path: root/qml/Viper/main.qml
diff options
authorLuca Muscariello <lumuscar+fdio@cisco.com>2017-02-25 23:42:31 +0100
committerLuca Muscariello <lumuscar+fdio@cisco.com>2017-02-25 23:42:31 +0100
commit05c1a838c881ea502888659848d8792843b28718 (patch)
treecf0b05b58bd725a1eb6c80325ba986c63dea42aa /qml/Viper/main.qml
parent9b30fc10fb1cbebe651e5a107e8ca5b24de54675 (diff)
Initial commit: video player - viper
Change-Id: Id5aa33598ce34659bad4a7a9ae5006bfb84f9bd1 Signed-off-by: Luca Muscariello <lumuscar+fdio@cisco.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'qml/Viper/main.qml')
1 files changed, 945 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qml/Viper/main.qml b/qml/Viper/main.qml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..bd90103a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qml/Viper/main.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,945 @@
+ QtAV: Multimedia framework based on Qt and FFmpeg
+ Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Wang Bin <wbsecg1@gmail.com>
+* This file is part of QtAV (from 2013)
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+import QtQuick 2.0
+import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
+import QtAV 1.7
+import QtQuick.Window 2.1
+import QtQml 2.2
+import "utils.js" as Utils
+Rectangle {
+ id: root
+ layer.enabled: false
+ objectName: "root"
+ width: Screen.width
+ height: Screen.height
+ color: "black"
+ signal requestFullScreen
+ signal requestNormalSize
+ property bool play: false
+ property bool pause: false
+ property bool stop: true
+ property bool buffering: false
+ property string lastPlayed: ""
+ property string adaptationLogic: ""
+ property string icnPrefix: ""
+ property string httpPrefix: ""
+ property string icnSuffix: ""
+ property string httpSuffix: ""
+ property real alpha: 0
+ property real segmentBufferSize: 0
+ property bool icn: false
+ property real rateAlpha:0
+ property real bufferReservoirThreshold: 0
+ property real bufferMaxThreshold: 0
+ property real adaptechFirstThreshold: 0
+ property real adaptechSecondThreshold: 0
+ property real adaptechSwitchUpMargin: 0
+ property real adaptechSlackParameter: 0
+ property real adaptechAlpha: 0
+ property real bufferThreeThresholdFirst: 0
+ property real bufferThreeThresholdSecond: 0
+ property real bufferThreeThresholdThird: 0
+ property real pandaParamAlpha: 0
+ property real pandaParamBeta: 0
+ property real pandaParamBMin: 0
+ property real pandaParamK: 0
+ property real pandaParamW: 0
+ property real pandaParamEpsilon: 0
+ property real bolaBufferTarget: 0
+ property real bolaAlpha: 0
+ property int screenWidth: Screen.width
+ property int screenHeight: Screen.height
+ property int windowWidth: Window.width
+ property int pixDens: Math.ceil(Screen.pixelDensity)
+ property int itemWidth: 25 * pixDens
+ property int itemHeight: 10 * pixDens
+ property int scaledMargin: 2 * pixDens
+ property int fontSize: 5 * pixDens
+ property string platformName: Qt.platform.os
+ property bool isPlaying: false
+ property string graphStatus: "stop"
+ property bool hasMpd: false
+ property bool canBuffer: false
+ property alias keyboardFocus: myKeyboard.focus
+ property bool repeat: false
+ property bool graph: false
+ property bool enabledFullScreen: false
+ property bool autotune: false
+ property int lifetime: 0
+ property int retransmissions: 0
+ property real beta: 0
+ property real drop: 0
+ property real betaWifi: 0
+ property real dropWifi: 0
+ property int delayWifi: 0
+ property real betaLte: 0
+ property real dropLte: 0
+ property int delayLte: 0
+ property int batchingParameter: 0
+ property int rateEstimator: 0
+ function init(argv)
+ {
+ console.log("init>>>>>screen density logical: " + Screen.logicalPixelDensity + " pixel: " + Screen.pixelDensity);
+ }
+ function initGraph(initGraphValue)
+ {
+ graph = initGraphValue
+ }
+ function initRepeat(initRepeatValue)
+ {
+ repeat = initRepeatValue
+ }
+ function initFullScreen(initFullScreen)
+ {
+ enabledFullScreen = initFullScreen
+ }
+ function setPlay()
+ {
+ play = true
+ pause = false
+ stop = false
+ buffering = false
+ }
+ function setLastPlayed(initLastPlayed)
+ {
+ lastPlayed = initLastPlayed
+ }
+ function setAdaptationLogic(initAdaptationLogic)
+ {
+ adaptationLogic = initAdaptationLogic
+ }
+ function setIcn(initIcn)
+ {
+ icn = initIcn
+ }
+ function setPause()
+ {
+ play = true
+ pause = true
+ stop = false
+ buffering = false
+ }
+ function startGraph()
+ {
+ graphPanel.startTimer()
+ }
+ function stopGraph()
+ {
+ graphPanel.stopTimer()
+ }
+ function pauseGraph()
+ {
+ graphPanel.pauseTimer()
+ }
+ function setStop()
+ {
+ control.setStopState()
+ }
+ function setBuffering()
+ {
+ canBuffer = true
+ }
+ function unSetBuffering()
+ {
+ canBuffer = false
+ }
+ VideoOutput2 {
+ id: videoOut
+ focus: false
+ opengl: true
+ fillMode: VideoOutput.PreserveAspectFit
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ source: player
+ orientation: 0
+ property real zoom: 1
+ }
+ AVPlayer {
+ id: player
+ objectName: "player"
+ autoPlay: true
+ videoCodecPriority: PlayerConfig.decoderPriorityNames
+ onPositionChanged: {
+ }
+ videoCapture {
+ }
+ onSourceChanged: {
+ videoOut.zoom = 1
+ videoOut.regionOfInterest = Qt.rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ }
+ onPlaying: {
+ control.setPlayingState()
+ }
+ onSeekFinished: {
+ }
+ onInternalAudioTracksChanged: {
+ }
+ onExternalAudioTracksChanged: {
+ }
+ onInternalSubtitleTracksChanged: {
+ }
+ onStopped: {
+ console.log("stopped ")
+ dashPlayer.onStopped(player.duration);
+ }
+ onPaused: {
+ console.log("else segment paused")
+ }
+ onError: {
+ if (error !== MediaPlayer.NoError) {
+ msg.error(errorString)
+ }
+ }
+ onVolumeChanged: {
+ }
+ onStatusChanged: {
+ }
+ onBufferProgressChanged: {
+ }
+ }
+ Subtitle {
+ id: subtitle
+ player: player
+ enabled: PlayerConfig.subtitleEnabled
+ autoLoad: PlayerConfig.subtitleAutoLoad
+ engines: PlayerConfig.subtitleEngines
+ delay: PlayerConfig.subtitleDelay
+ fontFile: PlayerConfig.assFontFile
+ fontFileForced: PlayerConfig.assFontFileForced
+ fontsDir: PlayerConfig.assFontsDir
+ onContentChanged: { //already enabled
+ }
+ onLoaded: {
+ msg.info(qsTr("Subtitle") + ": " + path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1))
+ console.log(msg.text)
+ }
+ onSupportedSuffixesChanged: {
+ }
+ onEngineChanged: { // assume a engine canRender is only used as a renderer
+ subtitleItem.visible = canRender
+ subtitleLabel.visible = !canRender
+ }
+ onEnabledChanged: {
+ subtitleItem.visible = enabled
+ subtitleLabel.visible = enabled
+ }
+ }
+ Text {
+ id: msg
+ objectName: "msg"
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ font.pixelSize: Utils.scaled(20)
+ style: Text.Outline
+ styleColor: "green"
+ color: "white"
+ anchors.top: root.top
+ width: root.width
+ height: root.height / 4
+ onTextChanged: {
+ msg_timer.stop()
+ visible = true
+ msg_timer.start()
+ }
+ Timer {
+ id: msg_timer
+ interval: 2000
+ onTriggered: msg.visible = false
+ }
+ function error(txt)
+ {
+ styleColor = "red"
+ text = txt
+ }
+ function info(txt)
+ {
+ styleColor = "green"
+ text = txt
+ }
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: myKeyboard
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ focus: true
+ Keys.onPressed: {
+ switch (event.key) {
+ case Qt.Key_Escape:
+ break;
+ case Qt.Key_M:
+ break
+ case Qt.Key_Right:
+ break
+ case Qt.Key_Left:
+ break
+ case Qt.Key_Up:
+ break
+ case Qt.Key_Down:
+ break
+ case Qt.Key_Space:
+ break
+ case Qt.Key_Plus:
+ break;
+ case Qt.Key_Minus:
+ break;
+ case Qt.Key_F:
+ break
+ case Qt.Key_R:
+ break;
+ case Qt.Key_T:
+ break;
+ case Qt.Key_C:
+ break
+ case Qt.Key_A:
+ break
+ case Qt.Key_O:
+ break;
+ case Qt.Key_N:
+ break
+ case Qt.Key_B:
+ break;
+ case Qt.Key_G:
+ break;
+ case Qt.Key_Q:
+ if (event.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier)
+ Qt.quit()
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DropArea {
+ anchors.fill: root
+ onEntered: {
+ if (!drag.hasUrls)
+ return;
+ console.log(drag.urls)
+ }
+ }
+ Text {
+ text: "Buffering..."
+ id: bufferingText
+ font.pointSize: 3*windowWidth*0.01;
+ color: "white"
+ font.family : "Helvetica"
+ opacity: canBuffer ? 1 : 0;
+ anchors.right: parent.horizontalCenter
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ }
+ GraphPanel {
+ id: graphPanel
+ anchors.top: parent.top
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.left: parent.right
+ opacity: {
+ if (graph)
+ opacity = 0.9
+ else
+ opacity = 0
+ }
+ anchors.leftMargin: parent.width/2
+ anchors.bottomMargin: control.height
+ }
+ ControlPanel {
+ id: control
+ objectName: "control"
+ anchors {
+ left: parent.left
+ bottom: parent.bottom
+ right: parent.right
+ leftMargin: Utils.scaled(12)
+ rightMargin: Utils.scaled(12)
+ }
+ Behavior on opacity {NumberAnimation {duration: 300} }
+ onStartGraph: graphPanel.startTimer()
+ onStopGraph:graphPanel.stopTimer()
+ onPauseGraph:graphPanel.pauseTimer()
+ onDownloadMPD: mpdList.downloadMpd()
+ onOpenMpd: {
+ lastPlayed = dashPlayer.getLastPlayed()
+ icn = dashPlayer.getIcn()
+ adaptationLogic = dashPlayer.getAdaptationLogic()
+ openMpd.enabled = true;
+ openMpd.opacity = 0.9
+ enabled = false
+ }
+ onOpenOptions: {
+ lastPlayed = dashPlayer.getLastPlayed()
+ icn = dashPlayer.getIcn()
+ adaptationLogic = dashPlayer.getAdaptationLogic()
+ icnPrefix = dashPlayer.getIcnPrefix()
+ httpPrefix = dashPlayer.getHttpPrefix()
+ icnSuffix = dashPlayer.getIcnSuffix()
+ httpSuffix = dashPlayer.getHttpSuffix()
+ segmentBufferSize = dashPlayer.getSegmentBufferSize()
+ rateAlpha = dashPlayer.getRateAlpha()
+ bufferReservoirThreshold = dashPlayer.getBufferReservoirThreshold()
+ bufferMaxThreshold = dashPlayer.getBufferMaxThreshold()
+ adaptechFirstThreshold = dashPlayer.getAdaptechFirstThreshold()
+ adaptechSecondThreshold = dashPlayer.getAdaptechSecondThreshold()
+ adaptechSwitchUpMargin = dashPlayer.getAdaptechSwitchUpMargin()
+ adaptechSlackParameter = dashPlayer.getAdaptechSlackParameter()
+ adaptechAlpha = dashPlayer.getAdaptechAlpha()
+ bufferThreeThresholdFirst = dashPlayer.getBufferThreeThresholdFirst()
+ bufferThreeThresholdSecond = dashPlayer.getBufferThreeThresholdSecond()
+ bufferThreeThresholdThird = dashPlayer.getBufferThreeThresholdThird()
+ pandaParamAlpha = dashPlayer.getPandaParamAlpha()
+ pandaParamBeta = dashPlayer.getPandaParamBeta()
+ pandaParamBMin = dashPlayer.getPandaParamBMin()
+ pandaParamK = dashPlayer.getPandaParamK()
+ pandaParamW = dashPlayer.getPandaParamW()
+ pandaParamEpsilon = dashPlayer.getPandaParamEpsilon()
+ bolaBufferTarget = dashPlayer.getBolaBufferTarget()
+ bolaAlpha = dashPlayer.getBolaAlpha()
+ options.enabled = true
+ options.opacity = 0.9
+ enabled = false
+ }
+ onOpenOptionConnections: {
+ autotune = dashPlayer.getAutotune()
+ lifetime = dashPlayer.getLifetime()
+ retransmissions = dashPlayer.getRetransmissions()
+ alpha = dashPlayer.getAlpha()
+ console.log("alpha " + alpha)
+ beta = dashPlayer.getBeta()
+ drop = dashPlayer.getDrop()
+ betaWifi = dashPlayer.getBetaWifi()
+ dropWifi = dashPlayer.getDropWifi()
+ delayWifi = dashPlayer.getDelayWifi()
+ betaLte = dashPlayer.getBetaLte()
+ dropLte = dashPlayer.getDropLte()
+ delayLte = dashPlayer.getDelayLte()
+ batchingParameter = dashPlayer.getBatchingParameter()
+ rateEstimator = dashPlayer.getRateEstimator()
+ optionConnections.enabled = true
+ optionConnections.opacity = 0.9
+ enabled = false
+ }
+ onOpenGraph: {
+ graph = true
+ dashPlayer.setGraph(true)
+ graphPanel.opacity = 0.9
+ }
+ onHideGraph: {
+ graph = false
+ dashPlayer.setGraph(false)
+ graphPanel.opacity = 0
+ }
+ onRepeatVideo: {
+ repeat = true
+ dashPlayer.setRepeat(true)
+ }
+ onDonotRepeatVideo: {
+ repeat = false
+ dashPlayer.setRepeat(false)
+ }
+ onResizeWindowFullScreen: {
+ var xxx = Utils.scaled(Screen.width)
+ var yyy = Utils.scaled(Screen.height)
+ root.width = Utils.scaled(Window.width)
+ root.height = Utils.scaled(Window.height)
+ }
+ onResizeWindow: {
+ root.width = Utils.scaled(1024)
+ root.height = Utils.scaled(768)
+ }
+ onSaveFullScreen: {
+ enabledFullScreen = true
+ dashPlayer.setFullScreen(true)
+ }
+ onSaveExitFullScreen: {
+ enabledFullScreen = false
+ dashPlayer.setFullScreen(false)
+ }
+ onTogglePause: {
+ }
+ onOpenFile: {}
+ //IF_QT53
+ onOpenUrl: {}
+ MouseArea {
+ id: ma2
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ propagateComposedEvents: true
+ onEntered: {
+ if(player.playbackState === MediaPlayer.PlayingState)
+ {
+ control.opacity = 1.0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ control.opacity = 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ onExited: {
+ if(player.playbackState === MediaPlayer.PlayingState)
+ {
+ control.opacity = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ OpenMpd {
+ id: openMpd
+ enabled: false
+ objectName: "openMpd"
+ anchors.centerIn: root
+ onCloseOpenMpd: {
+ control.uncheckOpenBtn();
+ control.enabled = true;
+ enabled = false;
+ opacity = 0
+ }
+ onSaveAndPlayMpd: {
+ dashPlayer.setLastPlayed(newOpenMpd)
+ lastPlayed = newOpenMpd
+ console.log("SAVE AND PLAY THE MPD QUEEN\n")
+ console.log(adaptationLogic)
+ dashPlayer.downloadMPD(newOpenMpd, adaptationLogic, icn)
+ }
+ }
+ Options {
+ id: options
+ enabled: false
+ objectName: "openOption"
+ anchors {
+ left: parent.left
+ bottom: parent.bottom
+ right: parent.right
+ top: parent.top
+ topMargin: Utils.scaled(12)
+ bottomMargin: control.height + Utils.scaled(12)
+ leftMargin: Utils.scaled(12)
+ rightMargin: Utils.scaled(12)
+ }
+ onCloseOptions: {
+ control.uncheckOptionsBtn()
+ options.enabled = false
+ control.enabled = true
+ enabled = false;
+ opacity = 0
+ }
+ onSaveAdaptationLogic: {
+ dashPlayer.setAdaptationLogic(selectedAdaptationLogic)
+ adaptationLogic = selectedAdaptationLogic
+ }
+ onSaveIcn: {
+ dashPlayer.setIcn(selectedIcn)
+ icn = selectedIcn
+ }
+ onSaveIcnPrefix: {
+ dashPlayer.setIcnPrefix(selectedIcnPrefix)
+ icnPrefix = selectedIcnPrefix
+ }
+ onSaveHttpPrefix: {
+ dashPlayer.setHttpPrefix(selectedHttpPrefix)
+ httpPrefix = selectedHttpPrefix
+ }
+ onSaveIcnSuffix: {
+ dashPlayer.setIcnSuffix(selectedIcnSuffix)
+ icnSuffix = selectedIcnSuffix
+ }
+ onSaveHttpSuffix: {
+ dashPlayer.setHttpSuffix(selectedHttpSuffix)
+ httpSuffix = selectedHttpSuffix
+ }
+ onSaveSegmentBufferSize: {
+ dashPlayer.setSegmentBufferSize(selectedSegmentBufferSize)
+ segmentBufferSize = selectedSegmentBufferSize
+ }
+ onSaveRateAlpha: {
+ dashPlayer.setRateAlpha(selectedRateAlpha)
+ rateAlpha = selectedRateAlpha
+ }
+ onSaveBufferReservoirThreshold: {
+ dashPlayer.setBufferReservoirThreshold(selectedBufferReservoirThreshold)
+ bufferReservoirThreshold = selectedBufferReservoirThreshold
+ }
+ onSaveBufferMaxThreshold: {
+ dashPlayer.setBufferMaxThreshold(selectedBufferMaxThreshold)
+ bufferMaxThreshold = selectedBufferMaxThreshold
+ }
+ onSaveAdaptechFirstThreshold: {
+ dashPlayer.setAdaptechFirstThreshold(selectedAdaptechFirstThreshold)
+ adaptechFirstThreshold = selectedAdaptechFirstThreshold
+ }
+ onSaveAdaptechSecondThreshold: {
+ dashPlayer.setAdaptechSecondThreshold(selectedAdaptechSecondThreshold)
+ adaptechSecondThreshold = selectedAdaptechSecondThreshold
+ }
+ onSaveAdaptechSwitchUpMargin: {
+ dashPlayer.setAdaptechSwitchUpMargin(selectedAdaptechSwitchUpMargin)
+ adaptechSwitchUpMargin = selectedAdaptechSwitchUpMargin
+ }
+ onSaveAdaptechSlackParameter: {
+ dashPlayer.setAdaptechSlackParameter(selectedAdaptechSlackParameter)
+ adaptechSlackParameter = selectedAdaptechSlackParameter
+ }
+ onSaveAdaptechAlpha: {
+ dashPlayer.setAdaptechAlpha(selectedAdaptechAlpha)
+ adaptechAlpha = selectedAdaptechAlpha
+ }
+ onSaveBufferThreeThresholdFirst: {
+ dashPlayer.setBufferThreeThresholdFirst(selectedBufferThreeThresholdFirst)
+ bufferThreeThresholdFirst = selectedBufferThreeThresholdFirst
+ }
+ onSaveBufferThreeThresholdSecond: {
+ dashPlayer.setBufferThreeThresholdSecond(selectedBufferThreeThresholdSecond)
+ bufferThreeThresholdSecond = selectedBufferThreeThresholdSecond
+ }
+ onSaveBufferThreeThresholdThird: {
+ dashPlayer.setBufferThreeThresholdThird(selectedBufferThreeThresholdThird)
+ bufferThreeThresholdThird = selectedBufferThreeThresholdThird
+ }
+ onSavePandaParamAlpha: {
+ dashPlayer.setPandaParamAlpha(selectedPandaParamAlpha)
+ pandaParamAlpha = selectedPandaParamAlpha
+ }
+ onSavePandaParamBeta: {
+ dashPlayer.setPandaParamBeta(selectedPandaParamBeta)
+ pandaParamBeta = selectedPandaParamBeta
+ }
+ onSavePandaParamBMin: {
+ dashPlayer.setPandaParamBMin(selectedPandaParamBMin)
+ pandaParamBMin = selectedPandaParamBMin
+ }
+ onSavePandaParamK: {
+ dashPlayer.setPandaParamK(selectedPandaParamK)
+ pandaParamK = selectedPandaParamK
+ }
+ onSavePandaParamW: {
+ dashPlayer.setPandaParamW(selectedPandaParamW)
+ pandaParamW = selectedPandaParamW
+ }
+ onSavePandaParamEpsilon: {
+ dashPlayer.setPandaParamEpsilon(selectedPandaParamEpsilon)
+ pandaParamEpsilon = selectedPandaParamEpsilon
+ }
+ onSaveBolaBufferTarget: {
+ dashPlayer.setBolaBufferTarget(selectedBolaBufferTarget)
+ bolaBufferTarget = selectedBolaBufferTarget
+ }
+ onSaveBolaAlpha: {
+ dashPlayer.setBolaAlpha(selectedBolaAlpha)
+ bolaAlpha = selectedBolaAlpha
+ }
+ onReloadBufferBasedConf: {
+ bufferReservoirThreshold = dashPlayer.getBufferReservoirThreshold()
+ bufferMaxThreshold = dashPlayer.getBufferMaxThreshold()
+ }
+ onReloadBufferRateBasedConf:{
+ adaptechFirstThreshold = dashPlayer.getAdaptechFirstThreshold()
+ adaptechSecondThreshold = dashPlayer.getAdaptechSecondThreshold()
+ adaptechSwitchUpMargin = dashPlayer.getAdaptechSwitchUpMargin()
+ adaptechSlackParameter = dashPlayer.getAdaptechSlackParameter()
+ adaptechAlpha = dashPlayer.getAdaptechAlpha()
+ }
+ onReloadBufferThreeThresholdConf: {
+ bufferThreeThresholdFirst = dashPlayer.getBufferThreeThresholdFirst()
+ bufferThreeThresholdSecond = dashPlayer.getBufferThreeThresholdSecond()
+ bufferThreeThresholdThird = dashPlayer.getBufferThreeThresholdThird()
+ }
+ onReloadPandaConf: {
+ pandaParamAlpha = dashPlayer.getPandaParamAlpha()
+ pandaParamBeta = dashPlayer.getPandaParamBeta()
+ pandaParamBMin = dashPlayer.getPandaParamBMin()
+ pandaParamK = dashPlayer.getPandaParamK()
+ pandaParamW = dashPlayer.getPandaParamW()
+ pandaParamEpsilon = dashPlayer.getPandaParamEpsilon()
+ }
+ onReloadBolaConf: {
+ bolaBufferTarget = dashPlayer.getBolaBufferTarget()
+ }
+ }
+ OptionConnections {
+ id: optionConnections
+ enabled: false
+ objectName: "openOption"
+ anchors {
+ left: parent.left
+ bottom: parent.bottom
+ right: parent.right
+ top: parent.top
+ topMargin: Utils.scaled(12)
+ bottomMargin: control.height + Utils.scaled(12)
+ leftMargin: Utils.scaled(12)
+ rightMargin: Utils.scaled(12)
+ }
+ onCloseOptionConnections: {
+ control.uncheckOptionConnectionsBtn()
+ optionConnections.enabled = false
+ control.enabled = true
+ enabled = false;
+ opacity = 0
+ }
+ onSaveAutotune: {
+ dashPlayer.setAutotune(selectedAutotune)
+ autotune = selectedAutotune
+ }
+ onSaveLifetime: {
+ dashPlayer.setLifetime(selectedLifetime)
+ lifetime = selectedLifetime
+ }
+ onSaveRetransmissions: {
+ dashPlayer.setRetransmissions(selectedRetransmissions)
+ retransmissions = selectedRetransmissions
+ }
+ onSaveAlpha: {
+ dashPlayer.setAlpha(selectedAlpha)
+ alpha = selectedAlpha
+ }
+ onSaveBeta: {
+ dashPlayer.setBeta(selectedBeta)
+ beta = selectedBeta
+ }
+ onSaveDrop: {
+ dashPlayer.setDrop(selectedDrop)
+ drop = selectedDrop
+ }
+ onSaveBetaWifi: {
+ dashPlayer.setBetaWifi(selectedBetaWifi)
+ betaWifi = selectedBetaWifi
+ }
+ onSaveDropWifi: {
+ dashPlayer.setDropWifi(selectedDropWifi)
+ dropWifi = selectedDropWifi
+ }
+ onSaveDelayWifi: {
+ dashPlayer.setDelayWifi(selectedDelayWifi)
+ delayWifi = selectedDelayWifi
+ }
+ onSaveBetaLte: {
+ dashPlayer.setBetaLte(selectedBetaLte)
+ betaLte = selectedBetaLte
+ }
+ onSaveDropLte: {
+ dashPlayer.setDropLte(selectedDropLte)
+ dropLte = selectedDropLte
+ }
+ onSaveDelayLte: {
+ dashPlayer.setDelayLte(selectedDelayLte)
+ delayLte = selectedDelayLte
+ }
+ onSaveBatchingParameter: {
+ dashPlayer.setBatchingParameter(selectedBatchingParameter)
+ batchingParameter = selectedBatchingParameter
+ }
+ onSaveRateEstimator: {
+ dashPlayer.setRateEstimator(selectedRateEstimator)
+ rateAlpha = selectedRateEstimator
+ }
+ }
+ //IF_QT53
+ Dialog {
+ id: urlDialog
+ standardButtons: StandardButton.Open | StandardButton.Cancel
+ title: qsTr("Open a URL")
+ Rectangle {
+ color: "black"
+ anchors.top: parent.top
+ height: Utils.kItemHeight
+ width: parent.width
+ TextInput {
+ id: urlEdit
+ color: "orange"
+ font.pixelSize: Utils.kFontSize
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
+ }
+ onAccepted: player.source = urlEdit.displayText
+ }
+ //ENDIF_QT53
+ FileDialog {
+ id: fileDialog
+ title: "Please choose a media file"
+ selectMultiple: true
+ folder: PlayerConfig.lastFile
+ onAccepted: {
+ var sub, av
+ for (var i = 0; i < fileUrls.length; ++i)
+ {
+ var s = fileUrls[i].toString()
+ if (s.endsWith(".srt")
+ || s.endsWith(".ass")
+ || s.endsWith(".ssa")
+ || s.endsWith(".sub")
+ || s.endsWith(".idx") //vob
+ || s.endsWith(".mpl2")
+ || s.endsWith(".smi")
+ || s.endsWith(".sami")
+ || s.endsWith(".sup")
+ || s.endsWith(".txt"))
+ sub = fileUrls[i]
+ else
+ av = fileUrls[i]
+ }
+ if (sub)
+ {
+ subtitle.autoLoad = false
+ subtitle.file = sub
+ } else
+ {
+ subtitle.autoLoad = PlayerConfig.subtitleAutoLoad
+ subtitle.file = ""
+ }
+ if (av)
+ {
+ player.source = av
+ PlayerConfig.lastFile = av
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Connections {
+ target: Qt.application
+ onStateChanged: { //since 5.1
+ if (Qt.platform.os === "winrt" || Qt.platform.os === "winphone") //paused by system
+ return
+ // winrt is handled by system
+ switch (Qt.application.state) {
+ case Qt.ApplicationSuspended:
+ case Qt.ApplicationHidden:
+ player.pause()
+ break
+ default:
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }