path: root/vpp-api/python/pneum/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vpp-api/python/pneum/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 351 deletions
diff --git a/vpp-api/python/pneum/ b/vpp-api/python/pneum/
deleted file mode 100755
index 44568352..00000000
--- a/vpp-api/python/pneum/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import argparse, sys, os, importlib, pprint
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='VPP Python API generator')
-parser.add_argument('-i', action="store", dest="inputfile")
-parser.add_argument('-c', '--cfile', action="store")
-args = parser.parse_args()
-inputfile = args.inputfile.replace('.py', '')
-cfg = importlib.import_module(inputfile, package=None)
-format_struct = {'u8': 'B',
- 'u16' : 'H',
- 'u32' : 'I',
- 'i32' : 'i',
- 'u64' : 'Q',
- 'f64' : 'd',
- 'vl_api_fib_path_t' : 'IIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB',
- 'vl_api_ip4_fib_counter_t' : 'IBQQ',
- 'vl_api_ip6_fib_counter_t' : 'QQBQQ',
- 'vl_api_lisp_adjacency_t' : 'B' * 35,
- };
-# NB: If new types are introduced in vpe.api, these must be updated.
-type_size = {'u8': 1,
- 'u16' : 2,
- 'u32' : 4,
- 'i32' : 4,
- 'u64' : 8,
- 'f64' : 8,
- 'vl_api_fib_path_t' : 29,
- 'vl_api_ip4_fib_counter_t' : 21,
- 'vl_api_ip6_fib_counter_t' : 33,
- 'vl_api_lisp_adjacency_t' : 35,
-def get_args(t):
- argslist = []
- for i in t:
- if i[1][0] == '_':
- argslist.append(i[1][1:])
- else:
- argslist.append(i[1])
- return argslist
-def get_pack(t):
- zeroarray = False
- bytecount = 0
- pack = '>'
- tup = u''
- j = -1
- for i in t:
- j += 1
- if len(i) is 3 or len(i) is 4: # TODO: add support for variable length arrays (VPP-162)
- size = type_size[i[0]]
- bytecount += size * int(i[2])
- # Check if we have a zero length array
- if i[2] == '0':
- tup += 'msg[' + str(bytecount) + ':],'
- zeroarray = True
- continue
- if size == 1:
- n = i[2] * size
- pack += str(n) + 's'
- tup += 'tr[' + str(j) + '],'
- continue
- pack += format_struct[i[0]] * int(i[2])
- tup += 'tr[' + str(j) + ':' + str(j + int(i[2])) + '],'
- j += int(i[2]) - 1
- else:
- bytecount += type_size[i[0]]
- pack += format_struct[i[0]]
- tup += 'tr[' + str(j) + '],'
- return pack, bytecount, tup, zeroarray
-def get_reply_func(f):
- if f['name']+'_reply' in func_name:
- return func_name[f['name']+'_reply']
- if f['name'].find('_dump') > 0:
- r = f['name'].replace('_dump','_details')
- if r in func_name:
- return func_name[r]
- return None
-def get_enums():
- # Read enums from stdin
- enums_by_name = {}
- enums_by_index = {}
- i = 1
- for l in sys.stdin:
- l = l.replace(',\n','')
- print l, "=", i
- l = l.replace('VL_API_','').lower()
- enums_by_name[l] = i
- enums_by_index[i] = l
- i += 1
- return enums_by_name, enums_by_index
-def get_definitions():
- # Pass 1
- func_list = []
- func_name = {}
- i = 1
- for a in cfg.messages:
- pack, packlen, tup, zeroarray = get_pack(a[1:])
- func_name[a[0]] = dict([('name', a[0]), ('pack', pack), ('packlen', packlen), ('tup', tup), ('args', get_args(a[1:])),
- ('zeroarray', zeroarray)])
- func_list.append(func_name[a[0]]) # Indexed by name
- return func_list, func_name
-def generate_c_macros(func_list, enums_by_name):
- file = open(args.cfile, 'w+')
- print >>file, "#define foreach_api_msg \\"
- for f in func_list:
- if not f['name'] in enums_by_name:
- continue
- print >>file, "_(" + f['name'].upper() + ", " + f['name'] + ") \\"
- print >>file, '''
-void pneum_set_handlers(void) {
-#define _(N,n) \\
- api_func_table[VL_API_##N] = sizeof(vl_api_##n##_t);
- foreach_api_msg;
-#undef _
- '''
-# Print array with a hash of 'decode' and 'multipart'
-# Simplify to do only decode for now. And deduce multipart from _dump?
-def decode_function_print(name, args, pack, packlen, tup):
- print(u'def ' + name + u'_decode(msg):')
- print(u" n = namedtuple('" + name + "', '" + ', '.join(args) + "')" +
- '''
- if not n:
- return None
- ''')
- print(u" tr = unpack('" + pack + "', msg[:" + str(packlen) + "])")
- print(u" r = n._make((" + tup + "))" +
- '''
- if not r:
- return None
- return r
- ''')
-def function_print(name, id, args, pack, multipart, zeroarray):
- if len(args) < 4:
- print "def", name + "(async = False):"
- else:
- print "def", name + "(" + ', '.join(args[3:]) + ", async = False):"
- print " global waiting_for_reply"
- print " context = get_context(" + id + ")"
- print '''
- results[context] = {}
- results[context]['e'] = threading.Event()
- results[context]['e'].clear()
- results[context]['r'] = []
- waiting_for_reply = True
- '''
- if multipart == True:
- print " results[context]['m'] = True"
- if zeroarray == True:
- print " vpp_api.write(pack('" + pack + "', " + id + ", 0, context, " + ', '.join(args[3:-1]) + ") + " + args[-1] + ")"
- else:
- print " vpp_api.write(pack('" + pack + "', " + id + ", 0, context, " + ', '.join(args[3:]) + "))"
- if multipart == True:
- print " vpp_api.write(pack('>HII', VL_API_CONTROL_PING, 0, context))"
- print '''
- if not async:
- results[context]['e'].wait(5)
- return results[context]['r']
- return context
- '''
-# Should dynamically create size
-def api_table_print (name, msg_id):
- f = name + '_decode'
- print('api_func_table[' + msg_id + '] = ' + f)
-# Generate the main Python file
-print '''
-import sys, time, threading, signal, os, logging
-from struct import *
-from collections import namedtuple
-# Import C API shared object
-import vpp_api
-context = 0
-results = {}
-waiting_for_reply = False
-# XXX: Make this return a unique number
-def get_context(id):
- global context
- context += 1
- return context
-def msg_handler(msg):
- global result, context, event_callback, waiting_for_reply
- if not msg:
- logging.warning(' failed')
- return
- id = unpack('>H', msg[0:2])
- logging.debug('Received message', id[0])
- if id[0] == VL_API_RX_THREAD_EXIT:
-"We got told to leave")
- return;
- #
- # Decode message and returns a tuple.
- #
- logging.debug('api_func', api_func_table[id[0]])
- r = api_func_table[id[0]](msg)
- if not r:
- logging.warning('Message decode failed', id[0])
- return
- if 'context' in r._asdict():
- if r.context > 0:
- context = r.context
- #
- # XXX: Call provided callback for event
- # Are we guaranteed to not get an event during processing of other messages?
- # How to differentiate what's a callback message and what not? Context = 0?
- #
- logging.debug('R:', context, r, waiting_for_reply)
- if waiting_for_reply == False:
- event_callback(r)
- return
- #
- # Collect results until control ping
- #
- results[context]['e'].set()
- waiting_for_reply = False
- return
- if not context in results:
- logging.warning('Not expecting results for this context', context)
- return
- if 'm' in results[context]:
- results[context]['r'].append(r)
- return
- results[context]['r'] = r
- results[context]['e'].set()
- waiting_for_reply = False
-def connect(name):
- signal.alarm(3) # 3 second
- rv = vpp_api.connect(name, msg_handler)
- signal.alarm(0)
-"Connect:", rv)
- return rv
-def disconnect():
- rv = vpp_api.disconnect()
- return rv
-def register_event_callback(callback):
- global event_callback
- event_callback = callback
-enums_by_name, enums_by_index = get_enums()
-func_list, func_name = get_definitions()
-# Not needed with the new msg_size field.
-# generate_c_macros(func_list, enums_by_name)
-pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
-#print 'enums_by_index =', pp.pprint(enums_by_index)
-#print 'func_name =', pp.pprint(func_name)
-# Pass 2
-# 1) The VPE API lacks a clear definition of what messages are reply messages
-# 2) Length is missing, and has to be pre-known or in case of variable sized ones calculated per message type
-for f in func_list:
- #if f['name'].find('_reply') > 0 or f['name'].find('_details') > 0:
- decode_function_print(f['name'], f['args'], f['pack'], f['packlen'], f['tup'])
- #r = get_reply_func(f)
- #if not r:
- # #
- # # XXX: Functions here are not taken care of. E.g. events
- # #
- # print('Missing function', f)
- # continue
- if f['name'].find('_dump') > 0:
- f['multipart'] = True
- else:
- f['multipart'] = False
- msg_id_in = 'VL_API_' + f['name'].upper()
- function_print(f['name'], msg_id_in, f['args'], f['pack'], f['multipart'], f['zeroarray'])
-print "api_func_table = [0] * 10000"
-for f in func_list:
- # if f['name'].find('_reply') > 0 or f['name'].find('_details') > 0:
- msg_id_in = 'VL_API_' + f['name'].upper()
- api_table_print(f['name'], msg_id_in)