

The git repository structure is described in this file. It can also be derived by scanning the repo itself. The master branch is read only and contains this README.md file only.

The repository is organized in several orphaned branches, each one containing a sub-project. The naming convention naming branches is described in this document.

Branch naming conventions

Project cicn contains several sub-projects. Sub-project subp has a master branch with name origin/subp/master. All commits associated to sub-project subp will belong to the orphaned branch origin/subp. All branches associated to subp must be named as subp/branch-name.

Sub projects contained in the cicn git repository

  1. cicn-plugin
  2. sb-forwarder
  3. libicnet
  4. cframework
  5. ccnxlib
  6. http-server
  7. viper
  8. vicn
  9. android-sdk

Sub projects description

Name Description Language and style
1. cicn-plugin VPP forwarder C GNU style
2. sb-forwarder socket-based forwarder C GNU style
3. libicnet socket API C++11 Google style
4. cframework C framework C GNU style
5. ccnxlibs CCNx libraries C GNU style
6. http-server HTTP server C++11 Google style
7. viper Qt/QML video player C++/QML Qt style
8. vicn vICN framework python-3 and bash
9. android-sdk Android SDK for ICN cmake


For sub-project cicn-plugin, the master branch is cicn-plugin/master that can be cloned as follows:

$ git clone -b cicn-plugin/master https://gerrit.fd.io/r/cicn cicn-plugin