path: root/vpp
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2 files changed, 18 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/vpp/vpp-api/api.c b/vpp/vpp-api/api.c
index 1f415ce4..4d4c71c6 100644
--- a/vpp/vpp-api/api.c
+++ b/vpp/vpp-api/api.c
@@ -5097,29 +5097,24 @@ vl_api_lisp_add_del_remote_mapping_t_handler (
vec_add1 (rlocs, rloc);
- /* TODO Uncomment once https://gerrit.fd.io/r/#/c/1802 is merged and CSIT
- * is switched to lisp_add_del_adjacency */
-// if (!mp->is_add) {
-// vnet_lisp_add_del_adjacency_args_t _a, * a = &_a;
-// gid_address_copy(&a->deid, deid);
-// a->is_add = 0;
-// rv = vnet_lisp_add_del_adjacency (a);
-// } else {
-// /* NOTE: for now this works as a static remote mapping, i.e.,
-// * not authoritative and ttl infinite. */
-// rv = vnet_lisp_add_del_mapping (deid, rlocs, mp->action, 0, ~0,
-// mp->is_add, 0);
-// }
- /* TODO: remove once the above is merged */
- vnet_lisp_add_del_adjacency_args_t _a, * a = &_a;
- a->is_add = mp->is_add;
- a->authoritative = 0;
- a->action = mp->action;
- a->locators = rlocs;
- gid_address_copy(&a->seid, seid);
- gid_address_copy(&a->deid, deid);
- rv = vnet_lisp_add_del_adjacency (a);
+ if (!mp->is_add) {
+ vnet_lisp_add_del_adjacency_args_t _a, * a = &_a;
+ gid_address_copy(&a->deid, deid);
+ a->is_add = 0;
+ rv = vnet_lisp_add_del_adjacency (a);
+ } else {
+ /* NOTE: for now this works as a static remote mapping, i.e.,
+ * not authoritative and ttl infinite. */
+ rv = vnet_lisp_add_del_mapping (deid, rlocs, mp->action, 0, ~0,
+ mp->is_add, 0);
+ /* TODO remove once CSIT switched to lisp_add_del_adjacency */
+ vnet_lisp_add_del_adjacency_args_t _a, * a = &_a;
+ gid_address_copy(&a->seid, seid);
+ gid_address_copy(&a->deid, deid);
+ a->is_add = 1;
+ vnet_lisp_add_del_adjacency (a);
+ }
if (mp->del_all)
vnet_lisp_clear_all_remote_adjacencies ();
@@ -5133,8 +5128,6 @@ static void
vl_api_lisp_add_del_adjacency_t_handler (
vl_api_lisp_add_del_adjacency_t *mp)
- u32 i;
- locator_t rloc;
vl_api_lisp_add_del_adjacency_reply_t * rmp;
vnet_lisp_add_del_adjacency_args_t _a, * a = &_a;
@@ -5178,29 +5171,9 @@ vl_api_lisp_add_del_adjacency_t_handler (
goto send_reply;
- for (i = 0; i < mp->rloc_num; i++) {
- rloc_t * r = &((rloc_t *) mp->rlocs)[i];
- memset(&rloc, 0, sizeof(rloc));
- ip_address_set(&gid_address_ip(&rloc.address), &r->addr,
- r->is_ip4 ? IP4 : IP6);
- gid_address_ippref_len(&rloc.address) = r->is_ip4 ? 32: 128;
- gid_address_type(&rloc.address) = GID_ADDR_IP_PREFIX;
- rloc.priority = r->priority;
- rloc.weight = r->weight;
- vec_add1 (a->locators, rloc);
- }
- a->action = mp->action;
a->is_add = mp->is_add;
- /* NOTE: the remote mapping is static, i.e., not authoritative and
- * ttl is infinite. */
- a->authoritative = 0;
- a->ttl = ~0;
rv = vnet_lisp_add_del_adjacency (a);
- vec_free (a->locators);
diff --git a/vpp/vpp-api/vpe.api b/vpp/vpp-api/vpe.api
index e36240f4..63ca8477 100644
--- a/vpp/vpp-api/vpe.api
+++ b/vpp/vpp-api/vpe.api
@@ -2417,29 +2417,23 @@ define lisp_add_del_remote_mapping_reply {
@param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
@param is_add - add address if non-zero, else delete
@param vni - virtual network instance
- @param action - negative mapping action
@param eid_type -
0 : ipv4
1 : ipv6
2 : mac
@param deid - destination EID
@param seid - source EID
- @param rloc_num - number of remote locators
- @param rlocs - remote locator data
define lisp_add_del_adjacency {
u32 client_index;
u32 context;
u8 is_add;
u32 vni;
- u8 action;
u8 eid_type;
u8 deid[16];
u8 seid[16];
u8 deid_len;
u8 seid_len;
- u32 rloc_num;
- u8 rlocs[0];
/** \brief Reply for lisp_add_del_adjacency