#!/usr/bin/env python3 import socket import struct import unittest import scapy.compat from time import sleep from config import config from framework import VppTestCase from ipfix import IPFIX, Set, Template, Data, IPFIXDecoder from scapy.layers.inet import IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP from scapy.layers.inet import IPerror, UDPerror from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether from util import ppp class TestDET44(VppTestCase): """ Deterministic NAT Test Cases """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestDET44, cls).setUpClass() cls.vapi.cli("set log class det44 level debug") cls.tcp_port_in = 6303 cls.tcp_external_port = 6303 cls.udp_port_in = 6304 cls.udp_external_port = 6304 cls.icmp_id_in = 6305 cls.nat_addr = '' cls.create_pg_interfaces(range(3)) cls.interfaces = list(cls.pg_interfaces) for i in cls.interfaces: i.admin_up() i.config_ip4() i.resolve_arp() cls.pg0.generate_remote_hosts(2) cls.pg0.configure_ipv4_neighbors() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestDET44, cls).tearDownClass() def setUp(self): super(TestDET44, self).setUp() self.vapi.det44_plugin_enable_disable(enable=1) def tearDown(self): super(TestDET44, self).tearDown() if not self.vpp_dead: self.vapi.det44_plugin_enable_disable(enable=0) def show_commands_at_teardown(self): self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show det44 interfaces")) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show det44 timeouts")) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show det44 mappings")) self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("show det44 sessions")) def verify_capture_in(self, capture, in_if): """ Verify captured packets on inside network :param capture: Captured packets :param in_if: Inside interface """ fired = False for packet in capture: try: self.assert_packet_checksums_valid(packet) self.assertEqual(packet[IP].dst, in_if.remote_ip4) if packet.haslayer(TCP): self.assertEqual(packet[TCP].dport, self.tcp_port_in) elif packet.haslayer(UDP): self.assertEqual(packet[UDP].dport, self.udp_port_in) else: self.assertEqual(packet[ICMP].id, self.icmp_id_in) except: fired = True self.logger.error(ppp("Unexpected or invalid packet " "(inside network):", packet)) if fired: raise def verify_ipfix_max_entries_per_user(self, data, limit, src_addr): """ Verify IPFIX maximum entries per user exceeded event :param data: Decoded IPFIX data records :param limit: Number of maximum entries per user :param src_addr: IPv4 source address """ self.assertEqual(1, len(data)) record = data[0] # natEvent self.assertEqual(scapy.compat.orb(record[230]), 13) # natQuotaExceededEvent self.assertEqual(struct.pack("I", 3), record[466]) # maxEntriesPerUser self.assertEqual(struct.pack("I", limit), record[473]) # sourceIPv4Address self.assertEqual(socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, src_addr), record[8]) def initiate_tcp_session(self, in_if, out_if): """ Initiates TCP session 3 WAY HAND SHAKE :param in_if: Inside interface :param out_if: Outside interface """ # SYN packet in->out p = (Ether(src=in_if.remote_mac, dst=in_if.local_mac) / IP(src=in_if.remote_ip4, dst=out_if.remote_ip4) / TCP(sport=self.tcp_port_in, dport=self.tcp_external_port, flags="S")) in_if.add_stream(p) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() capture = out_if.get_capture(1) p = capture[0] self.tcp_port_out = p[TCP].sport # SYN + ACK packet out->in p = (Ether(src=out_if.remote_mac, dst=out_if.local_mac) / IP(src=out_if.remote_ip4, dst=self.nat_addr) / TCP(sport=self.tcp_external_port, dport=self.tcp_port_out, flags="SA")) out_if.add_stream(p) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() in_if.get_capture(1) # ACK packet in->out p = (Ether(src=in_if.remote_mac, dst=in_if.local_mac) / IP(src=in_if.remote_ip4, dst=out_if.remote_ip4) / TCP(sport=self.tcp_port_in, dport=self.tcp_external_port, flags="A")) in_if.add_stream(p) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() out_if.get_capture(1) def create_stream_in(self, in_if, out_if, ttl=64): """ Create packet stream for inside network :param in_if: Inside interface :param out_if: Outside interface :param ttl: TTL of generated packets """ pkts = [] # TCP p = (Ether(dst=in_if.local_mac, src=in_if.remote_mac) / IP(src=in_if.remote_ip4, dst=out_if.remote_ip4, ttl=ttl) / TCP(sport=self.tcp_port_in, dport=self.tcp_external_port)) pkts.append(p) # UDP p = (Ether(dst=in_if.local_mac, src=in_if.remote_mac) / IP(src=in_if.remote_ip4, dst=out_if.remote_ip4, ttl=ttl) / UDP(sport=self.udp_port_in, dport=self.udp_external_port)) pkts.append(p) # ICMP p = (Ether(dst=in_if.local_mac, src=in_if.remote_mac) / IP(src=in_if.remote_ip4, dst=out_if.remote_ip4, ttl=ttl) / ICMP(id=self.icmp_id_in, type='echo-request')) pkts.append(p) return pkts def create_stream_out(self, out_if, dst_ip=None, ttl=64): """ Create packet stream for outside network :param out_if: Outside interface :param dst_ip: Destination IP address (Default use global NAT address) :param ttl: TTL of generated packets """ if dst_ip is None: dst_ip = self.nat_addr pkts = [] # TCP p = (Ether(dst=out_if.local_mac, src=out_if.remote_mac) / IP(src=out_if.remote_ip4, dst=dst_ip, ttl=ttl) / TCP(dport=self.tcp_port_out, sport=self.tcp_external_port)) pkts.append(p) # UDP p = (Ether(dst=out_if.local_mac, src=out_if.remote_mac) / IP(src=out_if.remote_ip4, dst=dst_ip, ttl=ttl) / UDP(dport=self.udp_port_out, sport=self.udp_external_port)) pkts.append(p) # ICMP p = (Ether(dst=out_if.local_mac, src=out_if.remote_mac) / IP(src=out_if.remote_ip4, dst=dst_ip, ttl=ttl) / ICMP(id=self.icmp_external_id, type='echo-reply')) pkts.append(p) return pkts def verify_capture_out(self, capture, nat_ip=None): """ Verify captured packets on outside network :param capture: Captured packets :param nat_ip: Translated IP address (Default use global NAT address) :param same_port: Source port number is not translated (Default False) """ if nat_ip is None: nat_ip = self.nat_addr for packet in capture: try: self.assertEqual(packet[IP].src, nat_ip) if packet.haslayer(TCP): self.tcp_port_out = packet[TCP].sport elif packet.haslayer(UDP): self.udp_port_out = packet[UDP].sport else: self.icmp_external_id = packet[ICMP].id except: self.logger.error(ppp("Unexpected or invalid packet " "(outside network):", packet)) raise def test_deterministic_mode(self): """ NAT plugin run deterministic mode """ in_addr = '' out_addr = '' in_addr_t = '' in_plen = 24 out_plen = 32 self.vapi.det44_add_del_map(is_add=1, in_addr=in_addr,
 * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include "vom/acl_list.hpp"
#include "vom/logger.hpp"

namespace VOM {
namespace ACL {
template <>
l2_list::event_handler::handle_populate(const client_db::key_t& key)
  /* hack to get this function instantiated */

* dump VPP Bridge domains
  std::shared_ptr<l2_list::dump_cmd> cmd(new l2_list::dump_cmd());


  for (auto& record : *cmd) {
    auto& payload = record.get_payload();

    const handle_t hdl(payload.acl_index);
    l2_list acl(hdl, std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(payload.tag)));

    for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < payload.count; ii++) {
      const route::prefix_t pfx(payload.r[ii].is_ipv6,
      l2_rule rule(ii, action_t::from_int(payload.r[ii].is_permit), pfx,
                   { payload.r[ii].src_mac }, { payload.r[ii].src_mac_mask });

    VOM_LOG(log_level_t::DEBUG) << "dump: " << acl.to_string();

* Write each of the discovered ACLs into the OM,
* but disable the HW Command q whilst we do, so that no
* commands are sent to VPP
    OM::commit(key, acl);

template <>
l3_list::event_handler::handle_populate(const client_db::key_t& key)
  /* hack to get this function instantiated */

* dump VPP Bridge domains
  std::shared_ptr<l3_list::dump_cmd> cmd(new l3_list::dump_cmd());
