#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2019-2020 Rubicon Communications, LLC (Netgate) # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # import unittest import time import socket from socket import inet_pton, inet_ntop from vpp_object import VppObject from vpp_papi import VppEnum from scapy.packet import raw from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether, ARP from scapy.layers.inet import IP, ICMP, icmptypes from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6, ipv6nh, IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop, \ ICMPv6MLReport2, ICMPv6ND_NA, ICMPv6ND_NS, ICMPv6NDOptDstLLAddr, \ ICMPv6NDOptSrcLLAddr, ICMPv6EchoRequest, ICMPv6EchoReply from scapy.contrib.igmpv3 import IGMPv3, IGMPv3mr, IGMPv3gr from scapy.layers.vrrp import IPPROTO_VRRP, VRRPv3 from scapy.utils6 import in6_getnsma, in6_getnsmac from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner, running_extended_tests from util import ip6_normalize VRRP_VR_FLAG_PREEMPT = 1 VRRP_VR_FLAG_ACCEPT = 2 VRRP_VR_FLAG_UNICAST = 4 VRRP_VR_FLAG_IPV6 = 8 VRRP_VR_STATE_INIT = 0 VRRP_VR_STATE_BACKUP = 1 VRRP_VR_STATE_MASTER = 2 VRRP_VR_STATE_INTF_DOWN = 3 def is_non_arp(p): """ Want to filter out advertisements, igmp, etc""" if p.haslayer(ARP): return False return True def is_not_adv(p): """ Filter out everything but advertisements. E.g. multicast RD/ND """ if p.haslayer(VRRPv3): return False return True def is_not_echo_reply(p): """ filter out advertisements and other while waiting for echo reply """ if p.haslayer(IP) and p.haslayer(ICMP): if icmptypes[p[ICMP].type] == "echo-reply": return False elif p.haslayer(IPv6) and p.haslayer(ICMPv6EchoReply): return False return True class VppVRRPVirtualRouter(VppObject): def __init__(self, test, intf, vr_id, prio=100, intvl=100, flags=VRRP_VR_FLAG_PREEMPT, vips=None): self._test = test self._intf = intf self._sw_if_index = self._intf.sw_if_index self._vr_id = vr_id self._prio = prio self._intvl = intvl self._flags = flags if (flags & VRRP_VR_FLAG_IPV6): self._is_ipv6 = 1 self._adv_dest_mac = "33:33:00:00:00:12" self._virtual_mac = "00:00:5e:00:02:%02x" % vr_id self._adv_dest_ip = "ff02::12" self._vips = ([intf.local_ip6] if vips is None else vips) else: self._is_ipv6 = 0 self._adv_dest_mac = "01:00:5e:00:00:12" self._virtual_mac = "00:00:5e:00:01:%02x" % vr_id self._adv_dest_ip = "" self._vips = ([intf.local_ip4] if vips is None else vips) self._tracked_ifs = [] def add_vpp_config(self): self._test.vapi.vrrp_vr_add_del(is_add=1, sw_if_index=self._intf.sw_if_index, vr_id=self._vr_id, priority=self._prio, interval=self._intvl, flags=self._flags, n_addrs=len(self._vips), addrs=self._vips) def query_vpp_config(self): vrs = self._test.vapi.vrrp_vr_dump(sw_if_index=self._intf.sw_if_index) for vr in vrs: if vr.config.vr_id != self._vr_id: continue is_ipv6 = (1 if (vr.config.flags & VRRP_VR_FLAG_IPV6) else 0) if is_ipv6 != self._is_ipv6: continue return vr return None def remove_vpp_config(self): self._test.vapi.vrrp_vr_add_del(is_add=0, sw_if_index=self._intf.sw_if_index, vr_id=self._vr_id, priority=self._prio, interval=self._intvl, flags=self._flags, n_addrs=len(self._vips), addrs=self._vips) def start_stop(self, is_start): self._test.vapi.vrrp_vr_start_stop(is_start=is_start, sw_if_index=self._intf.sw_if_index, vr_id=self._vr_id, is_ipv6=self._is_ipv6) self._start_time = (time.time() if is_start else None) def add_del_tracked_interface(self, is_add, sw_if_index, prio): args = { 'sw_if_index': self._intf.sw_if_index, 'is_ipv6': self._is_ipv6, 'vr_id': self._vr_id, 'is_add': is_add, 'n_ifs': 1, 'ifs': [{'sw_if_index': sw_if_index, 'priority': prio}] } self._test.vapi.vrrp_vr_track_if_add_del(**args) self._tracked_ifs.append(args['ifs'][0]) def set_unicast_peers(self, addrs): args = { 'sw_if_index': self._intf.sw_if_index, 'is_ipv6': self._is_ipv6, 'vr_id': self._vr_id, 'n_addrs': len(addrs), 'addrs': addrs } self._test.vapi.vrrp_vr_set_peers(**args) self._unicast_peers = addrs def start_time(self): return self._start_time def virtual_mac(self): return self._virtual_mac def virtual_ips(self): return self._vips def adv_dest_mac(self): return self._adv_dest_mac def adv_dest_ip(self): return self._adv_dest_ip def priority(self): return self._prio def vr_id(self): return self._vr_id def adv_interval(self): return self._intvl def interface(self): return self._intf def assert_state_equals(self, state): vr_details = self.query_vpp_config() self._test.assertEqual(vr_details.runtime.state, state) def master_down_seconds(self): vr_details = self.query_vpp_config() return (vr_details.runtime.master_down_int * 0.01) def vrrp_adv_packet(self, prio=None, src_ip=None): dst_ip = self._adv_dest_ip if prio is None: prio = self._prio eth = Ether(dst=self._adv_dest_mac, src=self._virtual_mac) vrrp = VRRPv3(vrid=self._vr_id, priority=prio, ipcount=len(self._vips), adv=self._intvl) if self._is_ipv6: src_ip = (self._intf.local_ip6_ll if src_ip is None else src_ip) ip = IPv6(src=src_ip, dst=dst_ip, nh=IPPROTO_VRRP, hlim=255) vrrp.addrlist = self._vips else: src_ip = (self._intf.local_ip4 if src_ip is None else src_ip) ip = IP(src=src_ip, dst=dst_ip, proto=IPPROTO_VRRP, ttl=255, id=0) vrrp.addrlist = self._vips # Fill in default values & checksums pkt = Ether(raw(eth / ip / vrrp)) return pkt @unittest.skipUnless(running_extended_tests, "part of extended tests") class TestVRRP4(VppTestCase): """ IPv4 VRRP Test Case """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestVRRP4, cls).setUpClass() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestVRRP4, cls).tearDownClass() def setUp(self): super(TestVRRP4, self).setUp() self.create_pg_interfaces(range(2)) for i in self.pg_interfaces: i.admin_up() i.config_ip4() i.generate_remote_hosts(5) i.configure_ipv4_neighbors() self._vrs = [] self._default_flags = VRRP_VR_FLAG_PREEMPT self._default_adv = 100 def tearDown(self): for vr in self._vrs: try: vr_api = vr.query_vpp_config() if vr_api.runtime.state != VRRP_VR_STATE_INIT: vr.start_stop(is_start=0) vr.remove_vpp_config() except: self.logger.error("Error cleaning up") for i in self.pg_interfaces: i.admin_down() i.unconfig_ip4() i.unconfig_ip6() self._vrs = [] super(TestVRRP4, self).tearDown() def verify_vrrp4_igmp(self, pkt): ip = pkt[IP] self.assertEqual(ip.dst, "") self.assertEqual(ip.proto, 2) igmp = pkt[IGMPv3] self.assertEqual(IGMPv3.igmpv3types[igmp.type], "Version 3 Membership Report") igmpmr = pkt[IGMPv3mr] self.assertEqual(igmpmr.numgrp, 1) self.assertEqual(igmpmr.records[0].maddr, "") def verify_vrrp4_garp(self, pkt, vip, vmac): arp = pkt[ARP] # ARP "who-has" op == 1 self.assertEqual(arp.op, 1) self.assertEqual(arp.pdst, arp.psrc) self.assertEqual(arp.pdst, vip) self.assertEqual(arp.hwsrc, vmac) def verify_vrrp4_adv(self, rx_pkt, vr, prio=None): vips = vr.virtual_ips() eth = rx_pkt[Ether] ip = rx_pkt[IP] vrrp = rx_pkt[VRRPv3] pkt = vr.vrrp_adv_packet(prio=prio) # Source MAC is virtual MAC, destination is multicast MAC self.assertEqual(eth.src, vr.virtual_mac()) self.assertEqual(eth.dst, vr.adv_dest_mac()) self.assertEqual(ip.dst, "") self.assertEqual(ip.ttl, 255) self.assertEqual(ip.proto, IPPROTO_VRRP) self.assertEqual(vrrp.version, 3) self.assertEqual(vrrp.type, 1) self.assertEqual(vrrp.vrid, vr.vr_id()) if prio is None: prio = vr.priority() self.assertEqual(vrrp.priority, prio) self.assertEqual(vrrp.ipcount, len(vips)) self.assertEqual(vrrp.adv, vr.adv_interval()) self.assertListEqual(vrrp.addrlist, vips) # VR with priority 255 owns the virtual address and should # become master and start advertising immediately. def test_vrrp4_master_adv(self): """ IPv4 Master VR advertises """ self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() prio = 255 intvl = self._default_adv vr = VppVRRPVirtualRouter(self, self.pg0, 100, prio=prio, intvl=intvl, flags=self._default_flags) vr.add_vpp_config() vr.start_stop(is_start=1) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show vrrp vr")) vr.start_stop(is_start=0) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show vrrp vr")) pkts = self.pg0.get_capture(4) # Init -> Master: IGMP Join, VRRP adv, gratuitous ARP are sent self.verify_vrrp4_igmp(pkts[0]) self.verify_vrrp4_adv(pkts[1], vr, prio=prio) self.verify_vrrp4_garp(pkts[2], vr.virtual_ips()[0], vr.virtual_mac()) # Master -> Init: Adv with priority 0 sent to force an election self.verify_vrrp4_adv(pkts[3], vr, prio=0) vr.remove_vpp_config() self._vrs = [] # VR with priority < 255 enters backup state and does not advertise as # long as it receives higher priority advertisements def test_vrrp4_backup_noadv(self): """ IPv4 Backup VR does not advertise """ self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() vr_id = 100 prio = 100 intvl = self._default_adv intvl_s = intvl * 0.01 vr = VppVRRPVirtualRouter(self, self.pg0, vr_id, prio=prio, intvl=intvl, flags=self._default_flags, vips=[self.pg0.remote_ip4]) self._vrs.append(vr) vr.add_vpp_config() vr.start_stop(is_start=1) vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_BACKUP) # watch for advertisements for 2x the master down preemption timeout end_time = vr.start_time() + 2 * vr.master_down_seconds() # Init -> Backup: An IGMP join should be sent pkts = self.pg0.get_capture(1) self.verify_vrrp4_igmp(pkts[0]) # send higher prio advertisements, should not receive any src_ip = self.pg0.remote_ip4 pkts = [vr.vrrp_adv_packet(prio=prio+10, src_ip=src_ip)] while time.time() < end_time: self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, pkts, timeout=intvl_s) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show trace")) vr.start_stop(is_start=0) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show vrrp vr")) vr.remove_vpp_config() self._vrs = [] def test_vrrp4_master_arp(self): """ IPv4 Master VR replies to ARP """ self.pg_start() # VR virtual IP is the default, which is the pg local IP vr_id = 100 prio = 255 intvl = self._default_adv vr = VppVRRPVirtualRouter(self, self.pg0, 100, prio=prio, intvl=intvl, flags=self._default_flags) self._vrs.append(vr) vr.add_vpp_config() # before the VR is up, ARP should resolve to interface MAC self.pg0.resolve_arp() self.assertNotEqual(self.pg0.local_mac, vr.virtual_mac()) # start the VR, ARP should now resolve to virtual MAC vr.start_stop(is_start=1) self.pg0.resolve_arp() self.assertEqual(self.pg0.local_mac, vr.virtual_mac()) # stop the VR, ARP should resolve to interface MAC again vr.start_stop(is_start=0) self.pg0.resolve_arp() self.assertNotEqual(self.pg0.local_mac, vr.virtual_mac()) vr.remove_vpp_config() self._vrs = [] def test_vrrp4_backup_noarp(self): """ IPv4 Backup VR ignores ARP """ # We need an address for a virtual IP that is not the IP that # ARP requests will originate from vr_id = 100 prio = 100 intvl = self._default_adv vip = self.pg0.remote_hosts[1].ip4 vr = VppVRRPVirtualRouter(self, self.pg0, vr_id, prio=prio, intvl=intvl, flags=self._default_flags, vips=[vip]) self._vrs.append(vr) vr.add_vpp_config() arp_req = (Ether(dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / ARP(op=ARP.who_has, pdst=vip, psrc=self.pg0.remote_ip4, hwsrc=self.pg0.remote_mac)) # Before the VR is started make sure no reply to request for VIP self.pg_start() self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, [arp_req], timeout=1) # VR should start in backup state and still should not reply to ARP # send a higher priority adv to make sure it does not become master adv = vr.vrrp_adv_packet(prio=prio+10, src_ip=self.pg0.remote_ip4) vr.start_stop(is_start=1) self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, [adv, arp_req], timeout=1) vr.start_stop(is_start=0) vr.remove_vpp_config() self._vrs = [] def test_vrrp4_election(self): """ IPv4 Backup VR becomes master if no advertisements received """ vr_id = 100 prio = 100 intvl = self._default_adv intvl_s = intvl * 0.01 vip = self.pg0.remote_ip4 vr = VppVRRPVirtualRouter(self, self.pg0, vr_id, prio=prio, intvl=intvl, flags=self._default_flags, vips=[vip]) self._vrs.append(vr) vr.add_vpp_config() # After adding the VR, it should be in the init state vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_INIT) self.pg_start() vr.start_stop(is_start=1) # VR should be in backup state after starting vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_BACKUP) end_time = vr.start_time() + vr.master_down_seconds() # should not receive adverts until timer expires & state transition self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) while (time.time() + intvl_s) < end_time: time.sleep(intvl_s) self.pg0.assert_nothing_captured(filter_out_fn=is_not_adv) # VR should be in master state, should send an adv self.pg0.enable_capture() self.pg0.wait_for_packet(intvl_s, is_not_adv) vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_MASTER) def test_vrrp4_backup_preempts(self): """ IPv4 Backup VR preempts lower priority master """ vr_id = 100 prio = 100 intvl = self._default_adv intvl_s = intvl * 0.01 vip = self.pg0.remote_ip4 vr = VppVRRPVirtualRouter(self, self.pg0, vr_id, prio=prio, intvl=intvl, flags=self._default_flags, vips=[vip]) self._vrs.append(vr) vr.add_vpp_config() # After adding the VR, it should be in the init state vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_INIT) self.pg_start() vr.start_stop(is_start=1) # VR should be in backup state after starting vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_BACKUP) end_time = vr.start_time() + vr.master_down_seconds() # send lower prio advertisements until timer expires src_ip = self.pg0.remote_ip4 pkts = [vr.vrrp_adv_packet(prio=prio-10, src_ip=src_ip)] while time.time() + intvl_s < end_time: self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, pkts, timeout=intvl_s) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show trace")) # when timer expires, VR should take over as master self.pg0.enable_capture() self.pg0.wait_for_packet(timeout=intvl_s, filter_out_fn=is_not_adv) vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_MASTER) def test_vrrp4_master_preempted(self): """ IPv4 Master VR preempted by higher priority backup """ # A prio 255 VR cannot be preempted so the prio has to be lower and # we have to wait for it to take over vr_id = 100 prio = 100 intvl = self._default_adv vip = self.pg0.remote_ip4 vr = VppVRRPVirtualRouter(self, self.pg0, vr_id, prio=prio, intvl=intvl, flags=self._default_flags, vips=[vip]) self._vrs.append(vr) vr.add_vpp_config() # After adding the VR, it should be in the init state vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_INIT) # start VR vr.start_stop(is_start=1) vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_BACKUP) # wait for VR to take over as master end_time = vr.start_time() + vr.master_down_seconds() sleep_s = end_time - time.time() time.sleep(sleep_s) vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_MASTER) # Build advertisement packet and send it pkts = [vr.vrrp_adv_packet(prio=255, src_ip=self.pg0.remote_ip4)] self.pg_send(self.pg0, pkts) # VR should be in backup state again vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_BACKUP) def test_vrrp4_accept_mode_disabled(self): """ IPv4 Master VR does not reply for VIP w/ accept mode off """ # accept mode only matters when prio < 255, so it will have to # come up as a backup and take over as master after the timeout vr_id = 100 prio = 100 intvl = self._default_adv vip = self.pg0.remote_hosts[4].ip4 vr = VppVRRPVirtualRouter(self, self.pg0, vr_id, prio=prio, intvl=intvl, flags=self._default_flags, vips=[vip]) self._vrs.append(vr) vr.add_vpp_config() # After adding the VR, it should be in the init state vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_INIT) # start VR vr.start_stop(is_start=1) vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_BACKUP) # wait for VR to take over as master end_time = vr.start_time() + vr.master_down_seconds() sleep_s = end_time - time.time() time.sleep(sleep_s) vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_MASTER) # send an ICMP echo to the VR virtual IP address echo = (Ether(dst=vr.virtual_mac(), src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IP(dst=vip, src=self.pg0.remote_ip4) / ICMP(seq=1, id=self.pg0.sw_if_index, type='echo-request')) self.pg_send(self.pg0, [echo]) # wait for an echo reply. none should be received time.sleep(1) self.pg0.assert_nothing_captured(filter_out_fn=is_not_echo_reply) def test_vrrp4_accept_mode_enabled(self): """ IPv4 Master VR replies for VIP w/ accept mode on """ # A prio 255 VR cannot be preempted so the prio has to be lower and # we have to wait for it to take over vr_id = 100 prio = 100 intvl = self._default_adv vip = self.pg0.remote_hosts[4].ip4 flags = (VRRP_VR_FLAG_PREEMPT | VRRP_VR_FLAG_ACCEPT) vr = VppVRRPVirtualRouter(self, self.pg0, vr_id, prio=prio, intvl=intvl, flags=flags, vips=[vip]) self._vrs.append(vr) vr.add_vpp_config() # After adding the VR, it should be in the init state vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_INIT) # start VR vr.start_stop(is_start=1) vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_BACKUP) # wait for VR to take over as master end_time = vr.start_time() + vr.master_down_seconds() sleep_s = end_time - time.time() time.sleep(sleep_s) vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_MASTER) # send an ICMP echo to the VR virtual IP address echo = (Ether(dst=vr.virtual_mac(), src=self.pg0.remote_mac) / IP(dst=vip, src=self.pg0.remote_ip4) / ICMP(seq=1, id=self.pg0.sw_if_index, type='echo-request')) self.pg_send(self.pg0, [echo]) # wait for an echo reply. time.sleep(1) rx_pkts = self.pg0.get_capture(expected_count=1, timeout=1, filter_out_fn=is_not_echo_reply) self.assertEqual(rx_pkts[0][IP].src, vip) self.assertEqual(rx_pkts[0][IP].dst, self.pg0.remote_ip4) self.assertEqual(icmptypes[rx_pkts[0][ICMP].type], "echo-reply") self.assertEqual(rx_pkts[0][ICMP].seq, 1) self.assertEqual(rx_pkts[0][ICMP].id, self.pg0.sw_if_index) def test_vrrp4_intf_tracking(self): """ IPv4 Master VR adjusts priority based on tracked interface """ vr_id = 100 prio = 255 intvl = self._default_adv intvl_s = intvl * 0.01 vip = self.pg0.local_ip4 vr = VppVRRPVirtualRouter(self, self.pg0, vr_id, prio=prio, intvl=intvl, flags=self._default_flags, vips=[vip]) self._vrs.append(vr) vr.add_vpp_config() # After adding the VR, it should be in the init state vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_INIT) # add pg1 as a tracked interface and start the VR adjustment = 50 adjusted_prio = prio - adjustment vr.add_del_tracked_interface(is_add=1, sw_if_index=self.pg1.sw_if_index, prio=adjustment) vr.start_stop(is_start=1) vr.assert_state_equals(VRRP_VR_STATE_MASTER) adv_configured = vr.vrrp_adv_packet(prio=prio)
* Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <vnet/fib/fib_entry.h>
#include <vnet/fib/fib_table.h>
#include <vnet/fib/fib_attached_export.h>
#include <vnet/fib/fib_entry_cover.h>
#include <vnet/fib/fib_entry_src.h>
#include <vnet/fib/fib_entry_delegate.h>
#include <vnet/dpo/drop_dpo.h>
* A description of the need to import routes from the export table
typedef struct fib_ae_import_t_
* The entry in the epxort table that this importer
* is importing covereds from
fib_node_index_t faei_export_entry;
* The attached entry in the import table
fib_node_index_t faei_import_entry;
* the sibling index on the cover
u32 faei_export_sibling;
* The index of the exporter tracker. Not set if the
* export entry is not valid for export
fib_node_index_t faei_exporter;
* A vector/list of imported entry indicies
fib_node_index_t *faei_importeds;
* The FIB index and prefix we are tracking
fib_node_index_t faei_export_fib;
fib_prefix_t faei_prefix;
* The FIB index we are importing into
fib_node_index_t faei_import_fib;
} fib_ae_import_t;
* A description of the need to export routes to one or more export tables
typedef struct fib_ae_export_t_ {
* The vector/list of import tracker indicies
fib_node_index_t *faee_importers;
* THe connected entry this export is acting on behalf of
fib_node_index_t faee_ei;
* Reference counting locks
u32 faee_locks;
} fib_ae_export_t;
* memory pools for the importers and exportes
static fib_ae_import_t *fib_ae_import_pool;
static fib_ae_export_t *fib_ae_export_pool;
static fib_ae_export_t *
fib_entry_ae_add_or_lock (fib_node_index_t connected)
fib_entry_delegate_t *fed;
fib_ae_export_t *export;
fib_entry_t *entry;
entry = fib_entry_get(connected);
fed = fib_entry_delegate_get(entry,
if (NULL == fed)
fed = fib_entry_delegate_find_or_add(entry,
pool_get(fib_ae_export_pool, export);
memset(export, 0, sizeof(*export));
fed->fd_index = (export - fib_ae_export_pool);
export->faee_ei = connected;
export = pool_elt_at_index(fib_ae_export_pool, fed->fd_index);
return (export);
static void
fib_entry_import_remove (fib_ae_import_t *import,
fib_node_index_t entry_index)
fib_prefix_t prefix;
u32 index;
* find the index in the vector of the entry we are removing
index = vec_search(import->faei_importeds, entry_index);
if (index < vec_len(import->faei_importeds))
* this is an entry that was previsouly imported
fib_entry_get_prefix(entry_index, &prefix);
vec_del1(import->faei_importeds, index);
static void
fib_entry_import_add (fib_ae_import_t *import,
fib_node_index_t entry_index)
fib_node_index_t *existing;
fib_prefix_t prefix;
* ensure we only add the exported entry once, since
* sourcing prefixes in the table is reference counted
vec_foreach(existing, import->faei_importeds)
if (*existing == entry_index)
* this is the first time this export entry has been imported
* Add it to the import FIB and to the list of importeds
fib_entry_get_prefix(entry_index, &prefix);
* don't import entries that have the same prefix the import entry
if (0 != fib_prefix_cmp(&prefix,
const dpo_id_t *dpo;
dpo = fib_entry_contribute_ip_forwarding(entry_index);
if (dpo_id_is_valid(dpo) && !dpo_is_drop(dpo))