path: root/stacks
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'stacks')
-rw-r--r--stacks/lwip_stack/doc/dmm_lwip.pngbin0 -> 52940 bytes
17 files changed, 370 insertions, 200 deletions
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/CMakeLists.txt b/stacks/lwip_stack/CMakeLists.txt
index 814e5a5..297d2d9 100644
--- a/stacks/lwip_stack/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -61,8 +61,6 @@ execute_process(
COMMAND cp -rf ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../release/include ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/src/
COMMAND cp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../release/lib64/libnStackAPI.so ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/release/lib64/
COMMAND cp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../release/lib64/libdmm_api.so ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/release/lib64/
- COMMAND cp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../build/libnStackMaintain.a ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/release/lib64/
- COMMAND cp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../build/libsocket.a ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/build/
COMMAND echo "stacklwip prepare ok"
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/doc/README.md b/stacks/lwip_stack/doc/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9bb31e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/doc/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# 1. What is lwIP
+lwIP is a light-weight implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite.
+lwIP is freely available (under a BSD-style license) in C source
+code format and can be downloaded from the development homepage.
+The focus of the lwIP TCP/IP implementation is to reduce the RAM
+usage while still having a full scale TCP.
+# 2. How to use lwIP
+## How to integrate lwIP into DMM
+The file CMakeList.txt defined the compiling process, including downloading
+the lwip 2.7.0 code and pushing the helper files into it, or modify
+lwip files.
+Currently lwip will not be build as separate lib, instead it'll be part
+of the excutable namely "nStackMain".
+lwip Stack will run in pipeline mode. Application will run in one process
+and lwip will run as "nStackMain" process. Below picture depicts
+a birds eye view of lwip in DMM pipeline mode.
+![Lwip in DMM framework](dmm_lwip.png)
+## Compile
+ #cd dmm/build && cmake ..
+ #make
+ #cd ../stacks/lwip_stack/build && cmake ..
+ #make
+## Test
+- Steps 1: update some environment variables
+ #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${dmm}/stacks/lwip_stack/release/lib64/
+ #export LD_PRELOAD=${dmm}/release/lib64/libnStackAPI.so
+ #export NSTACK_MOD_CFG_FILE=${dmm}/stacks/lwip_stack/app_conf/module_config.json
+ #export NSTACK_MOD_CFG_RD=${dmm}/stacks/lwip_stack/app_conf/rd_config.json
+ #export NSTACK_LOG_ON=DBG (optional enable debug)
+- Steps 2: Modify rd_config.json(located at dmm/stacks/lwip_stack/app_config/)
+ #vim rd_config.json
+ Eg. set "subnet": ""
+ Means dmm chose lwip_stack if subnet matches 192.168.21.*
+- Steps 3: Run nStackMain(lwip stack))
+ #cp ${dmm}/stacks/lwip_stack/release/configure/ip_data.json ${dmm}/stacks/lwip_stack/release/bin/
+ #cp ${dmm}/stacks/lwip_stack/release/configure/network_data_tonStack.json ${dmm}/stacks/lwip_stack/release/bin/
+Modify ip_data.json
+Change ref_nic => to interface name which you want to use
+Change ip_cidr => ip address you want to use.
+Modify network network_data_tonStack.json
+Change ref_nic => to interface name which you want to use
+Change subnet => Subnet (ip_cidr belongs to this subnet)
+Change gateway, range-start, range-end, dst, gw accordingly. This information will be used by DMM to configure network.
+Run the process:
+ #cd ${dmm}/stacks/lwip_stack/release
+ #./start_nstack.sh
+- Steps 4: Communication test between machine A(as server) with machine B
+ (as client)
+##### Run in machine A
+ #./dmm/release/bin/vs_epoll -p 20000 -d -a 10000 -s -l 1000 -t 500000 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 50000 -e 10 -x 1
+ Means the current machine would be server, and it's
+destination address is (client address),
+source address is address)
+##### Run in machine B
+ #./dmm/release/bin/vc_common -p 20000 -d -a 10000 -s -l 1000 -t 500000 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 50000 -e 10 -x 1
+ Means the current machine would be client, and it's
+destination address is (server address),
+source address is address)
+# 3. Document description
+## CMakeLists.txt
+Control file for Cmake compiling.
+## config folder
+##### module_config.json
+- module_config.json is for configuring dmm protocol stack module.
+##### rd_config.json
+- rd_config.json is to choose which module is better to go through, if subnet matches, It will go through lwip protocol stack when RD type is nstack-dpdk
+## lwip helper files.
+lwip helper files is implmentation and modification of some supportive functions to run lwip with dmm.
+## lwip_stack/src folder
+- Implmetation of nStackMain process which provides the framework to hold lwip stack.
+## lwip_stack/lwip_src
+- Downloaded opensource lwip 2.7.0. code.
+# 4. More Information
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/doc/dmm_lwip.png b/stacks/lwip_stack/doc/dmm_lwip.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..403eed3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/doc/dmm_lwip.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/api/spl_api_msg.c b/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/api/spl_api_msg.c
index 0986ed4..1c9bf92 100644
--- a/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/api/spl_api_msg.c
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/api/spl_api_msg.c
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ spl_recv_udp (void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p,
struct spl_netbuf *buf;
spl_netconn_t *conn = (spl_netconn_t *) arg;
- struct spl_pbuf *spb = NULL; //??
+ struct spl_pbuf *spl_pb = NULL; //??
if (NULL == pcb)
@@ -432,12 +432,28 @@ spl_recv_udp (void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p,
/* //@TODO: malloc and Copy splbuf */
struct common_pcb *cpcb = (struct common_pcb *) (conn->comm_pcb_data);
- buf = (struct spl_netbuf *) ((char *) p + sizeof (struct spl_pbuf));
- buf->p = spb;
+ u16_t proc_id = spl_get_lcore_id ();
+ spl_pb = spl_pbuf_alloc_hugepage (SPL_PBUF_TRANSPORT,
+ p->tot_len +
+ SPL_PBUF_HUGE, proc_id, conn);
+ if (!spl_pb)
+ {
+ NSPOL_LOGINF (TCP_DEBUG, "spl_pbuf_alloc_hugepage Failed!!!");
+ return;
+ }
+ pbuf_to_splpbuf_copy (spl_pb, p);
+ pbuf_free (p);
+ buf = (struct spl_netbuf *) ((char *) spl_pb + sizeof (struct spl_pbuf));
+ buf->p = spl_pb;
spl_ip_addr_set (&buf->addr, ipaddr);
buf->port = port;
- err_t ret = sp_enqueue (cpcb, (void *) p);
+ err_t ret = sp_enqueue (cpcb, (void *) spl_pb);
if (ret != ERR_OK)
NSPOL_LOGDBG (UDP_DEBUG, "mbox post failed");
@@ -1808,6 +1824,56 @@ do_listen (struct common_pcb *cpcb, msg_listen * lmsg)
+ * Send some data on UDP pcb contained in a netconn
+ * Called from do_send
+ *
+ * @param msg the api_msg_msg pointing to the connection
+ */
+spl_udp_send (struct common_pcb *cpcb, msg_send_buf * smsg)
+ struct spl_pbuf *p_from = smsg->p;
+ spl_netconn_t *conn = cpcb->conn;
+ struct udp_pcb *upcb = (struct udp_pcb *) (cpcb->conn->private_data);
+ data_com_msg *m = MSG_ENTRY (smsg, data_com_msg, buffer);
+ struct pbuf *p_to = NULL;
+ err_t err = ERR_OK;
+ //allocate pbuf and copy spl_pbuf, send , free pbuf and spl_pbuf
+ do
+ {
+ p_to = pbuf_alloc (PBUF_TRANSPORT, p_from->len, PBUF_RAM);
+ if (NULL == p_to)
+ {
+ NSPOL_LOGERR ("pbuf is NULL]conn=%p,pcb=%p", conn, upcb);
+ return;
+ }
+ err = splpbuf_to_pbuf_transport_copy (p_to, p_from);
+ if (err != ERR_OK)
+ {
+ SET_MSG_ERR (m, conn->last_err);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ip_addr_isany (&smsg->addr))
+ {
+ SET_MSG_ERR (m, udp_send (upcb, p_to));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ udp_sendto (upcb, p_to, (ip_addr_t *) & smsg->addr,
+ smsg->port));
+ }
+ p_from = (struct spl_pbuf *) ADDR_SHTOL (p_from->next_a);
+ }
+ while (p_from != NULL);
* Send some data on a RAW or UDP pcb contained in a netconn
* Called from netconn_send
@@ -1825,8 +1891,8 @@ do_send (struct common_pcb *cpcb, msg_send_buf * smsg)
if (SPL_ERR_IS_FATAL (conn->last_err))
SET_MSG_ERR (m, conn->last_err);
- spl_pbuf_free (p);
- return;
+ NSPOL_LOGERR ("Invalid param]msg->conn=%p", conn);
+ goto err_return;
switch (SPL_NETCONNTYPE_GROUP (cpcb->type))
@@ -1840,20 +1906,8 @@ do_send (struct common_pcb *cpcb, msg_send_buf * smsg)
ss_set_local_ip (conn, smsg->local_ip.addr);
- //spl_ip_addr_t *destIP = &smsg->addr;
+ spl_udp_send (cpcb, smsg);
- //@TODO udp send need to update like TCP. copy pbuf here. Once testing done for TCP we'll update it here.
- if (ip_addr_isany (&smsg->addr))
- {
- //SET_MSG_ERR(m, udp_send(upcb, p));
- /* destIP.addr == IPADDR_ANY means it is from stackx_send
- and the destination is stored in remote_ip and remote port */
- //destIP = &upcb->remote_ip;
- }
- else
- {
- //SET_MSG_ERR(m, udp_sendto(upcb, p, &smsg->addr, smsg->port));
- }
@@ -1862,6 +1916,10 @@ do_send (struct common_pcb *cpcb, msg_send_buf * smsg)
+ pbuf_free_safe (smsg->p);
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/core/spl_pbuf.c b/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/core/spl_pbuf.c
index 03e30ed..54589e8 100644
--- a/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/core/spl_pbuf.c
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/core/spl_pbuf.c
@@ -369,6 +369,20 @@ spl_pbuf_copy (struct spl_pbuf * p_to, struct spl_pbuf * p_from)
+splpbuf_to_pbuf_transport_copy (struct pbuf * p_to, struct spl_pbuf * p_from)
+ if (EOK != MEMMOVE_S ((u8_t *) p_to->payload,
+ p_to->len, (u8_t *) ADDR_SHTOL (p_from->payload_a),
+ p_from->len))
+ {
+ return ERR_MEM;
+ }
+ return ERR_OK;
splpbuf_to_pbuf_copy (struct pbuf * p_to, struct spl_pbuf * p_from)
u32_t offset_to = 0;
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/include/stackx/spl_pbuf.h b/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/include/stackx/spl_pbuf.h
index 01fe242..79deace 100644
--- a/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/include/stackx/spl_pbuf.h
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/include/stackx/spl_pbuf.h
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ struct spl_pbuf *spl_pbuf_alloc_hugepage (spl_pbuf_layer l, u16_t length,
spl_pbuf_type type,
u16_t thread_index, void *net_conn);
struct pbuf *spl_convert_spl_pbuf_to_pbuf (struct spl_pbuf *p_from);
+splpbuf_to_pbuf_transport_copy (struct pbuf *p_to, struct spl_pbuf *p_from);
err_t pbuf_to_splpbuf_copy (struct spl_pbuf *p_to, struct pbuf *p_from);
err_t splpbuf_to_pbuf_copy (struct pbuf *p_to, struct spl_pbuf *p_from);
spl_pbuf_layer get_pbuf_layer_from_pbuf_payload (struct pbuf *buf);
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/ip_module/configuration_reader.c b/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/ip_module/configuration_reader.c
index d5b228b..03b5998 100644
--- a/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/ip_module/configuration_reader.c
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/ip_module/configuration_reader.c
@@ -823,13 +823,7 @@ read_fn (i32 fd)
- const char *old_hbt_cnt = "6";
- const char *new_hbt_cnt = "60";
- (void *) new_hbt_cnt, sizeof (u16));
(void) read_configuration (); // if it returns -1, the err desc info will be wrote to g_config_data, so no need to check return value.
- (void *) old_hbt_cnt, sizeof (u16));
offset = 0;
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/socket/stackx_event.c b/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/socket/stackx_event.c
index 93e47a3..1967ecc 100644
--- a/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/socket/stackx_event.c
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/lwip_src/socket/stackx_event.c
@@ -17,13 +17,112 @@
#include "stackx_spl_share.h"
#include "common_pal_bitwide_adjust.h"
#include "stackx_event.h"
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#define FREE_FD_SET(readfd, writefd, exceptfd) {\
- if(readfd)\
- free(readfd);\
- if(writefd)\
- free(writefd);\
- if(exceptfd)\
- free(exceptfd);\
+#define FREE_FD_SET(readfd, writefd, exceptfd) {\
+lwip_try_select (int fdsize, fd_set * fdread, fd_set * fdwrite,
+ fd_set * fderr, struct timeval *timeout)
+ int i;
+ int nready = 0;
+ nstack_fd_set *read_out;
+ nstack_fd_set *write_out;
+ nstack_fd_set *err_out;
+ nstack_fd_set *readfd = (nstack_fd_set *) fdread;
+ nstack_fd_set *writefd = (nstack_fd_set *) fdwrite;
+ nstack_fd_set *exceptfd = (nstack_fd_set *) fderr;
+ sbr_socket_t *sock;
+ spl_netconn_t *conn;
+ if ((fdsize >= NSTACK_SETSIZE) || (fdsize < 0))
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ read_out = malloc (sizeof (nstack_fd_set));
+ write_out = malloc (sizeof (nstack_fd_set));
+ err_out = malloc (sizeof (nstack_fd_set));
+ if ((!read_out) || (!write_out) || (!err_out))
+ {
+ NSPOL_LOGERR ("malloc nstack_fd_set fail");
+ FREE_FD_SET (read_out, write_out, err_out);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int ret = NSTACK_FD_ZERO (read_out);
+ int ret1 = NSTACK_FD_ZERO (write_out);
+ int ret2 = NSTACK_FD_ZERO (err_out);
+ if ((EOK != ret) || (EOK != ret1) || (EOK != ret2))
+ {
+ FREE_FD_SET (read_out, write_out, err_out);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < fdsize; i++)
+ {
+ if (!((readfd && NSTACK_FD_ISSET (i, readfd))
+ || (writefd && NSTACK_FD_ISSET (i, writefd))
+ || (exceptfd && NSTACK_FD_ISSET (i, exceptfd))))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ sock = sbr_lookup_sk (i);
+ if (sock == NULL)
+ {
+ errno = EBADF;
+ FREE_FD_SET (read_out, write_out, err_out);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ conn = sbr_get_conn (sock);
+ if (!conn)
+ {
+ errno = EBADF;
+ FREE_FD_SET (read_out, write_out, err_out);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (readfd && NSTACK_FD_ISSET (i, readfd) &&
+ ((sbr_get_fd_share (sock)->lastdata != NULL)
+ || (conn->rcvevent > 0)))
+ {
+ NSTACK_FD_SET (i, read_out);
+ nready++;
+ }
+ if (writefd && NSTACK_FD_ISSET (i, writefd) && (conn->sendevent != 0))
+ {
+ NSTACK_FD_SET (i, write_out);
+ nready++;
+ }
+ if (exceptfd && NSTACK_FD_ISSET (i, exceptfd) && (conn->errevent != 0))
+ {
+ NSTACK_FD_SET (i, write_out);
+ nready++;
+ }
+ }
+ //TODO: need to handle fd_set and nstack_fd_set memory issue
+ if (readfd)
+ {
+ *readfd = *read_out;
+ }
+ if (writefd)
+ {
+ *writefd = *write_out;
+ }
+ if (exceptfd)
+ {
+ *exceptfd = *err_out;
+ }
+ FREE_FD_SET (read_out, write_out, err_out);
+ return nready;
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/release/script/nstack_var.sh b/stacks/lwip_stack/release/script/nstack_var.sh
index 15ef2f0..4c5c6f6 100644
--- a/stacks/lwip_stack/release/script/nstack_var.sh
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/release/script/nstack_var.sh
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ DPDK_FILE_NAME=nstack_dpdk.log
export VM_ID=agent-node-x
-export DPDK_INSTALL_PATH="/root/dpdk/dpdk-18.02"
+export DPDK_INSTALL_PATH="/tmp/dpdk/dpdk-18.02/"
export DPDK_LIB_PATH=${DPDK_INSTALL_PATH}/x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/lib
export DPDK_MOD_PATH=${DPDK_INSTALL_PATH}/x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/kmod
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/release/start_nstack.sh b/stacks/lwip_stack/release/start_nstack.sh
index c005f25..db0c084 100644
--- a/stacks/lwip_stack/release/start_nstack.sh
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/release/start_nstack.sh
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-. ./script/nstack_var.sh
-. ./script/nstack_fun.sh
script_path=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)
+. ${script_path}/script/nstack_var.sh
+. ${script_path}/script/nstack_fun.sh
if [ ! -e $config_name ]; then
log $LINENO "nstack_var.sh not exit, plz check!"
@@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ if [ -f "lockfile" ]; then
rm lockfile
-. ./script/nstack_var.sh
+. ${script_path}/script/nstack_var.sh
@@ -115,8 +117,7 @@ install_config
log $LINENO "./script/run_nstack_main.sh ${core_mask} $HUGE_DIR $MEM_SIZE $START_TYPE"
-cd script
-./run_nstack_main.sh $HUGE_DIR $MEM_SIZE
+${script_path}/script/run_nstack_main.sh $HUGE_DIR $MEM_SIZE
print_pid=$(ps -ux | grep nStackMain | awk '{print $2}' | awk 'NR == 2')
echo "nStackMain PID:$print_pid"
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/release/stop_nstack.sh b/stacks/lwip_stack/release/stop_nstack.sh
index 9b9fe94..48d1af7 100644
--- a/stacks/lwip_stack/release/stop_nstack.sh
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/release/stop_nstack.sh
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
-. ./script/nstack_var.sh
-. ./script/nstack_fun.sh
script_path=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)
+. ${script_path}/script/nstack_var.sh
+. ${script_path}/script/nstack_fun.sh
if [ ! -e $config_name ]; then
log $LINENO "$config_name not exit, plz pay attention and add back!,or it has resourcce leak."
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/run_stackx.txt b/stacks/lwip_stack/run_stackx.txt
index 7322635..71cdd20 100644
--- a/stacks/lwip_stack/run_stackx.txt
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/run_stackx.txt
@@ -14,118 +14,36 @@
# limitations under the License.
-#build DPDK
-#Note: build path /root/dpdk/ , install path /root/dpdk_install/tmp
-if [ -d /root/dpdk_install/tmp ]; then
- rm -rf /root/dpdk_install/tmp
-mkdir -p /root/dpdk
-cd /root/dpdk
-rm -rf dpdk-16.04/
-wget https://fast.dpdk.org/rel/dpdk-16.04.tar.xz
-tar xvf dpdk-16.04.tar.xz
-cd dpdk-16.04/
-sed -i 's!CONFIG_RTE_EXEC_ENV=.*!CONFIG_RTE_EXEC_ENV=y!1' config/common_base
-sed -i 's!CONFIG_RTE_BUILD_SHARED_LIB=.*!CONFIG_RTE_BUILD_SHARED_LIB=y!1' config/common_base
-sed -i 's!CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_EAL=.*!CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_EAL=y!1' config/common_base
-make install T=x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc DESTDIR=/root/dpdk_install/tmp
-cd x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
-cp -r /root/dpdk/dpdk-16.04/tools/dpdk_nic_bind.py /root/dpdk/dpdk-16.04/tools/dpdk-devbind.py
-mount -t hugetlbfs -o pagesize=1G none /mnt/nstackhuge/
-mkdir /var/run/ip_module
-#verify hugepages 8GB free hugepages are required
-cat /proc/meminfo
-#build DMM
-#got to DMM/
-cd thirdparty/glog/glog-0.3.4/
-sudo autoreconf -ivf
-cd -
-cd build/
-cmake ..
-make -j 8
-#build stackx
-cd ../thirdparty/glog/glog-0.3.4/
-sudo autoreconf -ivf
-cd -
-cd ../stacks/lwip_stack/build/
-cmake ..
-make -j 8
-#run app
+#build DPDK, DMM, lwip stack by calling build script:
+ cd dmm/stacks/lwip_stack/vagrant
+ build.sh
+#update interface name if required(default enp0s8) in dmm/stacks/lwip_stack/vagrant/start_nstackMain.sh
+#Start nStackMain:
+ 1.for the first time (to configure json files and start nStackMain)
+ cd dmm/stacks/lwip_stack/vagrant
+ ./start_nstackMain.sh
+ 2.from secod time:
+ cd dmm/stacks/lwip_stack/release
+ ./start_nstack.sh
+#get configured client/server ip from dmm/stacks/lwip_stack/release/bin/ip_data.json
+#can get the log path details from dmm/stacks/lwip_stack/release/bin/nStackConfig.json
+#run app:
-cd ../
-chmod +x release_tar.sh
-tar -zxf nStackServer.tar.gz
-cd nStackServer/
-cp configure/*.json bin/
-##make json file changes
-#I have copied the working configs in the path /home/sharath/working_config/
-cp -r /home/sharath/working_config/server/ip_data.json bin/
-cp -r /home/sharath/working_config/server/network_data_tonStack.json bin/
-cp -r /home/sharath/working_config/server/nStackConfig.json bin/
-cp -r /home/sharath/working_config/client/ip_data.json bin/
-cp -r /home/sharath/working_config/client/network_data_tonStack.json bin/
-cp -r /home/sharath/working_config/client/nStackConfig.json bin/
-#dpdk download path : /root/dpdk/dpdk-16.04/
-sed -i 's!export DPDK_INSTALL_PATH.*!export DPDK_INSTALL_PATH="/root/dpdk/dpdk-16.04"!1' ../release/script/nstack_var.sh
+ cd dmm/stacks/lwip_stack/app_test
-cd ../../../release/bin/
-cp ../configure/*.json .
+ #server
+ ./vs_epoll -p 20000 -d {client_ip} -a 10000 -s {ser_ip} -l 200 -t 5000000 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 10000 -e 10 -x 1
-cp -r /home/sharath/working_config/server/module_config.json .
-cp -r /home/sharath/working_config/server/nStackConfig.json .
-cp -r /home/sharath/working_config/server/rd_config.json .
+ #client
+ ./vc_epoll -p 20000 -d {ser_ip} -a 10000 -s {client_ip} -l 200 -t 50000 -i 1000 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 10000 -e 10 -x 1
-cp -r /home/sharath/working_config/client/module_config.json .
-cp -r /home/sharath/working_config/client/nStackConfig.json .
-cp -r /home/sharath/working_config/client/rd_config.json .
-cd -
-#verify process up
-ps aux | grep nS
-cd bin
-./nStackCtrl -a add -p ./network_data_tonStack.json -t network
-./nStackCtrl -a add -p ./ip_data.json -t ip
-cd ../../../../release/bin/
-cp ../../stacks/lwip_stack/release/lib64/libnstack.so .
-./vs_epoll -p 20000 -d -a 10000 -s -l 200 -t 5000000 -i 0 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 10000 -e 10 -x 1
-./vc_epoll -p 20000 -d -a 10000 -s -l 200 -t 50000 -i 1000 -f 1 -r 20000 -n 1 -w 10 -u 10000 -e 10 -x 1
+#stop nStackMain:
+ cd dmm/stacks/lwip_stack/release
+ ./stop_nstack.sh
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/src/alarm/alarm.c b/stacks/lwip_stack/src/alarm/alarm.c
index 5f89cdd..c158144 100644
--- a/stacks/lwip_stack/src/alarm/alarm.c
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/src/alarm/alarm.c
@@ -158,11 +158,9 @@ ns_alarm_module_init (void *param)
switch (proc_type)
- /* [S138713][p00329905][20171219]modify ip address to vm id */
+ /* modify ip address to vm id */
pst_vm_id = getenv ("VM_ID");
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/src/maintain/fw_mt_config.c b/stacks/lwip_stack/src/maintain/fw_mt_config.c
index 400eaa0..403a46e 100644
--- a/stacks/lwip_stack/src/maintain/fw_mt_config.c
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/src/maintain/fw_mt_config.c
@@ -558,8 +558,7 @@ init_base_config (cfg_module_param * param)
/* initial default config */
/* omc_ctrl single log file should be 10M */
- if (param->proc_type == NSFW_PROC_MASTER
- || param->proc_type == NSFW_PROC_CTRL)
+ if (param->proc_type == NSFW_PROC_CTRL)
init_master_def_config_items ();
@@ -684,26 +683,6 @@ init_main_log_cfg_para ()
set_log_init_para (&log_para);
-init_master_log_cfg_para ()
- struct log_init_para log_para;
- log_para.mon_log_size = g_cfg_item_info[CFG_SEG_LOG][0].value;
- log_para.mon_log_count = g_cfg_item_info[CFG_SEG_LOG][1].value;
- /* log path valid check */
- if (0 == access (g_cfg_item_info[CFG_SEG_PATH][0].pvalue, W_OK))
- {
- log_para.mon_log_path = g_cfg_item_info[CFG_SEG_PATH][0].pvalue;
- }
- else
- {
- log_para.mon_log_path = g_cfg_item_info[CFG_SEG_PATH][0].default_str;
- }
- set_log_init_para (&log_para);
/* nStackCtrl is the diff process with main, cannot use main process info,
need get the configure info respectively */
/* omc_ctrl single log file should be 10M */
@@ -739,17 +718,6 @@ init_module_cfg_nstackmain ()
init_main_log_cfg_para ();
-/*===========config init for nstack master=============*/
-init_module_cfg_nstackmaster ()
- /* init config data */
- init_module_cfg_default ();
- init_master_log_cfg_para ();
/*===========config init for nstack ctrl=============*/
/* nStackCtrl is the diff process with main,
@@ -776,10 +744,6 @@ config_module_init (cfg_module_param * param)
init_module_cfg_nstackmain ();
- init_module_cfg_nstackmaster ();
- break;
init_module_cfg_nstackctrl ();
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/src/sbr/sbr_protocol_api.h b/stacks/lwip_stack/src/sbr/sbr_protocol_api.h
index 0eac1c4..95ca565 100644
--- a/stacks/lwip_stack/src/sbr/sbr_protocol_api.h
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/src/sbr/sbr_protocol_api.h
@@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ int sbr_init_protocol ();
int sbr_fork_protocol ();
sbr_fdopt *sbr_get_fdopt (int domain, int type, int protocol);
void sbr_app_touch_in (void); /*app send its version info to nStackMain */
+int lwip_try_select (int fdsize, fd_set * fdread, fd_set * fdwrite,
+ fd_set * fderr, struct timeval *timeout);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* *INDENT-OFF* */
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/src/sbr/sbr_socket.c b/stacks/lwip_stack/src/sbr/sbr_socket.c
index e088224..6f867ab 100644
--- a/stacks/lwip_stack/src/sbr/sbr_socket.c
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/src/sbr/sbr_socket.c
@@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ SBR_INTERCEPT (int, select,
(int nfds, fd_set * readfd, fd_set * writefd,
fd_set * exceptfd, struct timeval * timeout))
- return -1;
+ return lwip_try_select (nfds, readfd, writefd, exceptfd, timeout);
SBR_INTERCEPT (unsigned int, ep_getevt,
diff --git a/stacks/lwip_stack/vagrant/start_nstackMain.sh b/stacks/lwip_stack/vagrant/start_nstackMain.sh
index 72d1375..00d4370 100755
--- a/stacks/lwip_stack/vagrant/start_nstackMain.sh
+++ b/stacks/lwip_stack/vagrant/start_nstackMain.sh
@@ -60,9 +60,8 @@ elif [ "$OS_ID" == "ubuntu" ]; then
-bash ./release_tar.sh
-cd nStackServer/script
-sed -i 's!/root/dpdk/dpdk-18.02!'$DPDK_DOWNLOAD_PATH'/dpdk-18.02!1' nstack_var.sh
+cd release/script
+sed -i 's!DPDK_INSTALL_PATH=.*!DPDK_INSTALL_PATH='$DPDK_DOWNLOAD_PATH'/dpdk-18.02!1' nstack_var.sh
cd ../
chmod 775 *
@@ -105,7 +104,7 @@ sudo mkdir -p /var/log/nStack/ip_module/
-cd $LWIP_BUILD_DIR/../nStackServer
+cd $LWIP_BUILD_DIR/../release
bash -x ./stop_nstack.sh
bash -x ./start_nstack.sh
check_result=$(pgrep nStackMain)