path: root/build-root/emacs-lisp/fix-coding-style.el
diff options
authorDamjan Marion <damarion@cisco.com>2017-04-20 11:42:28 +0200
committerDamjan Marion <dmarion.lists@gmail.com>2017-04-24 14:49:00 +0000
commit757585db71b78c4edf91ba011be419264de43d1a (patch)
treed12a78253ba81a0feab0c40dcae2aefc13438873 /build-root/emacs-lisp/fix-coding-style.el
parent53129423a6f4e43b39f7547424fbaea99e56f7e2 (diff)
Move emacs stuff to extras/
Change-Id: Ibbb7d8500e9064215cf912bd00bdf72a748f8a27 Signed-off-by: Damjan Marion <damarion@cisco.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'build-root/emacs-lisp/fix-coding-style.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/build-root/emacs-lisp/fix-coding-style.el b/build-root/emacs-lisp/fix-coding-style.el
deleted file mode 100755
index 0bb63483..00000000
--- a/build-root/emacs-lisp/fix-coding-style.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/emacs --script
-;; Insert style boilerplate if it's not already there
-;; Breaking the string in half keeps emacs
-;; from trying to interpret the local variable
-;; settings e.g. when it reads the lisp source code
-(defun insert-style-boilerplate () (interactive)
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (if (eq nil (search-forward "coding-style-patch-verification"
- (point-max) t))
- (let ((junk 0)) (goto-char (point-max))
- (insert "
- * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON
- *
- * Local Var" "iables:
- * eval: (c-set-style \"gnu\")
- * End:
- */")))))
-;; (cons xxx <list>) means insert xxx at the head of <list>
-;; Build a sorted list of *INDENT-OFF* lines, by searching
-;; backwards. The initial (setq indent-offset-list nil)
-;; results in (cdr <last-cell>) nil, which makes it a proper list
-(defun find-indent-offs () (interactive)
- (save-excursion
- (if (boundp 'indent-offset-list)
- (makunbound 'indent-offset-list))
- (setq indent-offset-list nil)
- (goto-char (point-max))
- (while (search-backward "*INDENT-OFF*" (point-min) t)
- (move-beginning-of-line nil)
- (setq indent-offset-list (cons (point) indent-offset-list))
- (previous-line))))
-;; Insert indent-off ... indent-on brackets around
-;; a certain xxx_foreach macro, etc. which "indent"
-;; completely screws up. Doesn't handle nesting, of which there
-;; are few examples (fortunately).
-(defun fix-initializer (what) (interactive)
- (find-indent-offs)
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (search-forward-regexp what (point-max) t)
- (move-beginning-of-line nil)
- (previous-line)
- (let ((index 0)(pointval 0))
- (while (and (< pointval (point))(elt indent-offset-list index))
- (setq pointval (elt indent-offset-list index))
- (setq index (1+ index)))
- (if (not (eq pointval (point)))
- (let ((junk 0))
- (next-line)
- (open-line 1)
- (c-indent-line-or-region)
- (insert "/* *INDENT-OFF* */")
- (search-forward "{")
- (backward-char)
- (forward-sexp)
- (move-end-of-line nil)
- (newline 1)
- (c-indent-line-or-region)
- (insert "/* *INDENT-ON* */")
- (find-indent-offs))
- (search-forward "*INDENT-ON*"))))))
-(defun fix-pool-foreach () (interactive)
- (fix-initializer "pool_foreach *("))
-(defun fix-pool-foreach-index () (interactive)
- (fix-initializer "pool_foreach_index *("))
-(defun fix-hash-foreach () (interactive)
- (fix-initializer "hash_foreach *("))
-(defun fix-hash-foreach-pair () (interactive)
- (fix-initializer "hash_foreach_pair *("))
-(defun fix-hash-foreach-mem () (interactive)
- (fix-initializer "hash_foreach_mem *("))
-(defun fix-clib-fifo-foreach () (interactive)
- (fix-initializer "clib_fifo_foreach *("))
-(defun fix-clib-bitmap-foreach () (interactive)
- (fix-initializer "clib_bitmap_foreach *("))
-(defun fix-foreach-ip-interface-address () (interactive)
- (fix-initializer "foreach_ip_interface_address *("))
-(defun fix-vlib-register-thread () (interactive)
- (fix-initializer "VLIB_REGISTER_THREAD *("))
-(defun fix-vlib-cli-command () (interactive)
- (fix-initializer "VLIB_CLI_COMMAND *("))
-(defun fix-vlib-register-node () (interactive)
- (fix-initializer "VLIB_REGISTER_NODE *("))
-(defun fix-reply-macro2 () (interactive)
- (fix-initializer "REPLY_MACRO2 *("))
-(defun fix-vnet-device-class () (interactive)
- (fix-initializer "VNET_DEVICE_CLASS *("))
-(defun fix-vnet-hw-interface-class () (interactive)
- (fix-initializer "VNET_HW_INTERFACE_CLASS *("))
-(defun fix-clib-packed () (interactive)
- (fix-initializer "CLIB_PACKED *("))
-(defun fix-vl-api-packed () (interactive)
- (fix-initializer "VL_API_PACKED *("))
-;; Driver routine which runs the set of functions
-;; defined above, as well as the bottom boilerplate function
-(defun fd-io-styleify () (interactive)
- (fix-pool-foreach)
- (fix-pool-foreach-index)
- (fix-hash-foreach)
- (fix-hash-foreach-pair)
- (fix-hash-foreach-mem)
- (fix-foreach-ip-interface-address)
- (fix-clib-fifo-foreach)
- (fix-clib-bitmap-foreach)
- (fix-vlib-register-thread)
- (fix-vlib-cli-command)
- (fix-vlib-register-node)
- (fix-reply-macro2)
- (fix-vnet-device-class)
- (fix-vnet-hw-interface-class)
- (fix-clib-packed)
- (fix-vl-api-packed)
- (insert-style-boilerplate)
- (if (boundp 'indent-offset-list)
- (makunbound 'indent-offset-list)))
-;; When run as a script, this sexp
-;; walks the list of files supplied on the command line.
-;; (elt argv index) returns nil if you M-x eval-buffer
-;; or M-x load-file the file, so we won't accidentally
-;; evaluate (save-buffers-kill-emacs)...
-(let ((file-index 0))
- (if (elt argv file-index)
- (while (elt argv file-index)
- (find-file (elt argv file-index))
- (fd-io-styleify)
- (message "Done %s..." (elt argv file-index))
- (setq file-index (1+ file-index))))
- (if (> file-index 0)
- (let ((junk 0))
- (message "Save and quit...")
- (save-buffers-kill-emacs t))))