path: root/libparc/parc/concurrent/parc_Thread.h
diff options
authorLuca Muscariello <lumuscar+fdio@cisco.com>2017-02-23 17:01:02 +0100
committerLuca Muscariello <lumuscar+fdio@cisco.com>2017-02-23 17:21:02 +0100
commitec688b4723a041044226358bcd4dd6e2da39da49 (patch)
tree3a244c48d1eb9e4d90f9050fd1a61ae5c0327526 /libparc/parc/concurrent/parc_Thread.h
parent9b30fc10fb1cbebe651e5a107e8ca5b24de54675 (diff)
Initial commit: cframework. Longbow and Libparc
Change-Id: I90378dbd30da6033b20fb1f829b3b822cf366c59 Signed-off-by: Luca Muscariello <lumuscar+fdio@cisco.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'libparc/parc/concurrent/parc_Thread.h')
1 files changed, 601 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libparc/parc/concurrent/parc_Thread.h b/libparc/parc/concurrent/parc_Thread.h
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f24306ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libparc/parc/concurrent/parc_Thread.h
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @file parc_Thread.h
+ * @ingroup threading
+ * @brief <#Brief Description#>
+ *
+ * <#Detailed Description#>
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef PARCLibrary_parc_Thread
+#define PARCLibrary_parc_Thread
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <parc/algol/parc_JSON.h>
+#include <parc/algol/parc_HashCode.h>
+struct PARCThread;
+typedef struct PARCThread PARCThread;
+ * Increase the number of references to a `PARCThread` instance.
+ *
+ * Note that new `PARCThread` is not created,
+ * only that the given `PARCThread` reference count is incremented.
+ * Discard the reference by invoking `parcThread_Release`.
+ *
+ * @param [in] instance A pointer to a valid PARCThread instance.
+ *
+ * @return The same value as @p instance.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * PARCThread *a = parcThread_Create();
+ *
+ * PARCThread *b = parcThread_Acquire();
+ *
+ * parcThread_Release(&a);
+ * parcThread_Release(&b);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+PARCThread *parcThread_Acquire(const PARCThread *instance);
+# define parcThread_OptionalAssertValid(_instance_)
+# define parcThread_OptionalAssertValid(_instance_) parcThread_AssertValid(_instance_)
+ * Assert that the given `PARCThread` instance is valid.
+ *
+ * @param [in] instance A pointer to a valid PARCThread instance.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * PARCThread *a = parcThread_Create();
+ *
+ * parcThread_AssertValid(a);
+ *
+ * printf("Instance is valid.\n");
+ *
+ * parcThread_Release(&b);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+void parcThread_AssertValid(const PARCThread *instance);
+ * Create an instance of PARCThread
+ *
+ * @return non-NULL A pointer to a valid PARCThread instance.
+ * @return NULL An error occurred.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ *
+ * MyTask *task = myTask_Create();
+ * PARCThread *thread = parcThread_Create(myTask_Run, myTask);
+ *
+ * parcThread_Start(a);
+ *
+ * parcThread_Release(&a);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+//#define parcThread_Create(_runFunction_, _argument_) parcThread_CreateImpl((void (*)(PARCObject *)) _runFunction_, (PARCObject *) _argument_)
+PARCThread *parcThread_Create(void *(*run)(PARCThread *, PARCObject *), PARCObject *restrict argument);
+ * Compares @p instance with @p other for order.
+ *
+ * Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as @p instance
+ * is less than, equal to, or greater than @p other.
+ *
+ * @param [in] instance A pointer to a valid PARCThread instance.
+ * @param [in] other A pointer to a valid PARCThread instance.
+ *
+ * @return <0 Instance is less than @p other.
+ * @return 0 Instance a and instance b compare the same.
+ * @return >0 Instance a is greater than instance b.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * PARCThread *a = parcThread_Create();
+ * PARCThread *b = parcThread_Create();
+ *
+ * if (parcThread_Compare(a, b) == 0) {
+ * printf("Instances are equal.\n");
+ * }
+ *
+ * parcThread_Release(&a);
+ * parcThread_Release(&b);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @see parcThread_Equals
+ */
+int parcThread_Compare(const PARCThread *instance, const PARCThread *other);
+ * Create an independent copy the given `PARCBuffer`
+ *
+ * A new buffer is created as a complete copy of the original.
+ *
+ * @param [in] original A pointer to a valid PARCThread instance.
+ *
+ * @return NULL Memory could not be allocated.
+ * @return non-NULL A pointer to a new `PARCThread` instance.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * PARCThread *a = parcThread_Create();
+ *
+ * PARCThread *copy = parcThread_Copy(&b);
+ *
+ * parcThread_Release(&b);
+ * parcThread_Release(&copy);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+PARCThread *parcThread_Copy(const PARCThread *original);
+ * Print a human readable representation of the given `PARCThread`.
+ *
+ * @param [in] instance A pointer to a valid PARCThread instance.
+ * @param [in] indentation The indentation level to use for printing.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * PARCThread *a = parcThread_Create();
+ *
+ * parcThread_Display(a, 0);
+ *
+ * parcThread_Release(&a);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+void parcThread_Display(const PARCThread *instance, int indentation);
+ * Determine if two `PARCThread` instances are equal.
+ *
+ * The following equivalence relations on non-null `PARCThread` instances are maintained: *
+ * * It is reflexive: for any non-null reference value x, `parcThread_Equals(x, x)` must return true.
+ *
+ * * It is symmetric: for any non-null reference values x and y, `parcThread_Equals(x, y)` must return true if and only if
+ * `parcThread_Equals(y x)` returns true.
+ *
+ * * It is transitive: for any non-null reference values x, y, and z, if
+ * `parcThread_Equals(x, y)` returns true and
+ * `parcThread_Equals(y, z)` returns true,
+ * then `parcThread_Equals(x, z)` must return true.
+ *
+ * * It is consistent: for any non-null reference values x and y, multiple invocations of `parcThread_Equals(x, y)`
+ * consistently return true or consistently return false.
+ *
+ * * For any non-null reference value x, `parcThread_Equals(x, NULL)` must return false.
+ *
+ * @param [in] x A pointer to a valid PARCThread instance.
+ * @param [in] y A pointer to a valid PARCThread instance.
+ *
+ * @return true The instances x and y are equal.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * PARCThread *a = parcThread_Create();
+ * PARCThread *b = parcThread_Create();
+ *
+ * if (parcThread_Equals(a, b)) {
+ * printf("Instances are equal.\n");
+ * }
+ *
+ * parcThread_Release(&a);
+ * parcThread_Release(&b);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ * @see parcThread_HashCode
+ */
+bool parcThread_Equals(const PARCThread *x, const PARCThread *y);
+ * Returns a hash code value for the given instance.
+ *
+ * The general contract of `HashCode` is:
+ *
+ * Whenever it is invoked on the same instance more than once during an execution of an application,
+ * the `HashCode` function must consistently return the same value,
+ * provided no information used in a corresponding comparisons on the instance is modified.
+ *
+ * This value need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application.
+ * If two instances are equal according to the {@link parcThread_Equals} method,
+ * then calling the {@link parcThread_HashCode} method on each of the two instances must produce the same integer result.
+ *
+ * It is not required that if two instances are unequal according to the
+ * {@link parcThread_Equals} function,
+ * then calling the `parcThread_HashCode`
+ * method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results.
+ *
+ * @param [in] instance A pointer to a valid PARCThread instance.
+ *
+ * @return The hashcode for the given instance.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * PARCThread *a = parcThread_Create();
+ *
+ * PARCHashCode hashValue = parcThread_HashCode(buffer);
+ * parcThread_Release(&a);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+PARCHashCode parcThread_HashCode(const PARCThread *instance);
+ * Determine if an instance of `PARCThread` is valid.
+ *
+ * Valid means the internal state of the type is consistent with its required current or future behaviour.
+ * This may include the validation of internal instances of types.
+ *
+ * @param [in] instance A pointer to a valid PARCThread instance.
+ *
+ * @return true The instance is valid.
+ * @return false The instance is not valid.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * PARCThread *a = parcThread_Create();
+ *
+ * if (parcThread_IsValid(a)) {
+ * printf("Instance is valid.\n");
+ * }
+ *
+ * parcThread_Release(&a);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ */
+bool parcThread_IsValid(const PARCThread *instance);
+ * Release a previously acquired reference to the given `PARCThread` instance,
+ * decrementing the reference count for the instance.
+ *
+ * The pointer to the instance is set to NULL as a side-effect of this function.
+ *
+ * If the invocation causes the last reference to the instance to be released,
+ * the instance is deallocated and the instance's implementation will perform
+ * additional cleanup and release other privately held references.
+ *
+ * @param [in,out] instancePtr A pointer to a pointer to the instance to release.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * PARCThread *a = parcThread_Create();
+ *
+ * parcThread_Release(&a);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+void parcThread_Release(PARCThread **instancePtr);
+ * Create a `PARCJSON` instance (representation) of the given object.
+ *
+ * @param [in] instance A pointer to a valid PARCThread instance.
+ *
+ * @return NULL Memory could not be allocated to contain the `PARCJSON` instance.
+ * @return non-NULL An allocated C string that must be deallocated via parcMemory_Deallocate().
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * PARCThread *a = parcThread_Create();
+ *
+ * PARCJSON *json = parcThread_ToJSON(a);
+ *
+ * printf("JSON representation: %s\n", parcJSON_ToString(json));
+ * parcJSON_Release(&json);
+ *
+ * parcThread_Release(&a);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+PARCJSON *parcThread_ToJSON(const PARCThread *instance);
+ * Produce a null-terminated string representation of the specified `PARCThread`.
+ *
+ * The result must be freed by the caller via {@link parcMemory_Deallocate}.
+ *
+ * @param [in] instance A pointer to a valid PARCThread instance.
+ *
+ * @return NULL Cannot allocate memory.
+ * @return non-NULL A pointer to an allocated, null-terminated C string that must be deallocated via {@link parcMemory_Deallocate}.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * PARCThread *a = parcThread_Create();
+ *
+ * char *string = parcThread_ToString(a);
+ *
+ * parcThread_Release(&a);
+ *
+ * parcMemory_Deallocate(&string);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @see parcThread_Display
+ */
+char *parcThread_ToString(const PARCThread *instance);
+ * Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object (see `parcLinkedList_Wait)`.
+ * If any threads are waiting on this object, one of them is chosen to be awakened.
+ * The choice is arbitrary and occurs at the discretion of the underlying implementation.
+ *
+ * The awakened thread will not be able to proceed until the current thread relinquishes the lock on this object.
+ * The awakened thread will compete in the usual manner with any other threads that might be actively
+ * competing to synchronize on this object;
+ * for example, the awakened thread enjoys no reliable privilege or disadvantage in being the next thread to lock this object.
+ *
+ * @param [in] object A pointer to a valid PARCThread instance.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ *
+ * parcThread_Notify(object);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+parcObject_ImplementNotify(parcThread, PARCThread);
+ * Causes the calling thread to wait until either another thread invokes the parcHashMap_Notify() function on the same object.
+ * *
+ * @param [in] object A pointer to a valid `PARCThread` instance.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ *
+ * parcThread_Wait(object);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+parcObject_ImplementWait(parcThread, PARCThread);
+ * Obtain the lock on the given `PARCThread` instance.
+ *
+ * If the lock is already held by another thread, this function will block.
+ * If the lock is aleady held by the current thread, this function will return `false`.
+ *
+ * Implementors must avoid deadlock by attempting to lock the object a second time within the same calling thread.
+ *
+ * @param [in] object A pointer to a valid `PARCThread` instance.
+ *
+ * @return true The lock was obtained successfully.
+ * @return false The lock is already held by the current thread, or the `PARCThread` is invalid.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * if (parcThread_Lock(object)) {
+ *
+ * }
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+parcObject_ImplementLock(parcThread, PARCThread);
+ * Try to obtain the advisory lock on the given PARCThread instance.
+ *
+ * Once the lock is obtained, the caller must release the lock as soon as possible.
+ *
+ * @param [in] object A pointer to a valid PARCThread instance.
+ *
+ * @return true The PARCThread is locked.
+ * @return false The PARCThread is unlocked.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * parcThread_TryLock(object);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+parcObject_ImplementTryLock(parcThread, PARCThread);
+ * Try to unlock the advisory lock on the given `PARCHashMap` instance.
+ *
+ * @param [in] object A pointer to a valid `PARCThread` instance.
+ *
+ * @return true The `PARCThread` was locked and now is unlocked.
+ * @return false The `PARCThread` was not locked and remains unlocked.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * parcThread_Unlock(object);
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+parcObject_ImplementUnlock(parcThread, PARCThread);
+ * Determine if the advisory lock on the given `PARCThread` instance is locked.
+ *
+ * @param [in] object A pointer to a valid `PARCThread` instance.
+ *
+ * @return true The `PARCThread` is locked.
+ * @return false The `PARCThread` is unlocked.
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * if (parcThread_IsLocked(object)) {
+ * ...
+ * }
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+parcObject_ImplementIsLocked(parcThread, PARCThread);
+ * <#One Line Description#>
+ *
+ * <#Paragraphs Of Explanation#>
+ *
+ * @param [<#in#> | <#out#> | <#in,out#>] <#name#> <#description#>
+ *
+ * @return <#value#> <#explanation#>
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * <#example#>
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+void parcThread_Start(PARCThread *thread);
+ * <#One Line Description#>
+ *
+ * <#Paragraphs Of Explanation#>
+ *
+ * @param [<#in#> | <#out#> | <#in,out#>] <#name#> <#description#>
+ *
+ * @return <#value#> <#explanation#>
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * <#example#>
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+PARCObject *parcThread_GetParameter(const PARCThread *thread);
+ * <#One Line Description#>
+ *
+ * <#Paragraphs Of Explanation#>
+ *
+ * @param [<#in#> | <#out#> | <#in,out#>] <#name#> <#description#>
+ *
+ * @return <#value#> <#explanation#>
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * <#example#>
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+bool parcThread_Cancel(PARCThread *thread);
+ * <#One Line Description#>
+ *
+ * <#Paragraphs Of Explanation#>
+ *
+ * @param [<#in#> | <#out#> | <#in,out#>] <#name#> <#description#>
+ *
+ * @return <#value#> <#explanation#>
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * <#example#>
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+bool parcThread_IsCancelled(const PARCThread *thread);
+ * <#One Line Description#>
+ *
+ * <#Paragraphs Of Explanation#>
+ *
+ * @param [<#in#> | <#out#> | <#in,out#>] <#name#> <#description#>
+ *
+ * @return <#value#> <#explanation#>
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * <#example#>
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+bool parcThread_IsRunning(const PARCThread *thread);
+ * <#One Line Description#>
+ *
+ * <#Paragraphs Of Explanation#>
+ *
+ * @param [<#in#> | <#out#> | <#in,out#>] <#name#> <#description#>
+ *
+ * @return <#value#> <#explanation#>
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * <#example#>
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+int parcThread_GetId(const PARCThread *thread);
+ * <#One Line Description#>
+ *
+ * <#Paragraphs Of Explanation#>
+ *
+ * @param [<#in#> | <#out#> | <#in,out#>] <#name#> <#description#>
+ *
+ * @return <#value#> <#explanation#>
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * @code
+ * {
+ * <#example#>
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ */
+void parcThread_Join(PARCThread *thread);