += python-devel python-ply RPM_DEPENDS += python-virtualenv RPM_DEPENDS_GROUPS = 'Development Tools' endif # +ganglia-devel if building the ganglia plugin RPM_DEPENDS += chrpath libffi-devel rpm-build SUSE_NAME= $(shell grep '^NAME=' /etc/os-release | cut -f2- -d= | sed -e 's/\"//g' | cut -d' ' -f2) RPM_SUSE_BUILDTOOLS_DEPS = autoconf automake ccache check-devel chrpath RPM_SUSE_BUILDTOOLS_DEPS += clang indent libtool make python-ply RPM_SUSE_DEVEL_DEPS = glibc-devel-static java-1_8_0-openjdk-devel libnuma-devel RPM_SUSE_DEVEL_DEPS += libopenssl-devel openssl-devel RPM_SUSE_PYTHON_DEPS = python-devel python3-devel python-pip python3-pip RPM_SUSE_PYTHON_DEPS += python-rpm-macros python3-rpm-macros RPM_SUSE_PLATFORM_DEPS = distribution-release shadow rpm-build ifeq ($(OS_ID),opensuse) ifneq ($(SUSE_NAME),Tumbleweed) RPM_SUSE_DEVEL_DEPS += boost_1_61-devel gcc6 RPM_SUSE_PYTHON_DEPS += python-virtualenv else RPM_SUSE_DEVEL_DEPS = libboost_headers-devel libboost_thread-devel gcc RPM_SUSE_PYTHON_DEPS += python2-virtualenv endif endif RPM_SUSE_DEPENDS += $(RPM_SUSE_BUILDTOOLS_DEPS) $(RPM_SUSE_DEVEL_DEPS) $(RPM_SUSE_PYTHON_DEPS) $(RPM_SUSE_PLATFORM_DEPS) ifneq ($(wildcard $(STARTUP_DIR)/startup.conf),) STARTUP_CONF ?= $(STARTUP_DIR)/startup.conf endif ifeq ($(findstring y,$(UNATTENDED)),y) CONFIRM=-y FORCE=--force-yes endif TARGETS = vpp ifneq ($(SAMPLE_PLUGIN),no) TARGETS += sample-plugin endif .PHONY: help bootstrap wipe wipe-release build build-release rebuild rebuild-release .PHONY: run run-release debug debug-release build-vat run-vat pkg-deb pkg-rpm .PHONY: ctags cscope .PHONY: test test-debug retest retest-debug test-doc test-wipe-doc test-help test-wipe .PHONY: test-cov test-wipe-cov help: @echo "Make Targets:" @echo " bootstrap - prepare tree for build" @echo " install-dep - install software dependencies" @echo " wipe - wipe all products of debug build " @echo " wipe-release - wipe all products of release build " @echo " build - build debug binaries" @echo " build-release - build release binaries" @echo " build-coverity - build coverity artifacts" @echo " rebuild - wipe and build debug binares" @echo " rebuild-release - wipe and build release binares" @echo " run - run debug binary" @echo " run-release - run release binary" @echo " debug - run debug binary with debugger" @echo " debug-release - run release binary with debugger" @echo " test - build and run (basic) functional tests" @echo " test-debug - build and run (basic) functional tests (debug build)" @echo " test-all - build and run (all) functional tests" @echo " test-all-debug - build and run (all) functional tests (debug build)" @echo " test-shell - enter shell with test environment" @echo " test-shell-debug - enter shell with test environment (debug build)" @echo " test-wipe - wipe files generated by unit tests" @echo " retest - run functional tests" @echo " retest-debug - run functional tests (debug build)" @echo " test-help - show help on test framework" @echo " run-vat - run vpp-api-test tool" @echo " pkg-deb - build DEB packages" @echo " pkg-rpm - build RPM packages" @echo " dpd
# Introduction
Maximum Transmission Unit is a term used to describe the maximum sized "thingy" that can be sent out an interface. It can refer to the maximum frame size that a NIC can send. On Ethernet that would include the Ethernet header but typically not the IGF. It can refer to the maximum packet size, that is, on Ethernet an MTU of 1500, would allow an IPv4 packet of 1500 bytes, that would result in an Ethernet frame of 1518 bytes.

# MTU in VPP
VPP allows setting of the physical payload MTU. I.e. not including L2 overhead. Setting the hardware MTU will program the NIC.
This MTU will be inherited by all software interfaces.

VPP also allows setting of the payload MTU for software interfaces. Independently of the MTU set on the hardware. If the software payload MTU is set higher than the capability of the NIC, the packet will be dropped.

In addition VPP supports setting the MTU of individual network layer protocols. IPv4, IPv6 or MPLS. For example an IPv4 MTU of 1500 (includes the IPv4 header) will fit in a hardware payload MTU of 1500.

_Note we might consider changing the hardware payload MTU to hardware MTU_. That is, the MTU includes all L2 framing. Then the payload MTU can be calculated based on the interface's configuration. E.g. 802.1q tags etc.

There are currently no checks or warnings if e.g. the user configures a per-protocol MTU larger than the underlying payload MTU. If that happens packets will be fragmented or dropped.

## Data structures
The hardware payload MTU is stored in the max_packet_bytes variable in the vnet_hw_interface_t structure.

The software MTU (previously max_l3_packet_bytes) is in vnet_sw_interface_t->in mtu[VNET_N_MTU].


## Set physical MTU

This API message is used to set the physical MTU. It is currently limited to Ethernet interfaces. Note, this programs the NIC.

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