path: root/internal/testbinapi/binapi2001/pg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'internal/testbinapi/binapi2001/pg')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 338 deletions
diff --git a/internal/testbinapi/binapi2001/pg/pg.ba.go b/internal/testbinapi/binapi2001/pg/pg.ba.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e304c4..0000000
--- a/internal/testbinapi/binapi2001/pg/pg.ba.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by GoVPP's binapi-generator. DO NOT EDIT.
-// versions:
-// binapi-generator: v0.5.0-dev
-// VPP: 20.01
-// source: .vppapi/core/pg.api.json
-// Package pg contains generated bindings for API file pg.api.
-// Contents:
-// 6 messages
-package pg
-import (
- api "git.fd.io/govpp.git/api"
- codec "git.fd.io/govpp.git/codec"
-// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
-// is compatible with the GoVPP api package it is being compiled against.
-// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
-// GoVPP api package needs to be updated.
-const _ = api.GoVppAPIPackageIsVersion2
-const (
- APIFile = "pg"
- APIVersion = "1.1.0"
- VersionCrc = 0x2583e07b
-// PgCapture defines message 'pg_capture'.
-type PgCapture struct {
- InterfaceID uint32 `binapi:"u32,name=interface_id" json:"interface_id,omitempty"`
- IsEnabled uint8 `binapi:"u8,name=is_enabled" json:"is_enabled,omitempty"`
- Count uint32 `binapi:"u32,name=count" json:"count,omitempty"`
- PcapNameLength uint32 `binapi:"u32,name=pcap_name_length" json:"-"`
- PcapFileName []byte `binapi:"u8[pcap_name_length],name=pcap_file_name" json:"pcap_file_name,omitempty"`
-func (m *PgCapture) Reset() { *m = PgCapture{} }
-func (*PgCapture) GetMessageName() string { return "pg_capture" }
-func (*PgCapture) GetCrcString() string { return "453da78d" }
-func (*PgCapture) GetMessageType() api.MessageType {
- return api.RequestMessage
-func (m *PgCapture) Size() (size int) {
- if m == nil {
- return 0
- }
- size += 4 // m.InterfaceID
- size += 1 // m.IsEnabled
- size += 4 // m.Count
- size += 4 // m.PcapNameLength
- size += 1 * len(m.PcapFileName) // m.PcapFileName
- return size
-func (m *PgCapture) Marshal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- if b == nil {
- b = make([]byte, m.Size())
- }
- buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
- buf.EncodeUint32(m.InterfaceID)
- buf.EncodeUint8(m.IsEnabled)
- buf.EncodeUint32(m.Count)
- buf.EncodeUint32(uint32(len(m.PcapFileName)))
- buf.EncodeBytes(m.PcapFileName, 0)
- return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (m *PgCapture) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
- m.InterfaceID = buf.DecodeUint32()
- m.IsEnabled = buf.DecodeUint8()
- m.Count = buf.DecodeUint32()
- m.PcapNameLength = buf.DecodeUint32()
- m.PcapFileName = make([]byte, m.PcapNameLength)
- copy(m.PcapFileName, buf.DecodeBytes(len(m.PcapFileName)))
- return nil
-// PgCaptureReply defines message 'pg_capture_reply'.
-type PgCaptureReply struct {
- Retval int32 `binapi:"i32,name=retval" json:"retval,omitempty"`
-func (m *PgCaptureReply) Reset() { *m = PgCaptureReply{} }
-func (*PgCaptureReply) GetMessageName() string { return "pg_capture_reply" }
-func (*PgCaptureReply) GetCrcString() string { return "e8d4e804" }
-func (*PgCaptureReply) GetMessageType() api.MessageType {
- return api.ReplyMessage
-func (m *PgCaptureReply) Size() (size int) {
- if m == nil {
- return 0
- }
- size += 4 // m.Retval
- return size
-func (m *PgCaptureReply) Marshal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- if b == nil {
- b = make([]byte, m.Size())
- }
- buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
- buf.EncodeInt32(m.Retval)
- return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (m *PgCaptureReply) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
- m.Retval = buf.DecodeInt32()
- return nil
-// PgCreateInterface defines message 'pg_create_interface'.
-type PgCreateInterface struct {
- InterfaceID uint32 `binapi:"u32,name=interface_id" json:"interface_id,omitempty"`
- GsoEnabled uint8 `binapi:"u8,name=gso_enabled" json:"gso_enabled,omitempty"`
- GsoSize uint32 `binapi:"u32,name=gso_size" json:"gso_size,omitempty"`
-func (m *PgCreateInterface) Reset() { *m = PgCreateInterface{} }
-func (*PgCreateInterface) GetMessageName() string { return "pg_create_interface" }
-func (*PgCreateInterface) GetCrcString() string { return "b1ecff05" }
-func (*PgCreateInterface) GetMessageType() api.MessageType {
- return api.RequestMessage
-func (m *PgCreateInterface) Size() (size int) {
- if m == nil {
- return 0
- }
- size += 4 // m.InterfaceID
- size += 1 // m.GsoEnabled
- size += 4 // m.GsoSize
- return size
-func (m *PgCreateInterface) Marshal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- if b == nil {
- b = make([]byte, m.Size())
- }
- buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
- buf.EncodeUint32(m.InterfaceID)
- buf.EncodeUint8(m.GsoEnabled)
- buf.EncodeUint32(m.GsoSize)
- return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (m *PgCreateInterface) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
- m.InterfaceID = buf.DecodeUint32()
- m.GsoEnabled = buf.DecodeUint8()
- m.GsoSize = buf.DecodeUint32()
- return nil
-// PgCreateInterfaceReply defines message 'pg_create_interface_reply'.
-type PgCreateInterfaceReply struct {
- Retval int32 `binapi:"i32,name=retval" json:"retval,omitempty"`
- SwIfIndex uint32 `binapi:"u32,name=sw_if_index" json:"sw_if_index,omitempty"`
-func (m *PgCreateInterfaceReply) Reset() { *m = PgCreateInterfaceReply{} }
-func (*PgCreateInterfaceReply) GetMessageName() string { return "pg_create_interface_reply" }
-func (*PgCreateInterfaceReply) GetCrcString() string { return "fda5941f" }
-func (*PgCreateInterfaceReply) GetMessageType() api.MessageType {
- return api.ReplyMessage
-func (m *PgCreateInterfaceReply) Size() (size int) {
- if m == nil {
- return 0
- }
- size += 4 // m.Retval
- size += 4 // m.SwIfIndex
- return size
-func (m *PgCreateInterfaceReply) Marshal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- if b == nil {
- b = make([]byte, m.Size())
- }
- buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
- buf.EncodeInt32(m.Retval)
- buf.EncodeUint32(m.SwIfIndex)
- return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (m *PgCreateInterfaceReply) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
- m.Retval = buf.DecodeInt32()
- m.SwIfIndex = buf.DecodeUint32()
- return nil
-// PgEnableDisable defines message 'pg_enable_disable'.
-type PgEnableDisable struct {
- IsEnabled uint8 `binapi:"u8,name=is_enabled" json:"is_enabled,omitempty"`
- StreamNameLength uint32 `binapi:"u32,name=stream_name_length" json:"-"`
- StreamName []byte `binapi:"u8[stream_name_length],name=stream_name" json:"stream_name,omitempty"`
-func (m *PgEnableDisable) Reset() { *m = PgEnableDisable{} }
-func (*PgEnableDisable) GetMessageName() string { return "pg_enable_disable" }
-func (*PgEnableDisable) GetCrcString() string { return "0cb71d10" }
-func (*PgEnableDisable) GetMessageType() api.MessageType {
- return api.RequestMessage
-func (m *PgEnableDisable) Size() (size int) {
- if m == nil {
- return 0
- }
- size += 1 // m.IsEnabled
- size += 4 // m.StreamNameLength
- size += 1 * len(m.StreamName) // m.StreamName
- return size
-func (m *PgEnableDisable) Marshal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- if b == nil {
- b = make([]byte, m.Size())
- }
- buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
- buf.EncodeUint8(m.IsEnabled)
- buf.EncodeUint32(uint32(len(m.StreamName)))
- buf.EncodeBytes(m.StreamName, 0)
- return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (m *PgEnableDisable) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
- m.IsEnabled = buf.DecodeUint8()
- m.StreamNameLength = buf.DecodeUint32()
- m.StreamName = make([]byte, m.StreamNameLength)
- copy(m.StreamName, buf.DecodeBytes(len(m.StreamName)))
- return nil
-// PgEnableDisableReply defines message 'pg_enable_disable_reply'.
-type PgEnableDisableReply struct {
- Retval int32 `binapi:"i32,name=retval" json:"retval,omitempty"`
-func (m *PgEnableDisableReply) Reset() { *m = PgEnableDisableReply{} }
-func (*PgEnableDisableReply) GetMessageName() string { return "pg_enable_disable_reply" }
-func (*PgEnableDisableReply) GetCrcString() string { return "e8d4e804" }
-func (*PgEnableDisableReply) GetMessageType() api.MessageType {
- return api.ReplyMessage
-func (m *PgEnableDisableReply) Size() (size int) {
- if m == nil {
- return 0
- }
- size += 4 // m.Retval
- return size
-func (m *PgEnableDisableReply) Marshal(b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
- if b == nil {
- b = make([]byte, m.Size())
- }
- buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
- buf.EncodeInt32(m.Retval)
- return buf.Bytes(), nil
-func (m *PgEnableDisableReply) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
- buf := codec.NewBuffer(b)
- m.Retval = buf.DecodeInt32()
- return nil
-func init() { file_pg_binapi_init() }
-func file_pg_binapi_init() {
- api.RegisterMessage((*PgCapture)(nil), "pg_capture_453da78d")
- api.RegisterMessage((*PgCaptureReply)(nil), "pg_capture_reply_e8d4e804")
- api.RegisterMessage((*PgCreateInterface)(nil), "pg_create_interface_b1ecff05")
- api.RegisterMessage((*PgCreateInterfaceReply)(nil), "pg_create_interface_reply_fda5941f")
- api.RegisterMessage((*PgEnableDisable)(nil), "pg_enable_disable_0cb71d10")
- api.RegisterMessage((*PgEnableDisableReply)(nil), "pg_enable_disable_reply_e8d4e804")
-// Messages returns list of all messages in this module.
-func AllMessages() []api.Message {
- return []api.Message{
- (*PgCapture)(nil),
- (*PgCaptureReply)(nil),
- (*PgCreateInterface)(nil),
- (*PgCreateInterfaceReply)(nil),
- (*PgEnableDisable)(nil),
- (*PgEnableDisableReply)(nil),
- }
diff --git a/internal/testbinapi/binapi2001/pg/pg_rpc.ba.go b/internal/testbinapi/binapi2001/pg/pg_rpc.ba.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 697f684..0000000
--- a/internal/testbinapi/binapi2001/pg/pg_rpc.ba.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by GoVPP's binapi-generator. DO NOT EDIT.
-package pg
-import (
- "context"
- api "git.fd.io/govpp.git/api"
-// RPCService defines RPC service pg.
-type RPCService interface {
- PgCapture(ctx context.Context, in *PgCapture) (*PgCaptureReply, error)
- PgCreateInterface(ctx context.Context, in *PgCreateInterface) (*PgCreateInterfaceReply, error)
- PgEnableDisable(ctx context.Context, in *PgEnableDisable) (*PgEnableDisableReply, error)
-type serviceClient struct {
- conn api.Connection
-func NewServiceClient(conn api.Connection) RPCService {
- return &serviceClient{conn}
-func (c *serviceClient) PgCapture(ctx context.Context, in *PgCapture) (*PgCaptureReply, error) {
- out := new(PgCaptureReply)
- err := c.conn.Invoke(ctx, in, out)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return out, api.RetvalToVPPApiError(out.Retval)
-func (c *serviceClient) PgCreateInterface(ctx context.Context, in *PgCreateInterface) (*PgCreateInterfaceReply, error) {
- out := new(PgCreateInterfaceReply)
- err := c.conn.Invoke(ctx, in, out)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return out, api.RetvalToVPPApiError(out.Retval)
-func (c *serviceClient) PgEnableDisable(ctx context.Context, in *PgEnableDisable) (*PgEnableDisableReply, error) {
- out := new(PgEnableDisableReply)
- err := c.conn.Invoke(ctx, in, out)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return out, api.RetvalToVPPApiError(out.Retval)