path: root/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/api
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Diffstat (limited to 'stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/api')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/api/spl_api_msg.c b/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/api/spl_api_msg.c
index 0986ed4..1c9bf92 100644
--- a/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/api/spl_api_msg.c
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/api/spl_api_msg.c
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ spl_recv_udp (void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p,
struct spl_netbuf *buf;
spl_netconn_t *conn = (spl_netconn_t *) arg;
- struct spl_pbuf *spb = NULL; //??
+ struct spl_pbuf *spl_pb = NULL; //??
if (NULL == pcb)
@@ -432,12 +432,28 @@ spl_recv_udp (void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p,
/* //@TODO: malloc and Copy splbuf */
struct common_pcb *cpcb = (struct common_pcb *) (conn->comm_pcb_data);
- buf = (struct spl_netbuf *) ((char *) p + sizeof (struct spl_pbuf));
- buf->p = spb;
+ u16_t proc_id = spl_get_lcore_id ();
+ spl_pb = spl_pbuf_alloc_hugepage (SPL_PBUF_TRANSPORT,
+ p->tot_len +
+ SPL_PBUF_HUGE, proc_id, conn);
+ if (!spl_pb)
+ {
+ NSPOL_LOGINF (TCP_DEBUG, "spl_pbuf_alloc_hugepage Failed!!!");
+ return;
+ }
+ pbuf_to_splpbuf_copy (spl_pb, p);
+ pbuf_free (p);
+ buf = (struct spl_netbuf *) ((char *) spl_pb + sizeof (struct spl_pbuf));
+ buf->p = spl_pb;
spl_ip_addr_set (&buf->addr, ipaddr);
buf->port = port;
- err_t ret = sp_enqueue (cpcb, (void *) p);
+ err_t ret = sp_enqueue (cpcb, (void *) spl_pb);
if (ret != ERR_OK)
NSPOL_LOGDBG (UDP_DEBUG, "mbox post failed");
@@ -1808,6 +1824,56 @@ do_listen (struct common_pcb *cpcb, msg_listen * lmsg)
+ * Send some data on UDP pcb contained in a netconn
+ * Called from do_send
+ *
+ * @param msg the api_msg_msg pointing to the connection
+ */
+spl_udp_send (struct common_pcb *cpcb, msg_send_buf * smsg)
+ struct spl_pbuf *p_from = smsg->p;
+ spl_netconn_t *conn = cpcb->conn;
+ struct udp_pcb *upcb = (struct udp_pcb *) (cpcb->conn->private_data);
+ data_com_msg *m = MSG_ENTRY (smsg, data_com_msg, buffer);
+ struct pbuf *p_to = NULL;
+ err_t err = ERR_OK;
+ //allocate pbuf and copy spl_pbuf, send , free pbuf and spl_pbuf
+ do
+ {
+ p_to = pbuf_alloc (PBUF_TRANSPORT, p_from->len, PBUF_RAM);
+ if (NULL == p_to)
+ {
+ NSPOL_LOGERR ("pbuf is NULL]conn=%p,pcb=%p", conn, upcb);
+ return;
+ }
+ err = splpbuf_to_pbuf_transport_copy (p_to, p_from);
+ if (err != ERR_OK)
+ {
+ SET_MSG_ERR (m, conn->last_err);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ip_addr_isany (&smsg->addr))
+ {
+ SET_MSG_ERR (m, udp_send (upcb, p_to));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ udp_sendto (upcb, p_to, (ip_addr_t *) & smsg->addr,
+ smsg->port));
+ }
+ p_from = (struct spl_pbuf *) ADDR_SHTOL (p_from->next_a);
+ }
+ while (p_from != NULL);
* Send some data on a RAW or UDP pcb contained in a netconn
* Called from netconn_send
@@ -1825,8 +1891,8 @@ do_send (struct common_pcb *cpcb, msg_send_buf * smsg)
if (SPL_ERR_IS_FATAL (conn->last_err))
SET_MSG_ERR (m, conn->last_err);
- spl_pbuf_free (p);
- return;
+ NSPOL_LOGERR ("Invalid param]msg->conn=%p", conn);
+ goto err_return;
switch (SPL_NETCONNTYPE_GROUP (cpcb->type))
@@ -1840,20 +1906,8 @@ do_send (struct common_pcb *cpcb, msg_send_buf * smsg)
ss_set_local_ip (conn, smsg->local_ip.addr);
- //spl_ip_addr_t *destIP = &smsg->addr;
+ spl_udp_send (cpcb, smsg);
- //@TODO udp send need to update like TCP. copy pbuf here. Once testing done for TCP we'll update it here.
- if (ip_addr_isany (&smsg->addr))
- {
- //SET_MSG_ERR(m, udp_send(upcb, p));
- /* destIP.addr == IPADDR_ANY means it is from stackx_send
- and the destination is stored in remote_ip and remote port */
- //destIP = &upcb->remote_ip;
- }
- else
- {
- //SET_MSG_ERR(m, udp_sendto(upcb, p, &smsg->addr, smsg->port));
- }
@@ -1862,6 +1916,10 @@ do_send (struct common_pcb *cpcb, msg_send_buf * smsg)
+ pbuf_free_safe (smsg->p);