

GoVPP now supports pure Go implementation for VPP binary API. This does not depend on CGo or any VPP library and can be easily compiled.

There are two packages providing pure Go implementations in GoVPP: - socketclient - for VPP binary API (via unix socket) - statsclient - for VPP stats API (via shared memory)

CGo wrapper for vppapiclient library (deprecated)

GoVPP also provides vppapiclient package which actually uses vppapiclient.so library from VPP codebase to communicate with VPP API. To build GoVPP, vpp-dev package must be installed, either [from packages][from-packages] or [from sources][from-sources].

To build & install vpp-dev from sources:

git clone https://gerrit.fd.io/r/vpp
cd vpp
make install-dep
make pkg-deb
cd build-root
sudo dpkg -i vpp*.deb

To build & install GoVPP:

go get -u go.fd.io/govpp
cd $GOPATH/src/go.fd.io/govpp
make test
make install