path: root/doc/trex_rpc_server_spec.asciidoc
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+The TRex RPC Server
+:Author: Itay Marom, Dan Klein
+:revnumber: 1.1
+:local_web_server_url: csi-wiki-01:8181/trex
+:toclevels: 7
+== Change log
+| Version | name | meaning
+| 1.00 | Itay Marom (imarom) |
+- first version
+| 1.01 | Dan Klein (danklei)
+- added usage examples using Python code as Higher-level usage
+- added logic and explanation behind VM commands
+| 1.1 | Dan Klein (danklei)
+- Fixed some consistency issues
+- added RPC interaction examples appendix
+| 1.2 | Hanoch Haim (hhaim)
+- add tuple generator command
+| 1.3 | Hanoch Haim (hhaim)
+- update VM instructions
+| 1.4 | Hanoch Haim (hhaim)
+- add random trim instruction
+| 1.5 | Hanoch Haim (hhaim)
+- add more instructions (v1.92)
+| 1.6 | Itay Marom (imarom)
+- added API synchronization
+== Audience of this document
+Anyone that wants to understand the low level protocol to TRex server. for example a GUI developer that wants to develop a GUI for TRex Server.
+== RPC Support On TRex
+TRex implements a RPC protocol in order to config, view and
+in general execute remote calls on TRex
+In this document we will provide information on
+how a client can implement the protocol used to communicate with TRex
+In general, we will describe the following:
+* *Transport Layer* - The transport layer used to communicate with TRex server
+* *RPC Reprensentation Protocol* - The format in which remote procedures are carried
+=== Transport Layer
+TRex server transport layer is implemented using ZMQ.
+The default configuration is TCP on port 5555, however this is configurable.
+{zwsp} +
+The communication model is based on the request-reply ZMQ model:
+{zwsp} +
+for more on ZMQ and implementation please refer to:
+{zwsp} +
+=== RPC Reprensentation Protocol
+The RPC reprensentation protocol is JSON RPC v2.0.
+Every request and response will be encoded in a JSON RPC v2.0 format.
+For more info on JSON RPC v2.0 spec please refer to:
+Later on in the document we will describe all the supported commands.
+=== TRex Console
+To debug RPC it is possible to enable verbose command from Console see link:draft_trex_stateless.html#_console_commands[here]
+On the 'client' side:
+TRex > verbose on
+verbose set to on
+TRex > ping
+-> Pinging RPC server
+[verbose] Sending Request To Server:
+ "id": "l0tog11a",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "ping",
+ "params": null
+[verbose] Server Response:
+ "id": "l0tog11a",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": {}
+== RPC Server Component Position Illustration
+The following diagram illustres the RPC server component's place:
+image::images/rpc_server_big_picture.png[title="RPC Server Position",align="left",width=800, link="images/rpc_server_big_picture.png"]
+== RPC Server Port State Machine
+Any port on the server can be in numbered of states, each state provides other subset of the commands
+that are allowed to be executed.
+We define the following possible states:
+* *unowned* - The specific port is either unowned or another user is owning the port
+* *owned* - The specific port has been acquired by the client
+* *active* - The specific port is in the middle of injecting traffic - currently active
+Each port command will specify on which states it is possible to execute it.
+For port related commands valid only on 'owned' or 'active', a field called ''handler'' 'MUST' be passed
+along with the rest of the parameters.
+This will identify the connection:
+image::images/rpc_states.png[title="Port States",align="left",width=150, link="images/rpc_states.png"]
+== RPC Commands
+The following RPC commands are supported
+=== API Synchronization
+* *Name* - 'api_sync'
+* *API Class* - 'None'
+* *Valid States* - 'not relevant'
+* *Description* - Sync with server about API classes. This allows the server and the client
+ to be sure they are fully synced.
+ The return values are used for furthur communication with the server.
+ every API from a specific class requires its corresponding api_h parameter
+ added to the specific parameters of the function.
+* *Parameters* -
+** *api_vers* [list] - A list of objects of type xref:api_class['api_class']
+* *Result* ['object'] - A list of objects of type xref:api_class_rc['api_class_rc']
+.Object type 'api_class'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | name of the API class
+| major | int | major version
+| minor | int | minor version
+.Object type 'api_class_rc'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | name of the API class
+| api_h | string | API handler for this API class
+ "id": "6d4e9gs3",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "api_sync",
+ "params": {
+ "api_vers": [
+ {
+ "type": "core"
+ "major": 1,
+ "minor": 0,
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ "id": "6d4e9gs3",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": {
+ "api_vers": [
+ {
+ "type": "core"
+ "api_h": "SPhoCDIV",
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+=== Ping
+* *Name* - 'ping'
+* *API Class* - 'None'
+* *Valid States* - 'not relevant'
+* *Description* - Pings the TRex server
+* *Parameters* - None
+* *Result* ['object'] - {}
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "id": 1,
+ "method": "ping",
+ "params": null
+ "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
+ "id" : 1,
+ "result" : {}
+=== Get Server Supported Commands
+* *Name* - 'get_supported_cmds'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'not relevant'
+* *Description* - Queries the server for all the supported commands
+* *Parameters* - None
+* *Result* ['array'] - A list of all the supported commands by the server
+ "id": "7rqf0xyd",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "get_supported_cmds",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "VGDJwdiY"
+ }
+ "id": "7rqf0xyd",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": [
+ "push_remote",
+ "validate",
+ "start_traffic",
+ "get_all_streams",
+ "shutdown",
+ "get_stream",
+ "test_add",
+ "stop_traffic",
+ "get_utilization",
+ "release",
+ "test_sub",
+ "api_sync",
+ "get_port_status",
+ "get_port_stats",
+ "publish_now",
+ "get_system_info",
+ "get_supported_cmds",
+ "get_version",
+ "get_port_xstats_names",
+ "update_traffic",
+ "get_active_pgids",
+ "pause_traffic",
+ "get_owner",
+ "acquire",
+ "set_port_attr",
+ "get_port_xstats_values",
+ "remove_rx_filters",
+ "resume_traffic",
+ "add_stream",
+ "remove_stream",
+ "remove_all_streams",
+ "ping",
+ "get_stream_list"
+ ]
+=== Get Version
+* *Name* - 'get_version'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'not relevant'
+* *Description* - Queries the server for version information
+* *Parameters* - None
+* *Result* ['object'] - See table below
+.Object type 'return values for get_version'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| version | string | TRex version
+| build_date | string | build date
+| build_time | string | build time
+| built_by | string | who built this version
+ "id": "wapkk8m6",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "get_version",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "SPhoCDIV"
+ }
+ "id": "wapkk8m6",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": {
+ "build_date": "Sep 16 2015",
+ "build_time": "12:33:01",
+ "built_by": "imarom",
+ "version": "v0.0"
+ }
+=== Get System Info
+* *Name* - 'get_system_info'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Description* - Queries the server for system properties
+* *Parameters* - None
+* *Result* ['object'] - See table below
+.return value: 'get_system_info'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| dp_core_count | int | DP core count (total)
+| dp_core_count_per_port | int | DP core count per pair of ports
+| core_type | string | DP core type
+| hostname | string | machine host name
+| uptime | string | uptime of the server
+| port_count | int | number of ports on the machine
+| ports | array | array of object ''ports'' - see below
+.return value: 'get_system_info'.'ports'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| description | string | description of port
+| driver | string | driver type
+| numa | int | NUMA of port
+| pci_addr | string | PCI address of port
+| hw_macaddr | string | HW MAC of port (masked by src_macaddr)
+| src_macaddr | string | src MAC of port
+| dst_macaddr | string | dest MAC of port
+| is_virtual | bool | is port virtual
+| is_fc_supported | bool | is flow control supported
+| is_led_supported | bool | is led on/off supported
+| is_link_supported | bool | is link status change supported
+| index | int | port index
+| speed | int | current max speed of the port (1, 10, 40, 100)
+| supp_speeds | array | list of max speeds supported by port
+| rx | object | see below
+.return value: 'get_system_info'.'ports'.'rx'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| caps | array | list of capabilities: "flow_stats", "latency" etc.
+| counters | int | number of different pg_ids one can use at the same time
+ "id": "kn92anod",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "get_system_info",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "o8VEJEOd"
+ }
+ "id": "kn92anod",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": {
+ "core_type": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2667 v3 @ 3.20GHz",
+ "dp_core_count": 1,
+ "dp_core_count_per_port": 1,
+ "hostname": "csi-trex-11",
+ "port_count": 2,
+ "ports": [
+ {
+ "description": "VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller",
+ "driver": "rte_vmxnet3_pmd",
+ "dst_macaddr": "00:0c:29:2a:99:bc",
+ "hw_macaddr": "00:0c:29:2a:99:b2",
+ "index": 0,
+ "is_fc_supported": false,
+ "is_led_supported": false,
+ "is_link_supported": false,
+ "is_virtual": true,
+ "numa": -1,
+ "pci_addr": "0000:03:00.0",
+ "rx": {
+ "caps": [
+ "flow_stats",
+ "latency",
+ "rx_bytes"
+ ],
+ "counters": 127
+ },
+ "speed": 10,
+ "src_macaddr": "00:0c:29:2a:99:b2",
+ "supp_speeds": [
+ 10000
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "description": "VMXNET3 Ethernet Controller",
+ "driver": "rte_vmxnet3_pmd",
+ "dst_macaddr": "00:0c:29:2a:99:b2",
+ "hw_macaddr": "00:0c:29:2a:99:bc",
+ "index": 1,
+ "is_fc_supported": false,
+ "is_led_supported": false,
+ "is_link_supported": false,
+ "is_virtual": true,
+ "numa": -1,
+ "pci_addr": "0000:0b:00.0",
+ "rx": {
+ "caps": [
+ "flow_stats",
+ "latency",
+ "rx_bytes"
+ ],
+ "counters": 127
+ },
+ "speed": 10,
+ "src_macaddr": "00:0c:29:2a:99:bc",
+ "supp_speeds": [
+ 10000
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "uptime": "Oct 31 2016 @ 16:25:28"
+ }
+=== Get Port Status
+* *Name* - 'get_port_status'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'all'
+* *Description* - Queries the server for status
+* *Parameters* -
+** *port_id* ['int'] - port id to query for owner
+* *Result* ['object'] - see below
+ "id": "oveilf0n",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "get_port_status",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "VGDJwdiY",
+ "port_id": 7
+ }
+ "id": "oveilf0n",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": {
+ "attr": {
+ "fc": {
+ "mode": 0
+ },
+ "link": {
+ "up": true
+ },
+ "promiscuous": {
+ "enabled": false
+ }
+ },
+ "max_stream_id": 3,
+ "owner": "",
+ "speed": 10000,
+ "state": "TX"
+ }
+.return value: 'get_port_status'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| owner | string | name of current owner (or "" if none)
+| state | string | state of port (DOWN, IDLE, STREAMS, TX, PAUSE)
+=== Acquire
+* *Name* - 'Acquire'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'all'
+* *Description* - Takes ownership over the port
+* *Parameters* -
+** *port_id* ['int'] - port id to take ownership
+** *user* ['string'] - User name aquiring the system
+** *force* ['boolean'] - force action even if another user is holding the port
+* *Result* ['string'] - handler for future sessions
+ "id": "b1tr56yz",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "Acquire",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "SPhoCDIV",
+ "user": "itay",
+ "port_id": 1,
+ "force": false,
+ }
+ "id": "b1tr56yz",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": "AQokC3ZA"
+=== Release
+* *Name* - 'release'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'owned'
+* *Description* - Release owernship over the device
+* *Parameters* -
+** *handler* ['string'] - unique connection handler
+** *port_id* ['int'] - port id to release
+* *Result* ['object'] - {}
+ "id": "m785dxwd",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "release",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "SPhoCDIV",
+ "handler": "37JncCHr",
+ "port_id": 1
+ }
+ "id": "m785dxwd",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": {}
+=== Add Stream
+* *Name* - 'add_stream'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'owned'
+* *Description* - Adds a stream to a port
+* *Parameters*
+** *handler* ['string'] - unique connection handler
+** *port_id* ['int'] - port id associated with this stream
+** *stream_id* ['int'] - stream id associated with the stream object
+** *stream* - object of type xref:stream_obj['stream']
+* *Result* ['object'] - {}
+The object type 'stream' anchor:stream_obj[]
+Add_stream gets a single parameter of type object.
+The format of that object is as follows:
+.Object type 'stream'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| enabled | boolean | is this stream enabled
+| self_start | boolean | is this stream triggered by starting injection or triggered by another stream
+| action_count | uint16_t | In case it is bigger than zero and next stream is not -1 (set) the number of goto will be limited to this number. Maximum value is 65K. default is zero. Zero means - not limit.
+| random_seed | uint32_t | For creating reproducible tests with random number, each stream can get a seed. this field is optional. In case of zero the seed value won't be taken
+| flags | uint16_t | bit 0 (LSB) : 1 - take the src MAC from the packet instead of config file. bit 1-2 (LSB) how to set the dest MAC ( stCFG_FILE = 0, stPKT = 1,stARP = 2 )
+| isg | double | ['usec'] inter stream gap - delay time in usec until the stream is started
+| next_stream_id | int | next stream to start after this stream. -1 means stop after this stream
+| packet | object | object of type xref:packet_obj['packet']
+| mode | object | object of type xref:mode_obj['mode']
+| vm | object | array of objects of type xref:vm_obj['vm']
+| rx_stats | object | object of type xref:rx_stats_obj['rx_stats']
+==== packet
+packet contains binary and meta data
+.Object type 'packet'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| binary | byte array | binary dump of the packet to be used in the stream as array of bytes
+| meta | string | meta data object. opaque to the RPC server. will be passed on queries
+==== mode
+mode object can be 'one' of the following objects:
+.Object type 'rate'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | [''pps'',''bps_L1'',''bps_L2'',''percentage''
+| value | double | rate
+.Object type 'mode - continuous'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''continuous''
+| rate | object | rate object
+.Object type 'mode - single_burst'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''single_burst''
+| rate | object | rate object
+| total pkts | int | total packets in the burst
+.Object type 'mode - multi_burst'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''multi_burst''
+| rate | object | rate object
+| pkts_per_burst | int | packets in a single burst
+| ibg | double | ['usec'] inter burst gap. delay between bursts in usec
+| count | int | number of bursts. ''0'' means loop forever, ''1'' will fall back to single burst
+==== vm
+an Object that include instructions array and properties of the field engine program anchor:vm_obj[]
+.Object type 'packet'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| Instructions | array | list of instructional objects
+| split_by_var | string | name of the field by which to split into threads
+| Restart | boolean | restart the field engine program when stream moving from inactive->active
+Array of VM instruction objects to be used with this stream
+Any element in the array can be one of the following object types:
+===== fix_checksum_hw
+Fix TCP/UDP and IPv4 headers using hardware assit engine
+.Object type 'vm - fix_checksum_hw'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''fix_checksum_hw''
+| l2_len | uint16 | len of L2 (e.g. 14 Ether)
+| l3_len | uint16 | len of l3 header (e.g. 20 for IP)
+| l4_type | uint16 | the type of L4 header either UDP or TCP ( L4_TYPE_UDP = 11 | L4_TYPE_TCP = 13)
+===== fix_checksum_ipv4
+.Object type 'vm - fix_checksum_ipv4'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''fix_checksum_ipv4''
+| pkt_offset | uint16 | offset of the field to fix
+===== flow_var
+.Object type 'vm - flow_var'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''flow_var'''
+| name | string | flow var name - this should be a unique identifier
+| size | [1,2,4,8] | size of the flow var in bytes
+| op | ['inc', 'dec', 'random'] | operation type to perform on the field
+| init_value | uint64_t as string | init value for the field
+| min_value | uint64_t as string | minimum value for the field
+| max_value | uint64_t as string | maximum value for the field
+| step | uint64_t as string | step, how much to inc or dec. 1 is the default (in case of 'random' this field is not used)
+===== repetable_random
+Instruction to choose a limited number of random values from a big range
+The values could be deterministic by providing seed
+.Object type 'vm - flow_var'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''flow_var_rand_limit'''
+| name | string | flow var name - this should be a unique identifier
+| size | [1,2,4,8] | size of the var in bytes
+| limit | uint64_t as string | the number of values to choose
+| seed | uint64_t as string | seed of the random, in case there is no seed time will be taken
+| min_value | uint64_t as string | minimum value for the field
+| max_value | uint64_t as string | maximum value for the field
+an example of tuple_flow_var variable
+ size = 2
+ limit = 5
+ seed = 0x1234
+ min_value = 0
+ max_value = 10
+results could be
+7 , 8, 1 ,5, 2 , 7 , 8, 1 ,5, 2, 7 , 8, 1 ,5, 2
+===== write_flow_var
+.Object type 'vm - write_flow_var'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''write_flow_var''
+| name | string | flow var name to write
+| pkt_offset | uint16 | offset at the packet to perform the write
+| add_value | int | delta to add to the field prior to writing - can be negative
+| is_big_endian | boolean | should write as big endian or little
+===== trim_pkt_size
+.Object type 'vm - trim_pkt_size'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''trim_pkt_size''
+| name | string | flow var name to take the new trim packet size from. The var size should be valid packet size and less than template packet size. see `stl/udp_rand_size.yaml` for an example
+===== tuple_flow_var
+.Object type 'vm - tuple_flow_var'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''tuple_flow_var'''
+| name | string | tuple generator name - this should be a unique identifier name.ip and name.port will be added
+| ip_min | uint32_t as string | ipv4 min ip as uint32_t e.g.
+| ip_max | uint32_t as string | ipv4 max ip as uint32_t e.g.
+| port_min | uint16_t as string | ipv4 min port as uint16_t e.g. 1025
+| port_max | uint16_t as string | ipv4 max port as uint16_t e.g. 65000
+| limit_flows | uint32_t as string | the number of flows. 0 means we will use all the ip/port min-max range
+| flags | uint16_t as string | 1 - unlimited number of flows. in case the first bit is enabled port_min and port_max is ignored and the maximum number of flows will be generated on those ips
+an example of tuple_flow_var variable
+ ip_min =
+ ip_max =
+ port_min = 1025
+ port_max = 1028
+ limit_flows = 10
+| | 1025 | 1
+| | 1025 | 2
+| | 1025 | 3
+| | 1025 | 4
+| | 1025 | 5
+| | 1026 | 6 << the port is inc here
+| | 1026 | 7
+| | 1026 | 8
+| | 1026 | 9
+| | 1026 | 10
+| | 1025 | 1 << back to the first flow
+The variable name.port and name.ip could be written to any offset in the packet (usualy to src_ip and src_port as client)
+===== write_mask_flow_var
+.Object type 'vm - write_mask_flow_var'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| type | string | ''write_mask_flow_var'''
+| name | string | flow variable name
+| pkt_offset | uint16_t as string | offset at the packet to perform the write
+| add_value | int32_t as string | delta to add to the field prior to writing - can be negative
+| pkt_cast_size | uint_t as string | size in bytes only 1,2,4 are valid
+| mask | uint32_t as string | 1 means care e.g. 0xff will write to only 8 LSB bits
+| shift | int8_t as string | Positive will shift left (multiply by x2) negative will shift right (divided by 2) e.g. 1 will multiply by 2
+| is_big_endian | boolean | should write as big endian or little
+ uint32_t val=(cast_to_size)rd_from_varible("name"); # read flow-var
+ val+=m_add_value; # add value
+ if (m_shift>0) { # shift
+ val=val<<m_shift;
+ }else{
+ if (m_shift<0) {
+ val=val>>(-m_shift);
+ }
+ }
+ pkt_val=rd_from_pkt(pkt_offset) # RMW
+ pkt_val = (pkt_val & ~m_mask) | (val & m_mask)
+ wr_to_pkt(pkt_offset,pkt_val)
+an example of tuple_flow_var variable
+ name = "a" (varible 2 byte start 1-10 inc )
+ pkt_cast_size = 1 ( cast to uint8_t )
+ add_value = 0
+ mask = 0xf0
+ shift = 4
+ is_big_endian =1
+| var "a" | PKT- before write | PKT post write
+| 1 | 0x03 | 0x13
+| 2 | 0x03 | 0x23
+| 3 | 0x03 | 0x33
+| 4 | 0x03 | 0x43
+| 5 | 0x03 | 0x53
+The use cases of this instruction is to write to a bit field (valn/mpls)
+TIP: For more information and examples on VM objects please refer to:
+link:vm_doc.html[VM examples]
+==== rx_stats
+Describes rx stats for the stream
+{zwsp} +
+IMPORTANT: In case rx_stats is enabled, meta data will be written in the end of the packet.
+please also consider the following constraints:
+===== Constrains
+* *performance* - this will have performance impact as rx packets will be examined
+* *override* - up to 10 bytes at the end of the packet will be overidden by the meta data required
+===== The bytes needed for activating rx_stats
+* *stream_id* consumes 2 bytes
+* *seq_enabled* consumes 4 bytes
+* *latency_enabled* consumes 4 bytes
+so if no seq or latency are enabled 2 bytes will be used.
+if seq or latency alone are enabled, 6 bytes will be used.
+if both are enabled then 10 bytes will be used.
+.Object type 'rx_stats'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| enabled | boolean | is rx_stats enabled for this stream
+| stream_id | int | stream_id for which to collect rx_stats. +
+This could be stream_id different from the stream object which contains the rx_stats object.
+| seq_enabled | boolean | should write 32 bit sequence
+| latency_enabled | boolean | should write 32 bit latency
+ "id": 1,
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "add_stream",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "SPhoCDIV",
+ "handler": "37JncCHr",
+ "port_id": 1,
+ "stream_id": 502
+ "stream": {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "isg": 4.3,
+ "mode": {
+ "rate": {
+ "type": "pps",
+ "value": 10
+ },
+ "total_pkts": 5000,
+ "type": "single_burst"
+ },
+ "next_stream_id": -1,
+ "packet": {
+ "binary": [
+ 4,
+ 1,
+ 255
+ ],
+ "meta": ""
+ },
+ "rx_stats": {
+ "enabled": false
+ },
+ "self_start": true,
+ }
+ }
+ "id": 1,
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": {}
+This request-reply sequence demonstrate a method in which rx_stats are diabled.
+In case rx_stats feature is enabled, rx_object **must include** all rx_stats object fields as described above.
+=== Remove Stream
+* *Name* - 'remove_stream'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'owned'
+* *Description* - Removes a stream from a port
+* *Parameters*
+** *handler* ['string'] - unique connection handler
+** *port_id* ['int'] - port assosicated with the stream.
+** *stream_id* ['int'] - stream to remove
+* *Result* ['object'] - {}
+ "id": 1
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "remove_stream",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "SPhoCDIV",
+ "handler": "37JncCHr",
+ "port_id": 1,
+ "stream_id": 502
+ }
+ "id": 1
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": {}
+=== Get Stream ID List
+* *Name* - 'get_stream_list'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'unowned', 'owned', 'active'
+* *Description* - fetch all the assoicated streams for a port
+* *Parameters*
+** *handler* ['string'] - unique connection handler
+** *port_id* ['int'] - port to query for registered streams
+* *Result* ['array'] - array of 'stream_id'
+ "id": 1,
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "get_stream_list",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "SPhoCDIV",
+ "handler": "37JncCHr",
+ "port_id": 1
+ }
+ "id": 1,
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": [
+ 502,
+ 18
+ ]
+=== Get Stream
+* *Name* - 'get_stream'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'unowned', 'owned', 'active'
+* *Description* - get a specific stream object
+* *Parameters*
+** *handler* ['string'] - unique connection handler
+** *port_id* ['int'] - port for the associated stream
+** *stream_id* ['int'] - the requested stream id
+* *Result* ['object'] - object xref:stream_obj['stream']
+ "id": 1,
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "get_stream",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "SPhoCDIV",
+ "handler": "37JncCHr",
+ "port_id": 1,
+ "stream_id": 7
+ }
+ "id": 1,
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": {
+ "stream": {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "isg": 4.3,
+ "mode": {
+ "pps": 3,
+ "type": "continuous"
+ },
+ "next_stream_id": -1,
+ "packet": {
+ "binary": [
+ 4,
+ 1,
+ 255
+ ],
+ "meta": ""
+ },
+ "self_start": true
+ }
+ }
+=== Remove All Streams
+* *Name* - 'remove_all_streams'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'owned'
+* *Description* - remove all streams from a port
+* *Parameters*
+** *handler* ['string'] - unique connection handler
+** *port_id* ['int'] - port for the associated stream
+* *Result* ['object'] - {}
+ "id": 1,
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "remove_all_streams",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "SPhoCDIV",
+ "handler": "37JncCHr",
+ "port_id": 2
+ }
+ "id": 1,
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": {}
+=== Start Traffic
+* *Name* - 'start_traffic'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'owned'
+* *Description* - Starts the traffic on a specific port. if traffic has already started an error will be returned
+* *Parameters*
+** *handler* ['string'] - unique connection handler
+** *port_id* ['int'] - port id on which to start traffic
+** *core_mask* ['uint64'] [*optional*] - a non zero mask to specify which cores will be active during TX, if no value is provided, the value is all bits on (MAX_UINT64)
+* *Result* ['object'] - {}
+ "id": "b3llt8hs",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "start_traffic",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "SPhoCDIV",
+ "handler": "37JncCHr",
+ "port_id": 3
+ "core_mask": 0xff
+ }
+ "id": "b3llt8hs",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": {}
+=== Stop Traffic
+* *Name* - 'stop_traffic'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'active'
+* *Description* - Stops the traffic on a specific port. if the port has already started nothing will happen
+* *Parameters*
+** *handler* ['string'] - unique connection handler
+** *port_id* ['int'] - port id on which to stop traffic
+* *Result* ['object'] - {}
+ "id": "h2fyhni7",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "stop_traffic",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "SPhoCDIV",
+ "handler": "37JncCHr",
+ "port_id": 3
+ }
+ "id": "h2fyhni7",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": {}
+=== Remove RX Filters
+* *Name* - 'remove_rx_filters'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'owned'
+* *Description* - Post to calling stop, the client should call this function to remove
+ any RX filters that were attached.
+ this is because the server cannot know when it is safe to remove those
+ (after stop some packets might take time to get to arrive - RTT)
+* *Parameters*
+** *handler* ['string'] - unique connection handler
+** *port_id* ['int'] - port id on which to remove all RX filters
+* *Result* ['object'] - {}
+ "id": "1jwrw9nx",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "remove_rx_filters",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "SPhoCDIV",
+ "handler": "ywVlqZa8",
+ "port_id": 3
+ }
+ "id": "1jwrw9nx",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": {}
+=== Get Global Stats
+* *Name* - 'get_global_stats'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'unowned', 'owned', 'active'
+* *Description* - Get machine global stats
+* *Parameters* - None
+* *Result* ['object'] - See Below
+.Return value of 'get_global_stats'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| state | string | server state: can be 'unowned', 'owned' or 'active'
+| cpu_util | double | DP CPU util. in %
+| tx_bps | double | total TX bits per second
+| rx_bps | double | total RX bits per second
+| tx_pps | double | total TX packets per second
+| rx_pps | double | total RX packets per second
+| total_tx_pkts | int | total TX packets
+| total_rx_pkts | int | total RX packets
+| total_tx_bytes | int | total TX bytes
+| total_rx_bytes | int | total RX bytes
+| tx_rx_error | int | total Tx/Rx errors
+=== Get Port Stats
+* *Name* - 'get_port_stats'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'unowned', 'owned', 'active'
+* *Description* - Get port stats
+* *Parameters*
+** *port_id* [int] - The port id for query
+* *Result* ['object'] - See Below
+.Return value of 'get_port_stats'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| status | string | 'down', 'idle' or 'transmitting'
+| tx_bps | double | total TX bits per second
+| rx_bps | double | total RX bits per second
+| tx_pps | double | total TX packets per second
+| rx_pps | double | total RX packets per second
+| total_tx_pkts | int | total TX packets
+| total_rx_pkts | int | total RX packets
+| total_rx_bytes | int | total TX bytes
+| total_tx_bytes | int | total RX bytes
+| tx_rx_error | int | total Tx/Rx errors
+=== Get Stream Stats
+* *Name* - 'get_steram_stats'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'unowned', 'owned', 'active'
+* *Description* - Get port stats
+* *Parameters*
+** *port_id* [int] - The port id for query
+** *stream_id* [int] - The stream id for query
+* *Result* ['object'] - See Below
+.Return value of 'get_stream_stats'
+| Field | Type | Description
+| tx_bps | double | total TX bits per second
+| tx_pps | double | total TX packets per second
+| total_tx_pkts | int | total TX packets
+| total_tx_bytes | int | total TX bytes
+| rx_bps | double | total RX bits per second (if 'rx_stats' enabled)
+| rx_pps | double | total RX packets per second (if 'rx_stats' enabled)
+| total_rx_pkts | int | total RX packets (if 'rx_stats' enabled)
+| total_rx_bytes | int | total RX bytes (if 'rx_stats' enabled)
+| latency | array | array of 2 ordered elements average, maximum (if 'rx_stats' enabled)
+=== Get Utilization
+* *Name* - 'get_utilization'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'all'
+* *Description* - Get the CPU and MBUFs utilization.
+* *Parameters* - None
+* *Result* ['object'] -
+** *cpu* - The CPU utilization per DP thread (in their order). Each element is array of history (most latest is first in array, interval between values is 1 sec, values are integers 0-100).
+** *mbuf_stats* - The MBUFs are per CPU socket, per bucket of sizes: 64b, 9kb etc. Each bucket is array of 2 values: first is number of free elements and second is total.
+ "id": "vlxrc9r6",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "get_utilization",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "2AIar0tl"
+ }
+{'id': 'vlxrc9r6',
+ 'jsonrpc': '2.0',
+ 'result': {'cpu': [[30, 33, 28, 21, 30, 35, 33, 38, 29, 25, 37, 35, 31, 34, 35, 37, 26, 31, 26, 27],
+ [37, 31, 24, 21, 26, 32, 34, 36, 27, 28, 36, 33, 35, 35, 35, 36, 30, 39, 35, 40],
+ [32, 34, 25, 29, 28, 44, 37, 40, 32, 33, 38, 33, 33, 35, 33, 25, 22, 26, 27, 31],
+ [28, 33, 17, 21, 27, 36, 30, 30, 27, 25, 36, 35, 38, 43, 41, 28, 31, 32, 31, 41],
+ [27, 31, 27, 32, 26, 36, 27, 33, 30, 29, 29, 28, 30, 36, 33, 31, 26, 30, 25, 35],
+ [31, 31, 21, 24, 23, 31, 28, 33, 33, 33, 31, 21, 30, 33, 31, 23, 27, 29, 36, 36],
+ [27, 32, 38, 23, 35, 44, 38, 28, 29, 31, 38, 38, 31, 32, 32, 33, 24, 28, 29, 32],
+ [26, 26, 24, 30, 36, 36, 33, 26, 37, 24, 29, 40, 39, 37, 36, 26, 26, 25, 38, 25],
+ [27, 37, 33, 25, 28, 37, 39, 30, 31, 26, 34, 27, 37, 31, 28, 33, 36, 39, 27, 38],
+ [31, 31, 31, 26, 31, 28, 31, 35, 24, 25, 31, 24, 34, 30, 31, 35, 29, 30, 28, 30],
+ [28, 40, 24, 27, 30, 26, 34, 27, 28, 31, 41, 29, 35, 33, 35, 35, 31, 31, 30, 39],
+ [20, 34, 29, 27, 34, 25, 28, 43, 26, 26, 36, 31, 28, 36, 39, 26, 18, 24, 29, 26],
+ [26, 29, 34, 25, 26, 42, 30, 38, 30, 26, 37, 29, 43, 36, 36, 29, 27, 37, 33, 28],
+ [29, 30, 30, 27, 34, 34, 32, 34, 26, 28, 37, 28, 36, 38, 29, 35, 26, 32, 28, 37]],
+ 'mbuf_stats': {'cpu-socket-0': {'1024b': [73696, 73710],
+ '128b': [98280, 98280],
+ '2048b': [98266, 98280],
+ '256b': [73710, 73710],
+ '4096b': [1152, 1152],
+ '512b': [73710, 73710],
+ '64b': [191468, 196560],
+ '9kb': [6912, 8960]},
+ 'cpu-socket-1': {'1024b': [73696, 73710],
+ '128b': [98280, 98280],
+ '2048b': [98266, 98280],
+ '256b': [73710, 73710],
+ '4096b': [1152, 1152],
+ '512b': [73710, 73710],
+ '64b': [191429, 196560],
+ '9kb': [6912, 8960]}}}}
+=== Get Xstat names
+* *Name* - 'get_port_xstats_names'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'all'
+* *Description* - Get array of names of extended stats of port. List may vary per NIC type.
+* *Parameters* - port_id
+* *Result* ['object'] - See example below
+ "id": "m348pnzr",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "get_port_xstats_names",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "f682qkNJ",
+ "port_id": 0
+ }
+ "id": "m348pnzr",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": {
+ "xstats_names": [
+ "rx_good_packets",
+ "tx_good_packets",
+ "rx_good_bytes",
+ "tx_good_bytes",
+ "rx_errors",
+ "tx_errors",
+ "rx_mbuf_allocation_errors",
+ "rx_q0packets",
+ "rx_q0bytes",
+ "rx_q0errors",
+ "rx_q1packets",
+ "rx_q1bytes",
+ "rx_q1errors",
+ "tx_q0packets",
+ "tx_q0bytes",
+ "tx_q1packets",
+ "tx_q1bytes",
+ "tx_q2packets",
+ "tx_q2bytes",
+ "tx_q3packets",
+ "tx_q3bytes",
+ "rx_unicast_packets",
+ "rx_multicast_packets",
+ "rx_broadcast_packets",
+ "rx_dropped",
+ "rx_unknown_protocol_packets",
+ "tx_unicast_packets",
+ "tx_multicast_packets",
+ "tx_broadcast_packets",
+ "tx_dropped",
+ "tx_link_down_dropped",
+ "rx_crc_errors",
+ "rx_illegal_byte_errors",
+ "rx_error_bytes",
+ "mac_local_errors",
+ "mac_remote_errors",
+ "rx_length_errors",
+ "tx_xon_packets",
+ "rx_xon_packets",
+ "tx_xoff_packets",
+ "rx_xoff_packets",
+ "rx_size_64_packets",
+ "rx_size_65_to_127_packets",
+ "rx_size_128_to_255_packets",
+ "rx_size_256_to_511_packets",
+ "rx_size_512_to_1023_packets",
+ "rx_size_1024_to_1522_packets",
+ "rx_size_1523_to_max_packets",
+ "rx_undersized_errors",
+ "rx_oversize_errors",
+ "rx_mac_short_dropped",
+ "rx_fragmented_errors",
+ "rx_jabber_errors",
+ "tx_size_64_packets",
+ "tx_size_65_to_127_packets",
+ "tx_size_128_to_255_packets",
+ "tx_size_256_to_511_packets",
+ "tx_size_512_to_1023_packets",
+ "tx_size_1024_to_1522_packets",
+ "tx_size_1523_to_max_packets",
+ "rx_flow_director_atr_match_packets",
+ "rx_flow_director_sb_match_packets",
+ "tx_low_power_idle_status",
+ "rx_low_power_idle_status",
+ "tx_low_power_idle_count",
+ "rx_low_power_idle_count",
+ "rx_priority0_xon_packets",
+ "rx_priority1_xon_packets",
+ "rx_priority2_xon_packets",
+ "rx_priority3_xon_packets",
+ "rx_priority4_xon_packets",
+ "rx_priority5_xon_packets",
+ "rx_priority6_xon_packets",
+ "rx_priority7_xon_packets",
+ "rx_priority0_xoff_packets",
+ "rx_priority1_xoff_packets",
+ "rx_priority2_xoff_packets",
+ "rx_priority3_xoff_packets",
+ "rx_priority4_xoff_packets",
+ "rx_priority5_xoff_packets",
+ "rx_priority6_xoff_packets",
+ "rx_priority7_xoff_packets",
+ "tx_priority0_xon_packets",
+ "tx_priority1_xon_packets",
+ "tx_priority2_xon_packets",
+ "tx_priority3_xon_packets",
+ "tx_priority4_xon_packets",
+ "tx_priority5_xon_packets",
+ "tx_priority6_xon_packets",
+ "tx_priority7_xon_packets",
+ "tx_priority0_xoff_packets",
+ "tx_priority1_xoff_packets",
+ "tx_priority2_xoff_packets",
+ "tx_priority3_xoff_packets",
+ "tx_priority4_xoff_packets",
+ "tx_priority5_xoff_packets",
+ "tx_priority6_xoff_packets",
+ "tx_priority7_xoff_packets",
+ "tx_priority0_xon_to_xoff_packets",
+ "tx_priority1_xon_to_xoff_packets",
+ "tx_priority2_xon_to_xoff_packets",
+ "tx_priority3_xon_to_xoff_packets",
+ "tx_priority4_xon_to_xoff_packets",
+ "tx_priority5_xon_to_xoff_packets",
+ "tx_priority6_xon_to_xoff_packets",
+ "tx_priority7_xon_to_xoff_packets"
+ ]
+ }
+=== Get Xstat values
+* *Name* - 'get_port_xstats_values'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'all'
+* *Description* - Get array of values of extended stats of port. Order of values matches the get_port_xstats_names.
+* *Parameters* - port_id
+* *Result* ['object'] - See example below
+ "id": "tfonjtfc",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "get_port_xstats_values",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "f682qkNJ",
+ "port_id": 7
+ }
+ "id": "tfonjtfc",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "result": {
+ "xstats_values": [
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ ...
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ]
+ }
+=== Setting port attributes
+* *Name* - 'set_port_attr'
+* *API Class* - 'core'
+* *Valid States* - 'all'
+* *Description* - Sets port attributes
+* *Parameters* -
+** *port_id* ['int'] - port to apply attributes
+** *attr* ['object'] - dictionary with attributes, each of them is optional, see below
+* *Result* ['object'] - {}
+.Object type 'attr'
+| Field | Subfield | Type | Description
+| link_status | up | bool | True = link up
+| promiscuous | enabled | bool | True = promiscuous enabled
+| led_status | on | bool | False = turn off LEDs
+| flow_ctrl_mode | mode | int | Flow control: 0 = none, 1 = tx, 2 = rx, 3 = full
+Request example:
+ "id": "uuopmfln",
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": "set_port_attr",
+ "params": {
+ "api_h": "f682qkNJ",
+ "attr": {
+ "flow_ctrl_mode": {
+ "mode": 1
+ },
+ "promiscuous": {
+ "enabled": true
+ }
+ },
+ "handler": "vGp4EyA5",
+ "port_id": 7
+ }
+== Typical Transactions Examples
+the following examples represents common scenarios.
+commands in [...] represents 'meta commands'
+and not real RPC commands such as 'repeat', 'wait' and etc.
+=== Init/Boot
+This sequence represents a client implementing the protocol taking ownership
+over the server and preparing to perform work
+==== Commands Flow
+* *ping* - Ping the server to verify the server is up
+* *get_owner* - if owner is not me or 'none' prompt to the user if he wants to force it
+* *acquire* - Ask or force for exclusive control over the server. save the 'handler' given for future commands
+* *get_version* - Verify the server is compatible with the GUI
+* *get_system_info* - Get the installed ports and cores
+* *get_stream_list* - for every port, get the list and sync the GUI
+* *get_stream* - for every stream in a port list, get the stream info and sync the GUI
+=== Simple Traffic With Adding/Editing Streams
+describes a simple scenario where a user wants to
+add or edit one or more streams to one or more ports
+==== Commands Flow
+* *[init]* - perform the init procedure from above
+* *[GUI add/edit streams]* - GUI provides the user a way to add or edit streams and sync them
+* *remove_all_streams* ['optional'] - remove all previous streams to start from scratch
+* *add_stream* - configure a specific port with a stream.
+* *['repeat previous']* - 'repeat' the above for how many ports and streams desired
+* *get_stream_list* ['optional'] - sanity - verify the server is synced with the GUI
+* *start_traffic* - start traffic on the specific port / all the ports
+* *get_global_stats* ['optional'] - make sure the machine is transmiting traffic
+* *['perfrom test']* - perform the required test
+* *stop_traffic* - when done, stop the traffic on the specific port / all the ports
+* *get_global_stats* ['optional'] - make sure the machine has stopped
+=== Logout
+Describes the log off from the machine
+==== Commands Flow
+* *stop_traffic* ['optional'] - if traffic has started - stop it
+* *get_global_stats* ['optional'] - make sure the machine has stopped
+* *remove_all_streams* ['optional'] - if you want to clear all the previous streams - use this
+* *release* - release the ownership over the device
+Interaction Examples
+This appendix brings examples with data for the this RPC interaction. +
+<<_add_stream, add_stream>> method example
+The following example represents an interaction between the RPC client and the server's response.
+Simple single packet client request
+On the following example, there's no VM instructions, rx_stats option is disabled and there's only a single packet which isn't connected to any other packet.
+[underline]#Client request#
+[source, bash]
+ "id" : "2bqgd2r4",
+ "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
+ "method" : "add_stream",
+ "params" : {
+ "api_h": "SPhoCDIV",
+ "handler" : "37JncCHr",
+ "port_id" : 1,
+ "stream" : {
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "isg" : 0,
+ "mode" : {
+ "rate": {
+ "type": "pps",
+ "value": 100
+ },
+ "type" : "continuous"
+ },
+ "next_stream_id" : -1,
+ "packet" : {
+ "binary" : [
+ 0,
+ 80,
+ 86,
+ 128,
+ 13,
+ ... # more packet data
+ 77,
+ 79,
+ 250,
+ 154,
+ 66
+ ],
+ "meta" : ""
+ },
+ "rx_stats" : {
+ "enabled" : false
+ },
+ "self_start" : true,
+ "vm" : []
+ },
+ "stream_id" : 0
+ }
+[underline]#Server's response#
+[source, bash]
+ "id" : "2bqgd2r4",
+ "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
+ "result" : {}
+Two linked packets with VM instructions client request
+On the following example, a **batch request** is being issued to the server, containing two `add_stream` requests.
+[underline]#First request# +
+The first client request is similar to the previous example. +
+However, in this case the rx_stats object is enbaled and set to monitor ancestor's `stream_id` (which is 0 in this case).
+Ontop, this stream points to the next stream as the one to follow, as described under `next_stream_id` of `stream` object.
+[underline]#Second request# +
+In this stream the big difference is that it has VM instructions under the `vm` field of the `stream` object.
+Ontop, this stream is the last stream of the sequence, so `next_stream_id` of `stream` object is set to '-1'.
+[underline]#Client request#
+[source, bash]
+ {
+ "id" : "tq49f6uj",
+ "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
+ "method" : "add_stream",
+ "params" : {
+ "api_h": "SPhoCDIV",
+ "handler" : "2JjzhMai",
+ "port_id" : 3,
+ "stream" : {
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "isg" : 0,
+ "mode" : {
+ "rate": {
+ "type": "pps",
+ "value": 100
+ },
+ "type" : "continuous"
+ },
+ "next_stream_id" : 1,
+ "packet" : {
+ "binary" : [
+ 0,
+ 80,
+ 86,
+ ... # more packet data
+ 250,
+ 154,
+ 66
+ ],
+ "meta" : ""
+ },
+ "rx_stats" : {
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "latency_enabled" : false,
+ "seq_enabled" : false,
+ "stream_id" : 0
+ },
+ "self_start" : true,
+ "vm" : []
+ },
+ "stream_id" : 0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "2m7i5olx",
+ "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
+ "method" : "add_stream",
+ "params" : {
+ "api_h": "SPhoCDIV",
+ "handler" : "2JjzhMai",
+ "port_id" : 3,
+ "stream" : {
+ "enabled" : true,
+ "isg" : 0,
+ "mode" : {
+ "rate": {
+ "type": "pps",
+ "value": 100
+ },
+ "type" : "continuous"
+ },
+ "next_stream_id" : -1,
+ "packet" : {
+ "binary" : [
+ 0,
+ 80,
+ 86,
+ 128,
+ ... # more packet data
+ 216,
+ 148,
+ 25
+ ],
+ "meta" : ""
+ },
+ "rx_stats" : {
+ "enabled" : false
+ },
+ "self_start" : false,
+ "vm" : [
+ {
+ "init_value" : "65537",
+ "max_value" : "65551",
+ "min_value" : "65537",
+ "name" : "l3__src",
+ "op" : "inc",
+ "size" : 4,
+ "type" : "flow_var"
+ },
+ {
+ "add_value" : 1,
+ "is_big_endian" : false,
+ "name" : "l3__src",
+ "pkt_offset" : 34,
+ "type" : "write_flow_var"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "stream_id" : 1
+ }
+ }
+[underline]#Server's response#
+[source, bash]
+ {
+ "id" : "tq49f6uj",
+ "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
+ "result" : {}
+ },
+ {
+ "id" : "2m7i5olx",
+ "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
+ "result" : {}
+ }
+Another Example of tuple generator
+[source, bash]
+ - name: udp_64B
+ stream:
+ self_start: True
+ packet:
+ binary: stl/udp_64B_no_crc.pcap # pcap should not include CRC
+ mode:
+ type: continuous
+ pps: 100
+ rx_stats: []
+ # program that define 1M flows with IP range
+ # we will create a script that do that for you
+ # this is the low level instructions
+ vm: [
+ {
+ "type" : "tuple_flow_var", # name of the command
+ "name" : "tuple_gen", # tuple_gen.ip tuple_gen.port can be used
+ "ip_min" : 0x10000001, # min ip
+ "ip_max" : 0x100000fe, # max ip
+ "port_min" : 1025, # min port 1025
+ "port_max" : 65500, # max port 65500
+ "limit_flows" : 1000000, # number of flows
+ "flags" : 0, # 1 - for unlimited
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "write_flow_var", # command name
+ "name" : "tuple_gen.ip", # varible to write
+ "add_value" : 0, # no need to add value
+ "is_big_endian" : true, # write as big edian
+ "pkt_offset" : 26, # write tuple_gen.ip into ipv4.src_ip
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "fix_checksum_ipv4", # fix ipv4 header checksum
+ "pkt_offset" : 14, # offset of ipv4 header
+ },
+ {
+ "type" : "write_flow_var", # command name
+ "name" : "tuple_gen.port", # varible to write
+ "add_value" : 0, # no need to add value
+ "is_big_endian" : true, # write as big edian
+ "pkt_offset" : 34, # write tuple_gen.port into udp.src_port
+ }
+ ]