#user xxx; #worker_processes 1; #worker_processes 2; #worker_processes 4; #worker_processes 8; master_process on; daemon off; worker_rlimit_nofile 10240; events { use epoll; #epoll_events 512; worker_connections 10240; accept_mutex off; multi_accept off; } http { access_log off; include mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; sendfile on; ##RPS test keepalive_timeout 300s; keepalive_requests 1000000; server { listen 443; #ssl_protocols TLSv1.2; #ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; root html; index index.html index.htm; location /return { return 204; } location /64B.json { return 200 '{"status":"success","result":"this is \ a 64Byte json file test!"}'; } location /1KB.json{ return 201 '{"status":"success","result":"\ Nanchang, which was the capital of Yuzhang \ Prefecture during the HanDynasty, \ now falls under the jurisdiction of Hongzhou. \ It straddles the borderof the \ influence of the Ye and Zhen constellations , \ and is adjacent to theHeng \ and the Lu mountains . The three rivers enfold \ it like the frontpart \ of a garment and the five lakes encircle it \ like a girdle. Itcontrols \ the savage Jing area and connects Ou and Yue, \ and itsproducts are \ nature’s jewels. The radiance of its legendary \ sword shootsdirectly upward \ between the constellations Niu and Dou. \ Its talented peopleare outstanding,\ and the spirit of intelligence pervades the \ place. This wasthe place where Xu \ Ru spent the night on his visit to Chen Fan (10). \ The mightyHongzhou spreads \ out immensely amid the fog, and the intellectual \ luminariesare as numerous as\ meteors chasing one another. \ "}'; } location /2KB.json{ return 202 '{"status":"success","result":"\ Hello from NGINX, 2KB test\ Nanchang, which was the capital of Yuzhang \ Prefecture during the HanDynasty, \ now falls under the jurisdiction of Hongzhou. \ It straddles the borderof the \ influence of the Ye and Zhen constellations , \ and is adjacent to theHeng \ and the Lu mountains . The three rivers enfold \ it like the frontpart \ of a garment and the five lakes encircle it \ like a girdle. Itcontrols \ the savage Jing area and connects Ou and Yue, \ and itsproducts are \ nature’s jewels. The radiance of its legendary \ sword shootsdirectly upward \ between the constellations Niu and Dou. \ Its talented peopleare outstanding,\ and the spirit of intelligence pervades \ the place. This wasthe place where Xu \ Ru spent the night on his visit to \ Chen Fan (10). The mightyHongzhou spreads \ out immensely amid the fog, and the intellectual \ luminariesare as numerous as\ meteors chasing one another.\ of a garment and the five lakes encircle \ it like a girdle. Itcontrols \ the savage Jing area and connects \ Ou and Yue, and itsproducts are \ nature’s jewels. The radiance of its \ legendary sword shootsdirectly upward \ between the constellations Niu and Dou. \ Its talented peopleare outstanding,\ and the spirit of intelligence pervades \ the place. This wasthe place where Xu \ Ru spent the night on his visit to \ Chen Fan (10). The mightyHongzhou spreads \ out immensely amid the fog, and the \ intellectual luminariesare as numerous as\ meteors chasing one another. \ "}'; } } }