path: root/vicn/resource/linux/net_device.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'vicn/resource/linux/net_device.py')
1 files changed, 519 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vicn/resource/linux/net_device.py b/vicn/resource/linux/net_device.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0a08991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vicn/resource/linux/net_device.py
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import re
+import math
+import random
+import string
+from netmodel.model.type import Integer, String, Bool
+from vicn.core.address_mgr import AddressManager
+from vicn.core.attribute import Attribute
+from vicn.core.exception import ResourceNotFound
+from vicn.core.resource import BaseResource
+from vicn.core.task import BashTask, task, EmptyTask
+from vicn.resource.application import Application
+from vicn.resource.interface import Interface
+# parse_ip_addr inspired from:
+# From: https://github.com/ohmu/poni/blob/master/poni/cloud_libvirt.py
+LXD_FIX = lambda cmd: 'sleep 1 && {}'.format(cmd)
+CMD_FLUSH_IP = 'ip addr flush dev {device_name}'
+CMD_INTERFACE_LIST = 'ip link show | grep -A 1 @{}'
+RX_INTERFACE_LIST = '.*?(?P<ifname>[^ ]*)@{}:'
+CMD_INTERFACE_GET = 'ip link show | grep -A 1 {}@{}'
+RX_INTERFACE_GET = '.*?(?P<ifname>{})@{}:'
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+CMD_GET = LXD_FIX('ip link show {netdevice.device_name}')
+CMD_CREATE = 'ip link add name {netdevice.device_name} ' \
+ 'type {netdevice.netdevice_type}'
+CMD_CREATE_PARENT = 'ip link add name {netdevice.device_name} ' \
+ 'link {netdevice.parent.device_name} ' \
+ 'type {netdevice.netdevice_type}'
+CMD_DELETE = 'ip link delete {netdevice.device_name}'
+CMD_SET_MAC_ADDRESS = 'ip link set dev {netdevice.device_name} ' \
+ 'address {netdevice.mac_address}'
+CMD_GET_IP_ADDRESS = 'ip addr show {netdevice.device_name}'
+CMD_SET_IP_ADDRESS = 'ip addr add dev {netdevice.device_name} ' \
+ '{netdevice.ip_address} brd + || true'
+CMD_SET_PROMISC = 'ip link set dev {netdevice.device_name} promisc {on_off}'
+CMD_SET_UP = 'ip link set {netdevice.device_name} {up_down}'
+ 'tc qdisc del dev {netdevice.device_name} root || true',
+ 'tc qdisc add dev {netdevice.device_name} root handle 1: tbf rate '
+ '{netdevice.capacity}Mbit burst {burst}kb latency 70ms'
+ 'tc qdisc add dev {netdevice.device_name} parent 1:1 codel',
+CMD_GET_PCI_ADDRESS='ethtool -i {netdevice.device_name} | ' \
+ "sed -n '/bus-info/{{s/.*: [^:]*:\(.*\)/\\1/p}}'"
+CMD_GET_OFFLOAD='ethtool -k {netdevice.device_name} | ' \
+ 'grep rx-checksumming | cut -d " " -f 2'
+CMD_SET_OFFLOAD='ethtool -K {netdevice.device_name} rx on tx on'
+CMD_UNSET_OFFLOAD='ethtool -K {netdevice.device_name} rx off tx off'
+sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=0
+sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.{netdevice.device_name}.rp_filter=0
+CMD_SET_RP_FILTER = 'sysctl -w ' \
+ 'net.ipv4.conf.{netdevice.device_name}.rp_filter=1'
+sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter
+sysctl net.ipv4.conf.{netdevice.device_name}.rp_filter
+# FIXME GPL code
+# Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd. This software is licensed under the
+# GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (see the file LICENSE).
+"""Utility to parse 'ip link [show]'.
+Example dictionary returned by parse_ip_link():
+{u'eth0': {u'flags': set([u'BROADCAST', u'LOWER_UP', u'MULTICAST', u'UP']),
+ u'index': 2,
+ u'mac': u'80:fa:5c:0d:43:5e',
+ u'name': u'eth0',
+ u'settings': {u'group': u'default',
+ u'mode': u'DEFAULT',
+ u'mtu': u'1500',
+ u'qdisc': u'pfifo_fast',
+ u'qlen': u'1000',
+ u'state': u'UP'}},
+ u'lo': {u'flags': set([u'LOOPBACK', u'LOWER_UP', u'UP']),
+ u'index': 1,
+ u'name': u'lo',
+ u'settings': {u'group': u'default',
+ u'mode': u'DEFAULT',
+ u'mtu': u'65536',
+ u'qdisc': u'noqueue',
+ u'state': u'UNKNOWN'}}}
+The dictionary above is generated given the following input:
+ 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN \
+mode DEFAULT group default
+ link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
+ 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast \
+state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
+ link/ether 80:fa:5c:0d:43:5e brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
+def _get_settings_dict(settings_line):
+ """
+ Given a string of the format:
+ "[[<key1> <value1>] <key2> <value2>][...]"
+ Returns a dictionary mapping each key to its corresponding value.
+ :param settings_line: unicode
+ :return: dict
+ """
+ settings = settings_line.strip().split()
+ num_tokens = len(settings)
+ assert num_tokens % 2 == 0
+ return {
+ settings[2 * i]: settings[2 * i + 1] for i in range(num_tokens // 2)
+ }
+def _parse_interface_definition(line):
+ """Given a string of the format:
+ <interface_index>: <interface_name>: <flags> <settings>
+ Returns a dictionary containing the component parts.
+ :param line: unicode
+ :return: dict
+ :raises: ValueError if a malformed interface definition line is presented
+ """
+ interface = {}
+ # This line is in the format:
+ # <interface_index>: <interface_name>: <properties>
+ [index, name, properties] = map(
+ lambda s: s.strip(), line.split(':'))
+ interface['index'] = int(index)
+ if '@' in name:
+ name, parent = name.split('@')
+ interface['name'] = name
+ interface['parent'] = parent
+ else:
+ interface['name'] = name
+ interface['parent'] = None
+ # Now parse the <properties> part from above.
+ # This will be in the form "<FLAG1,FLAG2> key1 value1 key2 value2 ..."
+ matches = re.match(r"^<(.*)>(.*)", properties)
+ if matches:
+ flags = matches.group(1)
+ if len(flags) > 0:
+ flags = flags.split(',')
+ else:
+ flags = []
+ interface['flags'] = set(flags)
+ interface['settings'] = _get_settings_dict(matches.group(2))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Malformed 'ip link' line (%s)" % line)
+ return interface
+def _add_additional_interface_properties(interface, line):
+ """
+ Given the specified interface and a specified follow-on line containing
+ more interface settings, adds any additional settings to the interface
+ dictionary. (currently, the only relevant setting is the interface MAC.)
+ :param interface: dict
+ :param line: unicode
+ """
+ settings = _get_settings_dict(line)
+ # We only care about the MAC address for Ethernet interfaces.
+ mac = settings.get('link/ether')
+ if mac is not None:
+ interface['mac'] = mac
+def parse_ip_link(output):
+ """
+ Given the full output from 'ip link [show]', parses it and returns a
+ dictionary mapping each interface name to its settings.
+ :param output: string or unicode
+ :return: dict
+ """
+ interfaces = {}
+ interface = None
+ for line in output.splitlines():
+ if re.match(r'^[0-9]', line):
+ interface = _parse_interface_definition(line)
+ if interface is not None:
+ interfaces[interface['name']] = interface
+ else:
+ if interface is not None:
+ _add_additional_interface_properties(interface, line)
+ return interfaces
+_IP_ADDR_SPLIT_RE = re.compile("^[0-9]+: ", flags=re.MULTILINE)
+def parse_ip_addr(data):
+ """
+ Parse addresses from 'ip addr' output
+ """
+ for iface in _IP_ADDR_SPLIT_RE.split(data.strip()):
+ if not iface:
+ continue
+ lines = [l.strip() for l in iface.splitlines()]
+ # XXX @ in name not supported
+ name = lines.pop(0).partition(":")[0]
+ info = {
+ "ip-addresses": [],
+ "hardware-address": None,
+ }
+ if '@' in name:
+ name, parent = name.split('@')
+ info['name'] = name
+ info['parent'] = parent
+ else:
+ info['name'] = name
+ info['parent'] = None
+ for line in lines:
+ words = line.split()
+ if words[0].startswith("link/") and len(words) >= 2:
+ info["hardware-address"] = words[1]
+ elif words[0] in ("inet", "inet6"):
+ addrtype = "ipv6" if words[0] == "inet6" else "ipv4"
+ addr, _, prefix = words[1].partition("/")
+ if prefix == '':
+ prefix = 128 if addrtype == "ipv6" else 32
+ info["ip-addresses"].append({"ip-address-type": addrtype,
+ "ip-address": addr, "prefix": int(prefix)})
+ yield info
+class BaseNetDevice(Interface, Application):
+ __type__ = BaseResource
+ # XXX note: ethtool only required if we need to get the pci address
+ __package_names__ = ['ethtool']
+ device_name = Attribute(String, description = 'Name of the NetDevice',
+ default = lambda x : x._default_device_name(),
+ max_size = MAX_DEVICE_NAME_SIZE)
+ capacity = Attribute(Integer,
+ description = 'Capacity for interface shaping (Mb/s)')
+ mac_address = Attribute(String, description = 'Mac address of the device')
+ ip_address = Attribute(String, description = 'IP address of the device')
+ pci_address = Attribute(String,
+ description = 'PCI bus address of the device',
+ ro = True)
+ promiscuous = Attribute(Bool, description = 'Promiscuous', default = False)
+ up = Attribute(Bool, description = 'Promiscuous', default = True)
+ netdevice_type = Attribute(String, description = 'Type of the netdevice',
+ ro = True)
+ prefix = Attribute(String, default = 'dev')
+ rp_filter = Attribute(Bool, description = 'Reverse-path filtering enabled',
+ default = True)
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Constructor and Accessors
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ # Dummy member to store the other side of a VethPair
+ # We use it to disable offloading on interfaces connected to VPP
+ self.remote = None
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Resource lifecycle
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __get__(self):
+ def check(rv):
+ if not bool(rv):
+ raise ResourceNotFound
+ return BashTask(self.node, CMD_GET, {'netdevice' : self}, output=True,
+ parse=check)
+ __create__ = None
+ def __delete__(self):
+ return BashTask(self.node, CMD_DELETE, {'netdevice': self})
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Attributes
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _get_mac_address(self):
+ # Merge into parse_ip_link
+ def parse(rv):
+ assert rv is not None
+ nds = parse_ip_link(rv.stdout)
+ # This will raise an exception is the interface does not exist
+ nd = nds[self.device_name]
+ attrs = { 'mac_address': nd['mac'], }
+ return attrs
+ return BashTask(self.node, CMD_GET, {'netdevice' : self}, output=True,
+ parse=parse)
+ def _set_mac_address(self):
+ return BashTask(self.node, CMD_SET_MAC_ADDRESS, {'netdevice': self})
+ def _get_ip_address(self):
+ """
+ NOTE: Incidently, this will also give the MAC address, as well as other
+ attributes...
+ """
+ def parse(rv):
+ attrs = dict()
+ assert rv is not None
+ nds = list(parse_ip_addr(rv.stdout))
+ assert nds
+ assert len(nds) <= 1
+ nd = nds[0]
+ assert nd['name'] == self.device_name
+ attrs['mac_address'] = nd['hardware-address']
+ # We assume a single IPv4 address for now...
+ ips = [ip for ip in nd['ip-addresses']
+ if ip['ip-address-type'] == 'ipv4']
+ if len(ips) >= 1:
+ if len(ips) > 1:
+ log.warning('Keeping only first of many IP addresses...')
+ ip = ips[0]
+ attrs['ip_address'] = ip['ip-address']
+ else:
+ attrs['ip_address'] = None
+ return attrs
+ return BashTask(self.node, CMD_GET_IP_ADDRESS,
+ {'netdevice': self}, parse=parse)
+ def _set_ip_address(self):
+ if self.ip_address is None:
+ # Unset IP
+ return BashTask(self.node, CMD_FLUSH_IP,
+ {'device_name': self.device_name})
+ return BashTask(self.node, CMD_SET_IP_ADDRESS,
+ {'netdevice': self})
+ @task
+ def _get_promiscuous(self):
+ return {'promiscuous': False}
+ def _set_promiscuous(self):
+ on_off = 'on' if self.promiscuous else 'off'
+ return BashTask(self.node, CMD_SET_PROMISC,
+ {'netdevice': self, 'on_off' : on_off})
+ @task
+ def _get_up(self):
+ return {'up': False}
+ def _set_up(self):
+ up_down = 'up' if self.up else 'down'
+ return BashTask(self.node, CMD_SET_UP,
+ {'netdevice': self, 'up_down': up_down})
+ @task
+ def _get_capacity(self):
+ return {'capacity': None}
+ def _set_capacity(self):
+ if self.capacity is None:
+ log.warning('set_capacity(None) not implemented')
+ return EmptyTask()
+ # http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/100785/bucket-size-in-tbf
+ MBPS = 1000000
+ KBPS = 1024
+ BYTES = 8
+ HZ = 250
+ # Round to power of two... see manpage
+ burst = math.ceil((((self.capacity * MBPS) / HZ) / BYTES) / KBPS)
+ burst = 1 << (burst - 1).bit_length()
+ return BashTask(self.node, CMD_SET_CAPACITY,
+ {'netdevice': self, 'burst': burst})
+ def _get_rp_filter(self):
+ def parse(rv):
+ lines = rv.stdout.splitlines()
+ return (int(lines[0][-1]) + int(lines[1][-1]) > 0)
+ return BashTask(self.node, CMD_GET_RP_FILTER, {'netdevice' :self},
+ parse = parse)
+ def _set_rp_filter(self):
+ cmd = CMD_SET_RP_FILTER if self.rp_filter else CMD_UNSET_RP_FILTER
+ return BashTask(self.node, cmd, {'netdevice' : self})
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Internal methods
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _remote_node_name(self):
+ remote_interface = self._remote_interface()
+ if remote_interface:
+ return remote_interface.node.name
+ else:
+ rnd = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits)
+ for _ in range(3))
+ return 'unk{}'.format(rnd)
+ def _remote_interface(self):
+ if not self.channel:
+ return None
+ interfaces = self.channel.interfaces
+ for interface in interfaces:
+ if interface == self:
+ continue
+ return interface
+ def _default_device_name(self):
+ remote_node_name = self._remote_node_name()
+ if remote_node_name:
+ return remote_node_name
+ else:
+ return AddressManager().get('device_name', self,
+ prefix = self.prefix, scope = self.prefix)
+class NonTapBaseNetDevice(BaseNetDevice):
+ # Tap devices for instance don't have offload
+ offload = Attribute(Bool, description = 'Offload', default=True)
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Attributes
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def _get_offload(self):
+ return BashTask(self.node, CMD_GET_OFFLOAD, {'netdevice': self},
+ parse = lambda rv : rv.stdout.strip() == 'on')
+ def _set_offload(self):
+ cmd = None
+ if self.offload:
+ else:
+ return BashTask(self.node, cmd, {'netdevice' : self})
+class NetDevice(NonTapBaseNetDevice):
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Resource lifecycle
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __create__(self):
+ return BashTask(self.node, CMD_CREATE, {'netdevice': self})
+class SlaveBaseNetDevice(BaseNetDevice):
+ parent = Attribute(NetDevice, description = 'Parent NetDevice')
+ host = Attribute(NetDevice, description = 'Host interface',
+ default = lambda x : x._default_host())
+ def _default_host(self):
+ if self.node.__class__.__name__ == 'LxcContainer':
+ host = self.node.node
+ else:
+ host = self.node
+ max_len = MAX_DEVICE_NAME_SIZE - len(self.node.name) - 1
+ device_name = self.device_name[:max_len]
+ return NetDevice(node = host,
+ device_name = '{}-{}'.format(self.node.name, device_name),
+ managed = False)
+class SlaveNetDevice(SlaveBaseNetDevice):
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Resource lifecycle
+ #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ def __create__(self):
+ return BashTask(self.node, CMD_CREATE_PARENT, {'netdevice': self})