path: root/vendor/github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo/README.md
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+**Jsongo is a simple library for golang to help you build Json without static struct or map[string]interface**
+[json.Marshal](http://golang.org/pkg/encoding/json/#Marshal) and [json.Unmarshal](http://golang.org/pkg/encoding/json/#Unmarshal) have never been that easy
+**If you had only one function to look at, look at the "[At](#at)" function**
+***If you want an easy way to turn your json into a structure you should use the "[Print](#print)" function after unmarshalling json in a JSONNODE***
+You can find the doc on godoc.org [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo?status.png)](https://godoc.org/github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo)
+JsonNode is the basic Structure that you must use when using jsongo. It can either be a:
+- Map (jsongo.TypeMap)
+- Array (jsongo.TypeArray)
+- Value (jsongo.TypeValue) *Precisely a pointer store in an interface{}*
+- Undefined (jsongo.TypeUndefined) *default type*
+*When a JSONNode Type is set you cant change it without using Unset() first*
+turn this JSONNode to TypeValue and set that value
+func (that *JSONNode) Val(val interface{})
+package main
+import (
+ "github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo"
+func main() {
+ root := jsongo.JSONNode{}
+ root.Val(42)
+ root.DebugPrint("")
+package main
+import (
+ "github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo"
+type MyStruct struct {
+ Member1 string
+ Member2 int
+func main() {
+ root := jsongo.JSONNode{}
+ root.Val(MyStruct{"The answer", 42})
+ root.DebugPrint("")
+ "Member1": "The answer",
+ "Member2": 42
+ Turn this JSONNode to a TypeArray and/or set the array size (reducing size will make you loose data)
+func (that *JSONNode) Array(size int) *[]JSONNode
+package main
+import (
+ "github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo"
+func main() {
+ root := jsongo.JSONNode{}
+ a := root.Array(4)
+ for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
+ (*a)[i].Val(i)
+ }
+ root.DebugPrint("")
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3
+package main
+import (
+ "github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo"
+func main() {
+ root := jsongo.JSONNode{}
+ a := root.Array(4)
+ for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
+ (*a)[i].Val(i)
+ }
+ root.Array(2) //Here we reduce the size and we loose some data
+ root.DebugPrint("")
+ 0,
+ 1
+Turn this JSONNode to a TypeMap and/or Create a new element for key if necessary and return it
+func (that *JSONNode) Map(key string) *JSONNode
+package main
+import (
+ "github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo"
+func main() {
+ root := jsongo.JSONNode{}
+ root.Map("there").Val("you are")
+ root.Map("here").Val("you should be")
+ root.DebugPrint("")
+ "here": "you should be",
+ "there": "you are"
+Helps you move through your node by building them on the fly
+*val can be string or int only*
+*strings are keys for TypeMap*
+*ints are index in TypeArray (it will make array grow on the fly, so you should start to populate with the biggest index first)*
+func (that *JSONNode) At(val ...interface{}) *JSONNode
+package main
+import (
+ "github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo"
+func main() {
+ root := jsongo.JSONNode{}
+ root.At(4, "Who").Val("Let the dog out") //is equivalent to (*root.Array(5))[4].Map("Who").Val("Let the dog out")
+ root.DebugPrint("")
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ {
+ "Who": "Let the dog out"
+ }
+package main
+import (
+ "github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo"
+func main() {
+ root := jsongo.JSONNode{}
+ root.At(4, "Who").Val("Let the dog out")
+ //to win some time you can even even save a certain JSONNode
+ node := root.At(2, "What")
+ node.At("Can", "You").Val("do with that?")
+ node.At("Do", "You", "Think").Val("Of that")
+ root.DebugPrint("")
+ null,
+ null,
+ {
+ "What": {
+ "Can": {
+ "You": "do with that?"
+ },
+ "Do": {
+ "You": {
+ "Think": "Of that"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ null,
+ {
+ "Who": "Let the dog out"
+ }
+Helps you build your code by printing a go structure from the json you ve just unmarshaled
+func (that *JSONNode) Print()
+###Other Function
+There is plenty of other function, you should check the complete doc [![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo?status.png)](https://godoc.org/github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo)
+####A last Example for fun
+package main
+import (
+ "github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo"
+func ShowOnlyValue(current *jsongo.JSONNode) {
+ switch current.GetType() {
+ case jsongo.TypeValue:
+ println(current.Get().(string))
+ case jsongo.TypeMap:
+ for _, key := range current.GetKeys() {
+ ShowOnlyValue(current.At(key))
+ }
+ case jsongo.TypeArray:
+ for _, key := range current.GetKeys() {
+ ShowOnlyValue(current.At(key))
+ }
+ }
+func main() {
+ root := jsongo.JSONNode{}
+ root.At(4, "Who").Val("Let the dog out")
+ node := root.At(2, "What")
+ node.At("Can", "You").Val("do with that?")
+ node.At("Do", "You", "Think").Val("Of that")
+ ShowOnlyValue(&root)
+Of that
+do with that?
+Let the dog out
+##Json Marshal/Unmarshal
+One of the main purpose of jsongo was to create Json from data without using static structure or map[string]interface.
+You can use the full power of the [encoding/json](http://golang.org/pkg/encoding/json/) package with jsongo.
+package main
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo"
+type Test struct {
+ Static string `json:"static"`
+ Over int `json:"over"`
+func main() {
+ root := jsongo.JSONNode{}
+ root.At("A", "AA", "AAA").Val(42)
+ node := root.At("A", "AB")
+ node.At(1).Val("Peace")
+ node.At(0).Val(Test{"struct suck when you build json", 9000})
+ root.At("B").Val("Oh Yeah")
+ tojson, err := json.MarshalIndent(&root, "", " ")
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("%s\n", err.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ fmt.Printf("%s\n", tojson)
+ "A": {
+ "AA": {
+ "AAA": 42
+ },
+ "AB": [
+ {
+ "static": "struct suck when you build json",
+ "over": 9000
+ },
+ "Peace"
+ ]
+ },
+ "B": "Oh Yeah"
+Unmarshal using JSONNode follow some simple rules:
+- Any TypeUndefined JSONNode will be set to the right type, any other type wont be changed
+- Array will grow if necessary
+- New keys will be added to Map
+- Values set to nil "*.Val(nil)*" will be turn into the type decide by Json
+- It will respect any current mapping and will return errors if needed
+You can set a node as "DontExpand" with the UnmarshalDontExpand function and thoose rules will apply:
+- The type wont be change for any type
+- Array wont grow
+- New keys wont be added to Map
+- Values set to nil "*.Val(nil)*" will be turn into the type decide by Json
+- It will respect any current mapping and will return errors if needed
+####Example of full expand
+package main
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo"
+ "fmt"
+func main() {
+ root := jsongo.JSONNode{}
+ fromjson := `{
+ "A": {
+ "AA": {
+ "AAA": 42
+ },
+ "AB": [
+ {
+ "static": "struct suck when you build json",
+ "over": 9000
+ },
+ "Peace"
+ ]
+ },
+ "B": "Oh Yeah"
+ }`
+ err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(fromjson), &root)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("%s\n", err.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ root.DebugProspect(0, "\t")
+Is of Type: TypeMap
+ Is of Type: TypeMap
+ AA:
+ Is of Type: TypeMap
+ AAA:
+ Is of Type: TypeValue
+ Value of type: float64
+ 42
+ AB:
+ Is of Type: TypeArray
+ [0]:
+ Is of Type: TypeMap
+ static:
+ Is of Type: TypeValue
+ Value of type: string
+ struct suck when you build json
+ over:
+ Is of Type: TypeValue
+ Value of type: float64
+ 9000
+ [1]:
+ Is of Type: TypeValue
+ Value of type: string
+ Peace
+ Is of Type: TypeValue
+ Value of type: string
+ Oh Yeah
+####Example expand with mapping
+package main
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo"
+ "fmt"
+type Test struct {
+ Static string `json:"static"`
+ Over int `json:"over"`
+func main() {
+ root := jsongo.JSONNode{}
+ fromjson := `{
+ "A": {
+ "AA": {
+ "AAA": 42
+ },
+ "AB": [
+ {
+ "static": "struct suck when you build json",
+ "over": 9000
+ },
+ "Peace"
+ ]
+ },
+ "B": "Oh Yeah"
+ }`
+ root.At("A", "AB", 0).Val(Test{})
+ err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(fromjson), &root)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("%s\n", err.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ root.DebugProspect(0, "\t")
+Is of Type: TypeMap
+ Is of Type: TypeMap
+ AB:
+ Is of Type: TypeArray
+ [0]:
+ Is of Type: TypeValue
+ Value of type: main.Test
+ {Static:struct suck when you build json Over:9000}
+ [1]:
+ Is of Type: TypeValue
+ Value of type: string
+ Peace
+ AA:
+ Is of Type: TypeMap
+ AAA:
+ Is of Type: TypeValue
+ Value of type: float64
+ 42
+ Is of Type: TypeValue
+ Value of type: string
+ Oh Yeah
+####Example expand with some UnmarshalDontExpand
+package main
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "github.com/bennyscetbun/jsongo"
+ "fmt"
+type Test struct {
+ Static string `json:"static"`
+ Over int `json:"over"`
+func main() {
+ root := jsongo.JSONNode{}
+ fromjson := `{
+ "A": {
+ "AA": {
+ "AAA": 42
+ },
+ "AB": [
+ {
+ "static": "struct suck when you build json",
+ "over": 9000
+ },
+ "Peace"
+ ]
+ },
+ "B": "Oh Yeah"
+ }`
+ root.At("A", "AB").UnmarshalDontExpand(true, false).At(0).Val(Test{})
+ err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(fromjson), &root)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("%s\n", err.Error())
+ return
+ }
+ root.DebugProspect(0, "\t")
+Is of Type: TypeMap
+ Is of Type: TypeMap
+ AB:
+ Is of Type: TypeArray
+ [0]:
+ Is of Type: TypeValue
+ Value of type: main.Test
+ {Static:struct suck when you build json Over:9000}
+ AA:
+ Is of Type: TypeMap
+ AAA:
+ Is of Type: TypeValue
+ Value of type: float64
+ 42
+ Is of Type: TypeValue
+ Value of type: string
+ Oh Yeah