#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import print_function import gc import logging import sys import os import select import signal import subprocess import unittest import tempfile import time import faulthandler import random import copy import psutil import platform from collections import deque from threading import Thread, Event from inspect import getdoc, isclass from traceback import format_exception from logging import FileHandler, DEBUG, Formatter from enum import Enum from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import scapy.compat from scapy.packet import Raw import hook as hookmodule from vpp_pg_interface import VppPGInterface from vpp_sub_interface import VppSubInterface from vpp_lo_interface import VppLoInterface from vpp_bvi_interface import VppBviInterface from vpp_papi_provider import VppPapiProvider from vpp_papi import VppEnum import vpp_papi from vpp_papi.vpp_stats import VPPStats from vpp_papi.vpp_transport_socket import VppTransportSocketIOError from log import RED, GREEN, YELLOW, double_line_delim, single_line_delim, \ get_logger, colorize from vpp_object import VppObjectRegistry from util import ppp, is_core_present from scapy.layers.inet import IPerror, TCPerror, UDPerror, ICMPerror from scapy.layers.inet6 import ICMPv6DestUnreach, ICMPv6EchoRequest from scapy.layers.inet6 import ICMPv6EchoReply from cpu_config import available_cpus, num_cpus, max_vpp_cpus logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Set up an empty logger for the testcase that can be overridden as necessary null_logger = logging.getLogger('VppTestCase') null_logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) PASS = 0 FAIL = 1 ERROR = 2 SKIP = 3 TEST_RUN = 4 SKIP_CPU_SHORTAGE = 5 class BoolEnvironmentVariable(object): def __init__(self, env_var_name, default='n', true_values=None): self.name = env_var_name self.default = default self.true_values = true_values if true_values is not None else \ ("y", "yes", "1") def __bool__(self): return os.getenv(self.name, self.default).lower() in self.true_values if sys.version_info[0] == 2: __nonzero__ = __bool__ def __repr__(self): return 'BoolEnvironmentVariable(%r, default=%r, true_values=%r)' % \ (self.name, self.default, self.true_values) debug_framework = BoolEnvironmentVariable('TEST_DEBUG') if debug_framework: import debug_internal """ Test framework module. The module provides a set of tools for constructing and running tests and representing the results. """ class VppDiedError(Exception): """ exception for reporting that the subprocess has died.""" signals_by_value = {v: k for k, v in signal.__dict__.items() if k.startswith('SIG') and not k.startswith('SIG_')} def __init__(self, rv=None, testcase=None, method_name=None): self.rv = rv self.signal_name = None self.testcase = testcase self.method_name = method_name try: self.signal_name = VppDiedError.signals_by_value[-rv] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass if testcase is None and method_name is None: in_msg = '' else: in_msg = ' while running %s.%s' % (testcase, method_name) if self.rv: msg = "VPP subprocess died unexpectedly%s with return code: %d%s."\ % (in_msg, self.rv, ' [%s]' % (self.signal_name if self.signal_name is not None else '')) else: msg = "VPP subprocess died unexpectedly%s." % in_msg super(VppDiedError, self).__init__(msg) class _PacketInfo(object): """Private class to create packet info object. Help process information about the next packet. Set variables to default values. """ #: Store the index of the packet. index = -1 #: Store the index of the source packet generator interface of the packet. src = -1 #: Store the index of the destination packet generator interface #: of the packet. dst = -1 #: Store expected ip version ip = -1 #: Store expected upper protocol proto = -1 #: Store the copy of the former packet. data = None def __eq__(self, other): index = self.index == other.index src = self.src == other.src dst = self.dst == other.dst data = self.data == other.data return index and src and dst and data def pump_output(testclass): """ pump output from vpp stdout/stderr to proper queues """ stdout_fragment = "" stderr_fragment = "" while not testclass.pump_thread_stop_flag.is_set(): readable = select.select([testclass.vpp.stdout.fileno(), testclass.vpp.stderr.fileno(), testclass.pump_thread_wakeup_pipe[0]], [], [])[0] if testclass.vpp.stdout.fileno() in readable: read = os.read(testclass.vpp.stdout.fileno(), 102400) if len(read) > 0: split = read.decode('ascii', errors='backslashreplace').splitlines(True) if len(stdout_fragment) > 0: split[0] = "%s%s" % (stdout_fragment, split[0]) if len(split) > 0 and split[-1].endswith("\n"): limit = None else: limit = -1 stdout_fragment = split[-1] testclass.vpp_stdout_deque.extend(split[:limit]) if not testclass.cache_vpp_output: for line in split[:limit]: testclass.logger.info( "VPP STDOUT: %s" % line.rstrip("\n")) if testclass.vpp.stderr.fileno() in readable: read = os.read(testclass.vpp.stderr.fileno(), 102400) if len(read) > 0: split = read.decode('ascii', errors='backslashreplace').splitlines(True) if len(stderr_fragment) > 0: split[0] = "%s%s" % (stderr_fragment, split[0]) if len(split) > 0 and split[-1].endswith("\n"): limit = None else: limit = -1 stderr_fragment = split[-1] testclass.vpp_stderr_deque.extend(split[:limit]) if not testclass.cache_vpp_output: for line in split[:limit]: testclass.logger.error( "VPP STDERR: %s" % line.rstrip("\n")) # ignoring the dummy pipe here intentionally - the # flag will take care of properly terminating the loop def _is_skip_aarch64_set(): return BoolEnvironmentVariable('SKIP_AARCH64') is_skip_aarch64_set = _is_skip_aarch64_set() def _is_platform_aarch64(): return platform.machine() == 'aarch64' is_platform_aarch64 = _is_platform_aarch64() def _running_extended_tests(): return BoolEnvironmentVariable("EXTENDED_TESTS") running_extended_tests = _running_extended_tests() def _running_gcov_tests(): return BoolEnvironmentVariable("GCOV_TESTS") running_gcov_tests = _running_gcov_tests() def get_environ_vpp_worker_count(): worker_config = os.getenv("VPP_WORKER_CONFIG", None) if worker_config: elems = worker_config.split(" ") if elems[0] != "workers" or len(elems) != 2: raise ValueError("Wrong VPP_WORKER_CONFIG == '%s' value." % worker_config) return int(elems[1]) else: return 0 environ_vpp_worker_count = get_environ_vpp_worker_count() class KeepAliveReporter(object): """ Singleton object which reports test start to parent process """ _shared_state = {} def __init__(self): self.__dict__ = self._shared_state self._pipe = None @property def pipe(self): return self._pipe @pipe.setter def pipe(self, pipe): if self._pipe is not None: raise Exception("Internal error - pipe should only be set once.") self._pipe = pipe def send_keep_alive(self, test, desc=None): """ Write current test tmpdir & desc to keep-alive pipe to signal liveness """ if self.pipe is None: # if not running forked.. return if isclass(test): desc = '%s (%s)' % (desc, unittest.util.strclass(test)) else: desc = test.id() self.pipe.send((desc, test.vpp_bin, test.tempdir, test.vpp.pid)) class TestCaseTag(Enum): # marks the suites that must run at the end # using only a single test runner RUN_SOLO = 1 # marks the suites broken on VPP multi-worker FIXME_VPP_WORKERS = 2 def create_tag_decorator(e): def decorator(cls): try: cls.test_tags.append(e) except AttributeError: cls.test_tags = [e] return cls return decorator tag_run_solo = create_tag_decorator(TestCaseTag.RUN_SOLO) tag_fixme_vpp_workers = create_tag_decorator(TestCaseTag.FIXME_VPP_WORKERS) class DummyVpp: returncode = None pid = 0xcafebafe def poll(self): pass def terminate(self): pass class CPUInterface(ABC): cpus = [] skipped_due_to_cpu_lack = False @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_cpus_required(cls): pass @classmethod def assign_cpus(cls, cpus): cls.cpus = cpus class VppTestCase(CPUInterface, unittest.TestCase): """This subclass is a base class for VPP test cases that are implemented as classes. It provides methods to create and run test case. """ extra_vpp_statseg_config = "" extra_vpp_punt_config = [] extra_vpp_plugin_config = [] logger = null_logger vapi_response_timeout = 5 @property def packet_infos(self): """List of packet infos""" return self._packet_infos @classmethod def get_packet_count_for_if_idx(cls, dst_if_index): """Get the number of packet info for specified destination if index""" if dst_if_index in cls._packet_count_for_dst_if_idx: return cls._packet_count_for_dst_if_idx[dst_if_index] else: return 0 @classmethod def has_tag(cls, tag): """ if the test case has a given tag - return true """ try: return tag in cls.test_tags except AttributeError: pass return False @classmethod def is_tagged_run_solo(cls): """ if the test case class is timing-sensitive - return true """ return cls.has_tag(TestCaseTag.RUN_SOLO) @classmethod def instance(cls): """Return the instance of this testcase""" return cls.test_instance @classmethod def set_debug_flags(cls, d): cls.gdbserver_port = 7777 cls.debug_core = False cls.debug_gdb = False cls.debug_gdbserver = False cls.debug_all = False cls.debug_attach = False if d is None: return dl = d.lower() if dl == "core": cls.debug_core = True elif dl == "gdb" or dl == "gdb-all": cls.debug_gdb = True elif dl == "gdbserver" or dl == "gdbserver-all": cls.debug_gdbserver = True elif dl == "attach": cls.debug_attach = True else: raise Exception("Unrecognized DEBUG option: '%s'" % d) if dl == "gdb-all" or dl == "gdbserver-all": cls.debug_all = True @classmethod def get_vpp_worker_count(cls): if not hasattr(cls, "vpp_worker_count"): if cls.has_tag(TestCaseTag.FIXME_VPP_WORKERS): cls.vpp_worker_count = 0 else: cls.vpp_worker_count = environ_vpp_worker_count return cls.vpp_worker_count @classmethod def get_cpus_required(cls): return 1 + cls.get_vpp_worker_count() @classmethod def setUpConstants(cls): """ Set-up the test case class based on environment variables """ cls.step = BoolEnvironmentVariable('STEP') # inverted case to handle '' == True c = os.getenv("CACHE_OUTPUT", "1") cls.cache_vpp_output = False if c.lower() in ("n", "no", "0") else True cls.vpp_bin = os.getenv('VPP_BIN', "vpp") cls.plugin_path = os.getenv('VPP_PLUGIN_PATH') cls.test_plugin_path = os.getenv('VPP_TEST_PLUGIN_PATH') cls.extern_plugin_path = os.getenv('EXTERN_PLUGINS') plugin_path = None if cls.plugin_path is not None: if cls.extern_plugin_path is not None: plugin_path = "%s:%s" % ( cls.plugin_path, cls.extern_plugin_path) else: plugin_path = cls.plugin_path elif cls.extern_plugin_path is not None: plugin_path = cls.extern_plugin_path debug_cli = "" if cls.step or cls.debug_gdb or cls.debug_gdbserver: debug_cli = "cli-listen localhost:5002" coredump_size = None size = os.getenv("COREDUMP_SIZE") if size is not None: coredump_size = "coredump-size %s" % size if coredump_size is None: coredump_size = "coredump-size unlimited" default_variant = os.getenv("VARIANT") if default_variant is not None: default_variant = "defaults { %s 100 }" % default_variant else: default_variant = "" api_fuzzing = os.getenv("API_FUZZ") if api_fuzzing is None: api_fuzzing = 'off' cls.vpp_cmdline = [ cls.vpp_bin, "unix", "{", "nodaemon", debug_cli, "full-coredump", coredump_size, "runtime-dir", cls.tempdir, "}", "api-trace", "{", "on", "}", "api-segment", "{", "prefix", cls.get_api_segment_prefix(), "}", "cpu", "{", "main-core", str(cls.cpus[0]), ] if cls.get_vpp_worker_count(): cls.vpp_cmdline.extend([ "corelist-workers", ",".join([str(x) for x in cls.cpus[1:]])]) cls.vpp_cmdline.extend([ "}", "physmem", "{", "max-size", "32m", "}", "statseg", "{", "socket-name", cls.get_stats_sock_path(), cls.extra_vpp_statseg_config, "}", "socksvr", "{", "socket-name", cls.get_api_sock_path(), "}", "node { ", default_variant, "}", "api-fuzz {", api_fuzzing, "}", "plugins", "{", "plugin", "dpdk_plugin.so", "{", "disable", "}", "plugin", "rdma_plugin.so", "{", "disable", "}", "plugin", "lisp_unittest_plugin.so", "{", "enable", "}", "plugin", "unittest_plugin.so", "{", "enable", "}" ] + cls.extra_vpp_plugin_config + ["}", ]) if cls.extra_vpp_punt_config is not None: cls.vpp_cmdline.extend(cls.extra_vpp_punt_config) if plugin_path is not None: cls.vpp_cmdline.extend(["plugin_path", plugin_path]) if cls.test_plugin_path is not None: cls.vpp_cmdline.extend(["test_plugin_path", cls.test_plugin_path]) if not cls.debug_attach: cls.logger.info("vpp_cmdline args: %s" % cls.vpp_cmdline) cls.logger.info("vpp_cmdline: %s" % " ".join(cls.vpp_cmdline)) @classmethod def wait_for_enter(cls): if cls.debug_gdbserver: print(double_line_delim) print("Spawned GDB server with PID: %d" % cls.vpp.pid) elif cls.debug_gdb: print(double_line_delim) print("Spawned VPP with PID: %d" % cls.vpp.pid) else: cls.logger.debug("Spawned VPP with PID: %d" % cls.vpp.pid) return print(single_line_delim) print("You can debug VPP using:") if cls.debug_gdbserver: print("sudo gdb " + cls.vpp_bin + " -ex 'target remote localhost:{port}'" .format(port=cls.gdbserver_port)) print("Now is the time to attach gdb by running the above " "command, set up breakpoints etc., then resume VPP from " "within gdb by issuing the 'continue' command") cls.gdbserver_port += 1 elif cls.debug_gdb: print("sudo gdb " + cls.vpp_bin + " -ex 'attach %s'" % cls.vpp.pid) print("Now is the time to attach gdb by running the above " "command and set up breakpoints etc., then resume VPP from" " within gdb by issuing the 'continue' command") print(single_line_delim) input("Press ENTER to continue running the testcase...") @classmethod def attach_vpp(cls): cls.vpp = DummyVpp() @classmethod def run_vpp(cls): cls.logger.debug(f"Assigned cpus: {cls.cpus}") cmdline = cls.vpp_cmdline if cls.debug_gdbserver: gdbserver = '/usr/bin/gdbserver' if not os.path.isfile(gdbserver) or\ not os.access(gdbserver, os.X_OK): raise Exception("gdbserver binary '%s' does not exist or is " "not executable" % gdbserver) cmdline = [gdbserver, 'localhost:{port}' .format(port=cls.gdbserver_port)] + cls.vpp_cmdline cls.logger.info("Gdbserver cmdline is %s", " ".join(cmdline)) try: cls.vpp = subprocess.Popen(cmdline, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: cls.logger.critical("Subprocess returned with non-0 return code: (" "%s)", e.returncode) raise except OSError as e: cls.logger.critical("Subprocess returned with OS error: " "(%s) %s", e.errno, e.strerror) raise except Exception as e: cls.logger.exception("Subprocess returned unexpected from " "%s:", cmdline) raise cls.wait_for_enter() @classmethod def wait_for_coredump(cls): corefile = cls.tempdir + "/core" if os.path.isfile(corefile): cls.logger.error("Waiting for coredump to complete: %s", corefile) curr_size = os.path.getsize(corefile) deadline = time.time() + 60 ok = False while time.time() < deadline: cls.sleep(1) size = curr_size curr_size = os.path.getsize(corefile) if size == curr_size: ok = True break if not ok: cls.logger.error("Timed out waiting for coredump to complete:" " %s", corefile) else: cls.logger.error("Coredump complete: %s, size %d", corefile, curr_size) @classmethod def get_stats_sock_path(cls): return "%s/stats.sock" % cls.tempdir @classmethod def get_api_sock_path(cls): return "%s/api.sock" % cls.tempdir @classmethod def get_api_segment_prefix(cls): return os.path.basename(cls.tempdir) # Only used for VAPI @classmethod def get_tempdir(cls): if cls.debug_attach: return os.getenv("VPP_IN_GDB_TMP_DIR", "/tmp/unittest-attach-gdb") else: return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='vpp-unittest-%s-' % cls.__name__) @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """ Perform class setup before running the testcase Remove shared memory files, start vpp and connect the vpp-api """ super(VppTestCase, cls).setUpClass() cls.logger = get_logger(cls.__name__) seed = os.environ["RND_SEED"] random.seed(seed) if hasattr(cls, 'parallel_handler'): cls.logger.addHandler(cls.parallel_handler) cls.logger.propagate = False d = os.getenv("DEBUG", None) cls.set_debug_flags(d) cls.tempdir = cls.get_tempdir() cls.file_handler = FileHandler("%s/log.txt" % cls.tempdir) cls.file_handler.setFormatter( Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03d %(message)s', datefmt="%H:%M:%S")) cls.file_handler.setLevel(DEBUG) cls.logger.addHandler(cls.file_handler) cls.logger.debug("--- setUpClass() for %s called ---" % cls.__name__) os.chdir(cls.tempdir) cls.logger.info("Temporary dir is %s, api socket is %s", cls.tempdir, cls.get_api_sock_path()) cls.logger.debug("Random seed is %s", seed) cls.setUpConstants() cls.reset_packet_infos() cls._pcaps = [] cls._old_pcaps = [] cls.verbose = 0 cls.vpp_dead = False cls.registry = VppObjectRegistry() cls.vpp_startup_failed = False cls.reporter = KeepAliveReporter() # need to catch exceptions here because if we raise, then the cleanup # doesn't get called and we might end with a zombie vpp try: if cls.debug_attach: cls.attach_vpp() else: cls.run_vpp() cls.reporter.send_keep_alive(cls, 'setUpClass') VppTestResult.current_test_case_info = TestCaseInfo( cls.logger, cls.tempdir, cls.vpp.pid, cls.vpp_bin) cls.vpp_stdout_deque = deque() cls.vpp_stderr_deque = deque() if not cls.debug_attach: cls.pump_thread_stop_flag = Event() cls.pump_thread_wakeup_pipe = os.pipe() cls.pump_thread = Thread(target=pump_output, args=(cls,)) cls.pump_thread.daemon = True cls.pump_thread.start() if cls.debug_gdb or cls.debug_gdbserver or cls.debug_attach: cls.vapi_response_timeout = 0 cls.vapi = VppPapiProvider(cls.__name__, cls, cls.vapi_response_timeout) if cls.step: hook = hookmodule.StepHook(cls) else: hook = hookmodule.PollHook(cls) cls.vapi.register_hook(hook) cls.statistics = VPPStats(socketname=cls.get_stats_sock_path()) try: hook.poll_vpp() except VppDiedError: cls.vpp_startup_failed = True cls.logger.critical( "VPP died shortly after startup, check the" " output to standard error for possible cause") raise try: cls.vapi.connect() except (vpp_papi.VPPIOError, Exception) as e: cls.logger.debug("Exception connecting to vapi: %s" % e) cls.vapi.disconnect() if cls.debug_gdbserver: print(colorize("You're running VPP inside gdbserver but " "VPP-API connection failed, did you forget " "to 'continue' VPP from within gdb?", RED)) raise e if cls.debug_attach: last_line = cls.vapi.cli("show thread").split("\n")[-2] cls.vpp_worker_count = int(last_line.split(" ")[0]) print("Detected VPP with %s workers." % cls.vpp_worker_count) except vpp_papi.VPPRuntimeError as e: cls.logger.debug("%s" % e) cls.quit() raise e except Exception as e: cls.logger.debug("Exception connecting to VPP: %s" % e) cls.quit() raise e @classmethod def _debug_quit(cls): if (cls.debug_gdbserver or cls.debug_gdb): try: cls.vpp.poll() if cls.vpp.returncode is None: print() print(double_line_delim) print("VPP or GDB server is still running") print(single_line_delim) input("When done debugging, press ENTER to kill the " "process and finish running the testcase...") except AttributeError: pass @classmethod def quit(cls): """ Disconnect vpp-api, kill vpp and cleanup shared memory files """ cls._debug_quit() # first signal that we want to stop the pump thread, then wake it up if hasattr(cls, 'pump_thread_stop_flag'): cls.pump_thread_stop_flag.set() if hasattr(cls, 'pump_thread_wakeup_pipe'): os.write(cls.pump_thread_wakeup_pipe[1], b'ding dong wake up') if hasattr(cls, 'pump_thread'): cls.logger.debug("Waiting for pump thread to stop") cls.pump_thread.join() if hasattr(cls, 'vpp_stderr_reader_thread'): cls.logger.debug("Waiting for stderr pump to stop") cls.vpp_stderr_reader_thread.join() if hasattr(cls, 'vpp'): if hasattr(cls, 'vapi'): cls.logger.debug(cls.vapi.vpp.get_stats()) cls.logger.debug("Disconnecting class vapi client on %s", cls.__name__) cls.vapi.disconnect() cls.logger.debug("Deleting class vapi attribute on %s", cls.__name__) del cls.vapi cls.vpp.poll() if not cls.debug_attach and cls.vpp.returncode is None: cls.wait_for_coredump() cls.logger.debug("Sending TERM to vpp") cls.vpp.terminate() cls.logger.debug("Waiting for vpp to die") try: outs, errs = cls.vpp.communicate(timeout=5) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: cls.vpp.kill() outs, errs = cls.vpp.communicate() cls.logger.debug("Deleting class vpp attribute on %s", cls.__name__) if not cls.debug_attach: cls.vpp.stdout.close() cls.vpp.stderr.close() del cls.vpp if cls.vpp_startup_failed: stdout_log = cls.logger.info stderr_log = cls.logger.critical else: stdout_log = cls.logger.info stderr_log = cls.logger.info if hasattr(cls, 'vpp_stdout_deque'): stdout_log(single_line_delim) stdout_log('VPP output to stdout while running %s:', cls.__name__) stdout_log(single_line_delim) vpp_output = "".join(cls.vpp_stdout_deque) with open(cls.tempdir + '/vpp_stdout.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(vpp_output) stdout_log('\n%s', vpp_output) stdout_log(single_line_delim) if hasattr(cls, 'vpp_stderr_deque'): stderr_log(single_line_delim) stderr_log('VPP output to stderr while running %s:', cls.__name__) stderr_log(single_line_delim) vpp_output = "".join(cls.vpp_stderr_deque) with open(cls.tempdir + '/vpp_stderr.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(vpp_output) stderr_log('\n%s', vpp_output) stderr_log(single_line_delim) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): """ Perform final cleanup after running all tests in this test-case """ cls.logger.debug("--- tearDownClass() for %s called ---" % cls.__name__) cls.reporter.send_keep_alive(cls, 'tearDownClass') cls.quit() cls.file_handler.close() cls.reset_packet_infos() if debug_framework: debug_internal.on_tear_down_class(cls) def show_commands_at_teardown(self): """ Allow subclass specific teardown logging additions.""" self.logger.info("--- No test specific show commands provided. ---") def tearDown(self): """ Show various debug prints after each test """ self.logger.debug("--- tearDown() for %s.%s(%s) called ---" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._testMethodName, self._testMethodDoc)) try: if not self.vpp_dead: self.logger.debug(self.vapi.cli("show trace max 1000")) self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("show interface")) self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("show hardware")) self.logger.info(self.statistics.set_errors_str()) self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("show run")) self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("show log")) self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("show bihash")) self.logger.info("Logging testcase specific show commands.") self.show_commands_at_teardown() self.registry.remove_vpp_config(self.logger) # Save/Dump VPP api trace log m = self._testMethodName api_trace = "vpp_api_trace.%s.%d.log" % (m, self.vpp.pid) tmp_api_trace = "/tmp/%s" % api_trace vpp_api_trace_log = "%s/%s" % (self.tempdir, api_trace) self.logger.info(self.vapi.ppcli("api trace save %s" % api_trace)) self.logger.info("Moving %s to %s\n" % (tmp_api_trace, vpp_api_trace_log)) os.rename(tmp_api_trace, vpp_api_trace_log) except VppTransportSocketIOError: self.logger.debug("VppTransportSocketIOError: Vpp dead. " "Cannot log show commands.") self.vpp_dead = True else: self.registry.unregister_all(self.logger) def setUp(self): """ Clear trace before running each test""" super(VppTestCase, self).setUp() self.reporter.send_keep_alive(self) if self.vpp_dead: raise VppDiedError(rv=None, testcase=self.__class__.__name__, method_name=self._testMethodName) self.sleep(.1, "during setUp") self.vpp_stdout_deque.append( "--- test setUp() for %s.%s(%s) starts here ---\n" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._testMethodName, self._testMethodDoc)) self.vpp_stderr_deque.append( "--- test setUp() for %s.%s(%s) starts here ---\n" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._testMethodName, self._testMethodDoc)) self.vapi.cli("clear trace") # store the test instance inside the test class - so that objects # holding the class can access instance methods (like assertEqual) type(self).test_instance = self @classmethod def pg_enable_capture(cls, interfaces=None): """ Enable capture on packet-generator interfaces :param interfaces: iterable interface indexes (if None, use self.pg_interfaces) """ if interfaces is None: interfaces = cls.pg_interfaces for i in interfaces: i.enable_capture() @classmethod def register_pcap(cls, intf, worker): """ Register a pcap in the testclass """ # add to the list of captures with current timestamp
from socket import AF_INET6, inet_ntop, inet_pton
from scapy.layers.dhcp6 import DHCP6_Advertise, DHCP6OptClientId, \
DHCP6OptStatusCode, DHCP6OptPref, DHCP6OptIA_PD, DHCP6OptIAPrefix, \
DHCP6OptServerId, DHCP6_Solicit, DHCP6_Reply, DHCP6_Request, DHCP6_Renew, \
DHCP6_Rebind, DUID_LL, DHCP6_Release, DHCP6OptElapsedTime, DHCP6OptIA_NA, \
from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6, Ether, UDP
from scapy.utils6 import in6_mactoifaceid
from framework import tag_fixme_vpp_workers
from framework import VppTestCase
from framework import tag_run_solo
from vpp_papi import VppEnum
import util
import os
def ip6_normalize(ip6):
return inet_ntop(AF_INET6, inet_pton(AF_INET6, ip6))
class TestDHCPv6DataPlane(VppTestCase):
""" DHCPv6 Data Plane Test Case """
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestDHCPv6DataPlane, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestDHCPv6DataPlane, cls).tearDownClass()
def setUp(self):
super(TestDHCPv6DataPlane, self).setUp()
self.interfaces = list(self.pg_interfaces)
for i in self.interfaces:
self.server_duid = DUID_LL(lladdr=self.pg0.remote_mac)
def tearDown(self):
for i in self.interfaces:
super(TestDHCPv6DataPlane, self).tearDown()
def test_dhcp_ia_na_send_solicit_receive_advertise(self):
""" Verify DHCPv6 IA NA Solicit packet and Advertise event """
address = {'address': '1:2:3::5',
'preferred_time': 60,
'valid_time': 120}
rx_list = self.pg0.get_capture(1)
self.assertEqual(len(rx_list), 1)
packet = rx_list[0]
self.assertEqual(packet.haslayer(IPv6), 1)
self.assertEqual(packet[IPv6].haslayer(DHCP6_Solicit), 1)
client_duid = packet[DHCP6OptClientId].duid
trid = packet[DHCP6_Solicit].trid
dst = ip6_normalize(packet[IPv6].dst)
dst2 = ip6_normalize("ff02::1:2")
self.assert_equal(dst, dst2)
src = ip6_normalize(packet[IPv6].src)
src2 = ip6_normalize(self.pg0.local_ip6_ll)
self.assert_equal(src, src2)
ia_na = packet[DHCP6OptIA_NA]
self.assert_equal(ia_na.T1, 20)
self.assert_equal(ia_na.T2, 40)
self.assert_equal(len(ia_na.ianaopts), 1)
address = ia_na.ianaopts[0]
self.assert_equal(address.addr, '1:2:3::5')
self.assert_equal(address.preflft, 60)
self.assert_equal(address.validlft, 120)
ia_na_opts = DHCP6OptIAAddress(addr='7:8::2', preflft=60,
p = (Ether(src=self.pg0.remote_mac, dst=self.pg0.local_mac) /
dst=self.pg0.local_ip6_ll) /
UDP(sport=547, dport=546) /
DHCP6_Advertise(trid=trid) /
DHCP6OptServerId(duid=self.server_duid) /
DHCP6OptClientId(duid=client_duid) /
DHCP6OptPref(prefval=7) /
DHCP6OptStatusCode(statuscode=1) /
DHCP6OptIA_NA(iaid=1, T1=20, T2=40, ianaopts=ia_na_opts)
ev = self.vapi.wait_for_event(1, "dhcp6_reply_event")
self.assert_equal(ev.preference, 7)
self.assert_equal(ev.status_code, 1)
self.assert_equal(ev.T1, 20)
self.assert_equal(ev.T2, 40)
reported_address = ev.addresses[0]
address = ia_na_opts.getfieldval("addr")
self.assert_equal(str(reported_address.address), address)
def test_dhcp_pd_send_solicit_receive_advertise(self):
""" Verify DHCPv6 PD Solicit packet and Advertise event """
prefix = {'prefix': {'address': '1:2:3::', 'len': 50},
'preferred_time': 60,
'valid_time': 120}
prefixes = [prefix]
rx_list = self.pg0.get_capture(1)
self.assertEqual(len(rx_list), 1)
packet = rx_list[0]
self.assertEqual(packet.haslayer(IPv6), 1)
self.assertEqual(packet[IPv6].haslayer(DHCP6_Solicit), 1)
client_duid = packet[DHCP6OptClientId].duid
trid = packet[DHCP6_Solicit].trid
dst = ip6_normalize(packet[IPv6].dst)
dst2 = ip6_normalize("ff02::1:2")
self.assert_equal(dst, dst2)
src = ip6_normalize(packet[IPv6].src)
src2 = ip6_normalize(self.pg0.local_ip6_ll)
self.assert_equal(src, src2)
ia_pd =