 * vnet/pipeline.h: software pipeline
 * Copyright (c) 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * Usage example.
 * #define NSTAGES 3 or whatever
 * If using an aux data vector - to hold bihash keys or some such:
 * #define AUX_DATA_TYPE my_aux_data_t
 * <Define pipeline stages>
 * #include <vnet/pipeline.h>
 * static uword my_node_fn (vlib_main_t * vm,
 *                               vlib_node_runtime_t * node,
 *                               vlib_frame_t * frame)
 * {
 *     return dispatch_pipeline (vm, node, frame);
 * }

#ifndef NSTAGES
#error files which #include <vnet/pipeline.h> must define NSTAGES

#define STAGE_INLINE inline

/* Unless the user wants the aux data scheme, don't configure it */
#define AUX_DATA_ARG
#define AUX_DATA_PTR(pi)
#define AUX_DATA_PTR(pi) ,aux_data +(pi)

 * A prefetch stride of 2 is quasi-equivalent to doubling the number
 * of stages with every other pipeline stage empty.

 * This is a typical first pipeline stage, which prefetches
 * buffer metadata and the first line of pkt data.
 * To use it:
 *  #define stage0 generic_stage0
 * This implementation won't use the aux data argument
static STAGE_INLINE void
generic_stage0 (vlib_main_t * vm,
		vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_buffer_t * b AUX_DATA_ARG)
  vlib_prefetch_buffer_header (b, STORE);

#if NSTAGES == 2

static STAGE_INLINE uword
dispatch_pipeline (vlib_main_t * vm,
		   vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame)
  u32 *from;
  u32 n_left_from;
  int pi;
  vlib_buffer_t *bufs[VLIB_FRAME_SIZE];
  u16 nexts[VLIB_FRAME_SIZE];

  n_left_from = frame->n_vectors;
  from = vlib_frame_args (frame);
  vlib_get_buffers (vm, from, bufs, n_left_from);

  for (pi = 0; pi < NSTAGES - 1; pi++)
      if (pi == n_left_from)
      stage0 (vm, node, bufs[pi] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi));

  for (; pi < n_left_from; pi++)
      stage0 (vm, node, bufs[pi]);
      nexts[pi - 1] =
	last_stage (vm, node, bufs[pi - 1] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 1));

  for (; pi < (n_left_from + (NSTAGES - 1)); pi++)
      if (((pi - 1) >= 0) && ((pi - 1) < n_left_from))
	nexts[pi - 1] =
	  last_stage (vm, node, bufs[pi - 1] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 1));

  vlib_buffer_enqueue_to_next (vm, node, from, nexts, frame->n_vectors);
  return frame->n_vectors;

#if NSTAGES == 3
static STAGE_INLINE uword
dispatch_pipeline (vlib_main_t * vm,
		   vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame)
  u32 *from;
  u32 n_left_from;
  int pi;
  vlib_buffer_t *bufs[VLIB_FRAME_SIZE];
  u16 nexts[VLIB_FRAME_SIZE];

  n_left_from = frame->n_vectors;
  from = vlib_frame_args (frame);
  vlib_get_buffers (vm, from, bufs, n_left_from);

  for (pi = 0; pi < NSTAGES - 1; pi++)
      if (pi == n_left_from)
      stage0 (vm, node, bufs[pi] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi));
      if (pi - 1 >= 0)
	stage1 (vm, node, bufs[pi - 1]);

  for (; pi < n_left_from; pi++)
      stage0 (vm, node, bufs[pi] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi));
      stage1 (vm, node, bufs[pi - 1] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 1));
      nexts[pi - 2] =
	last_stage (vm, node, bufs[pi - 2] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 2));

  for (; pi < (n_left_from + (NSTAGES - 1)); pi++)
      if (((pi - 1) >= 0) && ((pi - 1) < n_left_from))
	stage1 (vm, node, bufs[pi - 1] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 1));
      if (((pi - 2) >= 0) && ((pi - 2) < n_left_from))
	nexts[pi - 2] =
	  last_stage (vm, node, bufs[pi - 2] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 2));

  vlib_buffer_enqueue_to_next (vm, node, from, nexts, frame->n_vectors);
  return frame->n_vectors;

#if NSTAGES == 4
static STAGE_INLINE uword
dispatch_pipeline (vlib_main_t * vm,
		   vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame)
  u32 *from;
  u32 n_left_from;
  int pi;
  vlib_buffer_t *bufs[VLIB_FRAME_SIZE];
  u16 nexts[VLIB_FRAME_SIZE];

  n_left_from = frame->n_vectors;
  from = vlib_frame_args (frame);
  vlib_get_buffers (vm, from, bufs, n_left_from);

  for (pi = 0; pi < NSTAGES - 1; pi++)
      if (pi == n_left_from)
      stage0 (vm, node, bufs[pi] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi));
      if (pi - 1 >= 0)
	stage1 (vm, node, bufs[pi - 1] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 1));
      if (pi - 2 >= 0)
	stage2 (vm, node, bufs[pi - 2] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 2));

  for (; pi < n_left_from; pi++)
      stage0 (vm, node, bufs[pi] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi));
      stage1 (vm, node, bufs[pi - 1] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 1));
      stage2 (vm, node, bufs[pi - 2] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 2));
      nexts[pi - 3] =
	last_stage (vm, node, bufs[pi - 3] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 3));

  for (; pi < (n_left_from + (NSTAGES - 1)); pi++)
      if (((pi - 1) >= 0) && ((pi - 1) < n_left_from))
	stage1 (vm, node, bufs[pi - 1] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 1));
      if (((pi - 2) >= 0) && ((pi - 2) < n_left_from))
	stage2 (vm, node, bufs[pi - 2] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 2));
      if (((pi - 3) >= 0) && ((pi - 3) < n_left_from))
	nexts[pi - 3] =
	  last_stage (vm, node, bufs[pi - 3] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 3));

  vlib_buffer_enqueue_to_next (vm, node, from, nexts, frame->n_vectors);
  return frame->n_vectors;

#if NSTAGES == 5
static STAGE_INLINE uword
dispatch_pipeline (vlib_main_t * vm,
		   vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame)
  u32 *from;
  u32 n_left_from;
  int pi;
  vlib_buffer_t *bufs[VLIB_FRAME_SIZE];
  u16 nexts[VLIB_FRAME_SIZE];

  n_left_from = frame->n_vectors;
  from = vlib_frame_args (frame);
  vlib_get_buffers (vm, from, bufs, n_left_from);

  for (pi = 0; pi < NSTAGES - 1; pi++)
      if (pi == n_left_from)
      stage0 (vm, node, bufs[pi] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi));
      if (pi - 1 >= 0)
	stage1 (vm, node, bufs[pi - 1] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 1));
      if (pi - 2 >= 0)
	stage2 (vm, node, bufs[pi - 2] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 2));
      if (pi - 3 >= 0)
	stage3 (vm, node, bufs[pi - 3] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 3));

  for (; pi < n_left_from; pi++)
      stage0 (vm, node, bufs[pi] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi));
      stage1 (vm, node, bufs[pi - 1] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 1));
      stage2 (vm, node, bufs[pi - 2] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 2));
      stage3 (vm, node, bufs[pi - 3] AUX_DATA_PTR (pi - 3));<style>.highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc }
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