path: root/Input/DASHReceiver.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'Input/DASHReceiver.cpp')
1 files changed, 453 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Input/DASHReceiver.cpp b/Input/DASHReceiver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df9d019b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Input/DASHReceiver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+ * DASHReceiver.cpp
+ *****************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (C) 2012, bitmovin Softwareentwicklung OG, All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Email: libdash-dev@vicky.bitmovin.net
+ *
+ * This source code and its use and distribution, is subject to the terms
+ * and conditions of the applicable license agreement.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "DASHReceiver.h"
+using namespace libdash::framework::input;
+using namespace libdash::framework::buffer;
+using namespace libdash::framework::mpd;
+using namespace dash::mpd;
+using duration_in_seconds = std::chrono::duration<double, std::ratio<1, 1> >;
+DASHReceiver::DASHReceiver (IMPD *mpd, IDASHReceiverObserver *obs, Buffer<MediaObject> *buffer, uint32_t bufferSize, bool icnEnabled, double icnAlpha, float beta, float drop) :
+ mpd (mpd),
+ period (NULL),
+ adaptationSet (NULL),
+ representation (NULL),
+ adaptationSetStream (NULL),
+ representationStream (NULL),
+ segmentNumber (0),
+ observer (obs),
+ buffer (buffer),
+ bufferSize (bufferSize),
+ isBuffering (false),
+ withFeedBack (false),
+ icn (icnEnabled),
+ icnAlpha (icnAlpha),
+ previousQuality (0),
+ isPaused (false),
+ threadComplete (false),
+ isScheduledPaced (false),
+ targetDownload (0.0),
+ downloadingTime (0.0),
+ bufferLevelAtUpdate (0),
+ isBufferBased (false),
+ isLooping (false),
+ beta (beta),
+ drop (drop)
+ readMax = 32768;
+ readBuffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*readMax);
+ this->period = this->mpd->GetPeriods().at(0);
+ this->adaptationSet = this->period->GetAdaptationSets().at(0);
+ this->representation = this->adaptationSet->GetRepresentation().at(0);
+ this->adaptationSetStream = new AdaptationSetStream(mpd, period, adaptationSet);
+ this->representationStream = adaptationSetStream->getRepresentationStream(this->representation);
+ this->segmentOffset = CalculateSegmentOffset();
+ this->conn = NULL;
+ this->initConn = NULL;
+ readMax = 32768;
+ readBuffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * readMax);
+ if(icn)
+ {
+ this->conn = new ICNConnectionConsumerApi(this->icnAlpha, this->beta, this->drop);
+ this->initConn = new ICNConnectionConsumerApi(this->icnAlpha, this->beta, this->drop);
+ }
+ InitializeCriticalSection(&this->monitorMutex);
+ InitializeCriticalSection(&this->monitorPausedMutex);
+ InitializeConditionVariable(&this->paused);
+DASHReceiver::~DASHReceiver ()
+ free(readBuffer);
+ if(this->initConn)
+ delete(this->initConn);
+ if(this->conn)
+ delete(this->conn);
+ delete(this->adaptationSetStream);
+ DeleteCriticalSection(&this->monitorMutex);
+ DeleteCriticalSection(&this->monitorPausedMutex);
+ DeleteConditionVariable(&this->paused);
+void DASHReceiver::SetAdaptationLogic(adaptation::IAdaptationLogic *_adaptationLogic)
+ this->adaptationLogic = _adaptationLogic;
+ this->isBufferBased = this->adaptationLogic->isBufferBased();
+ this->withFeedBack = this->adaptationLogic->isRateBased();
+bool DASHReceiver::Start ()
+ if(this->isBuffering)
+ return false;
+ this->isBuffering = true;
+ this->bufferingThread = createThreadPortable(DoBuffering, this);
+ if(this->bufferingThread == NULL)
+ {
+ this->isBuffering = false;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void DASHReceiver::Stop()
+ if(!this->isBuffering)
+ return;
+ this->isBuffering = false;
+ this->buffer->setEOS(true);
+ if(this->bufferingThread != NULL)
+ {
+ JoinThread(this->bufferingThread);
+ destroyThreadPortable(this->bufferingThread);
+ }
+ this->period = this->mpd->GetPeriods().at(0);
+ this->adaptationSet = this->period->GetAdaptationSets().at(0);
+ this->representation = this->adaptationSet->GetRepresentation().at(0);
+MediaObject* DASHReceiver::GetNextSegment ()
+ ISegment *seg = NULL;
+ EnterCriticalSection(&this->monitorPausedMutex);
+ while(this->isPaused)
+ SleepConditionVariableCS(&this->paused, &this->monitorPausedMutex, INFINITE);
+ if(this->segmentNumber >= this->representationStream->getSize())
+ {
+ qDebug("looping? : %s\n", this->isLooping ? "YES" : "NO");
+ if(this->isLooping)
+ {
+ this->segmentNumber = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&this->monitorPausedMutex);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ seg = this->representationStream->getMediaSegment(this->segmentNumber + this->segmentOffset);
+ if (seg != NULL)
+ {
+ std::vector<IRepresentation *> rep = this->adaptationSet->GetRepresentation();
+ this->NotifyQualityDownloading(this->representation->GetBandwidth());
+ MediaObject *media = new MediaObject(seg, this->representation,this->withFeedBack);
+ this->segmentNumber++;
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&this->monitorPausedMutex);
+ return media;
+ }
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&this->monitorPausedMutex);
+ return NULL;
+MediaObject* DASHReceiver::GetSegment (uint32_t segNum)
+ ISegment *seg = NULL;
+ if(segNum >= this->representationStream->getSize())
+ return NULL;
+ seg = this->representationStream->getMediaSegment(segNum + segmentOffset);
+ if (seg != NULL)
+ {
+ MediaObject *media = new MediaObject(seg, this->representation);
+ return media;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+MediaObject* DASHReceiver::GetInitSegment ()
+ ISegment *seg = NULL;
+ seg = this->representationStream->getInitializationSegment();
+ if (seg != NULL)
+ {
+ MediaObject *media = new MediaObject(seg, this->representation);
+ return media;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+MediaObject* DASHReceiver::FindInitSegment (dash::mpd::IRepresentation *representation)
+ if (!this->InitSegmentExists(representation))
+ return NULL;
+ return this->initSegments[representation];
+uint32_t DASHReceiver::GetPosition ()
+ return this->segmentNumber;
+void DASHReceiver::SetLooping (bool looping)
+ this->isLooping = looping;
+void DASHReceiver::SetPosition (uint32_t segmentNumber)
+ this->segmentNumber = segmentNumber;
+void DASHReceiver::SetPositionInMsecs (uint32_t milliSecs)
+ this->positionInMsecs = milliSecs;
+void DASHReceiver::NotifyQualityDownloading (uint32_t quality)
+ this->observer->notifyQualityDownloading(quality);
+void DASHReceiver::SetRepresentation (IPeriod *period, IAdaptationSet *adaptationSet, IRepresentation *representation)
+ EnterCriticalSection(&this->monitorMutex);
+ bool periodChanged = false;
+ if (this->representation == representation)
+ {
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&this->monitorMutex);
+ return;
+ }
+ this->representation = representation;
+ if (this->adaptationSet != adaptationSet)
+ {
+ this->adaptationSet = adaptationSet;
+ if (this->period != period)
+ {
+ this->period = period;
+ periodChanged = true;
+ }
+ delete this->adaptationSetStream;
+ this->adaptationSetStream = NULL;
+ this->adaptationSetStream = new AdaptationSetStream(this->mpd, this->period, this->adaptationSet);
+ }
+ this->representationStream = this->adaptationSetStream->getRepresentationStream(this->representation);
+ this->DownloadInitSegment(this->representation);
+ if (periodChanged)
+ {
+ this->segmentNumber = 0;
+ this->CalculateSegmentOffset();
+ }
+ LeaveCriticalSection(&this->monitorMutex);
+libdash::framework::adaptation::IAdaptationLogic* DASHReceiver::GetAdaptationLogic ()
+ return this->adaptationLogic;
+dash::mpd::IRepresentation* DASHReceiver::GetRepresentation ()
+ return this->representation;
+uint32_t DASHReceiver::CalculateSegmentOffset ()
+ if (mpd->GetType() == "static")
+ return 0;
+ uint32_t firstSegNum = this->representationStream->getFirstSegmentNumber();
+ uint32_t currSegNum = this->representationStream->getCurrentSegmentNumber();
+ uint32_t startSegNum = currSegNum - 2*bufferSize;
+ return (startSegNum > firstSegNum) ? startSegNum : firstSegNum;
+void DASHReceiver::NotifySegmentDownloaded ()
+ this->observer->onSegmentDownloaded();
+void DASHReceiver::NotifyBitrateChange(dash::mpd::IRepresentation *representation)
+ if(this->representation != representation)
+ {
+ this->representation = representation;
+ this->SetRepresentation(this->period,this->adaptationSet,this->representation);
+ }
+void DASHReceiver::DownloadInitSegment (IRepresentation* rep)
+ if (this->InitSegmentExists(rep))
+ return;
+ MediaObject *initSeg = NULL;
+ initSeg = this->GetInitSegment();
+ if (initSeg)
+ {
+ initSeg->StartDownload(this->initConn);
+ this->initSegments[rep] = initSeg;
+ initSeg->WaitFinished();
+ }
+bool DASHReceiver::InitSegmentExists (IRepresentation* rep)
+ if (this->initSegments.find(rep) != this->initSegments.end())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+void DASHReceiver::Notifybps (uint64_t bps)
+ if(this->adaptationLogic)
+ {
+ if(this->withFeedBack)
+ {
+ this->adaptationLogic->bitrateUpdate(bps, this->segmentNumber);
+ }
+ }
+void DASHReceiver::NotifyDLTime (double time)
+ if(this->adaptationLogic)
+ {
+ if(this->withFeedBack)
+ {
+ this->adaptationLogic->dLTimeUpdate(time);
+ }
+ }
+void DASHReceiver::NotifyCheckedAdaptationLogic()
+ this->adaptationLogic->checkedByDASHReceiver();
+//Is only called when this->adaptationLogic->IsBufferBased
+void DASHReceiver::OnSegmentBufferStateChanged(uint32_t fillstateInPercent, int maxC)
+ this->adaptationLogic->bufferUpdate(this->observer->getBufferLevel(), maxC);
+ this->bufferLevelAtUpdate = this->observer->getBufferLevel();
+void DASHReceiver::OnEOS(bool value)
+ this->adaptationLogic->onEOS(value);
+bool DASHReceiver::PushBack(MediaObject *mediaObject)
+ MediaObject *init = this->FindInitSegment(mediaObject->GetRepresentation());
+ mediaObject->AddInitSegment(init);
+ //TODO the read should be in a function
+ //Grab the infos for the analytics: bitrate, fps
+ dash::mpd::IRepresentation* datRep = mediaObject->GetRepresentation();
+ uint32_t bitrate = 0;
+ int fps = 0;
+ uint32_t quality = 0;
+ bitrate = datRep->GetBandwidth();
+ quality = datRep->GetHeight();
+ fps = this->bufferLevelAtUpdate;
+ this->observer->notifyStatistics((int)this->segmentNumber - 1, bitrate, fps, quality);
+ return(this->buffer->pushBack(mediaObject));
+/* Thread that does the buffering of segments */
+void* DASHReceiver::DoBuffering (void *receiver)
+ DASHReceiver *dashReceiver = (DASHReceiver *) receiver;
+ dashReceiver->DownloadInitSegment(dashReceiver->GetRepresentation());
+ MediaObject *media = dashReceiver->GetNextSegment();
+ dashReceiver->NotifyCheckedAdaptationLogic();
+ media->SetDASHReceiver(dashReceiver);
+ std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> m_start_time = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
+ while(media != NULL && dashReceiver->isBuffering)
+ {
+ //this is the case in PANDA
+ if(dashReceiver->isScheduledPaced)
+ {
+ double delay = std::chrono::duration_cast<duration_in_seconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now() - m_start_time).count();
+ Debug("delay: %f, target: %f\n", delay, dashReceiver->targetDownload);
+ if(delay < dashReceiver->targetDownload)
+ {
+ sleep(dashReceiver->targetDownload - delay);
+ }
+ }
+ m_start_time = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
+ media->StartDownload(dashReceiver->conn);
+ media->WaitFinished();
+ bool canPush = dashReceiver->CanPush();
+ if (canPush && !dashReceiver->PushBack(media))
+ {
+ if(media)
+ {
+ delete(media);
+ }
+ media = NULL;
+ dashReceiver->threadComplete = true;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ dashReceiver->NotifySegmentDownloaded();
+ media = dashReceiver->GetNextSegment();
+ dashReceiver->NotifyCheckedAdaptationLogic();
+ if(media)
+ media->SetDASHReceiver(dashReceiver);
+ }
+ dashReceiver->buffer->setEOS(true);
+ dashReceiver->threadComplete = true;
+ return NULL;
+//can Push video to buffer in the renderer
+bool DASHReceiver::CanPush ()
+ return this->observer->canPush();
+void DASHReceiver::ShouldAbort ()
+ this->segmentNumber--;
+void DASHReceiver::SetTargetDownloadingTime (double target)
+ this->isScheduledPaced = true;
+ this->targetDownload = target;
+void DASHReceiver::SetBeta (float beta)
+ this->beta = beta;
+void DASHReceiver::SetDrop (float drop)
+ this->drop = drop;