diff options
authorRay Kinsella <ray.kinsella@intel.com>2016-12-21 14:25:40 +0000
committerDamjan Marion <dmarion.lists@gmail.com>2016-12-21 17:05:27 +0000
commit1a9b5b71cddac0a26d788f8d1e66076666087888 (patch)
parent85bdafacbdd25f88c06076ca7208ff14fe10b74c (diff)
vagrant: Fixing sudo related vagrant errors
The dpkg sudo trigger appears to want to run interactively despite the noninteractive debconf setting. This is a problem upstream for vagrant also, see. https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/9763 Incorporating the recommended fix to Vagrantfile from upstream https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/pull/9783 Change-Id: I8da8522fc9e80fc3bd268b347a786054ad019170 Signed-off-by: Ray Kinsella <ray.kinsella@intel.com>
2 files changed, 9 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b3ffaf30..292b0d28 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ endif
DEB_DEPENDS = curl build-essential autoconf automake bison libssl-dev ccache
DEB_DEPENDS += debhelper dkms git libtool libganglia1-dev libapr1-dev dh-systemd
DEB_DEPENDS += libconfuse-dev git-review exuberant-ctags cscope
-DEB_DEPENDS += python-dev python-virtualenv python-pip lcov chrpath
+DEB_DEPENDS += python-dev python-virtualenv python-pip lcov chrpath autoconf
ifeq ($(OS_VERSION_ID),14.04)
DEB_DEPENDS += openjdk-8-jdk-headless
diff --git a/build-root/vagrant/update.sh b/build-root/vagrant/update.sh
index 77bf49a7..2a377398 100755
--- a/build-root/vagrant/update.sh
+++ b/build-root/vagrant/update.sh
@@ -25,21 +25,24 @@ fi
# Do initial setup for the system
if [ $DISTRIB_ID == "Ubuntu" ]; then
- # Fix grub-pc on Virtualbox with Ubuntu
+ export DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+ APT_OPTS="--assume-yes --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confdef\" -o Dpkg::Options::=\"--force-confold\""
# Standard update + upgrade dance
- apt-get update
- apt-get upgrade -y
+ apt-get update ${APT_OPTS} >/dev/null
+ apt-get upgrade ${APT_OPTS} >/dev/null
# Fix the silly notion that /bin/sh should point to dash by pointing it to bash
update-alternatives --install /bin/sh sh /bin/bash 100
# Install useful but non-mandatory tools
- apt-get install -y emacs git-review gdb gdbserver
+ apt-get install -y emacs git-review gdb gdbserver
elif [ $DISTRIB_ID == "CentOS" ]; then
# Standard update + upgrade dance
yum check-update
yum update -y
-fi \ No newline at end of file