path: root/vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/vpp.module.js
diff options
authorMarek Gradzki <>2016-06-10 07:36:43 +0200
committerMaros Marsalek <>2016-06-10 08:03:58 +0000
commit70e243d1c48f9554bd4e28e80f7ff766db6fe857 (patch)
tree6c2f91854470d0e61f267ee05ea3067b34e05629 /vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/vpp.module.js
parent973d8c2ecbb02cf6e4971060b6edec3617bce96f (diff)
HONEYCOMB-7: Remove VBD form HC
VBD is now subproject of ODL: Change-Id: I1bf01a01cca50fe5e3f4f82a53c6b15ec5c7091d Signed-off-by: Marek Gradzki <>
Diffstat (limited to 'vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/vpp.module.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/vpp.module.js b/vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/vpp.module.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 464aa35bf..000000000
--- a/vbd/gui/module/src/main/resources/vpp/vpp.module.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
- * and is available at
- */
-define(['angularAMD', 'app/routingConfig', 'ui-bootstrap', 'Restangular', 'angular-animate', 'angular-aria',
- 'angular-material', 'angular-smart-table', 'angular-translate',
- 'angular-translate-loader-partial', 'lodash'], function() {
- var vpp = angular.module('app.vpp', ['ui.router.state','app.core', 'ui.bootstrap', 'restangular', 'ngAnimate',
- 'ngAria', 'ngMaterial', 'smart-table', 'pascalprecht.translate']);
- vpp.register = vpp;
- vpp.config(function ($stateProvider, $compileProvider, $controllerProvider, $provide, $translateProvider, $translatePartialLoaderProvider, NavHelperProvider, $filterProvider, $mdThemingProvider) {
- $translatePartialLoaderProvider.addPart('app/vpp/assets/data/locale');
- vpp.register = {
- directive : $compileProvider.directive,
- controller : $controllerProvider.register,
- filter: $filterProvider.register,
- factory : $provide.factory,
- service : $provide.service
- };
- NavHelperProvider.addControllerUrl('app/vpp/controllers/vpp.controller');
- NavHelperProvider.addToMenu('vpp', {
- "link": "#/vpp/index",
- "active": "main.vpp",
- "title": "VPP",
- "icon": "icon-code-fork",
- "page": {
- "title": "VPP",
- "description": "VPP"
- }
- });
- var access = routingConfig.accessLevels;
- $stateProvider.state('main.vpp', {
- url: 'vpp',
- abstract: true,
- views : {
- 'content' : {
- templateUrl: 'src/app/vpp/views/root.tpl.html'
- }
- }
- });
- $stateProvider.state('main.vpp.index', {
- url: '/index',
- access: access.admin,
- views: {
- '': {
- controller: 'vppCtrl',
- templateUrl: 'src/app/vpp/views/index.tpl.html'
- }
- }
- });
- $mdThemingProvider.definePalette('odl-gray', {
- '50': 'BDBDBD',
- '100': 'BDBDBD',
- '200': 'BDBDBD',
- '300': 'BDBDBD',
- '400': 'BDBDBD',
- '500': '414040',
- '600': '414040',
- '700': '414040',
- '800': '414040',
- '900': '414040',
- 'A100': '414040',
- 'A200': '414040',
- 'A400': '414040',
- 'A700': '414040',
- 'contrastDefaultColor': 'light', // whether, by default, text (contrast)
- // on this palette should be dark or light
- 'contrastDarkColors': [],
- 'contrastLightColors': undefined // could also specify this if default was 'dark'
- });
- $mdThemingProvider.definePalette('odl-orange', {
- '50': 'FFA500',
- '100': 'FFA500',
- '200': 'FFA500',
- '300': 'FFA500',
- '400': 'FFA500',
- '500': 'FFA500',
- '600': 'FFA500',
- '700': 'FFA500',
- '800': 'FFA500',
- '900': 'FFA500',
- 'A100': 'FFA500',
- 'A200': 'FFA500',
- 'A400': 'FFA500',
- 'A700': 'FFA500',
- 'contrastDefaultColor': 'light', // whether, by default, text (contrast)
- // on this palette should be dark or light
- 'contrastDarkColors': [],
- 'contrastLightColors': undefined // could also specify this if default was 'dark'
- });
- $mdThemingProvider.theme('default').dark()
- .primaryPalette('odl-gray',{
- 'default': '500'
- })
- .accentPalette('odl-orange');
- });
- return vpp;