#!/usr/bin/env python3 import unittest import socket from framework import tag_fixme_vpp_workers from framework import VppTestCase, VppTestRunner from vpp_ip import DpoProto, INVALID_INDEX from vpp_ip_route import ( VppIpRoute, VppRoutePath, VppMplsRoute, VppMplsIpBind, VppIpMRoute, VppMRoutePath, VppIpTable, VppMplsTable, VppMplsLabel, MplsLspMode, find_mpls_route, FibPathProto, FibPathType, FibPathFlags, VppMplsLabel, MplsLspMode, ) from vpp_mpls_tunnel_interface import VppMPLSTunnelInterface from vpp_papi import VppEnum import scapy.compat from scapy.packet import Raw from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether, ARP from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP, ICMP, icmptypes, icmpcodes from scapy.layers.inet6 import ( IPv6, ICMPv6TimeExceeded, ICMPv6EchoRequest, ICMPv6PacketTooBig, ) from scapy.contrib.mpls import MPLS NUM_PKTS = 67 # scapy removed these attributes. # we asked that they be restored: https://github.com/secdev/scapy/pull/1878 # semantic names have more meaning than numbers. so here they are. ARP.who_has = 1 ARP.is_at = 2 def verify_filter(capture, sent): if not len(capture) == len(sent): # filter out any IPv6 RAs from the capture for p in capture: if p.haslayer(IPv6): capture.remove(p) return capture def verify_mpls_stack(tst, rx, mpls_labels): # the rx'd packet has the MPLS label popped eth = rx[Ether] tst.assertEqual(eth.type, 0x8847) rx_mpls = rx[MPLS] for ii in range(len(mpls_labels)): tst.assertEqual(rx_mpls.label, mpls_labels[ii].value) tst.assertEqual(rx_mpls.cos, mpls_labels[ii].exp) tst.assertEqual(rx_mpls.ttl, mpls_labels[ii].ttl) if ii == len(mpls_labels) - 1: tst.assertEqual(rx_mpls.s, 1) else: # not end of stack tst.assertEqual(rx_mpls.s, 0) # pop the label to expose the next rx_mpls = rx_mpls[MPLS].payload @tag_fixme_vpp_workers class TestMPLS(VppTestCase): """MPLS Test Case""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(TestMPLS, cls).setUpClass() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(TestMPLS, cls).tearDownClass() def setUp(self): super(TestMPLS, self).setUp() # create 2 pg interfaces self.create_pg_interfaces(range(4)) # setup both interfaces # assign them different tables. table_id = 0 self.tables = [] tbl = VppMplsTable(self, 0) tbl.add_vpp_config() self.tables.append(tbl) for i in self.pg_interfaces: i.admin_up() if table_id != 0: tbl = VppIpTable(self, table_id) tbl.add_vpp_config() self.tables.append(tbl) tbl = VppIpTable(self, table_id, is_ip6=1) tbl.add_vpp_config() self.tables.append(tbl) i.set_table_ip4(table_id) i.set_table_ip6(table_id) i.config_ip4() i.resolve_arp() i.config_ip6() i.resolve_ndp() i.enable_mpls() table_id += 1 def tearDown(self): for i in self.pg_interfaces: i.unconfig_ip4() i.unconfig_ip6() i.set_table_ip4(0) i.set_table_ip6(0) i.disable_mpls() i.admin_down() super(TestMPLS, self).tearDown() # the default of 64 matches the IP packet TTL default def create_stream_labelled_ip4( self, src_if, mpls_labels, ping=0, ip_itf=None, dst_ip=None, chksum=None, ip_ttl=64, n=257, ): self.reset_packet_infos() pkts = [] for i in range(0, n): info = self.create_packet_info(src_if, src_if) payload = self.info_to_payload(info) p = Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_if.remote_mac) for ii in range(len(mpls_labels)): p = p / MPLS( label=mpls_labels[ii].value, ttl=mpls_labels[ii].ttl, cos=mpls_labels[ii].exp, ) if not ping: if not dst_ip: p = ( p / IP(src=src_if.local_ip4, dst=src_if.remote_ip4, ttl=ip_ttl) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(payload) ) else: p = ( p / IP(src=src_if.local_ip4, dst=dst_ip, ttl=ip_ttl) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(payload) ) else: p = ( p / IP(src=ip_itf.remote_ip4, dst=ip_itf.local_ip4, ttl=ip_ttl) / ICMP() ) if chksum: p[IP].chksum = chksum info.data = p.copy() pkts.append(p) return pkts def create_stream_ip4( self, src_if, dst_ip, ip_ttl=64, ip_dscp=0, payload_size=None ): self.reset_packet_infos() pkts = [] for i in range(0, 257): info = self.create_packet_info(src_if, src_if) payload = self.info_to_payload(info) p = ( Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_if.remote_mac) / IP(src=src_if.remote_ip4, dst=dst_ip, ttl=ip_ttl, tos=ip_dscp) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(payload) ) info.data = p.copy() if payload_size: self.extend_packet(p, payload_size) pkts.append(p) return pkts def create_stream_ip6(self, src_if, dst_ip, ip_ttl=64, ip_dscp=0): self.reset_packet_infos() pkts = [] for i in range(0, 257): info = self.create_packet_info(src_if, src_if) payload = self.info_to_payload(info) p = ( Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_if.remote_mac) / IPv6(src=src_if.remote_ip6, dst=dst_ip, hlim=ip_ttl, tc=ip_dscp) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(payload) ) info.data = p.copy() pkts.append(p) return pkts def create_stream_labelled_ip6( self, src_if, mpls_labels, hlim=64, dst_ip=None, ping=0, ip_itf=None ): if dst_ip is None: dst_ip = src_if.remote_ip6 self.reset_packet_infos() pkts = [] for i in range(0, 257): info = self.create_packet_info(src_if, src_if) payload = self.info_to_payload(info) p = Ether(dst=src_if.local_mac, src=src_if.remote_mac) for l in mpls_labels: p = p / MPLS(label=l.value, ttl=l.ttl, cos=l.exp) if ping: p = p / ( IPv6(src=ip_itf.remote_ip6, dst=ip_itf.local_ip6) / ICMPv6EchoRequest() ) else: p = p / ( IPv6(src=src_if.remote_ip6, dst=dst_ip, hlim=hlim) / UDP(sport=1234, dport=1234) / Raw(payload) ) info.data = p.copy() pkts.append(p) return pkts def verify_capture_ip4( self, src_if, capture, sent, ping_resp=0, ip_ttl=None, ip_dscp=0 ): try: capture = verify_filter(capture, sent) self.assertEqual(len(capture), len(sent)) for i in range(len(capture)): tx = sent[i] rx = capture[i] # the rx'd packet has the MPLS label popped eth = rx[Ether] self.assertEqual(eth.type, 0x800) tx_ip = tx[IP] rx_ip = rx[IP] if not ping_resp: self.assertEqual(rx_ip.src, tx_ip.src) self.assertEqual(rx_ip.dst, tx_ip.dst) self.assertEqual(rx_ip.tos, ip_dscp) if not ip_ttl: # IP processing post pop has decremented the TTL self.assertEqual(rx_ip.ttl + 1, tx_ip.ttl) else: self.assertEqual(rx_ip.ttl, ip_ttl) else: self.assertEqual(rx_ip.src, tx_ip.dst) self.assertEqual(rx_ip.dst, tx_ip.src) except: raise def verify_capture_labelled_ip4( self, src_if, capture, sent, mpls_labels, ip_ttl=None ): try: capture = verify_filter(capture, sent) self.assertEqual(len(capture), len(sent)) for i in range(len(capture)): tx = sent[i] rx = capture[i] tx_ip = tx[IP] rx_ip = rx[IP] verify_mpls_stack(self, rx, mpls_labels) self.assertEqual(rx_ip.src, tx_ip.src) self.assertEqual(rx_ip.dst, tx_ip.dst) if not ip_ttl: # IP processing post pop has decremented the TTL self.assertEqual(rx_ip.ttl + 1, tx_ip.ttl) else: self.assertEqual(rx_ip.ttl, ip_ttl) except: raise def verify_capture_labelled_ip6( self, src_if, capture, sent, mpls_labels, ip_ttl=None ): try: capture = verify_filter(capture, sent) self.assertEqual(len(capture), len(sent)) for i in range(len(capture)): tx = sent[i] rx = capture[i] tx_ip = tx[IPv6] rx_ip = rx[IPv6] verify_mpls_stack(self, rx, mpls_labels) self.assertEqual(rx_ip.src, tx_ip.src) self.assertEqual(rx_ip.dst, tx_ip.dst) if not ip_ttl: # IP processing post pop has decremented the TTL self.assertEqual(rx_ip.hlim + 1, tx_ip.hlim) else: self.assertEqual(rx_ip.hlim, ip_ttl) except: raise def verify_capture_tunneled_ip4(self, src_if, capture, sent, mpls_labels): try: capture = verify_filter(capture, sent) self.assertEqual(len(capture), len(sent)) for i in range(len(capture)): tx = sent[i] rx = capture[i] tx_ip = tx[IP] rx_ip = rx[IP] verify_mpls_stack(self, rx, mpls_labels) self.assertEqual(rx_ip.src, tx_ip.src) self.assertEqual(rx_ip.dst, tx_ip.dst) # IP processing post pop has decremented the TTL self.assertEqual(rx_ip.ttl + 1, tx_ip.ttl) except: raise def verify_capture_labelled(self, src_if, capture, sent, mpls_labels): try: capture = verify_filter(capture, sent) self.assertEqual(len(capture), len(sent)) for i in range(len(capture)): rx = capture[i] verify_mpls_stack(self, rx, mpls_labels) except: raise def verify_capture_ip6( self, src_if, capture, sent, ip_hlim=None, ip_dscp=0, ping_resp=0 ): try: self.assertEqual(len(capture), len(sent)) for i in range(len(capture)): tx = sent[i] rx = capture[i] # the rx'd packet has the MPLS label popped eth = rx[Ether] self.assertEqual(eth.type, 0x86DD) tx_ip = tx[IPv6] rx_ip = rx[IPv6] if not ping_resp: self.assertEqual(rx_ip.src, tx_ip.src) self.assertEqual(rx_ip.dst, tx_ip.dst) self.assertEqual(rx_ip.tc, ip_dscp) # IP processing post pop has decremented the TTL if not ip_hlim: self.assertEqual(rx_ip.hlim + 1, tx_ip.hlim) else: self.assertEqual(rx_ip.hlim, ip_hlim) else: self.assertEqual(rx_ip.src, tx_ip.dst) self.assertEqual(rx_ip.dst, tx_ip.src) except: raise def verify_capture_ip6_icmp(self, src_if, capture, sent): try: # rate limited ICMP self.assertTrue(len(capture) <= len(sent)) for i in range(len(capture)): tx = sent[i] rx = capture[i] # the rx'd packet has the MPLS label popped eth = rx[Ether] self.assertEqual(eth.type, 0x86DD) tx_ip = tx[IPv6] rx_ip = rx[IPv6] self.assertEqual(rx_ip.dst, tx_ip.src) # ICMP sourced from the interface's address self.assertEqual(rx_ip.src, src_if.local_ip6) # hop-limit reset to 255 for IMCP packet self.assertEqual(rx_ip.hlim, 255) icmp = rx[ICMPv6TimeExceeded] except: raise def verify_capture_fragmented_labelled_ip4( self, src_if, capture, sent, mpls_labels, ip_ttl=None ): try: capture = verify_filter(capture, sent) for i in range(len(capture)): tx = sent[0] rx = capture[i] tx_ip = tx[IP] rx_ip = rx[IP] verify_mpls_stack(self, rx, mpls_labels) self.assertEqual(rx_ip.src, tx_ip.src) self.assertEqual(rx_ip.dst, tx_ip.dst) if not ip_ttl: # IP processing post pop has decremented the TTL self.assertEqual(rx_ip.ttl + 1, tx_ip.ttl) else: self.assertEqual(rx_ip.ttl, ip_ttl) except: raise def verify_capture_fragmented_labelled_ip6( self, src_if, capture, sent, mpls_labels, ip_ttl=None ): try: capture = verify_filter(capture, sent) for i in range(len(capture)): tx = sent[0] rx = capture[i] tx_ip = tx[IPv6] rx.show() rx_ip = IPv6(rx[MPLS].payload) rx_ip.show() verify_mpls_stack(self, rx, mpls_labels) self.assertEqual(rx_ip.src, tx_ip.src) self.assertEqual(rx_ip.dst, tx_ip.dst) if not ip_ttl: # IP processing post pop has decremented the hop-limit self.assertEqual(rx_ip.hlim + 1, tx_ip.hlim) else: self.assertEqual(rx_ip.hlim, ip_ttl) except: raise def test_swap(self): """MPLS label swap tests""" # # A simple MPLS xconnect - eos label in label out # route_32_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 32, 1, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(33)] ) ], ) route_32_eos.add_vpp_config() self.assertTrue( find_mpls_route( self, 0, 32, 1, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(33)], ) ], ) ) # # a stream that matches the route for # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(32, ttl=32, exp=1)] ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(33, ttl=31, exp=1)] ) self.assertEqual(route_32_eos.get_stats_to()["packets"], 257) # # A simple MPLS xconnect - non-eos label in label out # route_32_neos = VppMplsRoute( self, 32, 0, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(33)] ) ], ) route_32_neos.add_vpp_config() # # a stream that matches the route for # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(32, ttl=21, exp=7), VppMplsLabel(99)] ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(33, ttl=20, exp=7), VppMplsLabel(99)] ) self.assertEqual(route_32_neos.get_stats_to()["packets"], 257) # # A simple MPLS xconnect - non-eos label in label out, uniform mode # route_42_neos = VppMplsRoute( self, 42, 0, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(43, MplsLspMode.UNIFORM)], ) ], ) route_42_neos.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(42, ttl=21, exp=7), VppMplsLabel(99)] ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(43, ttl=20, exp=7), VppMplsLabel(99)] ) # # An MPLS xconnect - EOS label in IP out # route_33_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 33, 1, [VppRoutePath(self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[])], ) route_33_eos.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(33)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx) # # disposed packets have an invalid IPv4 checksum # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(33)], dst_ip=self.pg0.remote_ip4, n=65, chksum=1 ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, tx, "Invalid Checksum") # # An MPLS xconnect - EOS label in IP out, uniform mode # route_3333_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 3333, 1, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(3, MplsLspMode.UNIFORM)], ) ], ) route_3333_eos.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(3333, ttl=55, exp=3)] ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, ip_ttl=54, ip_dscp=0x60) tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(3333, ttl=66, exp=4)] ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, ip_ttl=65, ip_dscp=0x80) # # An MPLS xconnect - EOS label in IPv6 out # route_333_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 333, 1, [VppRoutePath(self.pg0.remote_ip6, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[])], eos_proto=FibPathProto.FIB_PATH_NH_PROTO_IP6, ) route_333_eos.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(333)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip6(self.pg0, rx, tx) # # disposed packets have an TTL expired # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(333, ttl=64)], dst_ip=self.pg1.remote_ip6, hlim=1 ) rx = self.send_and_expect_some(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip6_icmp(self.pg0, rx, tx) # # An MPLS xconnect - EOS label in IPv6 out w imp-null # route_334_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 334, 1, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip6, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(3)] ) ], eos_proto=FibPathProto.FIB_PATH_NH_PROTO_IP6, ) route_334_eos.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(334, ttl=64)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip6(self.pg0, rx, tx) # # An MPLS xconnect - EOS label in IPv6 out w imp-null in uniform mode # route_335_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 335, 1, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip6, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(3, MplsLspMode.UNIFORM)], ) ], eos_proto=FibPathProto.FIB_PATH_NH_PROTO_IP6, ) route_335_eos.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(335, ttl=27, exp=4)] ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip6(self.pg0, rx, tx, ip_hlim=26, ip_dscp=0x80) # # disposed packets have an TTL expired # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(334)], dst_ip=self.pg1.remote_ip6, hlim=0 ) rx = self.send_and_expect_some(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip6_icmp(self.pg0, rx, tx) # # An MPLS xconnect - non-EOS label in IP out - an invalid configuration # so this traffic should be dropped. # route_33_neos = VppMplsRoute( self, 33, 0, [VppRoutePath(self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[])], ) route_33_neos.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(99)] ) self.send_and_assert_no_replies( self.pg0, tx, "MPLS non-EOS packets popped and forwarded" ) # # A recursive EOS x-connect, which resolves through another x-connect # in pipe mode # route_34_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 34, 1, [ VppRoutePath( "", 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_via_label=32, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(45)], ) ], ) route_34_eos.add_vpp_config() self.logger.info(self.vapi.cli("sh mpls fib 34")) tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34, ttl=3)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(45, ttl=2)], ) self.assertEqual(route_34_eos.get_stats_to()["packets"], 257) self.assertEqual(route_32_neos.get_stats_via()["packets"], 257) # # A recursive EOS x-connect, which resolves through another x-connect # in uniform mode # route_35_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 35, 1, [ VppRoutePath( "", 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_via_label=42, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44)] ) ], ) route_35_eos.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(35, ttl=3)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(43, ttl=2), VppMplsLabel(44, ttl=2)] ) # # A recursive non-EOS x-connect, which resolves through another # x-connect # route_34_neos = VppMplsRoute( self, 34, 0, [ VppRoutePath( "", 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_via_label=32, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46)], ) ], ) route_34_neos.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(34, ttl=45), VppMplsLabel(99)] ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) # it's the 2nd (counting from 0) label in the stack that is swapped self.verify_capture_labelled( self.pg0, rx, tx, [ VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46, ttl=44), VppMplsLabel(99), ], ) # # an recursive IP route that resolves through the recursive non-eos # x-connect # ip_10_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( "", 0xFFFFFFFF, nh_via_label=34, labels=[VppMplsLabel(55)] ) ], ) ip_10_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46), VppMplsLabel(55)], ) self.assertEqual(ip_10_0_0_1.get_stats_to()["packets"], 257) ip_10_0_0_1.remove_vpp_config() route_34_neos.remove_vpp_config() route_34_eos.remove_vpp_config() route_33_neos.remove_vpp_config() route_33_eos.remove_vpp_config() route_32_neos.remove_vpp_config() route_32_eos.remove_vpp_config() def test_bind(self): """MPLS Local Label Binding test""" # # Add a non-recursive route with a single out label # route_10_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(45)] ) ], ) route_10_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() # bind a local label to the route binding = VppMplsIpBind(self, 44, "", 32) binding.add_vpp_config() # non-EOS stream tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(99)] ) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(45, ttl=63), VppMplsLabel(99)] ) # EOS stream tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(44)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(45, ttl=63)]) # IP stream tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(45)]) # # cleanup # binding.remove_vpp_config() route_10_0_0_1.remove_vpp_config() def test_imposition(self): """MPLS label imposition test""" # # Add a non-recursive route with a single out label # route_10_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32)] ) ], ) route_10_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() # # a stream that matches the route for # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32)]) # # Add a non-recursive route with a 3 out labels # route_10_0_0_2 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32), VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(34)], ) ], ) route_10_0_0_2.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "", ip_ttl=44, ip_dscp=0xFF) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32), VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(34)], ip_ttl=43, ) # # Add a non-recursive route with a single out label in uniform mode # route_10_0_0_3 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32, mode=MplsLspMode.UNIFORM)], ) ], ) route_10_0_0_3.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "", ip_ttl=54, ip_dscp=0xBE) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32, ttl=53, exp=5)] ) # # Add a IPv6 non-recursive route with a single out label in # uniform mode # route_2001_3 = VppIpRoute( self, "2001::3", 128, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip6, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32, mode=MplsLspMode.UNIFORM)], ) ], ) route_2001_3.add_vpp_config() tx = self.create_stream_ip6(self.pg0, "2001::3", ip_ttl=54, ip_dscp=0xBE) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip6( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32, ttl=53, exp=5)] ) # # add a recursive path, with output label, via the 1 label route # route_11_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("", 0xFFFFFFFF, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44)])], ) route_11_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() # # a stream that matches the route for, should pick up # the label stack for and # tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32), VppMplsLabel(44)] ) self.assertEqual(route_11_0_0_1.get_stats_to()["packets"], 257) # # add a recursive path, with 2 labels, via the 3 label route # route_11_0_0_2 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( "", 0xFFFFFFFF, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(45)] ) ], ) route_11_0_0_2.add_vpp_config() # # a stream that matches the route for, should pick up # the label stack for and # tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [ VppMplsLabel(32), VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(34), VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(45), ], ) self.assertEqual(route_11_0_0_2.get_stats_to()["packets"], 257) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [ VppMplsLabel(32), VppMplsLabel(33), VppMplsLabel(34), VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(45), ], ) self.assertEqual(route_11_0_0_2.get_stats_to()["packets"], 514) # # cleanup # route_11_0_0_2.remove_vpp_config() route_11_0_0_1.remove_vpp_config() route_10_0_0_2.remove_vpp_config() route_10_0_0_1.remove_vpp_config() def test_imposition_fragmentation(self): """MPLS label imposition fragmentation test""" # # Add a ipv4 non-recursive route with a single out label # route_10_0_0_1 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32)] ) ], ) route_10_0_0_1.add_vpp_config() route_1000_1 = VppIpRoute( self, "1000::1", 128, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip6, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(32)] ) ], ) route_1000_1.add_vpp_config() # # a stream that matches the route for # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") for i in range(0, 257): self.extend_packet(tx[i], 10000) # # 5 fragments per packet (257*5=1285) # rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0, 1285) self.verify_capture_fragmented_labelled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(32)] ) # packets with DF bit set generate ICMP for t in tx: t[IP].flags = "DF" rxs = self.send_and_expect_some(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(icmptypes[rx[ICMP].type], "dest-unreach") self.assertEqual( icmpcodes[rx[ICMP].type][rx[ICMP].code], "fragmentation-needed" ) # the link MTU is 9000, the MPLS over head is 4 bytes self.assertEqual(rx[ICMP].nexthopmtu, 9000 - 4) self.assertEqual( self.statistics.get_err_counter("/err/mpls-frag/dont_fragment_set"), len(tx), ) # # a stream that matches the route for 1000::1/128 # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_ip6(self.pg0, "1000::1") for i in range(0, 257): self.extend_packet(tx[i], 10000) rxs = self.send_and_expect_some(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) for rx in rxs: self.assertEqual(rx[ICMPv6PacketTooBig].mtu, 9000 - 4) # # cleanup # route_10_0_0_1.remove_vpp_config() def test_tunnel_pipe(self): """MPLS Tunnel Tests - Pipe""" # # Create a tunnel with two out labels # mpls_tun = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46)], ) ], ) mpls_tun.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun.admin_up() # # add an unlabelled route through the new tunnel # route_10_0_0_3 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun._sw_if_index)] ) route_10_0_0_3.add_vpp_config() self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg0.get_capture() self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46)] ) # # add a labelled route through the new tunnel # route_10_0_0_4 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun._sw_if_index, labels=[33])], ) route_10_0_0_4.add_vpp_config() self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg0.get_capture() self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46), VppMplsLabel(33, ttl=255)], ) # # change tunnel's MTU to a low value # mpls_tun.set_l3_mtu(1200) # send IP into the tunnel to be fragmented tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "", payload_size=1500) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0, len(tx) * 2) fake_tx = [] for p in tx: fake_tx.append(p) fake_tx.append(p) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, fake_tx, [VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46)] ) # send MPLS into the tunnel to be fragmented tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "", payload_size=1500) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0, len(tx) * 2) fake_tx = [] for p in tx: fake_tx.append(p) fake_tx.append(p) self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, fake_tx, [VppMplsLabel(44), VppMplsLabel(46), VppMplsLabel(33, ttl=255)], ) def test_tunnel_uniform(self): """MPLS Tunnel Tests - Uniform""" # # Create a tunnel with a single out label # The label stack is specified here from outer to inner # mpls_tun = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[ VppMplsLabel(44, ttl=32), VppMplsLabel(46, MplsLspMode.UNIFORM), ], ) ], ) mpls_tun.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun.admin_up() # # add an unlabelled route through the new tunnel # route_10_0_0_3 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [VppRoutePath("", mpls_tun._sw_if_index)] ) route_10_0_0_3.add_vpp_config() self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "", ip_ttl=24) self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg0.get_capture() self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [VppMplsLabel(44, ttl=32), VppMplsLabel(46, ttl=23)] ) # # add a labelled route through the new tunnel # route_10_0_0_4 = VppIpRoute( self, "", 32, [ VppRoutePath( "", mpls_tun._sw_if_index, labels=[VppMplsLabel(33, ttl=47)] ) ], ) route_10_0_0_4.add_vpp_config() self.vapi.cli("clear trace") tx = self.create_stream_ip4(self.pg0, "") self.pg0.add_stream(tx) self.pg_enable_capture(self.pg_interfaces) self.pg_start() rx = self.pg0.get_capture() self.verify_capture_tunneled_ip4( self.pg0, rx, tx, [ VppMplsLabel(44, ttl=32), VppMplsLabel(46, ttl=47), VppMplsLabel(33, ttl=47), ], ) def test_mpls_tunnel_many(self): """MPLS Multiple Tunnels""" for ii in range(100): mpls_tun = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[ VppMplsLabel(44, ttl=32), VppMplsLabel(46, MplsLspMode.UNIFORM), ], ) ], ) mpls_tun.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun.admin_up() for ii in range(100): mpls_tun = VppMPLSTunnelInterface( self, [ VppRoutePath( self.pg0.remote_ip4, self.pg0.sw_if_index, labels=[ VppMplsLabel(44, ttl=32), VppMplsLabel(46, MplsLspMode.UNIFORM), ], ) ], is_l2=1, ) mpls_tun.add_vpp_config() mpls_tun.admin_up() def test_v4_exp_null(self): """MPLS V4 Explicit NULL test""" # # The first test case has an MPLS TTL of 0 # all packet should be dropped # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(0, ttl=0)]) self.send_and_assert_no_replies(self.pg0, tx, "MPLS TTL=0 packets forwarded") # # a stream with a non-zero MPLS TTL # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(0)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg0, rx, tx) # # a stream with a non-zero MPLS TTL # PG1 is in table 1 # we are ensuring the post-pop lookup occurs in the VRF table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip4(self.pg1, [VppMplsLabel(0)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip4(self.pg1, rx, tx) def test_v6_exp_null(self): """MPLS V6 Explicit NULL test""" # # a stream with a non-zero MPLS TTL # PG0 is in the default table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6(self.pg0, [VppMplsLabel(2)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg0, tx, self.pg0) self.verify_capture_ip6(self.pg0, rx, tx) # # a stream with a non-zero MPLS TTL # PG1 is in table 1 # we are ensuring the post-pop lookup occurs in the VRF table # tx = self.create_stream_labelled_ip6(self.pg1, [VppMplsLabel(2)]) rx = self.send_and_expect(self.pg1, tx, self.pg1) self.verify_capture_ip6(self.pg0, rx, tx) def test_deag(self): """MPLS Deagg""" # # A de-agg route - next-hop lookup in default table # route_34_eos = VppMplsRoute( self, 34,
 * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
  Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Eliot Dresselhaus

  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
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#include <vppinfra/hash.h>
#include <vppinfra/error.h>
#include <vppinfra/mem.h>
#include <vppinfra/byte_order.h>	/* for clib_arch_is_big_endian */

always_inline void
zero_pair (hash_t * h, hash_pair_t * p)
  clib_memset (p, 0, hash_pair_bytes (h));

always_inline void
init_pair (hash_t * h, hash_pair_t * p)
  clib_memset (p->value, ~0, hash_value_bytes (h));

always_inline hash_pair_union_t *
get_pair (void *v, uword i)
  hash_t *h = hash_header (v);
  hash_pair_t *p;
  ASSERT (i < vec_len (v));
  p = v;
  p += i << h->log2_pair_size;
  return (hash_pair_union_t *) p;

always_inline void
set_is_user (void *v, uword i, uword is_user)
  hash_t *h = hash_header (v);
  uword i0 = i / BITS (h->is_user[0]);
  uword i1 = (uword) 1 << (i % BITS (h->is_user[0]));
  if (is_user)
    h->is_user[i0] |= i1;
    h->is_user[i0] &= ~i1;

static u8 *hash_format_pair_default (u8 * s, va_list * args);

#if uword_bits == 64

static inline u64
zap64 (u64 x, word n)
#define _(n) (((u64) 1 << (u64) (8*(n))) - (u64) 1)
  static u64 masks_little_endian[] = {
    0, _(1), _(2), _(3), _(4), _(5), _(6), _(7),
  static u64 masks_big_endian[] = {
    0, ~_(7), ~_(6), ~_(5), ~_(4), ~_(3), ~_(2), ~_(1),
#undef _
  if (clib_arch_is_big_endian)
    return x & masks_big_endian[n];
    return x & masks_little_endian[n];

 * make address-sanitizer skip this:
 * clib_mem_unaligned + zap64 casts its input as u64, computes a mask
 * according to the input length, and returns the casted maked value.
 * Therefore all the 8 Bytes of the u64 are systematically read, which
 * rightfully causes address-sanitizer to raise an error on smaller inputs.
 * However the invalid Bytes are discarded within zap64(), which is why
 * this can be silenced safely.
 * The above is true *unless* the extra bytes cross a page boundary
 * into unmapped or no-access space, hence the boundary crossing check.
static inline u64
hash_memory64 (void *p, word n_bytes, u64 state)
  u64 *q = p;
  u64 a, b, c, n;
  int page_boundary_crossing;
  u64 start_addr, end_addr;
    u8 as_u8[8];
    u64 as_u64;
  } tmp;

   * If the request crosses a 4k boundary, it's not OK to assume
   * that the zap64 game is safe. 4k is the minimum known page size.
  start_addr = (u64) p;
  end_addr = start_addr + n_bytes + 7;
  page_boundary_crossing = (start_addr >> 12) != (end_addr >> 12);

  a = b = 0x9e3779b97f4a7c13LL;
  c = state;
  n = n_bytes;

  while (n >= 3 * sizeof (u64))
      a += clib_mem_unaligned (q + 0, u64);
      b += clib_mem_unaligned (q + 1, u64);
      c += clib_mem_unaligned (q + 2, u64);
      hash_mix64 (a, b, c);
      n -= 3 * sizeof (u64);
      q += 3;

  c += n_bytes;
  switch (n / sizeof (u64))
    case 2:
      a += clib_mem_unaligned (q + 0, u64);
      b += clib_mem_unaligned (q + 1, u64);
      if (n % sizeof (u64))
	  if (PREDICT_TRUE (page_boundary_crossing == 0))
	    c +=
	      zap64 (CLIB_MEM_OVERFLOW
		     (clib_mem_unaligned (q + 2, u64), q + 2, sizeof (u64)),
		     n % sizeof (u64)) << 8;
	      clib_memcpy_fast (tmp.as_u8, q + 2, n % sizeof (u64));
	      c += zap64 (tmp.as_u64, n % sizeof (u64)) << 8;

    case 1:
      a += clib_mem_unaligned (q + 0, u64);
      if (n % sizeof (u64))
	  if (PREDICT_TRUE (page_boundary_crossing == 0))
	    b +=
	      zap64 (CLIB_MEM_OVERFLOW
		     (clib_mem_unaligned (q + 1, u64), q + 1, sizeof (u64)),
		     n % sizeof (u64));
	      clib_memcpy_fast (tmp.as_u8, q + 1, n % sizeof (u64));
	      b += zap64 (tmp.as_u64, n % sizeof (u64));

    case 0:
      if (n % sizeof (u64))
	  if (PREDICT_TRUE (page_boundary_crossing == 0))
	    a +=
	      zap64 (CLIB_MEM_OVERFLOW
		     (clib_mem_unaligned (q + 0, u64), q + 0, sizeof (u64)),
		     n % sizeof (u64));
	      clib_memcpy_fast (tmp.as_u8, q, n % sizeof (u64));
	      a += zap64 (tmp.as_u64, n % sizeof (u64));

  hash_mix64 (a, b, c);

  return c;

#else /* if uword_bits == 64 */

static inline u32
zap32 (u32 x, word n)
#define _(n) (((u32) 1 << (u32) (8*(n))) - (u32) 1)
  static u32 masks_little_endian[] = {
    0, _(1), _(2), _(3),
  static u32 masks_big_endian[] = {
    0, ~_(3), ~_(2), ~_(1),
#undef _
  if (clib_arch_is_big_endian)
    return x & masks_big_endian[n];
    return x & masks_little_endian[n];

static inline u32
hash_memory32 (void *p, word n_bytes, u32 state)
  u32 *q = p;
  u32 a, b, c, n;

  a = b = 0x9e3779b9;
  c = state;
  n = n_bytes;

  while (n >= 3 * sizeof (u32))
      a += clib_mem_unaligned (q + 0, u32);
      b += clib_mem_unaligned (q + 1, u32);
      c += clib_mem_unaligned (q + 2, u32);
      hash_mix32 (a, b, c);
      n -= 3 * sizeof (u32);
      q += 3;

  c += n_bytes;
  switch (n / sizeof (u32))
    case 2:
      a += clib_mem_unaligned (q + 0, u32);
      b += clib_mem_unaligned (q + 1, u32);
      if (n % sizeof (u32))
	c += zap32 (clib_mem_unaligned (q + 2, u32), n % sizeof (u32)) << 8;

    case 1:
      a += clib_mem_unaligned (q + 0, u32);
      if (n % sizeof (u32))
	b += zap32 (clib_mem_unaligned (q + 1, u32), n % sizeof (u32));

    case 0:
      if (n % sizeof (u32))
	a += zap32 (clib_mem_unaligned (q + 0, u32), n % sizeof (u32));

  hash_mix32 (a, b, c);

  return c;

__clib_export uword
hash_memory (void *p, word n_bytes, uword state)
  uword *q = p;

#if uword_bits == 64
  return hash_memory64 (q, n_bytes, state);
  return hash_memory32 (q, n_bytes, state);

#if uword_bits == 64
always_inline uword
hash_uword (uword x)
  u64 a, b, c;

  a = b = 0x9e3779b97f4a7c13LL;
  c = 0;
  a += x;
  hash_mix64 (a,